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730 lines (538 loc) · 17.5 KB

File metadata and controls

730 lines (538 loc) · 17.5 KB

Rust notes


  • "Golden Rule": Read the compiler messages very carefully; the compiler is extremely clever, pedantic, but also helpful! Generally it tells you what the problem is and how to fix it!

  • All variables should be in snake_case rather than golang's camelCase (the compiler will warn if not).

  • All structs should be in camelCase (the compiler will warn if not).

  • Whereas golang provides interface, rust uses trait's (very extensively).

  • All statements need to end in a semi-colon (like in C :)

  • All variables are read-only by default.

    To make them modifiable, use the mut keyword:

    let num = 7;
    // ERROR: variable is read-only!
    num = 1;
    let mut num = 7;
    // Works
    num = 1;

Files, packages and builds

  • No files are imported automatically into

    To import specify mod $filename for every file.

    // import ""
    mod foo;
    // All modules are namespaced by their filename
  • You can call the rust compiler (rustc) directly to build a single-file.

  • Use the cargo command if you want to build a multi-file project.

  • cargo expects your source files to live in ./src/.

  • cargo creates a Cargo.toml "manifest file" containing details of your project including any external dependencies (vendored code).

  • Libraries/packages are called "crates" in rust terminology.

    Search for them using cargo search.

  • When you run cargo build or cargo run, the crate will be downloaded automatically and compiled into your code.

  • All crates use semver versioning.

  • To use a crate, add it's name and version to your Cargo.toml file.

    $ cargo search clap | head -1
    clap = "3.0.0-beta.1"              # A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser

    After adding those details to your Cargo.toml:

    $ sed -ne '/dependencies/,$ p' Cargo.toml
    clap = "3.0.0-beta.1"
  • Once you have added the crate details to the manifest, make the crate available to your source file in using use:

    // Import 3 types from the clap crate
    use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
    // Import all public symbols from the foo crate.
    use foo::*;
    // Import all public symbols from the bar crate.
    use bar;
    fn main() {
      let args = App::new("test app");
      // ...


  • All macros are private by default.

    Use the #[macro_export] annotation to export one.

  • The "unit type"

    () is a special type called the unit type that can be used anywhere rust expects a types to go.

    A common idiom is to use it for a functions where we only care about an error condition by specifying the function as returning Result<()>. This means effectively, "return nothing (the unit type) on success, but return a real error on failure.

Enumerations (enums)

  • Enums are fully namespaced - you need to specify <enum-name>::<enum-value> when using them:

    enum Thing {
    // Enums are namespaced by their names too
    let thing = Thing::Foo;
  • Enums don't only let you specify names for a list of values; they can also store data!

    enum Result {
    let good_result = Result::Ok("worked".to_string());
    let bad_result = Result::Err("failed".to_string());

    The Result example above is similar to the standard Result type, which is defined as:

    enum Result<T, E> {
    let good_result = Result::Ok(42);
    let bad_result = Result::Err("Doh");

    The T and E are generic types (they can be anything).

    Since T can be anything, For functions that only return an error, it's common to see the "unit type" used for the T type like this:

    fn foo() -> Result<(), String> {

    Hence, if an error is returned, there will be a string representation of it. But in the success case in this example, there is nothing meaninful to return, hence Ok() returns ().

Optional values

  • For optional values or values that could be NULL (C) or nil (go), use an Option type:

    fn foo(s: String, u: u64, b: bool) {
        println!("foo: s: {}, u: {}, b: {}", s, u, b);
    type FP = fn(s: String, u: u64, b: bool);
    // Initially, our Option variable is "unset"
    let optional_function: Option<FP> = None;
    optional_function = Some(foo);
    let fp = optional_function.unwrap();
    fp("hello".to_string(), 123456789, true);


  • All functions are private by default.

    To make them public prefix with pub.

    fn private_func() { println!("I am private"); }
    pub fn public_func() { println!("I am public"); }
  • All structures are private by default.

    To make them public prefix with pub.

  • All structure elements are private by default.

    To make them public prefix with pub.

    pub struct Foo {
      pub name: String,
      pub age: u8,
      // This element is private
      password: String,
  • Functions should return either a Result or an Option.

  • Returning a Result becomes very natural. In golang most functions return a value and an error. But in rust, you just return a Result which can return either! Compare:

    // golang
    func get_string() (string, error) { ... }
    str, err := get_string()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // rust
    fn foo() -> Result<String, String> { ... }
    // This does the same as the golang example above. But it's much more
    // concise. The magic question mark ("?") means "if this function
    // returns and Err Result, return it back to the caller so entirely
    // replaces the golang "if err != nil { ... }" boiler plate code.
    let str = foo()?;
  • If a function returns a Result or an Option, the compiler will expect you to "consume it" - either check the result, or explicitly ignore it by assigning to the _ variable:

    // Explicitly ignore the return value of this function
    // by assigning the result to the variable `_` (like in go).
    let _ = func(1, 2, "foo"); 
  • Functions can return multiple values using a tuple:

    fn return_multiple_values() -> (u64, i32, bool, String) {
        (123456789, -226526, true, String::from("moo"))
    let results = return_multiple_values();
    println!("u64 value: {}", result.0);


  • Be very careful when using match with an enum!

    See if you can spot the mistake here:

    enum Thing {
    let thing = Thing::Foo;
    // ERROR: incorrect code!
    match thing {
        Foo => println!("Got Foo"),
        Bar => println!("Got Bar"),

    This looks reasonable and it compiles. However, it doesn't work as written: whatever value thing has, the code above will always display "Got Foo". Why?


    By default, identifier patterns bind a variable to a copy of or move from the matched value...

    Still not clear? How about if we change that match code slightly:

    // ERROR: incorrect code!
    match thing {
        Foo => println!("Got Foo"),
        Bar => println!("Got Bar"),
        omg => println!("Got omg"),
        wtf => println!("Got wtf"),
        blah => println!("Got blah"),

    This is valid code: it compiles, but it's incorrect. Since we are not matching on fully qualified enum values, rust assumes you want to create a variable in each of the match arms so it creates three variables: Foo, Bar and blah! Worse still, since the code above is basically creating a set of variables that all handle "any" valid Thing value, the only arm which will ever match is the first one ("Got Foo")!

    What the programmer meant to write was this:

    match thing {
        Thing::Foo => println!("Got Thing::Foo"),
        Thing::Bar => println!("Got Thing::Bar"),

    Note that the compiler will warn about this scenario. See for further details.


  • Rust has two types of string: &str (literal string) and String (vector of bytes):

    // Double-quoted string literal values are of type "&str"
    let str = "I am a str";
    // With explicit type specified
    let str2: &str = "I am also a str";
    let string = String::from("I am a String");
    // Explicit type specified
    let string2: String = String::from("I am also a String");
  • Converting a String into a &str

    Either call .as_str() or just take a reference to the String:

    let string = String::from("foo");
    let str1 = &string;
    let str2 = string.as_str();
  • Converting a &str into a String

    There are various ways. The following are essentially equivalent:

    // This is implicitly a "&str"
    let str1 = "hello";
    // Explicit specification of type
    let str2: &str = "world";
    let s1 = str1.to_string();
    let s2 = str1.to_owned();
    // ".into() is "magic" - it converts the thing it is called on into the
    // correct type. Since s3 is defined as type "String", ".into()" will
    // convert the str1 (&str) into a String!
    let s3: String = str1.into();

Raw identifiers

Rust lets you create "raw string" literals using the special r# prefix and # suffix on a string:

let s = r#"this string contains


   newlines and whitespace.

However, you can also use the magic r# prefix on identifiers! Check this out:

fn r#fn() {
    let r#let = "let";

    let r#match = match r#let {
        "let" => true,
        _ => false,

    let r#String: String = "a string".to_string();

        r#"Hello from the r#fn function!
        r#let variable has value: {:?}
        r#match is: {:?}
        r#String is: {:?}
        r#let, r#match, r#String

fn call_weird_function() {

Using a r# prefix, you can create variables and functions with the same names as built-in identifiers or keywords like fn, let, struct, match, etc (well, with the addition of the odd r# prefix anyway ;)

A common use of this is for creating a variable called type. type on its own is actually a rust keyword, but by prefixing with r#, you can create a variable that is distinct from the keyword:

let r#type = "foo";

println!("type is: {:?}", r#type);

Unit tests

  • To mock with rust, use the cfg annotation. This allows you to create test-specific chunks of code:

    // Conditional assignment for tests using attributes.
    const MULTIPLIER: u64 = 3;
    const MULTIPLIER: u64 = 1;
    fn handler() {
        println!("I am the test version of the function!");
    fn handler() {
        println!("I am the production version of the function!");
    fn foo() {
        // The test version of the code
        let x = 20;
        // The "production" version of the code
        let x = -5;
        println!("INFO: x has value: {}", x);
    // Non-test (production) version of the macro
    macro_rules! welcome_all {
        ( $( $name:expr ),*) => {
            $( println!("INFO: PRODUCTION version: welcome_all: Hello {}", $name);)*
    // Test version of the macro
    macro_rules! welcome_all {
        ( $( $name:expr ),*) => {
            $( println!("INFO: TEST version: welcome_all: Hello {}", $name);)*

    Now, when you run cargo test or cargo tarpaulin, the test versions will be used rather than the non-test versions.


  • The last statement in a function is the return type and must NOT end with a semi-colon:

    fn foo() -> Result<(), String> {
      // XXX: Error as there *is* no last statement due to the semi-colon!
    fn foo() -> Result<(), String> {
      // Correct

    This behaviour also affects blocks:

    let foo = {
    println!("{:?}", foo);

    What do you think the code above displays? Hint: it does not display hello! What the user actually meant was probably:

    let foo = {
      "hello" // XXX: <-- Note that there is no semi-colon here
    println!("{:?}", foo); // prints "hello" now ;)

    You can protect yourself against this sort of bug by always specifying the type of the variable:

    let foo: &str = {

    Now that we've added the type of foo as &str, this will fail to compile. The correct version is:

    let foo: &str = {
      "hello" // <-- Note that there is no semi-colon here

    Finally, this can affect you when running "unsafe" code using an unsafe block:

    // ERROR: incorrect code!
    // Oops! This creates an fd, then destroys it "returning" nothing (the unit type, "()")
    let file = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd); };

    The corrected version (without the semi-colon in the unsafe block):

    let file: File = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };

    Another "unsafe" gotcha using a loop. Spot the bug:

    // ERROR: incorrect code!
    loop {
        let mut reader = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(read_fd) };
        // do something with the reader

    The code above is incorrect since the reader goes out of scope each time through the loop. But that means the File object satisfying the Read trait gets garbage collected each time, and that means the underlying file descriptor (read_fd) is closed after the first iteration through the loop! The solution is simple - move the reader out of the loop:

    let mut reader = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(read_fd) };
    loop {
        // do something with the reader
  • Lifetimes (advanced topic)

    In rust, all variables need to be "owned" by someone. This can make passing reference types (like &str) to functions difficult. Until you understand lifetimes, the best advice is to pass a String rather than a &str to a function (or make the function convert the &str into a String).

  • If a function returns a Result and you don't check it, if an Err result is returned at runtime, the program will panic.

  • Don't use expect() and unwrap() in real code.

    The following idioms will also cause panics if the functions fail:

    fn foo() -> Result<()> {
        let result1 = foo().expect("foo failed");
        let result2 = bar().unwrap();

    Instead, pass the Err error back to the caller to deal with:

    fn foo() -> Result<()> {
        let result1 = foo();
        if result.is_err() {
            return result.err();
        let result2 = bar()?;
        if result.is_err() {
            return result.err();

    This error handling code is quite "golang-like". But it isn't idiomatic rust. The standard convention (which looks much cleaner!) is to simply use the magic question mark which means "if the result is an error return it, else unpack/unwrap it". Like this:

    fn foo() -> Result<()> {
        let result1 = foo()?;
        let result2 = bar()?;
  • Be careful when implementing the Display and Debug traits to avoid a runtime crash:

    struct Foo {
        msg: String,
    impl fmt::Display for Foo {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "{}", self.msg)
    impl fmt::Debug for Foo {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            // BUG: Attempting to write `self` below results in rust
            // calling *this method* to format the Foo passed to `write!()`.
            // But this method then calls itself again and again and again until
            // the program runs out of stack space!
            write!(f, "Debug: {:?}", self)
    fn main() {
        let foo = Foo{
            msg: "hello".into()
        // Ok - this works as expected
        println!("foo (using Display trait): {}", foo);
        // BUG: this *crashes* the program! See comments above
        println!("foo (using Debug trait): {:?}", foo);


  • Manifest file

    • Your Cargo.toml entry MUST match the directory your project lives in (aka don't modify it!)
    • Do NOT change the package.edition variable to the current year! :)
    • Do change the package.version variable as your project changes.
    name = "test-foo"
    version = "0.1.0"
    authors = ["James O. D. Hunt <[email protected]>"]
    edition = "2018"
    clap = "3.0.0-beta.1"


  • To find out the type of a variable, assign to a variable of type "unit". The compiler will generate an error showing the types of both variables:

    let x: () = var_with_unknown_type;

    Compiling will generate an error like this:

    error[E0308]: mismatched types
    12 |     let x: () = var_with_unknown_type;
       |            --   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found struct `Foo`
       |            |
       |            expected due to this
    error: aborting due to previous error

    This shows that the var_with_unknown_type variable is of type Foo.

  • Architecture specific code

    #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
      // XXX: This block will only run on Intel 64-bit platforms!