Notes on what needs to be done:
The addition of accessors and mutators was successful, but I think that a lot of the mutators can be deleted as I don't believe they are used anywhere (which actually makes the visibiilty of our fields better). Need to delete the mutators that are not used.
In method updateSummary: It doesn't appear that the MutatorVizModel adds any functionality to the method. Why is it an argument to this method?
Looks like the updateSummary would also make any "unknown" status mutants into killed. This doesn't seem right to me. I will add a branch to do nothing if it equals "unknown";
Actually, it looks like this was supposed to use the model.mutants, but since the class already has a mutants field, it accepted this code - although I believe it is not correct.
In We allow for the total to be less than the other numbers. This shouldn't be allowed (since it makes no sense).
Tests in controller to complete:
Tests in model to complete: - may need to test more of the other functions... Tests in view to complete: - paint and preferredsize - needs full testing - may need to test more components, but most are private - lots more to do here - need to do the treeCellRenderer test - need to do setTreeSelection, and also check jTree
Need to add meaningful comments to each test file