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Hardware Setup

Jonathan edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 61 revisions

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Home > Using Jamulus > Hardware

General info

For Jamulus to run stable it is recommended to use a PC with at least 1.5GHz CPU frequency.

Windows users: You need to install an ASIO driver. A sound card with a native ASIO driver is recommended but if your sound card doesn't provide one, try using this free ASIO driver (ASIO4All) instead. To setup ASIO4All, have a look at this basic setup guide.

Example Setups

Setting up hardware usually burns down to 4 points, although each setup is different.

  1. Plug the interface into a USB port on your computer
  2. Close all programs and start Jamulus (don't forget to choose the right inputs in Jamulus's settings)
  3. Plug in your instrument/microphone and headphones
  4. Connect to a Jamulus server and have fun!

Windows: Audio interface connection - ASIO4All

This is an example Windows client installation with audio device Behringer U-CONTROL UCA202. The following instructions might be similar with other audio devices.

The exact method of connecting your instrument will of course vary depending on your hardware.

1. Plug the interface into a USB port on your computer

In the future, always use the same USB port for the audio device.

Windows users: If not already done: download and install the free ASIO sound driver (ASIO4All). Some people have also reported success using this ASIO native driver, although it's not listed on Behringer's product pages as of April 2020.

2. Start Jamulus

Configure Jamulus to use the correct sound setup (see this excellent guide by Simon Tomlinson on Facebook).

Make sure you have switched off the monitor button on your Behringer U-CONTROL UCA202 (otherwise you will hear both the original sound you are sending to the Jamulus server as well as the returning sound, and may get feedback).

3. Plug in your instrument and headphones

Connect your instrument to the input plugs of the Behringer U-CONTROL UCA202. Plug in your headphones into the Behringer U-CONTROL UCA202.

4. Connect to a Jamulus server.

You're done! Have fun!

Linux: Audio interface connection with QJackCtrl

Refer to the Linux client install guide.

Linux: Low Latency Kernels for Jamulus

You might want to install Ubuntu Studio (URL: ) it adds a second options in your boot menu for a low-latency kernel. The key of successful jamming is "low latency" between servers and connected Jamulus clients. If the underlying Linux system is started with a low-latency then it has a positive impact on latency for your Jamulus Sessions.

Points to note about inputs

  • If you want to connect 2 or more sources (eg voice + synth + guitar), it is important to note that Jamulus currently handles only input 2 channels (L/R). So the hardware being used must provide a mixed-down stereo output to Jamulus.
  • Audio interfaces generally output a mixed signal on their analog output, but separate signals (1 per source) on their digital output (USB/Firewire/Thunderbolt).
  • Mixers generally only output mixed-down signals on their analog output.
  • Mixers with USB/Firewire/Thunderbolt generally output mixed-down signal on their analog output AND separate signals only (no mixed-down signal) on their digital output.
  • A few Mixers with USB/Firewire/Thunderbolt will either send only a mixed down signal to the digital output (small/budget mixers), or else also ADD a stereo mix-down signal to the separate signals on the digital output.

(Thanks to pcar75 for this information)

Other examples

This video documents a live jam session. I am using a Lexicon Omega USB audio card on a 2009 Mac Mini. My bandmates all use Windows 10 and have Behringer audio cards, e.g. the Behringer Xenyx 1204USB. My internet connection is 10 Mbps down / 1 Mbps upstream via DSL.

Jamulus user Andrew Evans: With bandmates all within one city (but spanning 2 ISPs) and achieving consistent 20ms ping time, running the server on a separate dedicated Windows machine and a client on a Macbook Pro. Remote players on Macbook Air. Everyone on wired Ethernet connections to their home router/gateways. We used WhatsApp video to see each other (with audio muted - it's funny to see how far behind the Whatsapp audio lags from Jamulus though!)

Having problems?

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