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97 lines (72 loc) · 3.23 KB

CKAD Environment Modifications

Mute Volume

  • During the exam the proctor will only communicate with you via the chat window.
  • The proctor DOES want the microphone active to hear if you are mouthing the questions.
  • You do not need the speakers, and in my case i had feedback sound for the duration of the exam
  • Go ahead and mute the speakers before the exam starts to avoid feedback during the exam.

CKAD Shell Modifications


CKA & CKAD Environment

For your convenience, all environments, in other words, the base system and the cluster nodes, have the following additional command-line tools pre-installed and pre-configured:

  • kubectl with k alias and Bash autocompletion
    • source <(kubectl completion bash)
    • alias k=kubectl
    • complete -F __start_kubectl k
  • jq for YAML/JSON processing
  • tmux for terminal multiplexing
  • curl and wget for testing web services
  • man and man pages for further documentation
  • You are able to modify the .bashrc to add alias and exports to assist you in the CKAD exam.
  • The .bashrc file is a script file that's executed when a user logs in
# Optional but good practice - make a backup of the .bashrc
cp .bashrc .bashrc-original
# Edit the .bashrc file
vi ~/.bashrc bookmark: Kubectl autocomplete

# Alias
alias cls=clear # Or "CTRL+L" clears the screen
alias kga="kubectl get all"

# short alias to set/show context/namespace (only works for bash and bash-compatible shells, current context to be set before using kn to set namespace) 
alias kx='f() { [ "$1" ] && kubectl config use-context $1 || kubectl config current-context ; } ; f'
alias kn='f() { [ "$1" ] && kubectl config set-context --current --namespace $1 || kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace | cut -d" " -f6 ; } ; f'

# Usage for kn
# kn - prints current namespace
# kn my-namespace - change into <my-namespace>

# Exports
export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml"
export kfc="kubectl apply -f" # kfc is delicious and makes me happy, feel free to change to kaf
export now="--force --grace-period=0"
export krr="kubectl run remote-run --image=busybox --restart=Never --rm -it --"

The first two exports are to save keystrokes on: --dry-run=client -o yaml and kubectl apply -f:

  • kubectl create deploy my-deploy --image=nginx --replicas=3 --port=80 $do > my-deploy.yml
  • $kfc my-deploy.yml

The last export is to provide an in cluster diagnostics pod:

  • $krr wget -qO- :8080
# Initialize the .bashrc file
. .bashrc

.vimrc (Optional)

* You are able to modify the .vimrc to avoid indentation and syntax issues.
* The .vimrc file contains optional runtime configuration settings to initialize Vim when it starts.
vi ~/.vimrc

To make vi use two spaces for a tab edit.

set expandtab
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2


  • The expandtab property will ensure that when you hit tab it will actually use spaces.
  • The tabstop and shiftwidth property causes vim to use tabs with a width of 2 characters for indenting

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