The Python Imaging Library (PIL) development has stagnated, with its last release in 2009. Luckily, there’s an actively-developed fork of PIL called Pillow. Pillow is easier to install, runs on all operating systems, and supports Python 3.
- Pillow and PIL cannot co-exist in the same environment. Before installing Pillow, please uninstall PIL.
- Pillow >= 2.0.0 supports Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
- Before installing Pillow, you’ll have to install Pillow’s prerequisites. Instructions here.
$ pip install Pillow
Linux (Debian or Ubuntu):
Make sure you have Python’s development libraries installed. In Debian or Ubuntu: $ sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-setuptools
Prerequisites are installed on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Raspian Wheezy 7.0 with: $ sudo apt-get install libtiff4-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev python-tk
$ pip install Pillow
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
#Read image
im = 'image.jpg' )
#Display image
#Applying a filter to the image
im_sharp = im.filter( ImageFilter.SHARPEN )
#Saving the filtered image to a new file 'image_sharpened.jpg', 'JPEG' )
#Splitting the image into its respective bands, i.e. Red, Green,
#and Blue for RGB
r,g,b = im_sharp.split()
#Viewing EXIF data embedded in image
exif_data = im._getexif()