Use bigint and bigserial everywhere, in place of int/bigint (e.g. we prefer longs for all Id columns)
When creating constraints, we in general let postgresql name them. In some cases - it makes sense to provide a name when the auto generated name is not clear. Good examples include:
when having multiple indexes on a column
names should follow <table_name><column_name> where suffix is:
- check: ck
- unique: un
- foreign key: fk
If you are creating a column that will store a guid, make sure its datatype is UUID. This will give you automated validation of the format of the UUID and it is stored internally more efficiently. See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/datatype-uuid.html
Table and column names should follow rails naming conventions. Briefly:
- table names should be plural - users and not user
- every table should have a primary key named 'id'
- A foreign key to another table should follow convention from rails, e.g. 'user_id' column implies that it references a table called 'users' with primary key 'id'
Use the provided plsql API (see scripts/20130318-105456.sql) to add audit columns for tracking created_at, created_by_guid, updated_at, updated_by_guid, deleted_by, deleted_by_guid. The big benefit is data will never immediately be removed - instead everything will be 'soft-deleted'. Keep this in mind when creating unique indexes (example below).
Every new table should contain all these columns. Primary benefit is making it simpler to see who changed what when (in basic cases) and to support data replication
Every table must have a comment explaining its purpose. We also encourage adding column level comments where not immediately obvious from the column name. A good test here for what is obvious is whether or not the comment actually adds any information - if the column comment itself is useless, better to just not create.
create table sites (
id bigserial primary key
select schema_evolution_manager.create_basic_audit_data('public', 'sites');
create unique index examples_lower_email_address_not_deleted_un on examples(lower(email_address)) where deleted_at is null;
comment on table sites is '
A site is a general concept that ...
create table examples (
id bigserial primary key,
email_address varchar(300) not null,
site_id bigint not null constraint examples_site_id_fk references sites(id)
select schema_evolution_manager.create_basic_audit_data('public', 'examples');
create unique index examples_lower_email_address_not_deleted_un on examples(lower(email_address)) where deleted_at is null;
comment on table examples is '
Stores information on all of our registered examples.
\d examples -- to see columns that are actually created.