#Apps wishlist
Official apps Apps in progress Apps wishlist
The following list is a compiled wishlist of applications that would be nice-to-have.
Edit this list to add your own favorite app, or learn to package apps yourself.
- List of awesome selfhosted apps
- List of awesome sysadmin apps
- 10er10
- Ajenti
- Autoblog
- Auth0 SSO Dashboard
- Bolt
- BoZoN
- Browsepass
- Caliopen
- Candy
- CardDavMate
- cgit
- CiviCRM
- Commafeed
- Coquelicot – package
- CumulusClips
- Darkwire.io
- Deluge (with WebUI)
- DemocracyOS
- Discourse
- Emby
- ERPnext
- Ethersheet
- Fail2web
- FileTea
- Flarum
- Fossil
- GetSimple CMS
- Git-annex
- Gitit
- GitLab
- Gollum
- Goploader
- Grav
- Guacamole
- h5ai
- Hackpad
- Headphones
- Hi Buddy
- Huginn
- Hugo
- Icecast 2
- ikiwiki
- img.bi
- Inbox
- InfCloud
- Jeedom – package
- Joomla!
- JS Bin
- Kaiwa
- Known
- Kontalk
- KrISS feed
- Kune
- Loomio
- Lufi
- MaidSafe
- Mailpile
- MatterMost
- MediaCrush
- MinigalNano
- Mirakel
- Modoboa
- Mopidy
- NetData
- Nibbleblog
- Only Office
- OS.js
- Paperwork
- pdfy
- Pelican
- Peps
- PHPList
- PHProxy
- Phraseanet
- Pico
- Pix
- Privoxy
- ProcessMaker
- Pulse
- Pump.io
- racktables
- remotestorage-server
- Respawn 2.0
- Restya
- uMap
- Scramble, Browser-based PGP web mail
- Scribbleton
- scrumblr
- ShareLatex
- Shleuder
- Simone
- Sonarr
- Streisand
- SVG-Edit
- Sympa
- Syncthing
- Taiga
- TorChat
- Torrent Tunes
- Total Respawn
- Twister
- Unvis
- Unsee
- Vaultier
- Weblate
- Webmpc
- WebODF
- webSync
- WebTorrent
- Wekan
- Wisemapping
- Xonotic
- Yacy – package
- YellowCMS
- YesWiki
- ZeroNet
- Zone-project