- fixes critical error in userMedia feature detection (
constructor fix, fixed by @outdooricon, PR).
- fix regression bug with filereader introduced with 1.15.1
- fix regression bug in custom validators
- added postion:
polyfill (demo) - added canvas.toBlob feature as part of the
feature - improved cuechange event in performance and precision
- implemented
feature (demo) - fixed data-grouprequired bug
- improved youtube iframe lazy loading
- added
in browsers without native FormData (to be used with FormData/FileReader shim) - improved loading of xhr2/filereader feature
- update es6-shim
- improved youtube play bug on iOS and Android browsers
- added URL polyfill
- added canvas <-> mediaelement bridge (demo)
- fixed custom controls in conjunction with youtube API and iOS/Android
- fixed bug in conjunction with some AMD loading environments
- improved type="number" detection
- update picturefill polyfill
- improve input type=time formatting
- and one hidden/undocumented but awesome feature (demo) (still in alpha state)
- force all browser to use new stepUp/stepDown algorithm
- improve readyState complete detection
- don't polyfill elements with the class 'ws-nopolyfill'
- improve support for custom jQuery builds
- recheck validilty of invalid textarea using input event
- updated plugins (sizzle and ui.position)
- improved performance for IE's
- fixed several CSS issues for Android and iOS (especially input widgets sometimes not focusable on iOS5/6)
- no restart of mediaelement after video ended
- don't show main playbutton while in paused state (only on initial and ended state)
- replaced promise with es6-shim (currently most things aren't feature detected, so only promise can be used safely)
- removed dependency to Modernizr (still needed html5shiv or Modernizr to use semantic elements like section/article/main etc.), but not needed for video/audio/form and so on
- improved runtime and network performance for mediaelement flash fallback
- added track[kind="chapters"] support to mediaelement UI
- added alternate-media plugin for mediaelement implementation use as quality switch or other alternative media sources (switch video with or without sign language or switch videos with different audiotracks and so on.)
- fixed IE issue with custom styleable filechooser
- improved textTrack feature detection
- load all track sources on loadstart (use preload="none" to optimize for performance)
- add matchMedia polyfill including addListener and removeListener interface
- in case picture feature was requested, ready event of jQuery was delayed
- improved touch support
- added new language files (zh-TW and fa)
- removed box-shadows and border-radius and added new metro theme (demo)
- improved styles for custom styleable mediaelement controls
- added popinline feature for form widgets (don't confuse with inlinePicker feature (demo), which is also great.)
- added mediaelement debugger (just lunch with
) - improved selector performance
- added srt and ttml subtitle support (but you really should still use vtt!)
- improved touch support
- fixed a change event bug in input[type="range"] polyfill
- Bugfixes for new FileReader feature (including better errorhandling in case of mis-configuration)
- implement
for Smartphones (see demo) - re-implemented FileReader
- implemented XHR2 and FormData (i.e. Sending FileData and Cross-Domain-Requests)
- fixed
- improved a11y for popovers in conjunction with
- added minlength attribute to custom validators (only if minlength isn't implemented already)
- added new alias
(Only for completeness and compatibility. Use thewebshim
namespace! For example:webshim.polyfill('mediaelement');
) - renamed
- renamed
event toupdatecustomvalidity
event (webshim.refreshCustomValidityRules
method is untouched)
- added clonePolyfill + htmlPolyfill can be used as getter
- implemented pattern check for [type="email"][multiple]
- fixed datalist bug for Android
- fix wrong icon font path for IE8
- added support for jQuery UI selectmenu
- handle autocomplete/passwordmanager autofill with custom validation rules
- added picture / img[srcset] element polyfill
- added promise polyfill
- implemented input event for textarea
- fixed ajax custom validation
- improved stepUp/stepDown methods
- added thousand separator to input[type="number"]
- several runtime performance improvements
- improved responsive default mediaplayer theme
- improved touch support / added fastclick / tab to mediaplayer controls and UI form widgets
- added playlist plugin feature to mediaelement
- added custom styleable controls to mediaelement feature
webshims.setOptions('mediaelement', {replaceUI: true});
- runtime performance improvements for several input widgets
- added enhancement/mobile strategy flag
- improved datalist/list widget
- new documentation (thx to @mreinstein)
- several small bugfixes
- improve track stlyes
- fixed removeAttr 'disabled' for fieldset[disabled] elements (fix by @outdooricon)
- Enable attribute placeholders for custom error elements in Instant Form Validation
- fix CSS bugs for IE8 in datepicker and range
- compile Jarisplayer as Flash 10.x (fix youtube advertisement bug https://code.google.com/p/gdata-issues/issues/detail?id=5911)
- fixed grouped instant validation
- improved intelligent calculation of basePath (now works with async loaded and renamed polyfiller, too)
- fixed regression in IE8 on input type date prev/next buttons (aFarkas#340)
- added tooFixed option for input type=number (a good base for a currency input demo)
- added predefined styling configurations for mutliple widgets (range, date)
- added yearSelect/monthSelect [and daySelect] option to type=month/date pickers (month)
- added noInlineValue to list/datalist (demo)
- improved descriptive errormessage markup
- trigger invalid event on form element itself (only in polyfilled browsers)
- new stepbase calculation using defaultValue if min isn't applied (only in polyfilled browsers)
- new dir structure for bower (:root/js-webshim is the new folder for build js. :root/demos/js-webshim will be removed with next realease)
- all locale js files are fetched using XHR (use setOptions('ajax', {crossDomain: true}) to disable)
- transfer JS options for many pickers to CSS (i.e.: showWeek: true -> .input-picker .ws-week {display: table-cell})
- fixed fieldset:disabled implementation demo
- improved styles for type=range, datalist and progress element
- most widgets are em scalable (base font is 13px)
- fixed data-errormessage attribute
- added grunt task to optimize polyfiller.js (-> grunt-tasks/optimize-polyfiller.js)
- update flashcanvas fixes a security issue (with php)
- a11y improvements
- improved support for video width=auto/height=auto in combination with min-/max- / width/height
- full support for jQuery mobile 1.3+
- update es5-shim v.2.1.0
- update Modernizr 2.7.1
- youtube qualitity settings for Flash and iframe API (using
parameter on src (/vq=(small|medium|large|hd720|hd1080|highres)/i) - updated dutch language file (thx to @espaan)
- a lot of undocumented option tweaks
- implemented/polyfilled setSelectionRange/selectionStart/selectionEnd
- added fieldset[disabled]/:disabled support (buggy, will be fixed with next release)
- fixed regression error for time picker (i.e: t.time is undefined)
- added full support for form reset
- allow partial UI replacement (replaceUI can take an object instead of a boolean)
- fix change/input event in capable browsers on type="range" (fixRangeChange option)
- added czech and br language
- added support for fieldset:invalid (but not polyfilled in capable browsers without support i.e.: Chrome)
- split form-shims into two files (improves network performance for iOS/Safari7)
- added getTrackById and onchange event to TrackList Object
- improved stepUp/stepDown method
- added touch support to input[type="range"]
- fixed time picker
- added support for defaultValue to all input widgets
- implemented seeking, seeked events, seeking property for mediaelements
- implemented muted content attribute/defaultMuted property for mediaelements (muted porperty was supported from beginning of course)
- improved form validators
- implemented remote form validation
- fixed meridian parsing for datetime-local
- allow URI Fragments as source for mediaelements
- implemented input[type="datetime-local"]
- implmented picker for input[type="time"]
- implemented validityState.badInput
- all input widget popover can be displayed inline
- improved positioning support of popover (datalist, datepicker etc.) (if jQuery UI position utility is detected)
- re-added width: auto/height: auto support for mediaelement flash fallback demo
- added media attribute support for mediaelement flash fallback
- updated regular expression for type="email"
- optional IDN support for type="email" for polyfilled browsers (punycode has to be included)
- fixed regression introduced in 1.10.8 with input[type="month"] see Issue #258
- improved input event for input widgets (date, time, number)
- added en-AU locale (thx to @tomascassidy)
- Browserify compatibility (thx to @joeybaker)
- improved mediaelement error- and flashblock handling
- added mediaelement width/height content attribute support (deprecated, but used too much in the wild)
- use polyfilled input widgets in old Android stock browser (there are simply too much small bugs)
- tested jQuery 1.10.1 and 2.0.2 compatibility
- fixed several localization date formatting issues
- much improved french localization (thx to @jls2933)
- fixed regression from 1.10.5 (selectedOption not implemented in all browsers)
- added Lithuanian (lt-LT) translations (thx @Gamesh)
- small style tweaks for input[type="color"] demo
- input[type="color"]
- Instant Form Validation helper (enhances the HTML5 UI for much better UX) demo
- FileReader API
- improved range UI styleability
- lazy load mostly everything (performance)
- override IE10's type="number" UI
- improved styleability of input[type="range"]
- improved loading of mediaelement/track support
- improved performance for dynamic content (i.e.: updatePolyfill)
- optional override of IE10's placeholder
- new fix for placeholder orientationchange bug on Safari iOS
- tested support for jQuery 2.0.0
- fixed invisible native audio controls in IE9 in case of preload="none"
- improved datepicker type="date"/type="number"
- fixed flash encoding vars for special charakters in video path
- check initially invalid inputs in Firefox
- removed unused packages (jQuery UI, swfobject, jwplayer)