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User Needs


Library User living in Bristol.

User stories

Story 1: As a library user, I want to find my nearest library so that I can find the book I want.
Story 2: As a library user, I want my nearest library marked on a map so that I can see how far it is from me.
Story 3: As a library user, I want to see the contact information of my local libraries so that I can plan a visit.

Use Cases

UC1 See a list of nearest Libraries
Description Display the Libraries in a table within a certain postcode area
Actors Library User
Assumptions Library User wants to know if there are any Libraries nearby
  1. Library User selects their postcode zone
  2. Program pulls all libraries from database (data taken from Bristol Open Data) that are within their selected zone
  3. Program displays libraries in a table
  • Library user wants to view a library out of the BS area - Limitation of Open Data Bristol information, it will only show libraries within Bristol
Issues There may be no libraries within their area, application is designed for Brstol only
UC2 See local Libraries on a map
Description Display Library User's local libraries on a map of the local area
Actors Library User
  • The Library User wants to know the best possible routes to their local libraries
  • Library user wants to go to a different library than they usually do to browse a different book selection
  1. Library user selects their postcode area
  2. Program pulls data from the database (which contains data pulled from Open Data Bristol) and OpenStreetMaps
  3. Program displays library locations from ODB on the map from OpenStreetMaps
  • Library user wants to view a library out of the BS area - Limitation of Open Data Bristol information, it will only show libraries within Bristol
Issues OpenStreetMaps is not interactive, the user cannot zoom in and out showing libraries in more detail/further away.
UC3 See Contact Information of nearest Libraries
Description Display Contact Information for a Specified Library
Actors Library User
Assumptions The Library User knows which library they would like to find information about.
  1. User selects library.
  2. Programs pulls data from the database (which contains data pulled from Open Data Bristol) about the Library
  3. Program displays contact information and address to the Library User
Variations Link from map page for same function
Issues Only information about libraries within the area is displayed, resubmitting the postcode area will be reuqired to view other libraries.

Insert your Use-Case Diagram Here

Software Requirements Specification

Functional requirements

  • FR1: The system must display postcode areas availble (from UC1)
  • FR2: The system must pull data from Open data Bristol and store it in a database locally for efficiency (from all use cases)
  • FR3: The system shall display libraries within selected area from database (from UC1)
  • FR4: The system shall display Library locations on a map (from UC2)
  • FR5: The system shall display contact information for libraries (from UC3)

Non-Functional Requirements

  • NFR1: The system must produce accurate results (from UC1)
  • NFR2: The system shall return results efficiently (from UC2)
  • NFR3: The system shall have a user friendly interface (from all use cases)