Start Javascript file when starting a new project
The main aspects of the file are:
Automatically adds screen width class to the body on initial load and when window is resized. This allows dimension targeting within selectors. This function ‘DeviceType.Init() is called within ‘Run.Init()’.
‘Selectors’, ‘classes’ and ‘values’ listed at the top and can be referenced throughout the file. An example is once a ‘selector’ has been created at the top, it won’t have to be created in a variable again. Same goes for ‘classes’ and ‘values’.
‘Resize’ function to keep Initial load and resize functions separate. The resize function is simply called in the ‘Run.Init()’
Simple example of calling a function if it is needed on a page. An example would be calling ‘Media.Init()’ if the ‘Image section was present within the HTML.
Simply include this file underneath a minified JQuery reference as I use JQuery within this file.