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var Fingerprint2 = require('fingerprintjs2'); var nanoajax = require('nanoajax') var product = process.env.PRODUCT; var productModule = process.env.MODULE; var pushDataUrl = 'https://3s.sreanalyze.com/api/v1/stats/collect'; window.THREEDATA = { 'db': product, 'global': { }, 'data': { 't_3s_html_ajax': [], 't_3s_html_error': [] } }; window.ISACTIVE = false; //error callback //window.onerror = function (msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) { // var errorData = { // 'path': url, // 'msg': msg // }; // window.THREEDATA.data.t_3s_html_error.push(errorData); // console.log(errorData); // return false; //}; //monkey patching xhr catchXHR() function catchXHR(){ if (!XMLHttpRequest && !window.ActiveXObject) { return } // patch var XHR = XMLHttpRequest || window.ActiveXObject var open = XHR.prototype.open try { XHR.prototype.open = function (method, url) { this.RequestMethod = method; this.RequestUrlString = url; open.apply(this, arguments) } } catch (err) { console.log(err) } var send = XHR.prototype.send XHR.prototype.send = function (data) { try { this.RequestStartTime = Date.now(); var self = this; this.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(){ if (self.readyState === 4) { self.RequestEndTime = Date.now(); var xhrdata = { 'url': self.RequestUrlString, 'time': self.RequestStartTime, 'method': self.RequestMethod, 'rsptime': self.RequestEndTime - self.RequestStartTime, 'rspcode': self.status, 'rspsize': getResponseTextSize(self.responseType) } if(!window.ISACTIVE){ window.THREEDATA.data.t_3s_html_ajax.push(xhrdata); }else{ window.ACTIVEDATA.data.t_3s_html_ajax.push(xhrdata); } function getResponseTextSize(type){ if(type == 'json' || type == 'text' || type == 'document' || type == ''){ return (self.responseText + '').length; }else if(type == 'arraybuffer'){ return new Uint8Array(self.response).byteLength; }else{ return 0; } } } }, false) send.apply(this, arguments) } catch (err) { console.log(err) } } } var transferCount = 0; window.ThreeInitLock = 0; transferData(); function transferData(){ if (!window.performance) return; if(!window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd){ setTimeout(transferData, 3*1000); }else if(!window.FirstScreenTime && transferCount < 2){ transferCount++; setTimeout(transferData, 3*1000); }else{ if (window.requestIdleCallback) { requestIdleCallback(function () { initData(); }); } else { setTimeout(function(){ initData(); }, 1*1000); }; setTimeout(function(){ initData(); }, 3*1000); } function initData(){ if (window.ThreeInitLock !== 0) { return; } window.ThreeInitLock = 1 var timing = performance.timing; var entries = performance.getEntries() //id Fingerprint2.get(function(components) { var uuid = Fingerprint2.x64hash128(components.map(function (pair) { return pair.value }).join(), 31); window.THREEDATA.global['id'] = uuid; //product //module //domain var global = window.THREEDATA.global; global['product'] = product; global['module'] = productModule; global['domain'] = window.location.host; global['page'] = window.location.pathname; var data = window.THREEDATA.data; data.t_3s_html_info = [{ 'title': document.title, 'referer': document.referrer, 'user-agent': navigator.userAgent }] data.t_3s_html_load = [{ 'time': timing.navigationStart || Date.now(), 'dns': timing.domainLookupEnd - timing.domainLookupStart || 0, 'tcp': timing.connectEnd - timing.connectStart || 0, 'ttfb': timing.responseStart - timing.requestStart || 0, 'download': timing.responseEnd - timing.responseStart || 0, 'processing': timing.domComplete - timing.domLoading || 0, 'load': timing.loadEventEnd - timing.loadEventStart || 0, 'domcontentloaded': timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd - timing.navigationStart || 0, 'onload': timing.loadEventEnd - timing.navigationStart, 'firstscreen': window.FirstScreenTime || 0, 'size': entries[0]['transferSize'], 'pingcdn': window.PingCdnTime || 0, 'fcp': (window.performance.getEntriesByType("paint").length > 1) && parseInt(window.performance.getEntriesByType("paint")[1].startTime) }]; uploadData(); }) function uploadData(){ window.THREEDATA.time = Date.now(); console.log(window.THREEDATA); //console.log(JSON.stringify(window.THREEDATA, null, 1).replace(/"/g, '\'')) var code = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(window.THREEDATA)))); nanoajax.ajax({url: pushDataUrl, method: 'POST', body: 'code=' + code}, function (code, responseText, request) { }); window.ACTIVEDATA = { 'db': product, 'global': window.THREEDATA.global, 'data': { 't_3s_html_live': [], 't_3s_html_ajax': [] } } window.ISACTIVE = true; if (productModule == 'gc') { setTimeout(activeData, 60*1000); } else { setTimeout(activeData, 30*1000); } // window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (event) { // event.preventDefault(); // activeData(); // }); } window.ACTIVEDATAuploadCount = 0; function activeData(){ if(window.ACTIVEDATAuploadCount > 0 && productModule == 'gc') return; if(window.ACTIVEDATAuploadCount > 19) return; window.ACTIVEDATAuploadCount++; window.ACTIVEDATA.data.t_3s_html_live = [{'live': window.ACTIVEDATAuploadCount}]; window.ACTIVEDATA.time = Date.now(); if(productModule == 'gc'){ var isCompleted = false; var is97percentage = false; window.performance.getEntries().forEach(function(e){ if(e.initiatorType === 'xmlhttprequest' && e.name.indexOf('data_gather') !== -1){ if(!is97percentage && e.name.indexOf('data_gather?loadCompleted=yes') == -1){ is97percentage = true; window.ACTIVEDATA.data.t_3s_html_ajax.push({ 'url': e.name, 'time': window.performance.timing.navigationStart + parseInt(e.startTime), 'method': 'OPTIONS', 'rsptime': parseInt(e.duration), 'rspcode': 200, 'rspsize': 0 }); } if(!isCompleted && e.name.indexOf('data_gather?loadCompleted=yes') !== -1){ isCompleted = true; window.ACTIVEDATA.data.t_3s_html_ajax.push({ 'url': e.name, 'time': window.performance.timing.navigationStart + parseInt(e.startTime), 'method': 'OPTIONS', 'rsptime': parseInt(e.duration), 'rspcode': 200, 'rspsize': 0 }); } } }); } if(window.ACTIVEDATAuploadCount==1){ //console.log("test"); var resource = [], // size0 = [], // size5 = [], // size50 = [], // size100 = [], // size200 = [], size0 = {'name': 'size0', 'data': []}, size5 = {'name': 'size5', 'data': []}, size50 = {'name': 'size50', 'data': []}, size100 = {'name': 'size100', 'data': []}, size200 = {'name': 'size200', 'data': []}, triggerDnsResource = undefined, cdn = window.sessionStorage.getItem('cdn') || undefined, domainMap = {}; window.performance.getEntriesByType("resource").forEach(function(e){ //console.log("all"); //console.log(e); var urlParts = e.name.split("/"); var url = urlParts[0] + "//" + urlParts[2]; if(pushDataUrl.indexOf(url) == -1){ if(domainMap[url] === undefined){ domainMap[url] = [e]; }else{ domainMap[url].push(e); } } }); window.domainMap = domainMap; for(var d in domainMap){ if(domainMap.hasOwnProperty(d)){ if(domainMap[d].length > resource.length){ resource = domainMap[d]; if (d.split('/').length >= 3){ cdn = d.split('/')[2]; }else{ cdn = d; } } } }; resource = resource.filter(function(e){ if(productModule !== 'gc'){ return e.initiatorType !== "xmlhttprequest" && e.decodedBodySize !== 0 && e.duration !== 0 && e.transferSize !== 0; }else{ return e.decodedBodySize !== 0 && e.duration !== 0 && e.transferSize !== 0; } }); triggerDnsResource = resource[0]; window.cdnResource = resource; window.triggerDnsResource = resource[0]; if(resource.length !== 0 && triggerDnsResource.name.indexOf(location.host) === -1){ resource.forEach(splitResource); function splitResource(e){ if(e.decodedBodySize > 0 && e.decodedBodySize <= 5000){ size0.data.push(e); }else if(e.decodedBodySize > 5000 && e.decodedBodySize <= 50000){ size5.data.push(e); }else if(e.decodedBodySize > 50000 && e.decodedBodySize <= 100000){ size50.data.push(e); }else if(e.decodedBodySize > 100000 && e.decodedBodySize <= 200000){ size100.data.push(e); }else{ size200.data.push(e); } }; [size0, size5, size50, size100, size200].forEach(function(e){ e.data.sort(compare); }); function compare(a, b){ if(a.decodedBodySize > b.decodedBodySize){ return 1; }else if(a.decodedBodySize === b.decodedBodySize){ return 0; }else{ return -1; } }; function getMedianResource(e){ if(e.data.length === 0){ return "noresource" }else{ //return e[Math.floor(e.length / 2)] return e.data[e.data.length-1] } } window.ACTIVEDATA.data.t_3s_cdn_speed = [] var dnsTime = parseInt(triggerDnsResource.domainLookupEnd - triggerDnsResource.domainLookupStart); var tcpTime = parseInt(triggerDnsResource.connectEnd - triggerDnsResource.connectStart); [size0, size5, size50, size100, size200].forEach(function(e){ var medianResource = getMedianResource(e); if(medianResource !== "noresource"){ window.ACTIVEDATA.data.t_3s_cdn_speed.push({ //domain: cdn, host: cdn, type: e.name, dns: dnsTime, tcp: tcpTime, ttfb: parseInt(medianResource.responseStart - medianResource.requestStart), download: parseInt(medianResource.responseEnd - medianResource.responseStart), size: medianResource.decodedBodySize, resource: medianResource.name }); } }); }; } if(window.THREEUPLOAD === undefined){ window.THREEUPLOAD = {}; }else{ for(var i in window.THREEUPLOAD){ if(window.THREEUPLOAD.hasOwnProperty(i)){ if(Object.prototype.toString.call(window.THREEUPLOAD[i]) !== "[object Array]"){ continue; } window.ACTIVEDATA.data[i] = window.THREEUPLOAD[i]; window.THREEUPLOAD[i] = []; } } } //var outputData = Object.assign({},window.ACTIVEDATA); var outputData = window.ACTIVEDATA; console.log(outputData) var code = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(outputData)))); nanoajax.ajax({url: pushDataUrl, method: 'POST', body: 'code=' + code}, function (code, responseText, request) { }) window.ACTIVEDATA.data = { 't_3s_html_live':[], 't_3s_html_ajax':[] }; setTimeout(activeData, 30*1000) } } } module.exports.clickInGame = function(gameName){ var now = Date.now(); Fingerprint2.get(function(components) { var uuid = Fingerprint2.x64hash128(components.map(function (pair) { return pair.value }).join(), 31); window.GAMEDATA = { 'db': product, 'global': {}, 'data': { 't_3s_html_game': [] } }; window.GAMEDATA.global['id'] = uuid; var global = window.GAMEDATA.global; global['product'] = product; global['module'] = productModule; global['domain'] = window.location.host; global['page'] = window.location.pathname; var data = window.GAMEDATA.data; data.t_3s_html_game = [{ 'game': gameName }] gameData(); function gameData(){ window.GAMEDATA.time = now; //window.GAMEDATA.time = Date.now(); console.log(window.GAMEDATA); var code = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(window.GAMEDATA)))); nanoajax.ajax({url: pushDataUrl, method: 'POST', body: 'code=' + code}, function (code, responseText, request) { }); } }); } module.exports.clickAction = function(action){ var now = Date.now(); Fingerprint2.get(function(components) { var uuid = Fingerprint2.x64hash128(components.map(function (pair) { return pair.value }).join(), 31); window.ACTIONDATA = { 'db': product, 'global': {}, 'data': { 't_3s_html_action': [] } }; window.ACTIONDATA.global['id'] = uuid; var global = window.ACTIONDATA.global; global['product'] = product; global['module'] = productModule; global['domain'] = window.location.host; global['page'] = window.location.pathname; var data = window.ACTIONDATA.data; data.t_3s_html_action = [{ 'action': action }] actionData(); function actionData(){ window.ACTIONDATA.time = now; //window.ACTIONDATA.time = Date.now(); console.log(window.ACTIONDATA); var code = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(window.ACTIONDATA)))); nanoajax.ajax({url: pushDataUrl, method: 'POST', body: 'code=' + code}, function (code, responseText, request) { }); } }); }
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