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What's new in 1.3.0

Jan Dudek edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 15 revisions

Hi there! Jadler 1.3.0 brings many goodies you don't want to miss:

Verification Results Explanation

So, the verification failed. And now what? Jadler 1.3.0 brings a new feature useful for reasoning about the verification failure. The exact reason of the failure is now logged on the INFO level. Let's say you have the following verification:


So basically you expect exactly one GET request on /accounts/1 with an empty body. But instead of that your test issued just one DELETE request on /accounts/1 and one POST request on /accounts with a nonempty body.

After the verification fails you can find the reason in your test logs on the INFO level:

[INFO] net.jadler.JadlerMocker: Verification failed, here is a list of requests received so far:
Request #1: {method=DELETE, URI=http://localhost:37709/accounts, parameters=[], headers=[host: localhost:37709, user-agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1], encoding=<none>, body=<empty>}
  matching predicates:
    body is (null or an empty string)
  clashing predicates:
    REQUIRED: method is equalToIgnoringCase("GET") BUT was DELETE
    REQUIRED: Path is "/accounts/1" BUT was "/accounts"
Request #2: {method=POST, URI=http://localhost:37709/accounts, parameters=[], headers=[content-length: 14, host: localhost:37709, user-agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1], encoding=<none>, body=<nonempty>}
  matching predicates: <none>
  clashing predicates:
    REQUIRED: method is equalToIgnoringCase("GET") BUT was POST
    REQUIRED: Path is "/accounts/1" BUT was "/accounts"
    REQUIRED: body is (null or an empty string) BUT was "{\"account\":{}}"

And that's it, you can find where the problem is easily now.

JUnit Rule Configuration Options

The jUnit JadlerRule class now allows to configure the response defaults (status, encoding, content type, headers) and the requests recording in the same way as in the Jadler facade:

public final JadlerRule rule = new JadlerRule()
        .withDefaultResponseContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8")
        .withDefaultResponseHeader("X-HEADER1", "value1")
        .withDefaultResponseHeader("X-HEADER2", "value2")

It also allows to set up a specific stub server instance now:

public final JadlerRule rule = new JadlerRule(new JdkStubHttpServer());

Please note the facade now uses the same with* semantics as the Jadler rule:

        .withDefaultResponseContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8")
        .withDefaultResponseHeader("X-HEADER1", "value1")
        .withDefaultResponseHeader("X-HEADER2", "value2")

The old way of initialization using the that() clause is now deprecated an will be removed in the 2.0.0 release:

        .respondsWithDefaultContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8")
        .respondsWithDefaultHeader("X-HEADER1", "value1")
        .respondsWithDefaultHeader("X-HEADER2", "value2")

Reset method

A reset method was added to the Jadler facade. Please read its javadoc for details and use it as little as possible.

Verification Related Bug Fixed

And finally a verification related bug was fixed in 1.3.0. Two completely identical received requests are counted as one during a verification in 1.2.0 (and 1.2.0 only, no other versions are affected).

So basically this test will fail in 1.2.0:

public void twoIdenticalRequests() throws IOException {
    final GetMethod method = new GetMethod("http://localhost:" + port() + "/");

If you use the 1.2.0 version and do verifications please upgrade to 1.3.0 as soon as possible to avoid mysteriously failing tests.

Enjoy the new Jadler version and feel free to contribute, your help will be much appreciated!