TypeParamBounds :
TypeParamBound (+
TypeParamBound )*+
?TypeParamBound :
Lifetime | TraitBoundTraitBound :
? ForLifetimes? TypePath
? ForLifetimes? TypePath)
LifetimeBounds :
( Lifetime+
)* Lifetime?Lifetime :
Trait and lifetime bounds provide a way for generic items to restrict which types and lifetimes are used as their parameters. Bounds can be provided on any type in a where clause. There are also shorter forms for certain common cases:
- Bounds written after declaring a generic parameter:
fn f<A: Copy>() {}
is the same asfn f<A> where A: Copy () {}
. - In trait declarations as supertraits:
trait Circle : Shape {}
is equivalent totrait Circle where Self : Shape {}
. - In trait declarations as bounds on associated types:
trait A { type B: Copy; }
is equivalent totrait A where Self::B: Copy { type B; }
Bounds on an item must be satisfied when using the item. When type checking and
borrow checking a generic item, the bounds can be used to determine that a
trait is implemented for a type. For example, given Ty: Trait
- In the body of a generic function, methods from
can be called onTy
values. Likewise associated constants on theTrait
can be used. - Associated types from
can be used. - Generic functions and types with a
T: Trait
bounds can be used withTy
being used forT
# type Surface = i32;
trait Shape {
fn draw(&self, Surface);
fn name() -> &'static str;
fn draw_twice<T: Shape>(surface: Surface, sh: T) {
sh.draw(surface); // Can call method because T: Shape
fn copy_and_draw_twice<T: Copy>(surface: Surface, sh: T) where T: Shape {
let shape_copy = sh; // doesn't move sh because T: Copy
draw_twice(surface, sh); // Can use generic function because T: Shape
struct Figure<S: Shape>(S, S);
fn name_figure<U: Shape>(
figure: Figure<U>, // Type Figure<U> is well-formed because U: Shape
) {
"Figure of two {}",
U::name(), // Can use associated function
Trait and lifetime bounds are also used to name trait objects.
is only used to declare that the Sized
trait may not be
implemented for a type parameter or associated type. ?Sized
not be used as a bound for other types.
Lifetime bounds can be applied to types or other lifetimes. The bound 'a: 'b
is usually read as 'a
outlives 'b
. 'a: 'b
means that 'a
lasts longer
than 'b
, so a reference &'a ()
is valid whenever &'b ()
is valid.
fn f<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, mut y: &'b i32) where 'a: 'b {
y = x; // &'a i32 is a subtype of &'b i32 because 'a: 'b
let r: &'b &'a i32 = &&0; // &'b &'a i32 is well formed because 'a: 'b
T: 'a
means that all lifetime parameters of T
outlive 'a
. For example if
is an unconstrained lifetime parameter then i32: 'static
&'static str: 'a
are satisfied but Vec<&'a ()>: 'static
is not.
Type bounds may be higher ranked over lifetimes. These bounds specify a bound
is true for all lifetimes. For example, a bound such as for<'a> &'a T: PartialEq<i32>
would require an implementation like
impl<'a> PartialEq<i32> for &'a T {
// ...
and could then be used to compare a &'a T
with any lifetime to an i32
Only a higher-ranked bound can be used here as the lifetime of the reference is shorter than a lifetime parameter on the function:
fn call_on_ref_zero<F>(f: F) where for<'a> F: Fn(&'a i32) {
let zero = 0;
Higher-ranked lifetimes may also be specified just before the trait, the only difference is the scope of the lifetime parameter, which extends only to the end of the following trait instead of the whole bound. This function is equivalent to the last one.
fn call_on_ref_zero<F>(f: F) where F: for<'a> Fn(&'a i32) {
let zero = 0;