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Bulletin for Friday, 06 Jan 2023

7 days digest

Retool Blog (1)

PlanetScale - Blog (1)

dr knz @ work (1)

Spotify Engineering (1)

Almost Secure (1)

Jay Alammar (1)

David Heinemeier Hansson (1)

The CircleCI Blog Feed - CircleCI (1)

Microsoft Security Blog (1)

Sentry Blog RSS (1)

The Pragmatic Engineer (1)

Timescale Blog (1)

The Hacker Factor Blog (1) (1)

Bert Hubert's writings (1)

RelyAbility Blog (1)

ongoing by Tim Bray (1)

Posts – Alan, online. (1)

Ian Bicking: a blog (1)

Somewhere Within Boredom (1)

Tech Notes (1)

the singularity is nearer (1)

Surfing Complexity (1)

DTN (2)

The Cloudflare Blog (2)

Weaveworks (2)

Replit Blog (2)

Computer Things (2)

A Closer Look with Joe Morrison (2)

Daniel Lemire's blog (3)

Go (Golang) Programming Blog - Ardan Labs on (3)

Irrational Exuberance (3)

Writing - rachelbythebay (3)

Earthly Blog (3)

Simon Willison's Weblog: Blogmarks (4)

Changelog Master Feed (4)

Blog – Hackaday (4)

Towards Data Science - Medium (4)

Amazon Science homepage (4)

Stack Overflow Blog (7)

Cloud Blog (11)

Get an overview of the best React component libraries looking at several factors like popularity, use cases, documentation, resources, support, and more. (BACK TO TOP)

In this article, we explore how our HTTP/3 API compares to the latency of a traditional MySQL client. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)

This year I’ll be editorializing my growing list of management bookmarks. We will start this year with the following: Manager’s club - Mega list of 1 on 1 Meeting Questions Superficially, this list (which can also be downloaded in a structured format here ) compiles questions that can be asked … (BACK TO TOP)

We did a couple of new things in Wrapped this year, and one of these is a thing called Your Listening Personality. You got one. There are 16 of them, in total: It’s not a lottery or a horoscope, though. As the four-letter codes at the bottom of each one hint, each Listening Personality is [...] The post <strong>What’s a “Listening Personality”?</strong> appeared first on Spotify Engineering . (BACK TO TOP)

Edit (2023-01-04): A Korean translation of this article is now available here , thanks to Woojin Kim. Last September I started investigating a South Korean application with unusually high user numbers. It took me a while to even figure out what it really did, there being close to zero documentation. I eventually realized that the application is riddled with security issues and, despite being advertised as a security application, makes the issue it is supposed to address far, far worse. (BACK TO TOP)

Can AI Image generation tools make re-imagined, higher-resolution versions of old video game graphics? Over the last few days, I used AI image generation to reproduce one of my childhood nightmares. I wrestled with Stable Diffusion, Dall-E and Midjourney to see how these commercial AI generation tools can help retell an old visual story - the intro cinematic to an old video game ( Nemesis 2 on the MSX ). Meet Dr. Venom This fine-looking gentleman is the villain in a video game. Dr.g. 1.4 and 1. (BACK TO TOP)

It's tempting to think you're doing someone new a favor by initially holding them to lower standards on work, effort, or decision making. They're new! They need to find their feet! Yes and yes, but neither fact is helped by going easy on what good decisions, reasonable effort, and solid work needs to look like at your company. Now keeping the bar high for all isn't the same as expecting that everyone is going to meet it right away. Nobody hits the ground running . Don't. (BACK TO TOP)

Security update 01/05/2023 We wanted to update customers about the security incident we disclosed yesterday, and provide additional clarity around commonly asked questions from our customers. We understand that starting the New Year with this disruption to your work is not ideal. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work together to keep all systems secure. CircleCI customers can build The number one question we’ve received from customers is, “Can I build?” The answer is yes. (BACK TO TOP)

Understanding how Mac ransomware works is critical in protecting today’s hybrid environments. We analyzed several known Mac ransomware families and highlighted these families’ techniques, which defenders can study further to prevent attacks. The post Unraveling the techniques of Mac ransomware appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Do your cron jobs (aka scheduled jobs) ever fail or not run as expected? Scheduled jobs are supposed to be predictable – as the name implies… (BACK TO TOP)

CircleCI customers returned from the holiday break to be told to urgently rotate their secrets, which were probably leaked. What does this leak mean for companies using a CI provider and how can you prepare for a CI vendor being compromised? (BACK TO TOP)

Read how you can build Bitcoin blockchain applications using PostgreSQL, what is the best database to store them, and why it’s TimescaleDB. (BACK TO TOP)

One of my annual goals has been to lose some weight. Walking on a treadmill is boring, so I placed a Roku (streaming video system) with a monitor in front of it. This permits me to walk while watching some streaming shows. I can honestly say that I've seen every good piece of science fiction on Netflix. (As well as some really bad sci-fi.) When I started running low on new content, I began rewatching the good shows. (I must have seen The Old Guard at least a half dozen times. SSL, TLS 1.2 and 1. (BACK TO TOP)


Deze pagina is mede tot stand gekomen door kritisch commentaar & feedback van Marien Boonman en Hidde Brugmans & anonieme experts. Dank! En mochten er desondanks fouten zijn -> [email protected] We beginnen simpel, een woonhuis zonder zonnepanelen, verbruik minder dan 10.000kWh/jaar. (BACK TO TOP)

[A repost for reference, since the original was removed as part of house-cleaning elsewhere] I'm solidly in favour of a planning architecture of some kind for any team-size collection of people greater than about 5. (Hell, arguably above 2, but let’s keep overheads down.) I’ (BACK TO TOP)


In some ways, the story of my career is taking stretch opportunities that require me to jump into the deep end of unfamiliar territory. At this point, one of my key skills is knowing how to navigate situations where I have a lot of unknowns. I want to share a technique I have developed, which has been immensely powerful for me. Let's call it mental model rewriting. (BACK TO TOP)

making new string and list classes that call gpt3 under the hood so you can access elements beyond the final one. no more index errors! — shb (@himbodhisattva) December 24, 2022 Some ideas are dumb enough you just have to try them, so I introduce to you the Python library: Infinite AI Array . Let’s see it in action… $ pip install git + https : // github . com / ianb / infinite - ai - array . git $ export OPENAI_API_KEY = sk -..... print ( f " { i + 1 : >2 } . Minneapolis 422331 2. St . St ...... (BACK TO TOP)

I learned a ton writing this post, especially about how HTTP2 works and how its binary format affects network performance. Hopefully you’ll learn something here as well! What is Nagle’s Algorithm My last post kinda exploded on Hacker News while a raging debate on TCP_NODELAY went on. It was wildly interesting to see the two […] (BACK TO TOP)

You might be surprised, as I was, to learn that Chrome exposes an API to notify you when the browser crashes on your page. It is part of a larger reporting API that is designed to give browsers a channel to inform you, the developer, of crashes and other things. In particular for a page crash you no longer have a page or JS context to receive the event, so the API instead POSTs some JSON to a URL you provide. The discrepancy turned out to be caused by a misconfiguration. (BACK TO TOP)

In my stint on Twitter, I heard about “e/acc”. It stands for effective accelerationism, and seems largely to be a way to mock Effective Altruists, the Catholic to the Protestant EAs (or reverse that?). Like most quasi-right “ideologies”, it is not taken seriously by its adherents. Only the left takes ideology seriously. Nobody is blocking highways for accelerationism. But perhaps they should be, acceleration is the greatest form of charity. And we know what happens to conservatives. (BACK TO TOP)

While reading Laura Maguire’s PhD dissertation, Controlling the Costs of Coordination in Large-scale Distributed Software Systems, when I came across a term I hadn’t heard before: the Allspaw-Collins effect: An example of how practitioners circumvent the extensive costs inherent in the Incident Command model is the Allspaw-Collins effect (named for the engineers who first noticed … Continue reading The Allspaw-Collins effect → (BACK TO TOP)

As climate challenges drive the need for more timely and specific information, DTN is advancing technology in support of weather-sensitive industries worldwide. See how it pushes the envelope to deliver precise insights for proactive and in-the-moment decisions. The post High Performance Weather Computing in the Cloud appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) compliance requires the right data for each ship and every voyage. Learn what data is needed and how best to use that data to manage for an optimal CII rating. The post Shipping CII Compliance Starts Now appeared first on DTN . (BACK TO TOP)

Today, we’re making the job of application security teams easier, by providing a content scanning engine integrated with our Web Application Firewall (WAF), so that malicious files being uploaded by end users, never reach origin servers in the first place (BACK TO TOP)

So what happened at all of those working group meetings, specification documents, and side events in 2022? What are implementers and deployers of the web’s protocol doing? And what’s coming next? (BACK TO TOP)

Today, most organizations are running containerized workloads in production. To orchestrate hundreds of containers that host services that make up distributed applications, organizations have had to turn to orchestration tools like Kubernetes . Today, Kubernetes is the hottest trend in the IT world. However, Kubernetes-based workloads are plagued with complexity and can be hard to monitor and debug. Several third-party dashboards usually do the trick.githubusercontent.5.0/aio/deploy/recommended. (BACK TO TOP)

We are excited to announce that Weaveworks has donated Kured to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a Sandbox project. Kured is a Kubernetes daemonset, a tool that safely and automatically performs node reboots when needed. At Weaveworks, we are committed to building and expanding the cloud-native ecosystem. And one way we strive to do that is by contributing open source software. “Weaveworks has always believed that infrastructure software benefits from open-source development.g. 1. (BACK TO TOP)

> The technological singularity—or simply the singularity—is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. According to the most popular version of the singularity hypothesis, I.J. We’re not there yet, and it’s not clear how far away such a development is, but as of the mid-2021 release of OpenAI’s Codex model, we’re a lot closer than we were just a few years ago. 2. 3. 2. 3.). (BACK TO TOP)

As we work on game-changing features for 2023, we wanted to take a look back at the major things we shipped in 2022. Here are some highlights! SHIPPING SZN 2022 PRODUCT (1/19) Teams Pro - The Replit solution for companies and organizations. Private Repls. Team collaboration. Boosted performance. The future of cloud-based development. More to come in 2023. With Kaboom Draw, developers can now adjust images with a click & drag in Bret Victor style. +100M Repls... and growing rapidly. 5+ countries. (BACK TO TOP)

There are roughly three classes of language features: Features that the language is effectively designed around, such that you can’t add it after the fact. Laziness in Haskell, the borrow checker in Rust, etc. Features that heavily define how to use the language. Adding these are possible later, but would take a lot of design, engineering, and planning. I’d say pattern matching, algebraic data types, and async fall under here. The first is adding a separator, as lots of languages already do.5 .. (BACK TO TOP)

Happy new year everyone! There’s gonna be some changes to the newsletter this year, see after the article for details. But first, let’s talk formal methods. I normally sell TLA+ based on the model checker: you give it a design and it tells you if the design has flaws. When other FM experts try to sell TLA+, they focus on the mental benefits of modeling: just the act of writing the model itself helps you find bugs. It’s a skill you pick up over time. Even so, I center the model checker in FM.  ↩ (BACK TO TOP)

(Second, Some Predictions) (BACK TO TOP)

(First, Some Background) (BACK TO TOP)

Most systems today rely on Unicode strings. However, we have two popular Unicode formats: UTF-8 and UTF-16. We often need to convert from one format to the other. For example, you might have a database formatted with UTF-16, but you need to produce JSON documents using UTF-8. This conversion is often called ‘transcoding’. In the … Continue reading Transcoding Unicode with AVX-512: AMD Zen 4 vs. Intel Ice Lake (BACK TO TOP)

Most domain names are encoded using ASCII (e.g., However, you can register domain names with almost any character in them. For example, there is a web site at 💩.la called poopla. Yet the underlying infrastructure is basically pure ASCII. To make it work, the text of your domain is first translated into ASCII using … Continue reading Emojis in domain names, punycode and performance (BACK TO TOP)

Suppose that I give you a set of reference strings (“ftp”, “file”, “http”, “https”, “ws”, “wss”). Given a new string, you want to quickly tell whether it is part of this set. You might use a regular expression but it is unlikely to be fast: const std::regex txt_regex("(https)|(http)|(ftp)|(file)|(ws)|(wss)"); // later... bool match = std::regex_match(v.begin(), v.end(), … Continue reading Quickly checking that a string belongs to a small set (BACK TO TOP)

Introduction In episode 11, Bill highlighted the issue of identity verification and provided a solution to this problem. The solution proposed was to cryptographically sign a transaction to verify its authenticity. Bill chose to implement a solution making use of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) as the public key can be extracted from a signature. (BACK TO TOP)

Introduction In episode 9, Bill introduced the idea of the genesis record and its role in his blockchain. As a recap, the genesis record will be used to customize the settings of his blockchain. The approach Bill takes here is similar to how Ethereum operates because he is storing the record in JSON format. In this video, Bill starts by defining the Go types his blockchain will use. The first type he defines will represent the genesis record. (BACK TO TOP)

Introduction In episode 10, Bill dove into the technical implementation of his genesis record and defined a custom Go type representing the record. While doing so, he provided an in-depth look at the reasoning behind the fields he included.. After declaring this type, Bill wrote a function that loads the genesis record from disk and onto memory. His function will use the standard library encoding/json package to load JSON data from a hard-coded file path. (BACK TO TOP)

There are many important meetings in your first ninety days as a new engineering leader, but one that’s both easy to forget and surprisingly important is your first meeting with the finance team. Generally, the finance team’s auditors won’t certify their annual financial audits unless they’ve followed GAAP, part of which is deciding whether to capitalize or expense each incurred cost. That said, most finance teams are much more focused on GAAP compliance than on maximizing capitalization. (BACK TO TOP)

Like most folks working in infrastructure engineering in 2014, I really enjoyed Google’s BeyondCorp whitepaper . My foremost personal interest was grounded in the fact that Uber’s contemporaneous security implementation didn’t include a VPN, so it was interesting to see a well-thought description of fostering security without over-reliance on a hardened network for employee devices. These are my notes from that experience. First, a quick confirmation that this doesn’t work. curl (BACK TO TOP)

For the past several years, I’ve run a learning circle with engineering executives. The most frequent topic that comes up is career management–what should I do next? The second most frequent topic is measuring engineering teams and organizations–my CEO has asked me to report monthly engineering metrics, what should I actually include in the report? Any discussion about measuring engineering organizations quickly unearths strong opinions. Instead, start by measuring for yourself.g.g.g. (BACK TO TOP)

Oh boy. Yesterday's post has riled people up. A lot of them don't like what I said about the ACME protocol. I get the impression a few of these people haven't looked at the problem that needs to be solved in a different light. How about we give that a shot now? Let's just go through the steps for getting a secure web site going, and ignore the specifics of the protocol for the moment. First, the baseline assumptions: there's a key. There's a certificate signing request which references that key. (BACK TO TOP)

People sometimes ask me why I don't use Let's Encrypt, and it's a long story. It has a lot to do with just how damn evil the protocol is. It looks like it was created by people who had been drinking FAR too much of the web kool-aid, since it's chock full of terrible things. It should be a small amount of drama to start a process, receive a magic string, sock it away somewhere at a magic path, then poke the validator and say "go for it". Then you just check back and see whether it worked or not. (BACK TO TOP)

Just a hair over 10 years ago, I wrote a post lamenting the fact that my WiFi-only original iPad (which was new at the time) was probably a mistake. After all, if I took it outside my house and away from the one wireless network it knew, it was now cut off from the Internet. If someone stole it or if I left it behind somewhere, there would be no way to track it down or wipe it. Well, times change, and now that's no longer a concern. Yeah, that was a pretty bad call. How about that? (BACK TO TOP)

CMake is an open source multiplatform tool that you can use to help with build automation, testing, packaging, and the installation of software. One of the main advantages of CMake is that it supports generating build scripts for a wide variety of platforms including Windows , macOS, and Linux. This gives developers the flexibility they need when building a new project and hopefully helps speed up the build. In this article, you’ll learn more about CMake and if it’s the right solution for you. (BACK TO TOP)

In Linux, capabilities are a way to assign specific privileges to a running process. They allow us to have more fine-grained control over the privileges that processes have on a Linux system. In this article, you’ll learn about capabilities in Linux. You’ll also learn how you can use capabilities in the context of Docker containers and Kubernetes. Linux Capabilities: An Overview We’ll take some examples to understand Linux capabilities. You need capabilities to reduce the attack surface. (BACK TO TOP)

In this article, you will learn about MongoDB and how to use it with Python. Specifically, you will learn how to set up a remote MongoDB database using a tool called Atlas and how to connect with that database using PyMongo, the official MongoDB driver for Python. The article explains the MongoDB document model and how to perform CRUD operations on the database. Finally, the article also discusses relationships using document embeddings and foreign keys. 2. MongoDB contains databases.env file. (BACK TO TOP)





Mat and the gang ring in the new year by gathering around a make believe fireplace and discussing what they’re excited about in 2023, their new years resolutions & a little bit of Go talk, too. But only a little. (BACK TO TOP)

Welcome to 2023! A new year is the perfect time to start with a fresh perspective. Given a few bare metal hosts with fast, local storage, how would you run your workloads on them? Would you cluster them for redundancy? What operating system would you choose? Steve Francis, CEO at Sidero Labs and Andrew Rynhard, CTO at Sidero Labs join us today to talk about running Talos Linux on bare metal. (BACK TO TOP)

While at EMNLP 2022, Daniel got a chance to sit down with an amazing group of researchers creating NLP technology that actually works for their local language communities. Just Zwennicker (Universiteit van Amsterdam) discusses his work on a machine translation system for Sranan Tongo, a creole language that is spoken in Suriname. The group emphasized the need for more linguistically diverse NLP systems that work in scenarios of data scarcity, non-Latin scripts, rich morphology, etc. (BACK TO TOP)

Jackson Huff’s clipboard powertool for the command line, Fernando Borretti thinks tools for thought should be unbundled, Listen Notes helps you run a microfeed on Cloudflare, Martin Rue says to be productive, be prepared & Paul Sawers takes TechCrunch readers inside Matrix and features its recent adoption wins. (BACK TO TOP)

A “Check Engine” light on your dashboard could mean anything from a loose gas cap to a wallet-destroying repair in the offing. For [Dean Segovis], his CEL was indicating a …read more (BACK TO TOP)

Anyone who has ever made a living writing code has probably had some version of the following drilled into their head: “Always write your code so the next person can …read more (BACK TO TOP)

What would we do without milk in modern day society? Although lactation originally evolved as a way to provide a newborn mammal with nutrients and the other essentials during the …read more (BACK TO TOP)

A few months ago we brought you some experiments from [Bill Meara, N2CQR], in which he investigated the use of a glue stick as the former for a permeability tuned …read more (BACK TO TOP)

A simplified explanation and implementation of Rank Biased Overlap Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)

An evaluation of unsupervised text classification approaches Image by Gertrūda Valasevičiūtė on  Unsplash This post is based on our NLPIR 2022 paper “Evaluating Unsupervised Text Classification: Zero-shot and Similarity-based Approaches” . You can read more details there. What is unsupervised text classification? Unsupervised text classification approaches aim to perform categorization without using annotated data during training and therefore offer the potential to reduce annotation costs💰. (BACK TO TOP)

If we cannot directly test for causality, what should we do? Image by author Let me take you with me on a journey in my field of expertise, which is also my passion, my obsession, what I like to call: The science and art of causality . “Causality” refers to the relationship between cause and effect. It’s the idea that one event or action can lead to another event or outcome. In other words, causality is concerned with understanding how things happen and why they happen. <a href="https://medium. (BACK TO TOP)

Compute (in SQL) the minimum number of meeting rooms needed to schedule a set of meetings Photo by Dane Deaner on  Unsplash The meeting room problem asks you to determine the least number of meeting rooms needed to be able to schedule all the meetings from a given set such that there are no conflicts. We shall see how to solve this in declarative SQL alone.e. An optimization that can be performed is that instead of checking every point in time, we only check the “interesting” points in time — i. (BACK TO TOP)

How an AWS customer uses Lookout for Vision to build custom computer vision models to automate quality inspection and detect defects. (BACK TO TOP)

As video scales up — in both duration and resolution — it raises new research questions. (BACK TO TOP)

Automated methods with a little human guidance use annotators’ time much more efficiently. (BACK TO TOP)

From the remarkable story of Josh Miele and his passion for improving accessibility, to the challenges overcome by scientists and engineers getting Alexa to work in space, these five stories touched both emotional and intellectual chords. (BACK TO TOP)

We had fun celebrating Winter Bash 2022 with you all! While we’ve closed our cafe, let’s look at a few highlights and hat-wearing avatars that brought us joy this holiday season. The post The Winter/Summer Bash 2022 Hat Cafe is now closed! appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Hear how Intuit is using AI to help its dev teams ship faster. The post The future of software engineering is powered by AIOps and open source (Ep. 523) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Machine learning uses data structures that don't always resemble the ones used in standard computing. You'll need to process your data first if you want efficient machine learning. The post Getting your data in shape for machine learning appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

This podcast series explores how the company is using AI and open source to let their engineers build better software faster. The post Better developer experience through AI and open source appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Ever wondered what it's like learning to code from an XML file of raw Stack Overflow data? The post From life without parole to startup CTO (Ep. 522) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

You read documentation and tutorials to become a better programmer, but if you really want to be cutting-edge, academic research is where it's at. The post You should be reading academic computer science papers appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Terminal tools, defragmenting a SSD, and prompt engineering. The post The Overflow #158: Our top blog posts (part 1) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)

Powered by Vertex AI (Google Cloud’s platform for accelerating development and deployment of machine learning models into production), SAVI (Semi Automated Vision Inspection) 1 is transforming surgical instrument identification and cataloging, leading to fewer canceled surgeries and easing pressure on surgery waitlists. SAVI does this while delivering a one in 10,000 real-world error rate, much faster and more accurately than manual processes currently in use across the industry. 1. (BACK TO TOP)

While cloud security skeptics might believe that data in the cloud is just one access configuration mistake away from a breach, the reality is that a well-designed set of defense in depth controls can help minimize the risk of configuration mistakes and other security issues. Our Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Service Controls can play a vital role in creating an additional layer of security while also making it easier to manage your data in a way that most cloud services can't do today.rich_text.. (BACK TO TOP)

Cloud is a great place to grow your career in 2023. Opportunity abounds, with cloud roles offering strong salaries and scope for growth as a constantly evolving field. 1 Some positions do not require a technical background, like project managers, product owners and business analysts. For others, like solutions architects, developers and administrators, coding and technical expertise are a must.  Either way, cloud knowledge and experience are required to land that dream job. Understand Linux . (BACK TO TOP)

Paper currency — which started gaining prominence in the 1600s — changed the face of global economics and ushered in a new era of international monetary regulation. The primary reason currency created such disruption was its ability to standardize the “ medium of exchange ”. APIs created a similar effect in the world of technology and digitalization by creating a standardized, reusable, and secure way to exchange”mercializing every business.7% of application integrations. (BACK TO TOP)

After the momentum of COP27 and the increasing commitments to climate solutions from nations and corporations throughout 2022, we’re excited to enter a more sustainable 2023. As more organizations navigate the necessary, sustainability-driven business transformations on the horizon, they’re looking for new tools and technology to help them.  These programs will focus on identifying, supporting and scaling startups that are building technologies to combat climate change. (BACK TO TOP)

While many organizations are driving digital transformation by migrating to the cloud, there are some industries, geographies, and use cases that require a different approach to cloud modernization. Regulated industries such as healthcare, insurance, pharmaceutical, energy, telecommunication, and banking have stringent data residency and sovereignty requirements. These use cases demand a combination of edge, on-premises and cloud services for their infrastructure. All these systems, i.e. (BACK TO TOP)

As one of the world’s largest home improvement retailers, The Home Depot (THD) needs to seamlessly manage the flow of work across a wide variety of IT systems to provide first-class retail experiences for our customers both online and in-store. We began our cloud migration journey back in 2017, with early successes leading us to move more of our workloads to the cloud. Most importantly, we were searching for a fully managed solution to workflow automation and governance needs. (BACK TO TOP)

Training ML models can be computationally expensive. If you’re training models on large datasets, you might be used to model training taking hours, or days, or even weeks. But it’s not just a large volume of data that can increase training time. Nonoptimal implementations such as an inefficient input pipeline or low GPU usage can dramatically increase your training time. Making sure your programs are running efficiently and without bottlenecks is key to faster (BACK TO TOP)

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the retail landscape for sellers and consumers alike. Lockdown accelerated the pace of digital transformation and customer experience-focused initiatives. Many non-retail businesses and predominantly brick-and-mortar retailers recognized the need for online presence to engage with consumers directly and enable them to easily purchase products and services on digital channels. According to Morgan Stanley, global ecommerce is expected to increase from $3. 99. (BACK TO TOP)

Editor's note : Google Cloud's Technical Account Managers are a rare breed. People like Dipty Chander have business understanding, technical chops, great communications skills, and an extraordinary talent, which allows them to cut through complexity and deliver customer success. As if that's not enough, Dipty is on a personal mission to bring 1 million people from underrepresented groups into the world of cloud software writing. It's wonderful because it's so complex. That was striking... (BACK TO TOP)

Want to know the latest from Google Cloud? Find it here in one handy location. Check back regularly for our newest updates, announcements, resources, events, learning opportunities, and more.  Tip : Not sure where to find what you’re looking for on the Google Cloud blog? Start here:  Google Cloud blog 101: Full list of topics, links, and resources . Read more here . Learn about Memorystore for Redis best practices to achieve the optimal performance and availability with your implementation.23.S. (BACK TO TOP)

Bulletin by Jakub Mikians