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kupsztal edited this page Oct 9, 2011 · 42 revisions

Welcome to the iTesa wiki!

Table of Contents

To Do

3rd Oct - 5th Nov

  1. Binary Data Storage (aj)
  2. Database Profiling (jc)
    • ✔ OK. So far I found the bug that was causing the app to crash (bloody comma in SQL statement)
    • save data : Phone: (timestamp, mag.|B|) GPS: (timestamp, GPS coords) Magnetometer (timestamp, |B|)
  3. App options (accuracy, delay rate etc) (jc)
    • ✔ I've created a branch "jakub_preferences" where I've implemented basic menu with preferences (UI update refresh rate). It doesn’t work as expected yet because of the way the timer is set.
  4. Conceptual Designs (aj)
    • data format ? SDK version ? interface ?
  5. Plotting functionality - basic (jc)
  6. Get more tech details from STRaND (5th Nov)
23 Sep - 3rd Oct
  1. setup repo on github (done)
  2. write magnetometer test - check values and freq of the measurement (done)
  • compare data storage latency
  • profile code!
  • work out what are the things like sensorManager.MAGNETIC_FIELD_EARTH_MAX/MIN, RAW_DATA_X/Y/Z, and other * sensorManager feautres
  • understand android data formats
  • calculate angle of sun based on time and GPS coords.


  • "There are two basic rules for writing efficient code:
    • Don't do work that you don't need to do.
    • Don't allocate memory if you can avoid it.


(see checklist)

  1. should be able to run for at least 90 mins w/o crashing or freezing
  2. sensor measurements should be decoupled from the UI update
  3. sensor measurements should be decoupled from the plot update
  4. plot update should be decoupled from the UI update
  5. option for selecting frequency of measurement/UI/plot updates
  6. the code should be flexible enough to be able to choose between sqlite database and raw file for data storage


(see checklist)

Scientific(-ish) stuff


# built application files

# files for the dex VM

# Java class files

# generated files

# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)

# Eclipse project

Nexus One




Eclipse integration

Accessing sensors in NDK

STRaND related

  • Submission Form - stuff we submitted
  • SSTL
  • STRaND Nanosatellite
  • s-android, Space Android: Android for Space Subsystems
  • Christopher P. Bridges - Dr. Christopher P. Bridges currently works for the Astrodynamics Group at Surrey Space Centre in the University of Surrey. He teaches in dynamics and control of spacecraft and digital design with VHDL. He is currently designing and building a visual inspection payload for a two satellite mission together with EADS Astrium who is designing a microelectromechanical (MEMS) thruster. He is currently the lead research engineer for STRaND, a CubeSat-based 3U nanosatellite with advanced AOCS systems and high performance computers. He is published in mobile-agents, middleware, multi/network softcore processors, distributed satellite systems, and CubeSats. *(wrote the Telemetry App)*
  • STRaND-1 Nanosatellite BBC (youtube)

Other interesting stuff

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