In main
, it will launch 5 threads to run each stage:
if ( pthread_create(&th1, 0LL, (void *(*)(void *))stage1, 0LL) ) {
if ( pthread_create(&th2, 0LL, (void *(*)(void *))stage2, &arg) ) {
if ( pthread_create(&th3, 0LL, (void *(*)(void *))stage3, 0LL) ) {
if ( pthread_create(&th4, 0LL, (void *(*)(void *))stage4, 0LL) ) {
if ( pthread_create(&th5, 0LL, (void *(*)(void *))stage5, 0LL) )
If all stages were qualified, the flag will be printed.
signed __int64 __fastcall stage1(void *arg) {
arch = getenv("ARCH");
for ( i = 0; ; ++i ) {
pos = i;
if ( pos >= strlen(arch) )
s1[i] = arch[i] ^ 0xA;
if ( !strcmp(s1, "B:m]kx=y") ) {
printf("\x1B[32m\n [:)] Stage 1 Qualified\x1B[0m", v3);
to "B:m]kx=y" ^ 0xA
, which is H0gWar7s
to pass this stage.
signed __int64 __fastcall stage2(void *arg) {
if ( *(_DWORD *)arg == *((char *)arg + 4) ) {
printf("\x1B[32m\n [:)] Stage 2 Qualified\x1B[0m");
int main(...) {
arg = 'A';
v8 = **(_BYTE **)(v6 + 8);
if ( pthread_create(&th2, 0LL, (void *(*)(void *))stage2, &arg) )
This stage will pass if the argv[1] of the program is 'A'
char *__fastcall stage3(void *a1) {
printf("\x1B[35m\n Enter password for stage 3 :\x1B[33m");
v1 = (unsigned __int64)fgets(s, 25, stdin);
if ( v1 != -1 && strlen(s) == 24 ) {
if ( !strcmp(s, "He_who_must_not_be_named") ) {
printf("\x1B[32m [:)] Stage 3 Qualified\x1B[0m");
Input He_who_must_not_be_named
to pass this stage.
void *__fastcall stage4(void *a1) {
s2[0] = 'm';
s2[1] = 'C';
s2[2] = 'D';
s2[3] = 'D';
s2[4] = 'S';
s2[5] = '\0';
fp = fopen(".hidden.txt", "r");
if ( fp ) {
fgets(hidden, 6, fp);
if ( strlen(hidden) == 5 ) {
v4 = 42;
for ( i = 0; i <= 4; ++i )
hidden[i] ^= v4;
if ( !strcmp(hidden, s2) ) {
printf("\x1B[32m\n [:)] Stage 4 Qualified\x1B[0m", s2);
Can pass this stage if the content of .hidden.txt
is "mCDDS" ^ 42
, which is Ginny
void *__fastcall stage5(void *a1) {
if ( getcwd(&buf, 0x400uLL) ) {
if ( strlen(&buf) != 26 || buf[22] != 'a' ) {
printf("\x1B[31m\n [:(] Stage 5 Failed\x1B[0m", 1024LL);
We can pass this stage if the path length is 26 and the 22nd character of the path is 'a'
So, finally, move the binary to a path where length is 26 and 22nd chracter is 'a', then run the following script.
echo "He_who_must_not_be_named" | env ARCH="H0gWar7s" ./chall A
$ ./
[:)] Stage 5 Qualified
[:)] Stage 1 Qualified
[:)] Stage 2 Qualified
Enter password for stage 3 : [:)] Stage 3 Qualified
[:)] Stage 4 Qualified
[-->] No of stages cleared : 5
[:)] You seem to have Wizard origins
The Vault is open
Your Flag is == flag{W1th_L0v3_Fr0m_R3x!}