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What is Dill?

Dill (Debugging Interactively in the Parsley Library) is a cross-platform, visual, reactive and interactive debugger to be used with the modern parser combinator library for Scala, Parsley.

How do I install it?

Dill is distributed as a binary executable and can be installed below according to your machine's operating system from the releases page.


The following example uses Parsley 5.0.0-M10:

import parsley.quick.*
import parsley.syntax.character.{charLift, stringLift}
import parsley.debug.combinator.*
import parsley.debug.DillRemoteView

import parsley.Parsley
import parsley.character.digit
import parsley.syntax.character.charLift
import parsley.expr.{precedence, SOps, InfixL, Atoms}

val number = digit.foldLeft1[Int](0)((n, d) => n * 10 + d.asDigit)

sealed trait Expr
    case class Add(x: Expr, y: Term) extends Expr
    case class Sub(x: Expr, y: Term) extends Expr

sealed trait Term extends Expr
    case class Mul(x: Term, y: Atom) extends Term

sealed trait Atom extends Term
    case class Number(x: Int) extends Atom
    case class Parens(x: Expr) extends Atom

lazy val expr: Parsley[Expr] = precedence {
    Atoms(, '(' ~> <~ ')') :+
    SOps(InfixL)('*' as Mul) :+
    SOps(InfixL)('+' as Add, '-' as Sub)

// Parsing "hi world!"
('h' ~> ("ello" | "i") ~> " world!").attach(DillRemoteView).parse("hi world!")

// Parsing a multiplication expression
expr.attach(DillRemoteView).parse("7 + 6 * (5 - 3)")


The parser inputs given above generate these debug trees:

Debugging "hi world!" Debugging multiplication

Bug Reports

If you encounter a bug when using Dill, try and minimise the example of the parser input that triggers the bug. If possible, make a self contained example: this will help to identify the issue without too much issue.

How does it work?

  • A RemoteView backend for parsley-debug connects to a HTTP server that is cross-platform against 9 different Scala targets
  • Cross-platform HTTP requests are implemented using the Scala library sttp
  • The parser sends a HTTP request to a running instance of the debugger
  • The debugger can render the resulting parse tree and process it independently
  • A renderer (in Tauri) handles the debug trees