WARNING THIS SCRIPT IS AI GENERATED IM NOT HOLDING ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR IT i genererated this script with gpt-deepseek for the main purpose of fixing srv-io mac handling inside proxmox. Due to the original script-user documentation for it, was hard to understand and there the scripts generated random macs for me. I needed to have fix mac adresses for opnsense lan interface and this script helped me, I tested it on a server 2019 vm with vm reboot and ipconfig /release /renew included for community purposes i will leave the original proxmox forum link here just so everyone can get the idea and the starting point if they decide to do srv-io NIC passthru. https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/communication-issue-between-sriov-vm-vf-and-ct-on-pf-bridge.68638/ also will leave here the reddit post i made. https://www.reddit.com/r/Proxmox/comments/1j8nb4y/comment/mhd6rv6/?context=3 Huge shout out to jchrnic from reddit who helped me and answered my questions.