Bulletin for Friday, 25 Nov 2022
7 days digest
Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (1)
Weaveworks (1)
Notes on software development (1)
Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog (1)
Project Zero (1)
Metadata (1)
Stay SaaSy (1)
Google AI Blog (1)
apenwarr (1)
The CircleCI Blog Feed - CircleCI (2)
- JavaScript immediately invoked function expressions
- Configuring notifications for your CI builds with Slack and Twilio
Retool Blog (2)
- Top SQL GUIs for Your Data Warehouse (Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift)
- How to find Product/Market Fit - Highlights from Retool at Web Summit
Tech at Meta (2)
- Precision Time Protocol is paving the road to the metaverse
- MultiRay makes AI more efficient than ever
Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (3)
- Pluralistic: 23 Nov 2022 Citizens United and the FTX meltdown
- Pluralistic: 22 Nov 2022 Tax prep services send sensitive financial info to Facebook
- Pluralistic: 21 Nov 2022 Universities secretly sold their students to online casinos
Sentry Blog RSS (3)
- Measuring application performance in Swift using transactions
- Application Profiling for Python
- Application Profiling for Node.js
Earthly Blog (3)
- Helm: The Kubernetes Package Manager
- Bullshit Software Projects
- Using Canary Deployments in Kubernetes
- Microsoft supports the DoD’s Zero Trust strategy
- Join us at InfoSec Jupyterthon 2022
- Vulnerable SDK components lead to supply chain risks in IoT and OT environments
- Retrofitting null-safety onto Java at Meta
- PTP: Timing accuracy and precision for the future of computing
- How Precision Time Protocol is being deployed at Meta
The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts (4)
- Day Two Cloud 173: Istio Ambient Mesh Minimizes Sidecar Proxies
- Tech Bytes: Boosting WAN Speeds While Cutting Costs With VMware SD-WAN (Sponsored)
- Network Break 408: Arista Launches Network Automation Pipeline; Palo Alto Targets Software Supply Chain Security
- Heavy Networking 656: Embedding Zero Trust Into Applications
Simon Willison's Weblog: Blogmarks (4)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator: WebAssembly
- Building a BFT JSON CRDT
- Every remaining website using the .museum TLD
- Datasette Lite: Loading JSON data
- Why writing by hand is still the best way to retain information
- Here’s what it’s like to develop VR at Meta (Ep. 508)
- Cloudy with a chance of… the state of cloud in 2022
- The creator of Homebrew has a plan to get open source contributors paid (Ep. 507)
- The Overflow #152: Another week of tech layoffs
- How a NeurIPS workshop is increasing women's visibility in AI
- NeurIPS: Why causal-representation learning may be the future of AI
- A quick guide to Amazon’s papers at NeurIPS 2022
- How Prime Video distills time series anomalies into actionable alarms
- Amazon and UCLA announce fellowship recipients
- How Pinterest delivers software at scale (Go Time #257)
- Kaizen! 24 improvements & a lot more (Ship It! #80)
- Kindle as a smart device, Changelog on Mastodon, GPT-3 up in your CLI, no arch better than bad arch & Mish Manners (Changelog News)
- ANTHOLOGY — Advocating for and supporting open source (The Changelog #515)
- Gremlins in the water (JS Party #252)
- Developer Experience Infrastructure (DXI) (Ship It! #79)
Blog – Hackaday (6)
- Electroplated 3D Printed Sword: Shiny!
- Racing Cars on a PCB
- Meat-Space Minesweeper Game Hits The Mark
- Weasley Clock For Magically Low Cost
- It’s MacOS. On An Unmodified Wii!
- Pie Stop For Emergency DNS Needs
Towards Data Science - Medium (9)
- Real-Time Event Streaming with Kafka & BigQuery
- A New Era of Massively Parallel Simulation: A Practical Tutorial Using ElegantRL
- Pandas vs. SQL — Part 4: Pandas Is More Convenient
- Language Models: GPT and GPT-2
- A Brief Guide to The Biggest Entries of NeurIPS 2022
- FIFA World Cup 2022: A Data-Driven Approach to Ideal Team Line-Ups
- Are the Error Terms Normally Distributed in a Linear Regression Model?
- How to Manage Data Projects and Teams Effectively
- Object-Oriented Discrete Event Simulation — with SimPy
The Cloudflare Blog (10)
- Why BGP communities are better than AS-path prepends
- How we detect route leaks and our new Cloudflare Radar route leak service
- Why Cloudflare’s one of the Top 100 Most Loved Workplaces in 2022
- ICYMI: Developer Week 2022 announcements
- Send Cloudflare Workers logs to a destination of your choice with Workers Trace Events Logpush
- Network performance update: Developer Week 2022
- Doubling down on local development with Workers: Miniflare meets workerd
- Twilio Segment Edge SDK powered by Cloudflare Workers
- Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability
- How Cloudflare instruments services using Workers Analytics Engine
Cloud Blog (18)
- Build a chat server with Cloud Run
- Workflows patterns and best practices - Part 1
- We spent 10,000 words on climate solutions for COP27 - time to put them in action
- How GKE & Anthos Container-Aware Load balancing Increases Applications’ Reliability
- Solving internal search problems with Dialogflow
- What’s new with Google Cloud
- How The FA is moving the goal posts with a data cloud approach in Qatar
- Built with BigQuery: How Connected-Stories leverages Google Data Cloud and AI/ML for creating personalized Ad Experiences
- How to run a large scale ML workflow on Dataflow ML for autonomous driving
- Beating inflation: 5 tips for retailers heading into the holidays
- 6 ways to optimize your API management costs with Apigee
- How Kiwi.com is accelerating travel with Cloud SQL
- Simplify and automate cost optimization with Autoclass for Cloud Storage
- Easily integrate machine learning models into applications with Vertex AI integration for Cloud Spanner
- Securing tomorrow today: Why Google now protects its internal communications from quantum threats
- Apigee named a leader in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Full Life Cycle API Management
- Using the Open Source Insights dataset to analyze the security and compliance of your dependencies
- "Ask for help, and give thanks" — Hal Cohen's journey through two kidney transplants, life’s challenges
When it comes to negotiating and managing conflict, Professor Michele Gelfand says it’s time to get creative. Everybody has wants and needs. So what do we do when our priorities compete with those of other people? According to Gelfand, a professor of organizational behavior, negotiations and conflict management are exercises in creative problem-solving, ones where we look for ways to not only get what we want, but for those on the other side of the table to get what they want too. (BACK TO TOP)
Twitter has become the most toxic workplace amongst any major tech company in 2022. But why is Elon Musk treating developers in an unusually cruel way? (BACK TO TOP)
All the (Weaveworks) action from KubeCon NA 2022 KubeCon North America 2022 has recently wrapped up – and the Weaveworks and Flux team were there in Detroit throughout. We were involved in some fascinating sessions, videos of which you can watch on YouTube now – just scroll down to see the links and descriptions below. We know how Kubernetes will help – now it’s implementation time. You can watch (or rewatch) some of them below. Watch the video. Watch the video. Watch the video. Watch the video. (BACK TO TOP)
#499 – November 21, 2022 Stop lying to yourself – you will never “fix it later” Recently I approved a pull request from a colleague, that had the following description: “That’s a hacky way of doing this, but I don’t have time today to come up with a better implementation”. What’s so great about functional programming anyway? To hear some people talk about functional programming, you'd think they'd joined some kind of cult. They prattle on about how it's changed the way they think about code. (BACK TO TOP)
This post shows how to set up SSH port forwarding ("tunnels") - both local and remote - using the extended Go standard library. Setup While you could set up localhost forwarding for testing, to discuss a more realistic scenario I would recommend spinning up a basic VPS . For the purpose of writing this post, I run a bare-bones Ubuntu VPS on Digital Ocean with the public IP address (at the time of writing) and a root user.89.238.232 'uname -a' Linux testdrop6 5.19.go.dev/golang.89. (BACK TO TOP)
PlanetScale can now enter into Business Associate Agreements (BAA) with Single-tenant customers. Read the full story (BACK TO TOP)
Java allows you to create an array just big enough to contain 4 bytes, like so: byte[] array = new byte[4]; How much memory does this array take? If you have answered “4 bytes”, you are wrong. A more likely answer is 24 bytes. I wrote a little Java program that relies on the jamm … Continue reading What is the size of a byte[] array in Java? (BACK TO TOP)
This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected. (BACK TO TOP)
We break down how we reduced Firefox out-of-memory crashes on Windows with a simple trick. Poorly behaving web pages and apps are no longer capable of crashing the browser by exhausting memory. The post Improving Firefox stability with this one weird trick appeared first on Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog . (BACK TO TOP)
@import url('https://themes.googleusercontent.com/fonts/css?kit=OPeqXG-QxW3ZD8BtmPikfA');.lst-kix_9apzkelodq30-0>li:before{content:"\0025cf "}ul.lst-kix_9apzkelodq30-6{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_9apzkelodq30-7{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_9apzkelodq30-4{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_9apzkelodq30-5{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_9apzkelodq30-2{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_9apzkelodq30-3{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_9apzkelodq30-0{list-style-type:none}.HwIiAvYVxJ-c5{height:11pt}. (BACK TO TOP)
This paper appeared in VLDB2022. It presents the design of OceanBase, a scale-out multitenant relational database deployed on tens of thousands of servers at Alipay.com. The design of OceanBase is not impressive. It looks like OceanBase uses a standard run-off-the-mill Paxos groups architecture. Maybe there are some interesting work going on at integration with storage. Unfortunately, the paper is poorly written. It talks and boasts about many things, some repeatedly.g. OceanBase is multitenant. (BACK TO TOP)
Are you not entertained? Is that not why you are here? It’s been a wild week in Twitter land, as Elon has grabbed the controls of the plane not with the detached cool of Han Solo, but something more like the wild-eyed, manic smile of Cyrus the Virus in Con Air. Public opinion on Elon’s takeover is polarized – Elon is either the purifying power washing that Twitter needed, or a monster who’s abusing employees and callously sabotaging the most important platform for real-time news in the world.e. (BACK TO TOP)
I joined Twitter in March, 2007. My first tweet was anything but glorious, “Sitting in Networking class. Not enjoying it.” Ten tweets before receiving my first like. Another fifty before my second. Reading my early tweets, I was confused by this lack of likes. I slowly remembered: likes didn’t exist. Instead there were favorites, bookmarks rather than algorithmic boosts. The absence of replies also felt odd. A month after joining, I tweeted out my first link to a file on the college’s webserver. (BACK TO TOP)
Peter is an IT manager for a technology manufacturer that got hit with a Russian ransomware strain called “Zeppelin” in May 2020. He’d been on the job less than six months, and because of the way his predecessor architected things,… Read More » (BACK TO TOP)
Posted by Mohammad Saleh, Software Engineer, Google Research, Brain Team, and Yinan Wang, Software Engineer, Google Workspace Information overload is a significant challenge for many organizations and individuals today. It can be overwhelming to keep up with incoming chat messages and documents that arrive at our inbox everyday. Today, we are excited to introduce conversation summaries in Google Chat for messages in Spaces.e., extractive summarization ). An example from the ForumSum dataset.g. (BACK TO TOP)
Amazon's Distributed Computing Manifesto Manifesto made manifest. In the Johannesburg of 1998, I was rocking a middle parting, my friend group was abuzz about the news that there was water (and therefore monsters) on Europa, and all the cool kids were getting satellite TV at home 1 . Over in Seattle, the folks at Amazon.com had started to notice that their architecture was in need of rethinking. The proposed solution is services. This has also been called a service-based architecture. ....... (BACK TO TOP)
The Curse of Unreasonably Sized Networks
I just did a presentation at SREcon Conversations (which I call SREconcon) EMEA, called the "Curse of Unreasonably Sized Networks." I talked about the series of Dunbar's numbers and how they relate to different kinds of human social networks, and surprisingly, also to the evolution of the Internet. Video recording of the talk (34 minutes) Slides (pdf) SREcon EMEA 2020 speaker's page (BACK TO TOP)
This tutorial covers: When to use IIFEs instead of traditional functions Writing tests for IIFEs Integrating CI/CD for IIFE tests JavaScript Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs) are functions that are executed when they are initialized. An IIFE (pronounced “iffy”) can be initialized or defined to achieve a certain purpose. In this tutorial, you will learn about use cases for IIFEs and the benefits of using them over traditional functions. A CircleCI account. NodeJS installed locally. (BACK TO TOP)
This tutorial covers: Setting up a sample Node.js application Integrating CircleCI with Slack and Twilio Testing notifications for CircleCI builds CircleCI notification orbs were built to deliver messages to the appropriate channels when a build is successful or when it fails. This helps everyone involved in a project stay up-to-date with the status of the latest build. In this tutorial, you will explore and implement notifications sent to a Slack channel and also sent via SMS.controller.spec.0. (BACK TO TOP)
Last week, Tailscale hosted a three-day co-work week to prove Tailscale Runs Anywhere I Need (TRAIN) by traversing the Amtrak Coast Starlight line from Emeryville, CA to Seattle, WA. The week included a shared work day in Berkeley, an overnight on the train, a work day from the train’s observatory, and a work day from a lovely Airbnb in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle. Shout out to the Amtrak train attendants that joined in on the fun and made our trip spectacular. Tailscalars on a train. (BACK TO TOP)
Tailscale has recently been notified of security vulnerabilities in the Tailscale Windows client which allow a malicious website visited by a device running Tailscale to change the Tailscale daemon configuration and access information in the Tailscale local and peer APIs. To patch these vulnerabilities, upgrade Tailscale on your Windows machines to Tailscale v1.32.3 or later , or v1.33.257 or later (unstable). The peer API was also vulnerable to DNS rebinding.32.3 are affected.32.33.32. (BACK TO TOP)
These days, most companies depend on one or several data warehouses, such as Snowflake, Google BigQuery, or Amazon Redshift, to store and analyze their data. While most offer a GUI (graphical user interface) to access, view, and edit data, there are also other options available which may be more powerful (BACK TO TOP)
Earlier this month, Retool CEO and Founder David Hsu spoke with Bryan Schreier, partner Sequoia Capital and Retool investor, at Web Summit in Lisbon. David and Bryan discussed how startup founders can identify and achieve strong product/market fit (PMF) by synthesizing information from various sources while challenging assumptions. Some (BACK TO TOP)
Meta is deploying Precision Time Protocol (PTP) into its data center networks. PTP offers a new level of timing accuracy and precision that will benefit all our technologies — whether people are creating and watching Reels on Facebook and Instagram, sending and receiving messages and making audio/video calls on Messenger, playing and watching games on […] The post Precision Time Protocol is paving the road to the metaverse appeared first on Tech at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)
MultiRay is Meta’s new platform for running large-scale, state-of-the-art AI models. Models hosted on the MultiRay platform convert raw input (text, images) from posts, comments, and other content in Meta apps into an “embedding,” a more machine learning–friendly, general-purpose intermediate format that can be shared across multiple machine learning (ML) models. By sharing the embedding, […] The post MultiRay makes AI more efficient than ever appeared first on Tech at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)
Today's links Citizens United and the FTX meltdown: The Keating Five were amateurs. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2012, 2017, 2021. Could the unsuspecting public have been shielded from the FTX Ponzi scheme? Hindsight is 20/20, but there's good reason to believe that FTX could have been brought down in a controlled glide, rather than a nose-first crash landing and ensuing fireball.house.3.16.22.emmer.sec.letter.opensecrets.vox.7b in a "raging crypto bull market. (BACK TO TOP)
Today's links Tax prep services send sensitive financial info to Facebook: And they didn't even know they were doing it. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. A blockbuster investigative report from The Markup and The Verge reveals that major tax-prep services illegally embedded the Facebook tracking pixel in their sites, configured so that it transmitted as much data as possible to the surveillance giant. https://www.theverge. https://www.facebook.cnbc.vice. For free. This makes sense.wired. (BACK TO TOP)
Today's links Universities secretly sold their students to online casinos: It's varsity-level corruption. Hey look at this: Delights to delectate. This day in history: 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, 2021 Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading Universities secretly sold their students to online casinos (permalink) End-stage capitalism's defining characteristic is making money rather than making things.beckershospitalreview.jamesgmartin.wsj. (BACK TO TOP)
Learn how to measure the performance of individual functions in your Swift app by using Sentry's Custom Instrumentation feature. (BACK TO TOP)
Profiling is an important tool in every developer’s toolkit because it provides a granular view into the execution of your program from your… (BACK TO TOP)
Profiling is an important tool in every developer’s toolkit because it provides a granular view into the execution of your program from your… (BACK TO TOP)
For production and hybrid cloud environments, manual deployments with Kubernetes are time consuming and non reusable. As you deploy different applications with similar configuration settings to Kubernetes, you’ll have a large number of YAML files and substantial duplication; this makes the applications difficult to maintain. This is where Helm can help. With Helm, you can deploy complex applications quickly as Helm charts, resulting in increased productivity, scalability, and reusability .0.ip. (BACK TO TOP)
I was frying a couple of dozen walnut crunch when I first got in trouble at Tim Horton’s. Tim Horton’s is a donut and coffee place, and I worked there as a baker assistant around 2002, when I was in university. Most donuts fry for 30 seconds per side, then you flip them and do the other side. My introduction To Bullshit work. That’s when I got caught. The store manager, who wasn’t usually there during my shift, saw me sitting. “If you have time to sit, you have time to clean. It never worked. ↩︎ (BACK TO TOP)
Has a seemingly harmless update ever caused your application to fail in production? Canary deployments , like the proverbial canary in a coal mine, can help you mitigate the chaotic outcomes of such updates that can potentially cause critical downtime. Canary deployments are based on the routing of user traffic such that you can compare, test, and observe the behavior of any update for a small percentage of users. You’ll also learn how to fit them into an automatic CI/CD framework.14.14.23. (BACK TO TOP)
The Department of Defense released its formal Zero Trust strategy, marking a major milestone in its goal of achieving enterprise-wide implementation by 2027. The post Microsoft supports the DoD’s Zero Trust strategy appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)
Join our community of analysts and engineers at the third annual InfoSec Jupyterthon 2022, an online event taking place on December 2 and 3, 2022. The post Join us at InfoSec Jupyterthon 2022 appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)
As vulnerabilities in network components, architecture files, and developer tools have become an increasingly popular attack vector to leverage access into secure networks and devices, Microsoft identified such a vulnerable component and found evidence of a supply chain risk that might affect millions of organizations and devices. The post Vulnerable SDK components lead to supply chain risks in IoT and OT environments appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog . (BACK TO TOP)
We developed a new static analysis tool called Nullsafe that is used at Meta to detect NullPointerException (NPE) errors in Java code. Interoperability with legacy code and gradual deployment model were key to Nullsafe’s wide adoption and allowed us to recover some null-safety properties in the context of an otherwise null-unsafe language in a multimillion-line [...] Read More... The post Retrofitting null-safety onto Java at Meta appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)
Meta is deploying a timing protocol, Precision Time Protocol (PTP), that will offer new levels of accuracy and precision to our networks and data centers. We believe PTP will become the global standard for keeping time in computer networks. PTP will benefit today’s products and services and will be a foundational technology behind the development [...] Read More... The post PTP: Timing accuracy and precision for the future of computing appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)
Implementing Precision Time Protocol (PTP) at Meta allows us to synchronize the systems that drive our products and services down to nanosecond precision. PTP’s predecessor, Network Time Protocol (NTP), provided us with millisecond precision, but as we scale to more advanced systems on our way to building the next computing platform, the metaverse and AI, [...] Read More... The post How Precision Time Protocol is being deployed at Meta appeared first on Engineering at Meta . (BACK TO TOP)
Today on Day Two Cloud we examine Istio Ambient Mesh, a new option for building service meshes in a microservices environment. Istio Ambient Mesh essentially brings the concept of a load balancer to a cluster of containers. Rather than run a sidecar proxy for each pod or container, you can run Ambient Mesh per node. Our guest and guide to this open source project is Christian Posta, Global Field CTO at Solo.io. (BACK TO TOP)
On today’s Tech Bytes podcast, sponsored by VMware, we explore a real-world SD-WAN deployment. A customer in the automotive industry needed a better way to share large CAD files among global sites, and its MPLS network wasn’t cutting it. The company also wanted to lower WAN costs while improving performance of business apps. The post Tech Bytes: Boosting WAN Speeds While Cutting Costs With VMware SD-WAN (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)
Network Break 408: Arista Launches Network Automation Pipeline; Palo Alto Targets Software Supply Chain Security
Take a Network Break! This week we cover a new continuous integration pipeline from Arista Networks to support network automation, Cisco's intention to open a new silicon design center in Spain, and Apple spending $450 million to support emergency text messaging using satellites. We also discuss Palo Alto Networks spending $195 million for Cider Security, financial results, and more. (BACK TO TOP)
On today's Heavy Networking we look at the idea of embedding zero trust into applications. The way we do cyber security these days has failed in significant ways. We discuss. The post Heavy Networking 656: Embedding Zero Trust Into Applications appeared first on Packet Pushers . (BACK TO TOP)
Typing might be faster, but longhand stays with you better. The post Why writing by hand is still the best way to retain information appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)
We chat with a Platform Engineer and Reality Labs Advocate about the expanding toolkit available for crafting virtual reality experiences. The post Here’s what it’s like to develop VR at Meta (Ep. 508) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)
SPONSORED BY PLURALSIGHT Early in the days of high-traffic web pages and apps, any engineer operating the infrastructure would have a server room where one or more machines served that app to the world. They named their servers lovingly, took pictures, and watched them grow. The servers were pets. But since the rise of public… The post Cloudy with a chance of… the state of cloud in 2022 appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)
What if you could bake a payment mechanism into the DNA of an open source package manager? The post The creator of Homebrew has a plan to get open source contributors paid (Ep. 507) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)
Hashgraph vs. blockchain, ADHD and a pilot license, and Mastadon The post The Overflow #152: Another week of tech layoffs appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog . (BACK TO TOP)
Three questions with Sergül Aydöre, a senior applied scientist at Amazon and general chair of this year’s Women in Machine Learning workshop. (BACK TO TOP)
Francesco Locatello on the four NeurIPS papers he coauthored this year, which largely concern generalization to out-of-distribution test data. (BACK TO TOP)
Topics range from specific applications, such as computer vision, to more general problems, such as continual learning, to popular AI methods, such as variational autoencoders. (BACK TO TOP)
Targeted handling of three distinct types of “special events” dramatically reduces false-alarm rate. (BACK TO TOP)
The Amazon Fellows fulfill the Science Hub for Humanity and Artificial Intelligence's mission of researching the societal impact of artificial intelligence (BACK TO TOP)
Nishant Roy, Engineering Manager at Pinterest Ads, joins Johnny & Jon to detail how they’ve managed to continue shipping quality software from startup through hypergrowth all the way to IPO. Prepare to learn a lot about Pinterest’s integration and deployment pipeline, observability stack, Go-based services and more. (BACK TO TOP)
For our last 2022 Kaizen episode, we went all out: 💪 @jerod outdid himself in the number of improvements shipped between Kaizens 🕺 A few of our listeners contributed → prompted us to create a new contributing guide 🗺 We now have a new infrastructure diagram All of this, and a whole lot more, is captured as GitHub discussion 🐙 changelog.com#433. If you want to see everything that we improved, that is a great companion to this episode. (BACK TO TOP)
Kindle as a smart device, Changelog on Mastodon, GPT-3 up in your CLI, no arch better than bad arch & Mish Manners (Changelog News)
Matt Healy says your next smart device is a $30 Kindle, Changelog sets up an instance as Mastodon takes off, Anurag Bhagsain puts OpenAI’s GPT-3 in your CLI, Kirill Rogovoy argues that no architecture is better than bad architecture & we talk to Mish Manners at All Things Open 2022. (BACK TO TOP)
This week we’re taking you to the hallway track of All Things Open 2022 in Raleigh, NC. Let’s set the stage, here’s what we like do when we go to conferences — we setup our podcast studio at our booth where all the other vendors are and we talk to everyone we can. We give out t-shirts, stickers, pins, high fives…and it’s a blast. Special thanks to Todd Lewis and team for inviting us to come back to ATO. We enjoyed meeting long time fans and new ones too. (BACK TO TOP)
KBall and Boneskull dive deep with Paloma Oliveira on the cultural and social consequences of open source software, explore her background in arts and government-supported open source, and discuss practical approaches to change the culture of open source towards more sustainability. (BACK TO TOP)
In your company, who designs the end-to-end developer experience? From design to implementation, what is the developer experience that you actually ship? Even though the average developer wastes almost half of their working hours because of bad DX, many of us don’t even know what that means, or how to improve it. Kenneth Auchenberg is working at Stripe, building economic infrastructure for the internet. (BACK TO TOP)
We all want to 3D print metals, but the equipment to do that is still beyond most home workshops. However, [HEN3DRIK] takes resin 3D-printed items and electroplates them. Might not …read more (BACK TO TOP)
Carl Friedrich Gauss was, to put it mildly, a polymath responsible for a large percentage of the things we take for granted in the modern world. As a physicist and …read more (BACK TO TOP)
Hackers of a certain age will remember that before the Internet was available to distract us from our work, we had to find our own fun. Luckily, Windows was there …read more (BACK TO TOP)
For those unfamiliar with the details of the expansive work of fiction of Harry Potter, it did introduce a few ideas that have really stuck in the collective conscious. Besides …read more (BACK TO TOP)
We’re used to the so-called “Hackintoshes”, non-Apple hardware running MacOS. One we featured recently was even built into the case of a Nintendo Wii. But [Dandu] has gone one better …read more (BACK TO TOP)
The war on Internet ads rages on, as the arms race between ad blockers and ad creators continues to escalate. To make a modern Internet experience even remotely palatable, plenty …read more (BACK TO TOP)
Create a music streaming real-time data pipeline Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)
A New Era of Massively Parallel Simulation A Practical Tutorial Using ElegantRL Photo by Jason Yuen on Unsplash A recent breakthough in reinforcement learning is that GPU-accelerated simulator such as NVIDIA’s Isaac Gym enables massively parallel simulation . It runs thousands of parallel environments on a workstation GPU and expedites the data collection process 2~3 orders of magnitude. GitHub - AI4Finance-Foundation/ElegantRL: Cloud-native Deep Reinforcement Learning. Fig. Fig.mul(torch.N).g. (BACK TO TOP)
Pandas vs. SQL — Part 4: Pandas Is More Convenient Photo by gamene at Openverse (CC BY 2.0) tl;dr: In this post, we compare Pandas vs. SQL on the third of three axes: convenience. We describe six ways in which the Pandas dataframe data model is more convenient for data science and machine learning use cases. In this fourth offering of our epic battle between Pandas vs. SQL, we illustrate how Pandas is more convenient than SQL for data science and machine learning.0 . <a href="https://medium. 2.. (BACK TO TOP)
How smaller language models inspired modern breakthroughs Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)
NeurIPS’22 offers many great options Photo by Andrei Stratu on Unsplash The Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) is one of the most respected international conferences on Machine Learning (ML) and computational neuroscience. For NeurIPS’22 (November 28 — December 9), New Orleans was chosen to host the event, followed by a virtual component in the second week. This year, close to 3000 papers were accepted.g., BERT).e.g. GPT-3, DALL-E, CLIP, and OPT). (BACK TO TOP)
Using Python to find the dream team, best formation, and ideal starting XI for each national team in the World Cup 2022 Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)
Justification for the Normality Assumption Continue reading on Towards Data Science » (BACK TO TOP)
It’s never a bad idea to reevaluate the way we approach our work. This is true whether you’re a student working on a portfolio project, a seasoned ML engineer managing an end-to-end pipeline, or an executive responsible for the success of an entire data team. It could be a superfluous step that you finally nix. Maybe you decide to revise the format of your weekly team call, or to implement one last quality check that takes minutes but occasionally saves hours. (BACK TO TOP)
Object-Oriented Discrete Event Simulation — with SimPy Improving a busy emergency department with stochastic discrete event simulation Photo by Zichao Zhang on Unsplash In everyday life we often encounter and engage with queue based systems. This is the case where a system or process necessitates that entities, such as customers or patients, flow through the system while queuing for limited resources. Here , we will go through an implementation of DES using the Python package SimPy.Resource. (BACK TO TOP)
Routing on the Internet follows a few basic principles. Unfortunately not everything on the Internet is created equal, and prepending can do more harm than good. In this blog post we’ll talk about the problems that prepending aims to solve, and some alternative solutions (BACK TO TOP)
In this blog post, we will introduce our new system designed to detect route leaks and its integration on Cloudflare Radar and its public API. (BACK TO TOP)
We are proud to share that Cloudflare has been named one of the Top 100 Most Loved Workplaces in 2022 by Newsweek and Best Practice Institute (BPI) (BACK TO TOP)
This week we made over 30 announcements, in case you missed any here’s a quick round-up. (BACK TO TOP)
Workers Trace Events Logpush gives new levels of visibility into Workers invocations, console.log messages and errors. It is now available to everyone on the Workers Paid and Enterprise plans! (BACK TO TOP)
Cloudflare did the measurements to prove we’re the fastest developer platform, beating out all the other competition. (BACK TO TOP)
Today, we’re taking local development to the next level by releasing Miniflare 3, powered by the open-source workerd runtime, along with support for migrating existing dashboard projects and using real data locally. (BACK TO TOP)
With Segment Edge SDK, built on Cloudflare Workers, developers can collect high-quality first-party data and use Segment Edge SDK to access real-time user profiles and state, to deliver personalized app experiences without managing a ton of infrastructure. (BACK TO TOP)
Today, we’re excited to announce the next major release of Workers TypeScript definitions with a bunch of improvements, and the open-sourcing of the new automatic generation scripts. (BACK TO TOP)
Learn how Cloudflare uses our own Workers Analytics Engine product to capture analytics about our own products! (BACK TO TOP)
With Cloud Run — the fully-managed serverless container platform on Google Cloud — you can quickly and easily deploy applications using standard containers. In this article, we will explain how to build a chat server with Cloud Run using Python as the development language. We will build it with the FastAPI framework, based on this FastAPI sample source code . [Note that this article does not provide detailed descriptions of each service.yaml file format. Code management is done on GitHub.a.run.. (BACK TO TOP)
For the last couple of years, we’ve been using Workflows , Google Cloud’s service orchestrator, to bring order to our serverless microservices architectures. As we used and gained more experience with Workflows and service orchestration, we shared what he had learned in conference talks, blog posts, samples, and tutorials. Along the way, some common patterns and best practices emerged. When you have multiple services, you need to decide how these services will communicate.g..... Read Article (BACK TO TOP)
Editor's note : At Google Cloud we’re working with global organizations to help them use technology to build a more sustainable future. During the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference , or COP27, representatives from countries and organizations around the world — including Google Cloud — gathered in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt from November 7 - 18, 2022 for the latest round of climate talks. Or catch the event for yourself on Youtube .D. (BACK TO TOP)
Reliability of a system can be measured based on several factors, including, but not limited to, performance, resilience and security. Nevertheless, resiliency is one of the key factors. For more information on how to architect and operate reliable services on a cloud platform, refer to the reliability category of Google Cloud Architecture Framework . In a previous blog , we discussed the architecture components of Google Cloud HTTP(s) External Load Balancer, illustrated in Figure 1 below.... (BACK TO TOP)
Employees often struggle to find the information they need to be productive. Countless hours are wasted each day as workers peruse a jungle of intranet pages, dig through emails, and otherwise struggle to find the resources they require. Dialogflow ES, a part of Google Cloud’s Contact Center AI (CCAI), can help. We’ve seen as much within Google. Two years ago, our intranet search team realized Dialogflow ES could provide better answers than other methods to employee queries.g.g.g.6. (BACK TO TOP)
Want to know the latest from Google Cloud? Find it here in one handy location. Check back regularly for our newest updates, announcements, resources, events, learning opportunities, and more. Tip : Not sure where to find what you’re looking for on the Google Cloud blog? Start here: Google Cloud blog 101: Full list of topics, links, and resources . We remain the top API Management vendor in our Ability to Execute, with a strong product offering, customer experience, and sales execution.23.39.S. (BACK TO TOP)
We’re moments away from the kick-off of another historic tournament. After the England men’s football team reached the Euro 2020 final in last year’s pandemic-delayed competition, there is genuine confidence in a successful run in Qatar. The Football Association (The FA) is the governing body of association football in England, and has left no stone unturned in its preparations; they have increasingly looked to physical performance data as a way to help support players on the pitch. (BACK TO TOP)
Built with BigQuery: How Connected-Stories leverages Google Data Cloud and AI/ML for creating personalized Ad Experiences
Editor’s note : The post is part of a series highlighting our awesome partners, and their solutions, that are Built with BigQuery In the field of producing engaging video content such as ads, many marketers ignore the power of data to improve their creative efforts to meet the consumers' need for personalized messages. The demand for creative tech to efficiently personalize is real as marketers need personalized video Ads to reach their audience with the right message at the right time... (BACK TO TOP)
Developing autonomous driving technology is a battle with data, both from a volume and data format point of view. Sources include point cloud 3D data obtained from LIDAR, video data obtained from multiple cameras, GPS position information, millimeter-wave radar, steering and various sensor information. Exploring this data is not easy; it is a huge challenge for engineers to comb through data and isolate specific scenes of interest. It's like finding a particular meme in a pile of DVDs.ml.ml.ml.. (BACK TO TOP)
Budget concerns and inflation shock are causing noticeable shifts in consumer behavior, a head-spinning turnabout since the pandemic days of 2020. We went from not having access to enough goods to now not having the right goods at the right price points. We’d like to share five key takeaways that retailers can adopt. 1. Be prepared for earlier holiday planning . Budget-conscious buyers are planning their purchases earlier than ever.S. Amy observed. 2. Get a handle on out-of-stock issues .S. 3.S. (BACK TO TOP)
In the current economic climate every organization is faced with a unique triple squeeze from inflation, scarce/expensive talent, and disrupted/constrained global supplies. IT leaders are faced with the challenge of optimizing their spend while continuing the momentum from pandemic forced digitalization. New research shows that in response, organizations are doubling down on cloud, modernizing infrastructure, and migrating even more applications out of on-premise environments.,). (BACK TO TOP)
Editor’s note : Here we look at how a leading travel provider saved ten database administrators worth of work and accelerated delivery of door-to-door transportation options for users by migrating to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL. Kiwi.com ’s mission is to reveal unique travel options and pricing that customers can’t find anywhere else. The company helps users reach their destinations easily and under budget by providing travel itineraries for nearly any scenario. In this blog post, the Kiwi.com. (BACK TO TOP)
There is a data explosion challenge that most IT admins and companies are tackling regularly. The cost-effectiveness, durability and scalability make object storage the first choice for unstructured data. Cloud Storage is an object storage service capable of storing data at exabyte scale and easily managing billions, if not trillions, of objects. However, cost optimization for data stored in object storage is a hard problem. In fact, I’d estimate 90% of our data will benefit from Autoclass. (BACK TO TOP)
Easily integrate machine learning models into applications with Vertex AI integration for Cloud Spanner
Cloud Spanner is a fully managed relational database that provides industry-leading consistency and availability at any scale. Organizations of all sizes in industries like financial services, retail, and games rely on Spanner to run their mission critical applications, but efficiently running line-of-business applications is often not enough. Tasks like fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and bot detection are time sensitive and can have unpredictable loads.googleapis.wagtailcore.rich_text. (BACK TO TOP)
Editor's note : The ISE Crypto PQC working group is comprised of Google Senior Cryptography Engineers Stefan Kölbl, Rafael Misoczki, and Sophie Schmieg. When you visit a website and the URL starts with HTTPS, you’re relying on a secure public key cryptographic protocol to shield the information you share with the site from casual eavesdroppers. However, as Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables wrote in July , we expect large-scale quantum computers to completely break these algorithms in the future... (BACK TO TOP)
We’re thrilled to announce that Gartner has recognized Google Cloud’s Apigee as a Leader in the 2022 Magic Quadrant for Full Life Cycle API Management, the seventh time in a row we’ve been recognized. We believe we are consistently recognized for the depth of our capabilities to help organizations monetize their data by creating external-facing API products and providing highly customizable developer portals. Customers like Jackson National , Renault , Booking. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. (BACK TO TOP)
Recent security events, like the Log4j issue , underscore the need for security teams to be vigilant in evaluating not only the code written by developers in-house, but also the open source packages that code depends on, and the code that those open source packages depend on, and so on. This web of dependencies forms a dependency graph, in which each node can introduce security vulnerabilities and other surprises. Reviewing all of these dependencies is a complex task for security teams.dev .0.0. (BACK TO TOP)
"Ask for help, and give thanks" — Hal Cohen's journey through two kidney transplants, life’s challenges
Editor's note : Hal Cohen's work at Google Cloud calls for technical knowledge, customer empathy, business sense, and the ability to work with diverse groups of people inside and outside of Google. However, his personal and professional strengths come from much more than that. Read on. Tell us about your work at Google Cloud. First off: Being an organ donor is great. Do it. I've been with Google for 10 years. At the beginning, we sold collaboration products, like Gmail, to businesses. It is.S. (BACK TO TOP)
Bulletin by Jakub Mikians