Or areas in gebieden.json
, for lack of having a specific API endpoint, is an aggregation of data coming from https://api.data.amsterdam.nl/gebieden/stadsdeel/.
Contents of wijkgebied.json
is a combination of data coming from both https://api.data.amsterdam.nl/gebieden/wijk/ and https://api.data.amsterdam.nl/gebieden/stadsdeel/.
** Deprecated **
Contents of the file std.json
is data that comes from Basisbestand Gebieden Amsterdam (BBGA) > Documentatie > BBGA stedelijk gemiddelde en standaardafwijking. The download is a CSV format and needs to be transformed to JSON.
During the local development and testing cors issues might ocure because the application is making cors calls. We have used this chrome plugin as work-around for these issues https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-cors-access-control/lhobafahddgcelffkeicbaginigeejlf/related