You can define nodejsscriptrc.mjs
file in your config location.
That corresponds to $.xdg.config("nodejsscript")
In linux the full location should be ~/.config/nodejsscript/nodejsscriptrc.mjs
Use nodejsscript --help
to find out the location of
the nodejsscriptrc.mjs
This script corresponds to what the .bashrc
if for bash. It is imported before
requested script.
In vresion ≥1 you can for example fallback:
/* deprecated/fallback */
globalThis.cyclicLoop= function*(items){
if(!items) items= 'win32'===process.platform ? '|/-\\' : "⠋⠙⠹⠸⠼⠴⠦⠧⠇⠏";
const { length }= items;
for(let i=0; true; i++){
if(i===length) i= 0;
yield items[i];
For shorter --eval
: {
get nosed(){ return this.stdin.text(""); },
get nojq(){ return this.stdin.json(null); },
get noawk(){ return this.stdin.lines([]); },
So, than you can:
# instead of
echo '{"a":"A"}' | nodejsscript --print '$.stdin.json().a'
# you can also use
echo '{"a":"A"}' | njs -p 'my.nojq.a'
# instead of
who | nodejsscript --print '$.stdin.text().split(/ +/)[0]'
# you can also use
who | njs -p 'my.nosed.split(/ +/)[0]'
# instead of
apt list --installed | nodejsscript --print '$.stdin.lines().filter(l=> l.indexOf("libreoffice")!==-1).length'
# you can also use
apt list --installed | njs -p 'my.noawk.filter(l=> l.indexOf("libreoffice")!==-1).length'
Note: in case you used pre-v1.0.0 non-promoted API methods
, …), use these aliases instead:
Reflect.defineProperty($, "nosed", { get(){ return this.stdin.text(""); }, });
Reflect.defineProperty($, "nojq", { get(){ return this.stdin.json(null); }, });
Reflect.defineProperty($, "noawk", { get(){ return this.stdin.lines([]); }, });
You can define your own error handler which can print the error message into the console.
/** Custom uncaughtException function */
export function uncaughtException(e){
echo("There was an error:", e);
You can specify in which kind of nodejsscript invocation you want to use your definitions:
// … my code evaluated for each nodejsscript invocation
/** Place for custom code when script starts */
export function onscript(){}
/** Place for custom code when REPL starts (`--interactive`) */
export function onrepl(){}
/** Place for custom code when eval starts (`--eval`/`--print`) */
export function oneval(){}
You can use norc
in environmental variable NODEJSSCRIPTOPTS
, for example:
# …
NODEJSSCRIPTOPTS=norc njs --eval 'console.log("Hello World!")'
The nodejsscriptrc.mjs
is not processed when called locally (npx nodejsscript