nodejsscript • Docs
nodejsscript / $ / api
A wrapper around the lukeed/sade: Smooth (CLI) Operator 🎶 package.
In addition to the origin, $.api()
supports to fill script name from script file name.
Also, you can call *.parse()
and it automatically use process.argv
or use *.parse(options: {})
with custom argv
This should be good balance between commander - npm and parsing arguments and writing help texts by hand.
For more complex scripts just create full npm package.
$.api("", true)
.describe("NodeJS Script $ test")
$.api("copy <file> <destination>", true)
.describe("copy file simpulation")
.option("--force", "Overwrite file in destination.")
.action(function(file, destination, { force }){
// copy file logic
const prog= $.api('my-cli');
.option('--global, -g', 'An example global flag')
.option('-c, --config', 'Provide path to custom config', 'foo.config.js');
.command('build <src> <dest>')
.describe('Build the source directory. Expects an `index.js` entry file.')
.option('-o, --output', 'Change the name of the output file', 'bundle.js')
.example('build src build --global --config my-conf.js')
.example('build app public -o main.js')
.action((src, dest, opts) => {
echo(`> building from ${src} to ${dest}`);
echo('> these are extra opts', opts);
• usage: string
The script name and usage ([optional]
). If no name
, then the script file name will be used.
• is_single?: boolean
See __sade