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(S (NP (NP The economy 's NP) temperature NP) (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several UNK-LC points NP) PP) (NP this week NP) , (PP with (NP (NP readings NP) (PP on (NP (NP trade NP) , (NP output NP) , (NP housing NP) and (NP inflation NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome ADJP) report NP) (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit NP) (ADJP due (ADVP out ADVP) (NP tomorrow NP) ADJP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The trade gap NP) (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion QP) NP) PP) (PP from (NP (NP July 's NP) (QP $ 7.6 billion QP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey NP) (PP by (NP (NP MMS International NP) , (NP (NP a unit NP) (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. NP) , (NP New York NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's NP) report NP) (PP on (NP the September consumer price index NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise , (SBAR although (ADVP (ADVP not as sharply ADVP) (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % ADJP) gain NP) (VP reported (NP Friday NP) (PP in (NP the producer price index NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) ADVP) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP That gain NP) (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason NP) (SBAR (S (NP the stock market NP) (VP was (ADVP down ADVP) (ADVP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's NP) session NP) PP) ADVP) , (SBAR before (S (NP it NP) (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge NP) PP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Economists NP) (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much WHADVP) manufacturing strength WHNP) (S (NP they NP) (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP (NP (NP September reports NP) (PP on (NP (NP industrial production NP) and (NP capacity utilization NP) NP) PP) NP) , (ADJP (ADVP also ADVP) due (NP tomorrow NP) ADJP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) PP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Meanwhile ADVP) , (NP (NP September housing starts NP) , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday NP) ADJP) , NP) (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward ADVP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV (S `` (NP There NP) (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility NP) (PP of (NP (NP a surprise NP) '' (PP in (NP the trade report NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , (VP said VP) (NP (NP Michael Englund NP) , (NP (NP director NP) (PP of (NP research NP) PP) (PP at (NP MMS NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (S (NP (NP A widening NP) (PP of (NP the deficit NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR if (S (NP it NP) (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong ADJP) dollar NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (VP would (VP UNK-LC (NP trade problems NP) VP) VP) -- S) but (S (NP the dollar NP) (VP weakened (NP Friday NP) (SBAR as (S (NP stocks NP) (VP plummeted VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . S)
(S (PP In (NP any event NP) PP) , (NP (NP Mr. Englund NP) and (NP many others NP) NP) (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains NP) (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap NP) VP) S) PP) NP) (VP have (ADVP already ADVP) (VP been (VP made VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP Trade NP) (VP is (ADVP definitely ADVP) (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive ADJP) (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven QP) months NP) PP) (SBAR as (S (NP improvement NP) (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Exports NP) (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August NP) PP) ADVP) , but (ADVP (ADVP probably ADVP) not enough (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump NP) (PP in (NP imports NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) ADVP) ADVP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) , (NP economists NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (PP on (NP manufacturing strength NP) PP) NP) (VP are (ADJP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's NP) low level NP) (PP of (NP factory job growth NP) PP) NP) (PP as (NP (NP a sign NP) (PP of (NP a slowdown NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) and (NP (NP those NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting ADJP) total employment figures NP) (PP in (NP their calculations NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP The wide range NP) (PP of (NP (NP estimates NP) (PP for (NP the industrial output number NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP underscores (NP the differences NP) VP) S) : (S (NP The forecasts NP) (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop NP) (PP of (NP 0.5 % NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP to (NP (NP an increase NP) (PP of (NP 0.4 % NP) PP) NP) PP) , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS NP) PP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP A rebound NP) (PP in (NP energy prices NP) PP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up PRT) (NP the producer price index NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same NP) (PP in (NP the consumer price report NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The consensus view NP) (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % ADJP) increase NP) (PP in (NP the September CPI NP) PP) NP) (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading NP) (PP in (NP August NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross NP) , (NP (NP an economist NP) (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's NP) Bank NP) (PP in (NP New York NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those NP) (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate ADJP) gain NP) (PP in (NP the CPI NP) PP) (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices NP) (PP at (NP the producer level NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) NP) VP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices NP) (VP had (NP a big effect NP) (PP in (NP the PPI NP) PP) VP) S) , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level NP) PP) (NP they NP) (VP wo n't VP) S) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(SINV (S (S (NP Food prices NP) (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged ADJP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP energy costs NP) (VP jumped (NP (NP as much as 4 NP) % NP) VP) S) S) , (VP said VP) (NP (NP Gary UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP economist NP) (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (NP He NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation NP) , '' (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP was (ADJP strong ADJP) (NP last month NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP expects (NP (NP a gain NP) (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 QP) % NP) PP) (PP in (NP core inflation NP) PP) (PP after (NP (NP a summer NP) (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller ADJP) increases NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Housing starts NP) (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (NP a bit NP) (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's NP) annual pace NP) (PP of (NP UNK-NUM units NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Economists NP) (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound NP) (PP in (NP (NP permits NP) (PP for (NP multifamily units NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase NP) (PP in (NP September starts NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR though (S (NP activity NP) (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest ADJP) VP) (PP by (NP historical standards NP) PP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(NP UNK-CAPS-y Street NP)
(SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the UNK-LC-y UNK-LC-ing law NP) (VP 's (ADJP fair ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) , (SBARQ (WHADVP Why WHADVP) (SQ should (NP we NP) not (ADVP then ADVP) (VP amend (NP the UNK-LC NP) (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees NP) (VP give (NP Similar notice NP) (SBAR before (S (NP they NP) (VP quit VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) SQ) SBARQ) ? SBARQ)
(SQ (SBAR (WHNP When WHNP) (S (NP research projects NP) (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , are (NP we NP) (VP `` caught (SBAR with (S (NP our grants NP) (ADVP down ADVP) S) SBAR) '' VP) ? SQ)
(NP -- UNK-CAPS Friedman . NP)
(S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market NP) (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again ADVP) VP) and (VP (ADVP completely ADVP) UNK-LC (NP (NP yuppies NP) and (NP trading rooms NP) NP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , (NP American television audiences NP) (PP in (NP a few months NP) PP) (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's NP) concept NP) (PP of (NP both NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP `` Capital City '' NP) (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP here NP) (ADVP (NP three weeks NP) ago ADVP) (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype NP) (PP by (NP (NP its producer NP) , (NP UNK-CAPS-s Television NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The early episodes NP) (VP make (S (NP you NP) (VP long (PP for (NP (NP a UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP (NP the crash NP) (PP of (NP 1987 NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (VP Let (S (NP 's NP) (VP make (S (NP that NP) (NP 1929 NP) S) , (S (ADVP just ADVP) (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure ADJP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's NP) publicity prospectus NP) PP) PP) , (NP `` (NP Capital City NP) , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP a UNK-LC-al UNK-LC-ed securities firm NP) (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million QP) ADJP) capital NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) , NP) `` (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes NP) (PP of (NP (NP a UNK-LC team NP) (PP of (NP (NP young , UNK-LC-ing dealers NP) , (VP hired (PP for (NP (NP their particular UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP (NP style NP) , (NP genius NP) and (NP energy NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(SINV But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour NP) (PP of (NP high finance NP) PP) NP) PP) (VP come VP) (NP (NP the UNK-LC pressures (S (VP to (VP do (ADVP well ADVP) VP) VP) S) NP) ; (NP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off PRT) (NP another million NP) (PP before (NP lunch NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) ; (NP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market NP) (PP by (NP (NP a fraction NP) (PP of (NP a second NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) NP) ... '' SINV)
(S (NP You NP) (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer NP) (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus NP) (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less NP) (PP than (NP full disclosure NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The (ADJP UNK-LC-ly produced ADJP) series NP) (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's NP) financial UNK-LC NP) PP) (PP as (ADJP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail NP) PP) ADJP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP its major weakness NP) (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic UNK-LC-ion NP) (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' NP) (ADJP (ADJP professional ADJP) and (ADJP private ADJP) ADJP) lives NP) PP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (VP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ed (ADVP loose ADVP) (PP in (NP (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS 's NP) trading room NP) PP) VP) S) , (NP the yuppie dealers NP) (VP do (NP (NP little NP) (ADJP right ADJP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP (NP the money NP) (VP lost VP) NP) and (NP (NP mistakes NP) (VP made VP) NP) NP) (PP in (NP the early episodes NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) , (NP (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS 's NP) capital NP) (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about ADVP) exhausted ADJP) (PP by (NP the final 13th week NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP the opening episode NP) PP) (NP we NP) (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle NP) , (NP a junior bond trader NP) , NP) (VP has (ADVP indeed ADVP) (VP pulled (PRT off PRT) (NP another million NP) (PP before (NP lunch NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Trouble NP) (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she NP) (VP has (VP lost (NP it NP) (ADVP just as quickly ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR (PP Rather PP) than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss NP) (NP (NP a secret NP) (PP from (NP the outside world NP) PP) NP) S) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP Michelle NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (PP about (NP it NP) PP) (PP to (NP a sandwich man NP) PP) (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch NP) (PP over (NP the phone NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(FRAG (NP Little chance (SBAR that (S (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) . FRAG)
(S (NP Traders NP) (VP spend (NP the morning NP) (S (VP (ADVP frantically ADVP) selling (NP bonds NP) VP) S) , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures NP) (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy ADJP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The trade figures NP) (VP turn (PRT out PRT) (ADVP well ADVP) VP) S) , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded ADJP) bonds NP) (VP spurt (PP in (NP price NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(X (NP So much NP) (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market NP) (PP by (NP (NP a fraction NP) (PP of (NP a second NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) PP) . X)
(S And (NP (NP a large slice NP) (PP of (NP the first episode NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless ADJP) Japanese bonds NP) PP) ADJP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) (PRN -LRB- (SBARQ (WHPP since (WHADVP when WHADVP) WHPP) (SQ is (NP (NP anything NP) (ADJP Japanese ADJP) NP) (ADJP nearly worthless ADJP) (ADVP nowadays ADVP) SQ) SBARQ) ? -RRB- PRN) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ly ADVP) , (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) (VP survives (NP the week NP) , (S (ADVP only ADVP) (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive NP) (VP (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) bumble (NP his way NP) (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target NP) (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation NP) PP) NP) VP) S) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks NP) (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's NP) reputation NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) PP) , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's NP) internal rivals NP) , (VP led (PP by (NP a UNK-LC American NP) PP) VP) , NP) (VP demand (NP his resignation NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The plot NP) (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's NP) major stockholder NP) , (NP (NP UNK-LC farming NP) (PP on (NP (NP the other side NP) (PP of (NP the globe NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (NP home NP) (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the investigation NP) (VP continues VP) . S)
(S (SBAR If (S (NP you NP) (VP can (VP swallow (NP the UNK-LC (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards NP) (PP for (NP such ineptitude NP) PP) NP) (VP are (NP six-figure salaries NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP you NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled ADJP) S) VP) , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few NP) (PP of (NP the yuppies NP) PP) NP) (VP consume (ADVP very UNK-LC-ly ADVP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP fact NP) PP) , (NP few NP) (VP consume (NP (NP much NP) (PP of (NP anything NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Two NP) (VP share (NP (NP a house NP) (ADJP almost UNK-LC (PP of (NP furniture NP) PP) ADJP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Michelle NP) (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room NP) PP) VP) S) , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she NP) (VP drives (NP a UNK-LC-ed UNK-CAPS NP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP she NP) (VP has n't (NP (NP time NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) ; (S (NP the (ADJP UNK-LC ADJP) vehicle NP) (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP (ADVP only ADVP) with (NP (NP a huge pair NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) PP) (SBAR because (S (NP the UNK-LC-ion key NP) (VP has (VP broken (PRT off PRT) (PP in (NP the lock NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S And (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP takes (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP the UNK-LC-y ladies ' man NP) (PP of (NP the cast NP) PP) NP) , NP) (PP until (NP the third episode NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base NP) PP) (PP with (NP (NP any NP) (PP of (NP his prey NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Perhaps ADVP) (NP (NP the explanation NP) (PP for (NP these UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP UNK-LC Britain NP) (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms NP) (PP with (NP (NP the wealth NP) (VP created (PP by (NP the (ADJP UNK-CAPS ADJP) UNK-LC regime NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP After (NP all NP) PP) , (NP this NP) (VP is n't (NP (NP old money NP) , but (NP new money NP) , and (PP in (NP many cases NP) PP) , (NP (NP young money NP) NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP This attitude NP) (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly ADVP) illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment NP) (PP of (NP (NP Max NP) , (NP (NP the trading room 's NP) (ADJP most flamboyant ADJP) character NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP UNK-INITC-ly enough ADVP) , (NP he NP) (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP UNK-LC-ly furnished ADJP) converted church NP) PP) VP) , (VP wears (NP designer clothes NP) VP) and (VP drives (NP an antique car NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (S (ADVP apparently ADVP) (VP to (VP make (NP him NP) (ADJP (ADJP UNK-LC ADJP) , (ADJP even lovable ADJP) , (PP to (NP the masses NP) PP) ADJP) VP) VP) S) , (NP the script NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (NP UNK-LC-ed Max NP) (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius NP) , (NP (NP master NP) (PP of (NP 11 Chinese UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP takes (NP his wash NP) (PP to (NP (NP the UNK-LC NP) , (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP he NP) (VP meets (NP (NP a UNK-LC-y French girl NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP (VP UNK-LC-s (NP him NP) (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home NP) (PP for (NP her pet UNK-LC NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) and (VP (ADVP then ADVP) (VP (ADVP promptly ADVP) UNK-LC-s (NP his car NP) VP) and (VP UNK-LC-s (NP it NP) (PP in (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City NP) VP) S) PP) , '' (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP has (VP spent (NP (NP about as much NP) (SBAR as (S (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The production costs NP) (VP (VP are (NP (NP a (ADJP not UNK-LC ADJP) (QP # 8 million QP) NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million QP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) VP) , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP (NP much NP) higher ADJP) (SBAR (SINV had not (NP (NP the cost NP) (PP of (NP the trading floor set NP) PP) NP) (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget NP) (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers NP) , '' (NP an earlier UNK movie NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) SINV) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Another (QP half million QP) UNK-LC NP) (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a UNK-LC-y NP) (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements NP) (PP in (NP six major British newspapers NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters NP) (PP in (NP the London subway NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP These expenses NP) (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive NP) (SBAR for (S (NP (NP `` Capital City 's NP) '' (NX producers NX) NP) (VP to (VP UNK-LC (NP (NP it NP) , or (NP (NP a UNK-CAPS-ed version NP) (PP of (NP it NP) PP) NP) , NP) (PP in (NP America NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP UNK-INITC-s 's NP) U.S. marketing agent NP) , (NP Donald UNK-CAPS-er NP) , NP) (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP is (ADJP UNK-LC-ly hopeful ADJP) , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series NP) (PRN -- (NP `` (S (NP Three NP) (VP 's (NP Company NP) VP) S) NP) , '' (NP `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort NP) PP) ADJP) NP) '' and (NP `` (S (VP UNK-CAPS (NP It NP) (PRT Out PRT) VP) S) '' NP) -- PRN) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP had (NP British UNK-LC-s NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP (ADVP Perhaps ADVP) without (S (VP realizing (NP it NP) VP) S) PP) , (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS-er NP) (ADVP simultaneously ADVP) (VP has (VP put (NP his finger NP) (PP on (NP (NP (NP the problem NP) and (NP an ideal solution NP) NP) : (S (NP `` Capital City '' NP) (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy NP) , (NP (NP a worthy sequel NP) (PP to (NP (NP the UNK-LC British `` UNK-CAPS-y On '' movies NP) (PP of (NP the 1960s NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The seeds NP) (ADJP already ADJP) (VP are (PP in (NP the script NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The first episode NP) (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP UNK-LC-ly UNK-LC ADJP) scene NP) (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which WHNP) WHPP) (S (NP the UNK-LC crew NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP (NP a baby NP) , (NP (NP the casualty NP) (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage NP) (PP at (NP the firm NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S And (NP (NP many NP) (PP in (NP the young cast NP) PP) NP) (VP bear (NP striking UNK-LC-s NP) (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities NP) (VP known (PP for (NP light roles NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP UNK-INITC UNK-CAPS NP) (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor NP) PP) VP) S) ; (S (S (NP (NP William Armstrong NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP plays (NP Max NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP Hans UNK-CAPS NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , and (S (NP (NP Douglas UNK-CAPS NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP UNK-CAPS NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) (PP for (NP James UNK-CAPS NP) PP) S) S) ; (S (S (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) (VP is (NP a UNK-LC Tommy UNK-CAPS NP) VP) S) and (S (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS-ly NP) (VP could (VP (ADVP easily ADVP) double (PP for (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Hall NP) , (NP (NP the UNK-LC-ed foil NP) (PP of (NP the UNK-CAPS-y Boys comedies NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) S) . S)
(S (S (ADVP So ADVP) , (INTJ OK INTJ) (NP kids NP) , (NP everybody NP) (VP (PP on (NP stage NP) PP) (PP for `` (S (VP UNK-CAPS-y (PRT On PRT) (S (VP Trading VP) S) VP) S) '' PP) VP) S) : (S (NP The cast NP) (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically ADVP) searching (NP the office NP) (PP for (NP (NP UNK-LC-ed Japanese bonds NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (ADVP suddenly ADVP) (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value NP) PP) (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank NP) (VP has (ADVP just ADVP) (VP bought (NP the White House NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP The pressure NP) (VP is (NP too much NP) (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP UNK-LC-s , (S (VP covering (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Hall 's NP) face NP) (PP with (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S And (NP all the while NP) , (NP the bonds NP) (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's NP) UNK-LC-er NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP should (VP run (ADVP forever ADVP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent NP) (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's NP) London bureau NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances NP) (PP of (NP France NP) PP) NP) (VP gave (NP (NP details NP) (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans NP) (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion QP) ADJP) acquisition NP) (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings NP) (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators NP) (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states NP) (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP Farmers NP) (VP operates VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The proposed acquisition NP) (VP is (NP (NP part NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's NP) unfriendly takeover attempt NP) (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC NP) , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP is (NP (NP parent NP) (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based ADJP) Farmers NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' NP) concern NP) (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition NP) (PP of (NP Farmers NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) , (NP Sir James NP) (PP in (NP August NP) PP) (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers NP) (PP to (NP Axa NP) PP) (SBAR if (S (NP he NP) (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T NP) VP) S) PP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP As (NP (NP part NP) (PP of (NP the agreement NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP Axa NP) (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion QP) NP) (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. NP) , (NP (NP Sir James 's NP) acquisition vehicle NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion QP) NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake NP) PP) (PP by (NP Axa NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , (S (NP (NP (QP about $ 1 billion QP) NP) NP) (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Axa 's NP) parent NP) , (NP Axa-Midi Group NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , (S (NP (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion QP) NP) NP) (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form NP) (PP of (NP (NP notes NP) (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , and (S (NP (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion QP) NP) NP) (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans NP) PP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (PP In (NP an interview NP) PP) (NP Thursday NP) , (NP (NP Claude Bebear NP) , (NP (NP (NP chairman NP) and (NP chief executive officer NP) NP) (PP of (NP Axa NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group NP) (VP has (ADVP already ADVP) (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances NP) (PP from (NP (NP a group NP) (PP of (NP (NP banks NP) (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) (SBAR that (S (NP they NP) (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion NP) (PP of (NP the financing NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies NP) (PP in (NP the group NP) PP) NP) (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais NP) , (NP Societe Generale NP) , (NP BankAmerica Corp. NP) and (NP Citicorp NP) NP) VP) S) , (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. Bebear NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group NP) (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP non-strategic assets NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP we NP) (VP can and will (VP sell '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off PRT) (NP (NP debt NP) (PP from (NP the acquisition NP) PP) NP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` UNK-LC '' assets NP) , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company NP) and (NP a real estate firm NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces NP) (PP of (NP Farmers NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP We NP) (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden NP) (PP on (NP Farmers NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP The amended filings NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP point (PRT out PRT) (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement NP) PP) , (NP Hoylake NP) (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers NP) (PP to (NP Axa NP) PP) (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition NP) (PP of (NP B.A.T NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP We NP) (VP hope (SBAR that (S (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (NP we NP) (VP did VP) S) SBAR) PP) , (NP the regulators NP) (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) , and (S (NP they NP) (VP can (ADVP directly ADVP) (VP look (PP at (NP the agreement NP) PP) (PP with (NP us NP) PP) , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake NP) (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner NP) (PP of (NP Farmers NP) PP) NP) (PP at (NP anytime NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) S) SBAR) VP) S) , '' (NP Mr. Bebear NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Any change NP) (PP of (NP control NP) PP) (PP in (NP Farmers NP) PP) NP) (VP needs (NP (NP approval NP) (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners NP) (PP in (NP (NP the nine states NP) (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP (NP Farmers NP) and (NP its related companies NP) NP) (VP are (VP incorporated VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The amended filings NP) (VP were (VP required (UCP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement NP) (PP between (NP (NP Axa NP) and (NP Hoylake NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , and (S (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP Sir James NP) (VP received (NP last month NP) (PP under (NP British takeover rules NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) UCP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Hoylake NP) (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion QP) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ UNK-NUM billion QP) ADJP) (PRN -RRB- PRN) PRN) ADJP) takeover bid NP) (SBAR after (S (NP it NP) (VP received (NP the extension NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid NP) (SBAR if and (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP (NP the UNK-LC-ed sale NP) (PP of (NP Farmers NP) PP) (PP to (NP Axa NP) PP) NP) (VP receives (NP regulatory approval NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP A spokesman NP) (PP for (NP B.A.T NP) PP) NP) (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings NP) PP) (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It NP) (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing NP) (ADJP substantive ADJP) NP) (VP has (VP changed VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The new financing structure NP) (VP is (ADVP still ADVP) (NP a (ADJP UNK-LC-ly leveraged ADJP) one NP) VP) S) , and (S (NP Axa NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out PRT) (NP (NP 75 % NP) (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' NP) earnings NP) PP) NP) (PP as (NP dividends NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) S) . '' S)
(S (S (NP That dividend NP) (VP is (NP (QP almost double QP) (NP (NP the 35 % NP) (VP (ADVP currently ADVP) taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers NP) PP) PP) (PP by (NP B.A.T NP) PP) VP) NP) NP) VP) S) , (NP the spokesman NP) (VP added VP) . S)
(S `` (NP It NP) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications NP) (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' NP) policy holders NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . '' S)
(S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off PRT) (NP (NP Sir James 's NP) advances NP) VP) VP) S) , (NP B.A.T NP) (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP would (VP UNK-LC (NP it NP) (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-al sales NP) (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. NP) PP) NP) (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market NP) (ADVP down ADVP) (PP below (NP year-ago levels NP) PP) (PP in (NP (NP early October NP) , (NP (NP the first sales period NP) (PP of (NP the 1990 model year NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers NP) (VP (VP sold (NP (NP UNK-NUM (ADJP North American-made ADJP) cars NP) NP) (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days NP) (PP of (NP October NP) PP) NP) PP) , VP) (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % ADJP) drop NP) (PP from (ADVP (NP a year NP) earlier ADVP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (ADJP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ly built ADJP) truck sales NP) (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % NP) (PP to (NP UNK-NUM (NX (NX UNK-LC-s NX) , (NX vans NX) and (NX sport utility vehicles NX) NX) NP) PP) ADVP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The heavy use NP) (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out PRT) (NP 1989 models NP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) NP) (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam NP) , (ADVP (ADVP at least ADVP) initially ADVP) , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP began (ADVP officially ADVP) (NP Oct. 1 NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP This NP) (VP appears (ADJP particularly true ADJP) (PP at (NP (NP GM NP) , (NP (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales NP) (PP in (NP August and September NP) PP) VP) but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results NP) (VP fall (NP 26.3 % NP) (PP from (NP (NP last year 's NP) (ADJP unusually high ADJP) level NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Overall ADVP) , (NP (NP sales NP) (PP of (NP all UNK-LC vehicles NP) PP) NP) (VP fell (NP 11.9 % NP) (PP from (ADVP (NP a year NP) ago ADVP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Without (NP GM NP) PP) , (NP (NP overall sales NP) (PP for (NP the other U.S. UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP Some NP) (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers NP) PP) NP) (VP have (ADVP already ADVP) (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives NP) (PP on (NP many 1990 models NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP they NP) (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) (S (VP to (VP keep (S (NP sales NP) (ADVP up ADVP) S) VP) VP) S) S) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP We NP) (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition NP) (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) , (S (PP without (NP incentives NP) PP) , (NP it NP) (VP 's (NP a tough market NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) , '' (VP said VP) (NP (NP Tom Kelly NP) , (NP (NP sales manager NP) (PP for (NP (NP Bill UNK-CAPS Chevrolet NP) (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn NP) , (NP Mich NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (NP Car sales NP) (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted ADJP) annual selling rate NP) (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million QP) vehicles NP) PP) NP) , (NP (NP the lowest NP) (PP since (NP October 1987 NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The poor performance NP) (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate NP) (PP of (NP (QP almost eight QP) million NP) PP) (NP last month NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Furthermore ADVP) , (NP (NP dealers NP) (VP contacted (NP late last week NP) VP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact NP) (PP on (NP sales NP) PP) (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's NP) steep market decline NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP GM 's NP) domestic car sales NP) (VP dropped (NP UNK-NUM % NP) VP) S) and (S (NP its domestic trucks NP) (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper ADJP) 28.7 % NP) (PP from (NP (NP the same period NP) (ADVP (NP a year NP) ago ADVP) NP) PP) ADVP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP All NP) (PP of (NP the GM divisions NP) PP) (PP except (NP Cadillac NP) PP) NP) (VP showed (NP big declines NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Cadillac NP) (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % ADJP) increase NP) (PP despite (NP (NP new competition NP) (PP from (NP (NP Lexus NP) , (NP (NP the UNK-LC-ing luxury-car division NP) (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Lexus sales NP) (VP were n't (ADJP available ADJP) VP) S) ; (S (S (NP the cars NP) (VP are (VP imported VP) VP) S) and (S (NP Toyota NP) (VP reports (NP their sales NP) (PP (ADVP only ADVP) at (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) VP) S) S) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP The sales drop NP) (PP for (NP the (NP (NP No. 1 NP) car maker NP) NP) PP) NP) (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part NP) PP) (PP by (NP (NP the end NP) (PP in (NP September NP) PP) (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP GM NP) (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition NP) (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates NP) and (NP low-interest financing NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) VP) S) , (NP a company spokesman NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP Last year NP) , (NP GM NP) (VP had (NP (NP a different program NP) NP) (PP in (NP place NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers NP) VP) S) (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models NP) (VP had (VP been (VP sold VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM NP) PP) ADVP) , (NP other car makers NP) (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed ADJP) results NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Ford Motor Co. NP) (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % ADJP) drop NP) (PP in (NP domestic car sales NP) PP) NP) but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % ADJP) increase NP) (PP in (NP domestic truck sales NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Chrysler Corp. NP) (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % ADJP) drop NP) (PP in (NP car sales NP) PP) NP) , (S (VP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow ADJP) performance NP) (NP all year NP) NP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP However ADVP) , (NP (NP (NP sales NP) (PP of (NP trucks NP) PP) NP) , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's NP) popular minivans NP) PP) , NP) (VP rose (NP 4.3 % NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's NP) sales NP) (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built ADJP) vehicles NP) PP) NP) (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % NP) (PP from (ADVP (NP a year NP) earlier ADVP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's NP) plant NP) (PP in (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP Ohio NP) , NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up PRT) (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) , S) (NP a Honda spokesman NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP We NP) (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything NP) (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal ADJP) PP) ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP added VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Separately ADVP) , (NP Chrysler NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices NP) (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars NX) and (NX minivans NX) NX) NP) PP) NP) (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average NP) (PP of (NP (NP 5 % NP) (PP over (NP (ADJP UNK-LC-ly equipped ADJP) 1989 models NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Firm prices NP) (VP were (ADVP generally ADVP) (PP in (NP (NP line NP) (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices NP) (VP announced (NP earlier this fall NP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP At (NP that time NP) PP) , (NP Chrysler NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % QP) NP) (PP on (NP most vehicle NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (LST a LST) - (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales NP) (VP reported (PP in (NP period NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) . S)
(FRAG (LST c LST) - (NP Domestic car NP) FRAG)
(S (NP d NP) - (NP Percentage change NP) (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater ADJP) (PP than (NP 999 % NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP x NP) - (NP There NP) (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling days NP) (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent ADJP) period NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP 8 NP) (ADVP (NP a year NP) earlier ADVP) NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Percentage differences NP) (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate NP) (CONJP rather than CONJP) (NP sales volume NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Antonio L. UNK-CAPS NP) , (ADJP (NP 66 years NP) old ADJP) , NP) (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president NP) and (NP chief executive officer NP) NP) (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary NP) PP) NP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant NP) (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's NP) UNK-LC-ion operations NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. UNK-CAPS NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC NP) (VP makes and repairs (NP jet engines NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP has (NP (NP interests NP) (PP in (NP (NP military electronics NP) and (NP (NP UNK-LC-s NP) NP) , (NP marine transportation NP) and (NP (NP machinery NP) (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans NP) VP) VP) S) VP) NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP was n't (ADVP (ADVP so long ADVP) ago ADVP) (SBAR (WHADVP that WHADVP) (S (NP (NP a radio network NP) (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress NP) PP) (PRN -- and (ADVP originally ADVP) (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency NP) PP) -- PRN) VP) NP) (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials NP) (ADVP here ADVP) NP) PP) (PP of (S (VP employing (NP (NP UNK-LC-s NP) , (NP UNK-LC-s NP) and (NP spies NP) NP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Now ADVP) , (NP the network NP) (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau NP) (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Employees NP) (VP (VP held (NP an open house NP) (S (VP to (VP celebrate VP) VP) S) VP) and (ADVP even ADVP) (VP hung (PRT out PRT) (NP (NP a sign NP) : `` (NP UNK-CAPS Europa Radio NP) '' (PRN -- (NP Radio Free Europe NP) PRN) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP I NP) (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this NP) (VP is (NP (NP a victory NP) (PP for (NP the radio NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP UNK-CAPS-s de UNK-CAPS-y NP) , (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NAC Munich , West Germany , NAC) headquarters NP) PP) (PP as (NP (NP deputy director NP) (PP of (NP the Hungarian service NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) . SINV)
(S (PP In (NP fact NP) PP) , (NP the network NP) (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up PRT) (NP offices NP) (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw NP) and (NP (NP anywhere else NP) (PP in (NP the East Bloc NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP will (VP have (NP it NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S But (NP (NP the rapid changes NP) (VP brought (PRT on PRT) (PP by (NP (NP glasnost NP) and (NP open borders NP) NP) PP) VP) NP) (VP are (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP (NP the network 's NP) life NP) (PP in (NP (NP more ways NP) (PP than (NP one NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP fact NP) PP) , (NP Radio Free Europe NP) (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger NP) (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success NP) PP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR While (S (NP the network NP) (ADVP currently ADVP) (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely ADVP) (PP in (NP Budapest NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (ADVP so ADVP) can (NP others NP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP addition NP) PP) , (NP (NP competition NP) (PP for (NP listeners NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher ADJP) (PP in (NP many ways NP) PP) (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (S (VP broadcasting (ADVP here ADVP) VP) S) (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly ADVP) controlled VP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) ADJP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) PP) , (NP Radio Free Europe NP) (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs NP) (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame ADJP) , (ADJP even boring ADJP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP They NP) (VP have (NP (NP a lot NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Andrew UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP a UNK-LC student NP) (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University NP) (PP in (NP Budapest NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters NP) (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed ADJP) and (ADJP more critical (PP about about (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on PRT) (ADVP here ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) ADJP) ADJP) VP) . '' S)
(S (ADVP Indeed ADVP) , (NP Hungary NP) (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst NP) (PP of (NP a media explosion NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Boys NP) (PP on (NP busy street corners NP) PP) NP) (VP UNK-LC (NP (NP newspapers NP) (PP of (NP every political UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array NP) (PP of (NP magazines NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Radio and television NP) (VP are (VP getting (ADJP UNK-LC-er and UNK-LC-er ADJP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. NP) and (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's NP) (NX (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (PP of (NP America NP) PP) NX) NP) NP) (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves NP) PP) , (ADVP though ADVP) (NP (NP (QP only a few QP) hours NP) (NP a day NP) (NP each NP) NP) (PP in (NP Hungarian NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch NP) (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % ADJP) stakes NP) (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy ADJP) Hungarian newspapers NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's NP) Robert Maxwell NP) (VP has (VP let (S (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP be (VP known (ADVP here ADVP) (SBAR that (S (NP he NP) (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (NP Radio Free Europe NP) (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (ADVP away ADVP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP With (NP (NP its mission NP) (PP for (NP (NP free speech NP) and (NP the capitalist way NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP (NP the network 's NP) staff NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP has (NP (NP plenty NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary NP) PP) and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond NP) PP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe NP) and (NP (NP (NP its sister station NP) (PP for (NP the Soviet Union NP) PP) NP) , (NP Radio Liberty NP) , NP) NP) (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back PRT) (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 hours QP) NP) (PP of (NP daily broadcasts NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP are (ADVP still ADVP) (NP (NP an important source NP) (PP of (NP news NP) PP) (PP for (NP (QP 60 million QP) listeners NP) PP) (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic UNK-LC-s NP) : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and UNK-CAPS NP) PP) (PP to (NP UNK-CAPS and UNK-CAPS NP) PP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The establishment NP) (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau NP) (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact territory NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP shows (NP (NP the depth NP) (PP of (NP (NP some NP) (PP of (NP (NP the changes NP) (PP in (NP Eastern Europe NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP (NP Months NP) before (NP (NP the decision NP) (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP (VP UNK-LC (S (NP itself NP) (ADJP Socialist ADJP) S) VP) and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters NP) PP) ADJP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) , (NP (NP the country 's NP) UNK-LC-s NP) (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable ADJP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP It NP) NP) (VP proved (NP a perfect time NP) (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe NP) (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up PRT) (NP office NP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Not only ADVP) (SINV did (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry NP) (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs NP) PP) NP) (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's NP) new location NP) VP) SINV) , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry NP) (PP of (NP Telecommunications NP) PP) NP) (VP did (NP (NP something NP) (ADJP (ADVP even more ADVP) amazing ADJP) : (SINV `` (S (NP They NP) (VP found (NP us NP) (NP (NP four phone lines NP) (PP in (NP central Budapest NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS-s NP) , (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe correspondent NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location NP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) SINV) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S `` (NP That NP) (VP is (NP a miracle NP) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry NP) (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment NP) (PP of (NP (NP the network NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP (NP UNK-LC-ing NP) (PP of (NP its UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP UNK-LC-ion NP) (PP of (NP (NP local UNK-LC-s NP) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP filed (NP (NP reports NP) (PP to (NP the network NP) PP) NP) (PP by (NP (NP phone NP) , (NP secret UNK-LC-s NP) or (NP letters NP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) -RRB- PRN) NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP fact NP) PP) , (NP (NP some NP) (PP of (NP (NP the network 's NP) Hungarian listeners NP) PP) NP) (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe NP) (NP loyalty NP) (SBAR because (S (NP it NP) (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways NP) PP) (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope NP) (ADJP alive ADJP) (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (NP (NP one writer NP) (ADVP here ADVP) NP) (VP calls (S (NP (NP the `` UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS-s NP) (PP of (NP the 20th Century NP) PP) NP) S) VP) S) SBAR) PP) S) VP) S) PP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years NP) PP) , (NP (NP many NP) (PP of (NP us NP) PP) NP) (VP have (VP sat (ADVP up ADVP) (PP until (PP (ADVP late ADVP) at (NP night NP) PP) PP) (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP the writer NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP There NP) (VP were (NP some (ADJP very brave ADJP) broadcasts NP) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP The listeners NP) , (ADVP too ADVP) , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave ADJP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP Through (NP (NP much NP) (PP of (NP the post-World War II period NP) PP) NP) PP) , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts NP) PP) VP) S) (VP was (NP a crime NP) (PP in (NP Hungary NP) PP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When WHADVP) (S (NP we NP) (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP my mother NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP gets (ADJP nervous ADJP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP a Budapest translator NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP She NP) (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down PRT) (NP the volume NP) VP) and (VP close (NP the UNK-LC-s NP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) . '' S)
(S (ADVP Now ADVP) , (NP (NP the toughest competition NP) (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe NP) PP) NP) (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Hungarian radio NP) (ADVP often ADVP) (VP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken ADJP) broadcasts NP) (PP for (NP around midnight NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Television NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (NP (NP most NP) (PP of (NP the time NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame ADJP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP has (VP entered (NP the running NP) (PP with (NP (NP a new program NP) , `` (NP (NP The End NP) (PP of (NP the Day NP) PP) NP) , '' (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP comes (PRT on PRT) (PP after (NP 11 p.m NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP is (NP (NP a talk show NP) (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders NP) and (NP political experts NP) NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's NP) domestic problems NP) (CONJP as well as CONJP) (NP foreign affairs NP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Those NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP (ADVP even more ADVP) radical ADJP) views NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up ADVP) (PP at (NP five NP) PP) (PP on (NP Sunday morning NP) PP) (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal NP) , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP The competitive spirit NP) (VP is (ADVP clearly ADVP) (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up PRT) (NP programs NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Budapest office NP) (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters NP) (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings NP) (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns NP) (PP (PP from (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (PP in (NP the west NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP to (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (PP in (NP the east NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Hungarian service NP) (VP has (NP (NP a daily UNK-LC news show NP) (VP called (S (NP UNK-CAPS NP) S) , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic ADJP) news NP) , plus (NP (NP a daily news review NP) (PP of (NP (NP opinions NP) (PP from (PP around (NP the world NP) PP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP There NP) (VP 's (ADVP also ADVP) (NP (NP a host NP) (PP of (NP (NP new programs NP) , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (PRT up PRT) (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet NP) (PP of (NP politics NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP A daily UNK-LC program NP) (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March NP) (PP of (NP Time NP) PP) '' NP) S) VP) NP) (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting UNK-LC-s NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-ed news and gossip NP) (PP from (PP around (NP the world NP) PP) PP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP There NP) (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program NP) (PP for (NP women NP) PP) NP) and (NP a science show NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners NP) VP) VP) S) , (NP Radio Free Europe NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (NP (NP the latest NP) (PP in (NP Western rock groups NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The UNK-CAPS Shop Boys NP) (VP are (ADJP big ADJP) (NP this year NP) (PP in (NP Budapest NP) PP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP We NP) (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP the student NP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP Every moment NP) (NP we NP) (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything NP) (PP about (NP the world NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (PP for (NP UNK-LC-ed `` national service NP) PP) NP) , '' (PP like (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) , (VP (VP UNK-LC (PRT up PRT) (PP (PP from (NP time NP) PP) (PP to (NP time NP) PP) PP) VP) , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance NP) (PP of (NP the body UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) VP) , (VP run (NP their course NP) VP) , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear VP) , (S (ADVP only ADVP) (VP to (VP UNK-LC and UNK-LC (NP public life NP) (ADVP anew ADVP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The disease metaphor NP) (VP comes (PP to (NP mind NP) PP) , (PP of (NP course NP) PP) , not (PP as (NP (NP an UNK-LC-ion NP) (PP on (NP (NP the advocates NP) (PP of (NP national service NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Rather ADVP) , (NP it NP) (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP (NP frustration NP) (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (NP (NP (ADJP constantly changing ADJP) strains NP) (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP one NP) (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s NP) PP) , (PP along (PP with (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP is (ADVP back ADVP) (PP with (NP us NP) PP) (ADVP again ADVP) , (PP in (NP (NP the form NP) (PP of (NP (NP legislation (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers NP) (PP under (NP (NP a `` National and Community Service Act NP) , '' (NP (NP a proposal NP) (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot NP) (PP at (NP (NP congressional passage NP) (NP this fall NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(SBARQ (WHADVP Why WHADVP) (SQ does (NP the UNK-LC virus NP) (VP keep (VP coming (NP (ADVP back ADVP) NP) VP) VP) SQ) ? SBARQ)
(S (ADVP Perhaps ADVP) (NP it NP) (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP UNK-LC nostalgia NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (NP (NP both (NP military experience NP) and (NP the social gospel NP) NP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR If only (S (NP we NP) (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's NP) UNK-LC youth NP) (PP into (NP (PP at least PP) a UNK-LC uniform NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) (NP we NP) (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP UNK-LC NP) (ADVP again ADVP) VP) and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit NP) (PP of (NP giving NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP (NP (NP A quarter NP) (PP of (NP a century NP) PP) NP) ago ADVP) (NP national service NP) (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way NP) (PP of (S (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP (NP the manifest UNK-LC-s NP) (PP of (NP the draft NP) PP) NP) -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things NP) PP) , PRN) (S (VP expanding (NP the draft NP) VP) S) PP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP Those NP) (PP of (NP us NP) PP) NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP resisted (NP the idea NP) (ADVP then ADVP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP suspect (NP today NP) (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation NP) (PP of (NP government service NP) PP) (PP for (NP all young people NP) PP) NP) (VP is (ADVP still ADVP) (NP (NP the true long-term aim NP) (PP of (NP many UNK-LC backers NP) PP) NP) , (PP despite (NP their protests (SBAR that (S (NP present plans NP) (VP contain (NP no UNK-LC-ion NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Choice NP) (PP of (NP the volunteer military NP) PP) (PP in (NP the 1970s NP) PP) NP) (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (NP national service NP) (NP (NP as much NP) (PP as (NP the draft NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the virus NP) (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive ADJP) S) (PP in (NP UNK-LC-y departments NP) PP) (PP until (ADVP (ADVP (NP (NP a couple NP) (PP of (NP years NP) PP) NP) ago ADVP) , (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP it NP) (ADVP again ADVP) (VP was (VP let (S (ADVP loose ADVP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) ADVP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP This time NP) (NP it NP) (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems NP) , (NP (NP (NP the rising cost NP) (PP of (NP higher education NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP the rising expense NP) (PP to (NP the federal government NP) PP) (PP of (NP educational grants and loans NP) PP) NP) NP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(SBARQ (WHADVP Why not WHADVP) (SQ (SQ (VP (VP keep VP) and (ADVP even ADVP) (VP expand VP) (NP the loans and grants NP) VP) SQ) (PRN , (S (NP the advocates NP) (VP reasoned VP) S) , PRN) but (SQ (VP require (NP (NP some form NP) (PP of (NP service NP) PP) NP) (PP from (NP each UNK-LC NP) PP) VP) SQ) SQ) ? SBARQ)
(S (NP Military service NP) , (ADVP moreover ADVP) , (VP could (VP be (NP a UNK-LC option NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Thus ADVP) , (ADVP undoubtedly ADVP) (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain NP) (PP of (NP national service NP) PP) NP) (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious ADJP) , (S (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP (NP patriotic conservatives NP) , (NP UNK-LC moderates NP) , and (NP idealistic liberals NP) NP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The Democratic UNK-CAPS Council NP) , (NP (NP a UNK-LC group NP) (VP sponsoring (NP the plan NP) VP) NP) , NP) (ADVP surely ADVP) (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party NP) (VP to (VP attract (NP support NP) , (PP (ADVP especially ADVP) among (NP (NP college students NP) and (NP their parents NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP A provision NP) (VP allowing (NP grants NP) (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) NP) (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-ing NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The UNK-CAPS plan NP) (VP envisaged (S (NP `` volunteers '' NP) (VP (VP planting (NP trees NP) VP) , (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP UNK-LC-s NP) VP) , (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP children NP) VP) , and (VP assisting (NP UNK-LC-s NP) VP) (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 NP) (NP a week NP) , (ADJP (NP tax NP) free ADJP) NP) , plus (NP medical care NP) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 ADJP) UNK-LC-er payment NP) (PP at (NP (NP the end NP) (PP of (NP each year NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP the volunteers NP) (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage NP) (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ UNK-NUM NP) (NP a year NP) NP) PP) ADJP) NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (SINV (VP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC VP) (NP you NP) SINV) , (NP (NP most NP) (PP of `` (NP the volunteers NP) '' PP) NP) (VP would (VP be (NP UNK-LC-ed 17 - to UNK-LC-s NP) , (S (S (NP some NP) (ADJP not even high school graduates ADJP) S) , and (S (NP many NP) (VP saving (NP money NP) (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) S) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better (ADVP financially ADVP) (PP under (NP national service NP) PP) (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers NP) (VP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds NP) (PP of (NP jobs NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) and (ADVP perhaps ADVP) (VP supporting (NP families NP) VP) VP) NP) PP) ADVP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR As (S (NP it NP) (VP happened VP) S) SBAR) , (NP political resistance NP) (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP (ADJP educational and minority ADJP) interests NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , (SBAR so (S (NP the UNK-LC UNK-LC-s NP) (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial ADJP) principle NP) (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ion NP) (PP to (NP national service NP) PP) (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own UNK-LC process NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) PP) NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP led (PP to (S (NP the UNK-LC option NP) (VP being (VP dropped VP) VP) S) PP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Clearly ADVP) , (NP (NP a new rationale NP) (PP for (NP national service NP) PP) NP) (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up PRT) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(FRAG (SBARQ (NP What better place NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP turn VP) VP) S) SBAR) (PP than (NP (NP (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy 's NP) Labor Committee NP) , (NP (NP that great UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP government UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP (NP many a stagnant pot NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner NP) PP) (SBAR until (S (NP it NP) (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward ADVP) VP) and (VP presented (PP as (NP UNK-LC cuisine NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) SBARQ) ? FRAG)
(S (PP In (NP this case NP) PP) , (NP (NP the new recipe NP) (PP for (NP national service NP) PP) NP) (VP called (PP for (NP (S (VP throwing (NP many assorted legislative UNK-LC-s NP) (PP into (NP one UNK-LC NP) PP) VP) S) : (NP (NP (NP a demonstration project NP) (PP for (NP educational aid NP) PP) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP particularly satisfying (PP to (NP (NP the UNK-CAPS NP) and (NP Sen. Sam UNK-CAPS NP) NP) PP) ADJP) -RRB- PRN) NP) , (NP (NP a similar demonstration program NP) (PP for (NP youth conservation NP) PP) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP a la (NP Sen. Chris Dodd NP) ADJP) -RRB- PRN) NP) , (NP (NP a competitive grants program NP) (PP to (NP states NP) PP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP spark (NP youth and senior citizen volunteer projects NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) (PRN -LRB- (NP a Kennedy specialty NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) , (NP (NP a community service UNK-LC-y program NP) (PP for (NP students NP) PP) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP pleasing (PP to (NP (NP the UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP (NP Sen. Dale Bumpers NP) , (PP among (NP others NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) -RRB- PRN) NP) , plus (NP (NP UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP (NP the UNK-CAPS volunteer program NP) and (NP (NP the Retired Senior UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (NP Foster UNK-CAPS NP) , and (NP Senior UNK-CAPS-ion programs NP) NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR Before (S (NP the menu NP) (VP is (VP printed VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP the House NP) (VP may (VP add (NP more ingredients NP) , (S (ADVP also ADVP) (VP changing (NP (NP the initial price NP) , (VP (ADVP now ADVP) posted (PP at (NP some (QP $ 330 million QP) NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP It NP) (VP is (ADVP widely ADVP) (VP known (SBAR that `` (S (NP (QP too many QP) UNK-LC-s NP) (VP UNK-LC (NP the UNK-LC NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) , '' but (S (NP that wisdom NP) (VP does not (ADVP necessarily ADVP) (VP reflect (NP (NP the view NP) (PP of (NP the UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR (ADVP especially ADVP) if (S (NP they NP) (VP are (NP senators NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP The `` omnibus '' bill NP) (VP coming (ADVP out (PP of (NP Congress NP) PP) ADVP) VP) NP) (VP may (VP be (NP UNK-LC UNK-LC NP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (S (NP the assorted chefs NP) (VP are (ADJP happy ADJP) VP) S) and (S (NP the restaurant NP) (VP is (VP pushing (NP the dish NP) (ADVP very hard ADVP) VP) VP) S) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP The UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) (VP is (PP in (NP the air NP) PP) VP) . S)
(SQ Is (NP the voluntary sector NP) (ADJP (ADJP so weak ADJP) (SBAR that (S (NP it NP) (VP needs (NP such unsolicited assistance NP) VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) ? SQ)
(S (PP On (NP the contrary NP) PP) , (NP it NP) (VP is (ADJP (ADJP as robust ADJP) (PP as (ADVP ever ADVP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (PP According (PP to (NP the Gallup Poll NP) PP) PP) , (NP American adults NP) (VP contribute (NP (NP an average NP) (PP of (NP (NP two hours NP) (NP a week NP) (PP of (NP service NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP financial contributions NP) (PP to (NP charity NP) PP) NP) (PP in (NP the 1980s NP) PP) (VP have (VP risen (NP (NP 30 % NP) (PRN -LRB- (VP adjusted (PP for (NP inflation NP) PP) VP) -RRB- PRN) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR Even if (S (NP government NP) (VP does (VP see (NP various `` UNK-LC needs NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , '' (NP national service NP) (VP is not (NP (NP the way NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP meet (NP them NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR If (S (NP we NP) (VP want (S (VP to (VP support (NP students NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP we NP) (VP might (VP adopt (NP (NP the idea NP) (VP used (PP in (NP other countries NP) PP) VP) (PP of (S (VP offering (NP (NP more UNK-LC-s NP) (VP based (PP (PP on (NP (NP something NP) (VP called (S (NP `` scholarship NP) S) VP) NP) PP) , '' (CONJP rather than CONJP) (PP on (NP (NP (NP the government 's NP) idea NP) (PP of (NP `` service NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) VP) NP) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) VP) . '' S)
(S Or (NP we NP) (VP might (VP provide (NP (NP a tax credit NP) (PP for (NP working students NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR (WHNP What WHNP) (S (NP we NP) (VP do not (VP need (S (VP to (VP do VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) (VP is (S (VP (VP start (NP a war NP) VP) , and (VP (ADVP then ADVP) try (S (VP to (VP justify (NP it NP) (PP by (S (VP creating (NP a UNK-CAPS Bill NP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP To (NP (NP the extent NP) (SBAR (S (NP we NP) (VP lack (NP (NP manpower NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP staff (NP (NP UNK-LC-al jobs NP) (PP in (NP hospitals NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , (PP for (NP example NP) PP) , (NP we NP) (VP should (VP (VP (VP raise (NP pay NP) VP) , (VP pursue (NP UNK-LC-ing technology NP) VP) , or (VP allow (NP more legal immigration NP) VP) VP) , (CONJP rather than CONJP) (VP (VP UNK-LC-y (NP high school graduates NP) (PP as (NP short-term workers NP) PP) VP) and (VP cause (NP (NP resentment NP) (PP among (NP (NP permanent workers NP) (VP paid (NP lesser amounts NP) (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same jobs NP) VP) VP) S) VP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(SQ Will (NP (NP national service NP) , (PP in (NP the current (ADJP (ADJP highly UNK-LC-ed ADJP) and (ADJP opportunistic ADJP) ADJP) form NP) PP) NP) (VP UNK-LC (NP enough appeal (S (VP to (VP get (VP adopted VP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) ? SQ)
(FRAG (ADVP Not necessarily ADVP) . FRAG)
(S (S (NP Polls NP) (VP show (NP wide , UNK-LC-ed support NP) (PP for (NP (NP some vague concept NP) (PP of (NP service NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) , but (S (NP (NP the bill NP) (PP (ADVP now ADVP) under (NP discussion NP) PP) NP) (VP lacks (NP any passionate public backing NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (ADVP Nonetheless ADVP) , (NP Senate Democrats NP) (VP are (VP organizing (NP (NP a roll NP) (PP of (NP (NP supporting `` (NP associations NP) , '' `` (NP societies NP) '' and `` (NP UNK-LC-s NP) NP) , '' (SBAR (WHNP some (WHPP of (WHNP which WHNP) WHPP) WHNP) (S (VP may (VP hope (S (VP to (VP receive (NP the paid `` volunteers NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . '' S)
(S (ADVP So far ADVP) , (NP the president NP) (VP seems (ADJP UNK-LC-ed (S (VP to (VP substitute (NP (NP any NP) (PP of (NP the omnibus NP) PP) NP) (PP for (NP his own free-standing proposal (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (NP a `` (NAC (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) (PP of (NP Light NP) PP) NAC) '' foundation NP) (PP with (NP (QP $ 25 million QP) NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP (VP inform (NP (NP citizens NP) (PP of (NP all ages NP) PP) NP) VP) and (VP UNK-LC (NP them NP) (PP to (NP genuine UNK-LC NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP However ADVP) , (NP even this admirable plan NP) (VP could (VP become (ADJP objectionable ADJP) (SBAR if (S (NP the White House NP) (VP gives (PRT in PRT) (PP to (NP congressional Democratic pressure (S (S (VP to (VP add (PP to (NP (NP the scope NP) (PP of (NP (NP the president 's NP) initiative NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) or (S (VP to (VP involve (NP the independent foundation NP) (PP in (S `` (VP UNK-LC-ing '' (NP federal funds NP) (PP for (NP volunteer projects NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) S) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP There NP) (VP 's (NP (NP no need NP) (PP for (NP such concessions NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The omnibus NP) (VP can (VP be (VP defeated VP) VP) VP) S) , (S (NP the virus NP) (VP controlled VP) S) , and (S (NP real service NP) (VP protected VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP National service NP) , (NP the UNK-LC idea NP) , NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP wo n't (VP go (ADVP away ADVP) (ADVP then ADVP) , (PP of (NP course NP) PP) , VP) VP) S) but (S (NP (NP the millions NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-LC-ed youth NP) (VP performing (NP (NP works NP) (PP of `` (NP civic content NP) '' PP) NP) VP) NP) PP) NP) (VP will (VP be (VP mobilized (PP (ADVP only ADVP) in (NP (NP the imagination NP) (PP of (NP their UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP Mr. Chapman NP) (VP is (NP (NP a fellow NP) (PP at (NP the UNK-CAPS-ed Hudson Institute NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP This article NP) (VP is (VP adapted (PP from (NP (NP remarks NP) (PP at (NP (NP a UNK-CAPS-er Institution conference NP) (PP on (NP national service NP) PP) , (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which WHNP) WHPP) (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP participated VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Drug UNK-CAPS Inc. NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP Gary UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (ADJP (NP 39 years NP) old ADJP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP had (VP been (NP (NP president NP) and (NP chief operating officer NP) NP) (PP for (NP the past year NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP chief executive officer NP) (PP of (NP this drugstore chain NP) PP) NP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP succeeds (NP (NP his father NP) , (NP Philip T. UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP (VP founded (NP the company NP) VP) and (VP remains (NP chairman NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Robert E. UNK-CAPS-s III NP) , (NP 39 NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP headed (NP (NP the company 's NP) Philadelphia region NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP was (VP appointed (S (NP (NP president NP) and (NP chief operating officer NP) NP) S) , (S (VP succeeding (NP Gary UNK-CAPS-er NP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP American UNK-CAPS-s Service Group Inc. NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP purchased (NP (NP (QP about 42 QP) % NP) (PP of (NP Prime Medical Services Inc. NP) PP) NP) (PP for (NP (QP about $ 5 million QP) NP) PP) (PP from (NP Texas American Energy Corp NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP American UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP replaced (NP (NP four Texas American representatives NP) (PP on (NP (NP Prime 's NP) five-member board NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP American NP) (VP provides (NP (NP a variety NP) (PP of (NP (NP financial services NP) (PP to (NP doctors and hospitals NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Prime NP) , (VP based (PP in (NP (NP UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (NP N.J. NP) , NP) PP) VP) NP) (VP provides (NP management services NP) (PP to (NP (NP cardiac rehabilitation clinics NP) and (NP diagnostic imaging centers NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP (NP the year NP) (VP ended (NP June 30 NP) VP) NP) PP) , (NP Prime NP) (VP had (NP (NP a net loss NP) (PP of (NP (QP $ 3 million QP) NP) PP) (PP on (NP (NP sales NP) (PP of (NP (QP $ 13.8 million QP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP The inflation-adjusted growth rate NP) (PP for (NP (NP France 's NP) gross domestic product NP) PP) (PP for (NP the second quarter NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP revised (ADVP upward (PP to (NP 0.8 % NP) (PP from (NP the previous three months NP) PP) PP) ADVP) (PP from (NP (NP the initial estimate NP) (PP of (NP 0.7 % NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , (NP the National Statistics Institute NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP The state agency NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the latest revision NP) (VP left (S (NP (NP (NP the growth rate NP) (PP for (NP the first-quarter NP) PP) NP) (PP compared (PP with (NP the previous three months NP) PP) PP) NP) (ADJP unchanged ADJP) (PP at (NP 1.3 % NP) PP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (SBAR If (S (NP the economy NP) (VP continues (S (VP to (VP expand (PP by (NP (NP 0.8 % NP) (NP a quarter NP) NP) PP) (PP for (NP (NP the rest NP) (PP of (NP the year NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP it NP) (VP would (VP leave (NP (NP GDP growth NP) (PP for (NP (NP all NP) (PP of (NP 1989 NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (PP at (NP 3 % NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , (NP the institute NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP That NP) (VP would (VP be (ADVP down (PP from (NP (NP the (ADJP 3.8 % ADJP) rise NP) (VP posted (PP in (NP 1988 NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) ADVP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Canadian government NP) (VP announced (NP (NP a new , 12-year Canada Savings Bond issue NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP will (VP yield (NP investors NP) (NP 10.5 % NP) (PP in (NP the first year NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The annual interest rate NP) (PP for (NP (NP each NP) (PP of (NP the next 11 years NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP will (VP be (VP set (NP (NP each fall NP) , (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP (NP details NP) (PP of (NP a new series NP) PP) NP) (VP are (VP released VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Canada Savings Bonds NP) (VP are (NP (NP major government instruments NP) (PP for (S (VP meeting (NP its financial requirements NP) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The government NP) (VP has (NP (NP (NP (QP about UNK-NUM billion QP) Canadian dollars NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP US$ UNK-NUM billion QP) NP) -RRB- PRN) (PP of (NP such bonds NP) PP) NP) (ADJP currently outstanding ADJP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Only Canadian residents NP) (VP are (VP permitted (S (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP Canada Savings Bonds NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP may (VP be (VP redeemed (NP any time NP) (PP at (NP face value NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The bonds NP) (VP go (PP on (NP sale NP) PP) (NP Oct. 19 NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The debate NP) (PP over (NP National Service NP) PP) NP) (VP has (VP begun (ADVP again ADVP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP After (NP (NP a decade NP) (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which WHNP) WHPP) (S (S (NP (QP more than 50 QP) UNK-LC-s NP) (VP established (NP their own service or conservation corps NP) VP) S) and (S (NP (NP dozens NP) (PP of (NP school systems NP) PP) NP) (VP made (S (NP community service NP) (NP (NP a UNK-LC NP) (PP to (NP high-school graduation NP) PP) NP) S) VP) S) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , (NP the focus NP) (VP has (VP shifted (PP to (NP Washington NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP (QP At least 10 QP) NP) bills NP) (VP proposing (NP (ADJP one or another ADJP) national program NP) VP) NP) (VP were (VP introduced (PP in (NP Congress NP) PP) (NP this spring NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP One NP) , (VP co-sponsored (PP by (NP (NP Sen. Sam UNK-CAPS (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP D. NP) , (NP Ga . NP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) and (NP (NP Rep. Dave UNK-CAPS-y NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP D. NP) , (NP Okla. NP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) NP) PP) VP) , NP) (VP would (VP have (VP restricted (NP federal college subsidies NP) (PP to (NP (NP students NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP had (VP served VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP An omnibus bill NP) (VP (VP assembled (PP by (NP (NP (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP D. NP) , (NP Mass. NP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) NP) PP) VP) , and (VP including (NP some diluted UNK-CAPS-y provisions NP) (PP along (PP with (NP (NP proposals NP) (PP by (NP fellow Democratic Sens. Claiborne Pell , Barbara UNK-CAPS and Christopher Dodd NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) VP) , VP) NP) (VP has (VP been (VP reported (ADVP out (PP of (NP the Senate Labor Committee NP) PP) ADVP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP might (ADVP well ADVP) (VP win (NP Senate passage NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP President Bush NP) (VP has (VP outlined (NP his own (NAC UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS-ing Service NAC) (PRN -LRB- (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) -RRB- PRN) plan NP) , (SBAR though (S (NP its details NP) (VP remain (S (VP to (VP be (VP specified VP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(SBARQ (WHNP What WHNP) (SQ is (NP one NP) (S (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP all this NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SQ) ? SBARQ)
(S (NP (NP Doctrine NP) and (NP special interests NP) NP) (VP govern (NP some responses NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP People NP) (ADJP eager (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP youth NP) `` (VP pay (NP their UNK-LC-s NP) (PP to (NP society NP) PP) '' VP) S) VP) VP) S) ADJP) NP) (VP favor (NP service proposals NP) VP) S) -- (S (NP (ADJP preferably mandatory ADJP) ones NP) S) . S)
(SINV (ADVP So ADVP) (VP do VP) (NP (NP those NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP seek (NP (NP (NP a `` UNK-LC-ed concept NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) , '' (NP (NP a concept NP) (VP (VP imposing (NP UNK-LC obligations NP) VP) (CONJP as well as CONJP) (VP conferring (NP rights NP) VP) VP) NP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) . SINV)
(S (ADVP Then ADVP) (NP there NP) (VP are (NP instinctive opponents NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP To (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) , (S (NP mandatory service NP) (VP is (NP an UNK-LC-ion NP) VP) S) and (S (NP voluntary systems NP) (VP are (NP (NP illegitimate uses NP) (PP of (NP tax money NP) PP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-s NP) (PP of (NP the market NP) PP) NP) (VP question (NP (NP the value NP) (PP of (NP (NP the work NP) (SBAR (S (NP national service NP) (VP would (VP perform VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) : S)
(S (SBAR If (S (NP the market NP) (VP wo n't (VP pay (PP for (NP it NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) (PRN , (S (NP they NP) (VP argue VP) S) , PRN) (NP it NP) (VP ca n't (VP be (ADJP worth (NP its cost NP) ADJP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (PP of (NP the left NP) PP) NP) (VP are (ADVP also ADVP) (VP (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) opposed VP) VP) S) ; (S (NP they NP) (VP (VP see (NP service NP) (PP as (NP (NP a cover NP) (PP for (NP the draft NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) , or (VP fear (NP (NP the UNK-LC-ion NP) (PP of (NP youth NP) PP) NP) VP) , or (VP want (S (VP to (VP see (S (S (NP rights NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed VP) S) , not (S (NP obligations NP) S) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) . S)
(FRAG But (WHNP what WHNP) (PP about (NP (NP those NP) (PP of (NP us NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP whose views WHNP) (S (VP are not (VP predetermined (PP by (NP formula or ideology NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) ? FRAG)
(SBARQ (WHADVP How WHADVP) (SQ should (NP we NP) (VP think (PP about (NP national service NP) PP) VP) SQ) ? SBARQ)
(S (S (VP Let (S (NP 's NP) (VP begin (PP by (S (VP recognizing (NP (NP a main source NP) (PP of (NP confusion NP) PP) NP) VP) S) PP) VP) S) VP) S) -- (S `` (NP national service NP) '' (VP has (NP no agreed meaning NP) VP) S) . S)
(SQ Would (NP service NP) (VP be (ADJP voluntary or UNK-LC-y ADJP) VP) ? SQ)
(ADJP Short or long ? ADJP)
(SQ Would (NP participants NP) (VP (VP (VP live (PP at (NP home NP) PP) VP) and (VP work (ADVP nearby ADVP) VP) VP) or (VP (VP live (PP in (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) VP) and (VP work (PP on (NP public lands NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) ? SQ)
(SBARQ (WHNP (NP What kinds NP) (PP of (NP work NP) PP) WHNP) (SQ would (NP they NP) (VP do VP) SQ) ? SBARQ)
(SBARQ (WHNP What WHNP) (SQ does (NP (ADJP `` national '' ADJP) NP) (VP mean VP) SQ) ? SBARQ)
(SQ Would (NP the program NP) (VP be (VP run (PP (PP by (NP the federal government NP) PP) , (PP by (NP local governments NP) PP) , or (PP by (NP private voluntary organizations NP) PP) PP) VP) VP) ? SQ)
(SBARQ And (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP would (VP serve VP) VP) S) SBAR) ? SBARQ)
(NP (NP (NP Only males NP) , (PP as (PP with (NP the draft NP) PP) PP) , NP) or (NP both sexes NP) ? NP)
(NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC only NP) or (NP all ages NP) ? NP)
(NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC people NP) , or (NP poor people NP) , or (NP a genuine UNK-LC-ion NP) ? NP)
(ADJP Many or few ? ADJP)
(S (S (NP Those NP) (VP are not (NP trivial questions NP) VP) , S) and (S (NP (NP the label NP) `` (NP national service NP) '' NP) (VP answers (NP (NP none NP) (PP of (NP them NP) PP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(SBARQ Then (WHADVP how WHADVP) (SQ should (NP we NP) (VP think (PP about (NP national service NP) PP) VP) SQ) ? SBARQ)
(S (S (PP As (NP a starting point NP) PP) , (NP here NP) (VP are (NP five UNK-LC-s NP) VP) S) : (S (LST 1 . LST) (VP Consider (NP (NP the ingredients NP) , not (NP the name NP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (VP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC `` (NP (NP national service NP) '' (PP in (NP the abstract NP) PP) NP) VP) S) ; (S (VP consider (NP specific proposals NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP will (VP differ (PP in (NP crucial ways NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (LST 2 . LST) `` (NP Service NP) '' (VP should (VP be (NP service NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR As (S (ADVP commonly ADVP) (VP understood VP) S) SBAR) , (NP service NP) (VP implies (NP sacrifice NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP involves (S (S (VP accepting (NP risk NP) VP) S) , or (S (VP giving (PRT up PRT) (NP income NP) VP) S) , or (S (VP deferring (NP a career NP) VP) S) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP follows (SBAR that (S (NP (NP proposals NP) (PP like (NP (NP UNK-CAPS-y NP) , (SBAR (WHNP (NP whose benefits NP) (PP to (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) WHNP) (S (VP are (ADJP worth (NP (NP some $ UNK-NUM NP) (NP a year NP) NP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) PP) NP) (VP do not (VP qualify VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP There NP) (VP is (NP (NP a rationale NP) (PP for (NP such bills NP) PP) NP) VP) S) : (S (S (NP (NP Federal subsidies NP) (PP to (NP college students NP) PP) NP) (VP amount (PP to `` (NP (NP a UNK-CAPS Bill NP) (PP without (NP the UNK-CAPS NP) PP) '' NP) PP) VP) S) ; (S (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) (NP those benefits NP) (VP should (VP be (VP (VP earned VP) , not (VP given VP) VP) VP) VP) S) S) . S)
(S But (NP the earnings NP) (VP exceed (PP by (NP 20 % NP) PP) (NP (NP the average income NP) (PP of (NP (NP young high-school graduates NP) (PP with (NP full-time jobs NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(SBARQ (WHADVP Why WHADVP) (SQ (VP call (S (NP that NP) (NP service NP) S) VP) SQ) ? SBARQ)
(S (LST 3 . LST) (S (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP is (ADJP fine ADJP) VP) S) ; (S (NP UNK-LC-ion NP) (VP is not VP) S) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ed service NP) (VP is (ADJP unconstitutional ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP is (ADVP also ADVP) (ADJP unwise and UNK-LC ADJP) VP) . S)
(SBARQ -LRB- (WHNP Who WHNP) (SQ will (VP throw (NP (QP several hundred thousand QP) UNK-LC-s NP) (PP in (NP jail NP) PP) (NP each year NP) VP) SQ) ? -RRB- SBARQ)
(S But (PP (PP through (NP tax policy NP) PP) and (PP in (NP other ways NP) PP) PP) (NP the federal government NP) (VP encourages (NP (NP many kinds NP) (PP of (NP behavior NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP should (ADVP also ADVP) (VP encourage (NP (NP service NP) -- (PP (ADVP preferably ADVP) by (NP (NP all classes NP) and (NP all ages NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Its encouragement NP) (VP (VP should (VP (VP strengthen VP) and not (VP undercut VP) (NP (NP the strong tradition NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-ing NP) PP) (PP in (NP the U.S. NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) , (VP should (VP build (PP on (NP (NP the service programs NP) (PP (ADVP already ADVP) in (NP existence NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) , and (VP should (VP honor (NP (NP local convictions NP) (PP about (SBAR (WHNP which tasks WHNP) (S (ADVP most ADVP) (VP need (NP doing NP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (LST 4 . LST) (NP Good programs NP) (VP are not (ADJP cheap ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (VP assume (SBAR that (S (NP national service NP) (VP would (VP get (S (S (NP important work NP) (VP done (ADVP cheaply ADVP) VP) S) : (S (S (NP forest fires NP) (VP fought VP) S) , (S (NP housing NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed VP) S) , (S (NP students NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed VP) S) , (S (NP UNK-LC centers NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed VP) S) S) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP There NP) (VP is (NP (NP important work NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP done VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) , and (S (NP existing service and conservation corps NP) (VP have (VP shown (SBAR that (S (NP (NP (NP even UNK-LC-s NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP start (PP with (NP few skills NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) (VP can (VP do (NP (NP much NP) (PP of (NP it NP) PP) NP) (ADVP (ADVP well ADVP) -- but not (ADVP cheaply ADVP) ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP Good service programs NP) (VP require (NP (NP UNK-LC NP) , (NP screening NP) , (NP training NP) and (NP supervision NP) NP) -- (S (NP all NP) (PP of (NP high quality NP) PP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP involve (NP (NP UNK-LC-s NP) (PP to (NP participants NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC residential programs NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP require (NP (NP housing NP) and (NP full-time supervision NP) NP) VP) S) ; (S (NP they NP) (VP are (UCP (ADJP particularly expensive ADJP) -- (NP (NP more NP) (PP per (NP participant NP) PP) (PP than (NP (NP a year NP) (PP at (NP Stanford or Yale NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) UCP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-al programs NP) (VP are (ADJP cheaper ADJP) VP) S) , but (S (NP good ones NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP come (PP to (NP (NP some $ 10,000 NP) (NP a year NP) NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(SQ Are (NP they NP) (ADJP worth (NP that NP) ADJP) ? SQ)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (VP suggest (SBAR that (S (NP good ones NP) (VP are -- (ADVP especially so ADVP) (SBAR if (S (NP (NP the effects NP) (PP on (NP participants NP) PP) NP) (VP are (VP counted VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the calculations NP) (VP are (ADJP UNK-LC ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (LST 5 . LST) (NP UNK-CAPS youth NP) (VP are (NP a special concern NP) VP) . S)
(SQ Are (NP such expenditures NP) (ADJP worthwhile ADJP) , (ADVP then ADVP) ? SQ)
(FRAG (INTJ Yes INTJ) , (SBAR if (S (VP targeted VP) S) SBAR) . FRAG)
(S (S (NP (NP People NP) (PP of (NP (NP all ages NP) and (NP all classes NP) NP) PP) NP) (VP should (VP be (VP encouraged (S (VP to (VP serve VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP there NP) (VP are (NP many ways (SBAR for (S (NP (NP middle-class kids NP) , and (NP their UNK-LC-s NP) , NP) (VP to (VP serve (PP at (NP little public cost NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP can (VP (VP volunteer (PP at (NP (NP any NP) (PP of (NP (NP thousands NP) (PP of (NP non-profit institutions NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) , or (VP participate (PP in (NP (NP service programs NP) (VP (VP required (PP by (NP high schools NP) PP) VP) or (VP encouraged (PP by (NP colleges or employers NP) PP) VP) VP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC youth NP) (VP do n't (VP have (NP those opportunities NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP are not (ADJP UNK-LC-ed (PP in (NP (NP high school NP) or (NP college NP) NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP are (ADJP unlikely (S (VP to (VP be (VP employed VP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S And (NP they NP) (VP have (VP grown (PRT up PRT) (PP in (NP (ADJP UNK-LC-ly grim ADJP) circumstances NP) PP) , (PP among (S (NP family structures NP) (VP breaking (PRT down PRT) VP) S) PP) , (S (VP surrounded (PP by (NP (NP self-destructive UNK-LC-s NP) and (NP bleak prospects NP) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (NP (NP many NP) (PP of (NP them NP) PP) NP) (VP can (VP be (ADVP quite profoundly ADVP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP by (NP (ADJP productive and disciplined ADJP) service NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Some NP) (VP wo n't (VP accept (NP the discipline NP) VP) VP) S) ; (S (NP others NP) (VP drop (PRT out PRT) (PP for (NP other reasons NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S But (NP (NP some NP) (SBAR (WHNP whom WHNP) (S (NP nothing else NP) (VP is (VP reaching VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP are (VP transformed VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (S (VP (VP Learning (NP skills NP) VP) , (VP producing (NP something NP) (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) VP) , (VP feeling (ADJP useful ADJP) VP) VP) , S) (NP they NP) (VP are (ADVP no longer ADVP) (ADJP dependent ADJP) VP) S) -- (S (NP others NP) (ADVP now ADVP) (VP depend (PP on (NP them NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S (SBAR Even if (S (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP is (ADJP cheaper ADJP) (S (VP to (VP (VP build (NP UNK-LC-s NP) VP) or (VP paint (NP apartments NP) VP) or (VP plant (NP UNK-LC NP) VP) (PP with (NP paid professionals NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP (NP the effects NP) (PP on (NP (NP the young people NP) (VP providing (NP those services NP) VP) NP) PP) NP) (VP alter (NP the calculation NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (VP (ADVP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ly ADVP) speaking VP) S) , (NP these youth NP) (VP are not (VP performing (NP service NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP are (VP (VP giving (PRT up PRT) (NP no income NP) VP) , (VP deferring (NP no careers NP) VP) , (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP no risk NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (S (NP they NP) (VP believe (S (NP themselves NP) (VP to (VP be (VP serving VP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) , and (S (NP they NP) (VP begin (S (VP (VP to (VP respect (NP (NP themselves NP) (PRN -LRB- and (NP others NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) VP) VP) , (VP to (VP take (NP (NP control NP) (PP of (NP their lives NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) , (VP to (VP think (PP of (NP the future NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP That NP) (VP is (NP (NP a service NP) (PP to (NP the nation NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP is (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (NP federal support NP) (VP should (VP try (ADVP hardest ADVP) (S (VP to (VP achieve VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP a Carter administration budget official NP) , NP) (VP heads (NP his own Washington-based strategic planning firm NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP is (NP (NP a co-author NP) (PP of `` (NP (NP National Service NP) : (SBARQ (WHNP What WHNP) (SQ Would (NP It NP) (VP UNK-CAPS VP) SQ) SBARQ) NP) PP) NP) VP) ? '' S)
(NP -LRB- (NP Lexington Books NP) , (NP 1986 NP) -RRB- . NP)
(S (NP (NP Government officials NP) (UCP (ADVP here ADVP) and (PP in (NP other countries NP) PP) UCP) NP) (VP (VP laid (NP (NP plans NP) (PP through (NP the weekend NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP head (PRT off PRT) (NP a Monday market UNK-LC NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) -- but (VP went (PP out (PP of (NP their way NP) PP) PP) (S (VP to (VP keep (S (NP their moves NP) (ADJP quiet ADJP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan NP) (VP was (PP on (NP the telephones NP) PP) , (S (VP making (S (NP (NP it NP) NP) (ADJP clear (PP to (NP officials (UCP (PP in (NP the U.S. NP) PP) and (ADVP abroad ADVP) UCP) NP) PP) ADJP) (SBAR that (S (NP the Fed NP) (VP was (ADJP prepared (S (VP to (VP inject (NP (NP massive amounts NP) (PP of (NP money NP) PP) NP) (PP into (NP the banking system NP) PP) , (SBAR as (S (NP it NP) (VP did (PP in (NP October 1987 NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) ADJP) , (SBAR if (S (NP the action NP) (VP were (VP needed (S (VP to (VP prevent (NP a financial crisis NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) S) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S And (PP at (NP the Treasury NP) PP) , (NP Secretary Nicholas Brady NP) (VP talked (PP with (NP (NP friends and associates NP) (PP on (NP Wall Street NP) PP) NP) PP) (SBAR while (S (NP Assistant Secretary David Mullins NP) (VP (ADVP carefully ADVP) analyzed (NP (NP data NP) (PP on (NP the Friday market plunge NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the officials NP) (VP feared (SBAR that (S (NP any public announcements NP) (VP would (ADVP only ADVP) (VP increase (NP market jitters NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP addition NP) PP) , (NP (NP officials NP) (PP (PP at (NP the Fed NP) PP) and (PP in (NP the Bush administration NP) PP) PP) NP) (VP decided (SBAR that (S (S (VP avoiding (NP UNK-LC actions and statements NP) (PP over (NP the weekend NP) PP) VP) S) (VP would (VP give (NP them NP) (NP more strength and flexibility NP) (SBAR (SINV should (NP (NP Friday 's NP) market drop NP) (VP turn (PP into (NP (NP this morning 's NP) rout NP) PP) VP) SINV) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP The disadvantage NP) (PP at (NP this point NP) PP) (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP (NP anything NP) (SBAR (S (NP you NP) (VP do VP) S) SBAR) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP looks (SBAR like (S (NP you NP) (VP are (VP doing (NP too much NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP tends (S (VP to (VP reinforce (NP (NP a sense NP) (PP of (NP crisis NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , '' (VP said VP) (NP (NP one government official NP) , (VP insisting (PP on (NP anonymity NP) PP) VP) NP) . SINV)
(S (NP (NP (NP The Fed 's NP) efforts NP) (PP at (NP secrecy NP) PP) NP) (VP were (ADVP partly ADVP) (VP foiled (NP (NP Sunday morning NP) , (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP both (NP (NP the New York Times NP) and (NP the Washington Post NP) NP) NP) (VP carried (NP (NP stories NP) (VP quoting (S (NP a senior Fed official NP) (VP saying (SBAR (S (NP the central bank NP) (VP was (ADJP prepared (S (VP to (VP pour (NP cash NP) (PP into (NP the banking system NP) PP) (NP Monday morning NP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) VP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Fed Chairman Greenspan NP) (VP (VP was (VP surprised (PP by (NP both stories NP) PP) , (PP according (PP to (NP knowledgeable sources NP) PP) PP) , VP) VP) and (VP insisted (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP had n't (VP authorized (NP any public comment NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Nevertheless ADVP) , (NP Fed officials NP) (VP acknowledged (SBAR (S (NP the stories NP) (VP were (NP (NP (ADJP reasonably accurate ADJP) UNK-LC-s NP) (PP of (NP (NP the central bank 's NP) game plan NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP is (ADJP prepared (S (VP to (VP assume (NP (NP the same role NP) (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP played (PP in (NP October 1987 NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , (S (VP providing (NP money NP) (PP to (NP the markets NP) PP) (SBAR if (S (ADJP necessary ADJP) S) SBAR) (S (VP to (VP keep (S (NP the financial system NP) (ADJP afloat ADJP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Fed NP) (VP provides (NP money NP) (PP to (NP the banking system NP) PP) (PP by (S (VP buying (NP government securities NP) (PP from (NP financial institutions NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP federal officials NP) PP) NP) (VP was (ADJP evident ADJP) (PP in (NP (NP the appearance NP) (NP Sunday NP) (PP of (NP Budget Director (NP Richard Darman NP) NP) PP) (PP on (NP (NP ABC 's NP) `` This Week NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . '' S)
(S `` (NP (NP (NP (NAC Secretary (PP of (NP the Treasury NP) PP) NAC) Brady NP) and (NP Chairman Greenspan NP) NP) and (NP (NP (NP the chairman NP) (PP of (NP the SEC NP) PP) NP) and (NP others NP) NP) NP) (VP have (VP been (PP in (NP close contact NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP I NP) (VP 'm (ADJP sure (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP 'll (VP do (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (VP 's (ADJP right ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) , (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (VP 's (ADJP prudent ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) , (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (VP 's (ADJP sensible ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (SBAR (WHADVP When WHADVP) (S (NP it NP) (VP was (VP suggested (SBAR (S (NP his comment NP) (VP was (NP a `` UNK-LC-er NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , '' (NP Mr. Darman NP) (VP replied : `` (S (NP It NP) (VP is (NP a UNK-LC-er NP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S But , (PP in (NP this context NP) PP) , (NP that NP) (VP 's (NP (NP the smart thing NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . '' S)
(S (PP At (NP the Treasury NP) PP) , (NP Secretary Brady NP) (VP issued (NP (NP a statement NP) (VP minimizing (NP (NP the stock market 's NP) drop NP) VP) NP) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP (NP Today 's NP) stock market decline NP) (VP does n't (VP signal (NP (NP any fundamental change NP) (PP in (NP (NP the condition NP) (PP of (NP the economy NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP The economy NP) (VP remains (ADJP UNK-LC-ed ADJP) VP) S) , and (S (NP the outlook NP) (VP is (PP for (NP continued moderate growth NP) PP) VP) S) . '' S)
(S But (NP administration officials NP) (VP conceded (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Friday 's NP) drop NP) (VP carried (NP (NP the chance NP) (PP of (NP (NP further declines NP) (NP this week NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP One possibility NP) (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP this NP) (VP is (NP (NP (NP a surgical setback NP) , (ADJP reasonably limited (PP in (NP its breadth NP) PP) ADJP) , NP) and not (NP a major problem NP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , '' (VP said VP) (NP (NP one senior administration official NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (ADVP also ADVP) (VP asked (SBAR that (S (NP he NP) not (VP be (VP named VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP The other NP) (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP we NP) (VP see (NP (NP another major disaster NP) , (PP like (ADVP (NP two years NP) ago ADVP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP I NP) (VP think (SBAR (S (NP that NP) (VP 's (ADJP less likely ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S (ADVP Nevertheless ADVP) , (NP (NP Fed Chairman Greenspan NP) and (NP Vice Chairman Manuel Johnson NP) NP) (VP were (PP in (NP their offices NP) PP) (NP Sunday evening NP) , (S (VP monitoring (NP events NP) (SBAR as (S (NP they NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP in (NP (NP markets NP) (PP around (NP the world NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP The action NP) (VP was (VP expected (S (VP (VP to (VP begin (PP with (NP (NP the opening NP) (PP of (NP the New Zealand foreign exchange markets NP) PP) (PP at (NP (NP (NP 5 p.m. NP) (NP EST NP) NP) (PRN -- (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP (NP stocks NP) (ADVP there ADVP) NP) (VP plunged VP) S) SBAR) -- PRN) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) and (VP to (VP continue (SBAR as (S (NP the trading day NP) (VP (VP began (PP (ADVP later ADVP) in (NP the evening NP) PP) (PP in (NP Tokyo NP) PP) VP) and (VP (PP through (NP early this morning NP) PP) (PP in (NP Europe NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Both (NP (NP the Treasury NP) and (NP the Fed NP) NP) NP) (VP planned (S (VP to (VP keep (S (NP market rooms NP) (VP operating (PP throughout (NP the night NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP monitor (NP the developments NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP Tokyo NP) PP) , (NP share prices NP) (VP dropped (ADVP sharply ADVP) (PP by (NP 1.7 % NP) PP) (PP in (NP early Monday morning trading NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (PP After (NP the initial slide NP) PP) , (NP the market NP) (VP appeared (S (VP to (VP be (VP turning (ADVP around ADVP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) but (S (PP by (NP early afternoon NP) PP) (VP was (VP headed (ADVP lower ADVP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (PP In (NP the Bush administration NP) PP) , (NP the lead NP) (VP is (VP being (VP taken (PP by (NP (NP Treasury Secretary Brady NP) , (NP Undersecretary Robert UNK-CAPS-er NP) and (NP Assistant Secretary Mullins NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The three men NP) (VP worked (ADVP together ADVP) (PP on (NP (NP the so-called Brady Commission NP) , (VP headed (PP by (NP Mr. Brady NP) PP) VP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP was (VP established (PP after (NP the 1987 crash NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP examine (NP (NP the market 's NP) collapse NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP As (NP a result NP) PP) (NP they NP) (VP have (NP (NP extensive knowledge NP) (PP in (NP (NP financial markets NP) , and (NP financial market crises NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. Brady NP) (VP was (PP at (NP the White House NP) PP) (NP Friday afternoon NP) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP (NP the stock market 's NP) decline NP) (VP began VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP was (ADVP quickly ADVP) (PP (PP on (NP the phone NP) PP) (PP with (NP (NP Mr. Mullins NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (PP in (NP turn NP) PP) (VP was (VP talking (PP with (NP (NP the chairmen NP) (PP of (NP the New York and Chicago exchanges NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Later ADVP) , (NP Mr. Brady NP) (VP phoned (NP (NP Mr. Greenspan NP) , (NP SEC Chairman Richard Breeden NP) and (NP (NP numerous contacts NP) (UCP (PP in (NP New York NP) PP) and (ADVP overseas ADVP) UCP) NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (VP say (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP continued (S (VP to (VP work (NP the phones NP) VP) VP) S) (PP through (NP the weekend NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Administration officials NP) (VP say (SBAR (S (NP President Bush NP) (VP was (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP throughout (NP Friday afternoon and evening NP) PP) , (PP (ADVP even ADVP) after (S (VP leaving (PP for (NP Camp David NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP had (NP (NP frequent telephone UNK-LC-s NP) (PP with (NP (NP Mr. Brady NP) and (NP Michael Boskin NP) , (NP (NP chairman NP) (PP of (NP (NP the counsel NP) (PP of (NP economic advisers NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Government officials NP) (VP tried (PP throughout (NP the weekend NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC-er (NP a UNK-LC-al appearance NP) VP) VP) S) (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP avoid (NP (NP any sense NP) (PP of (NP panic NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Treasury Undersecretary David Mulford NP) , (PP for (NP instance NP) PP) , (VP (VP was (PP at (NP (NP a meeting NP) (PP of (NP the Business Council NP) PP) (PP in (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Springs NP) , (NP Va. NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP the stock market NP) (VP fell VP) S) SBAR) VP) , and (VP remained (NP there NP) (PP through (NP the following day NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S And (PP as (PP of (NP last night NP) PP) PP) , (NP Fed Chairman Greenspan NP) (VP had n't (VP canceled (NP his plans (S (VP to (VP address (NP the American Bankers Association convention NP) (PP in (NP Washington NP) PP) (PP at (NP 10 a.m. NP) PP) (NP this morning NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Ironically ADVP) , (NP Mr. Greenspan NP) (VP was (VP scheduled (S (VP to (VP address (NP the same convention NP) (PP in (NP Dallas NP) PP) (PP on (NP Oct. 20 , 1987 NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP (VP flew (PP to (NP Dallas NP) PP) (PP on (NP (NP Oct. 19 NP) , (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP the market NP) (VP plummeted (NP UNK-NUM points NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) , but (ADVP then ADVP) (VP turned (ADVP around ADVP) (NP the next morning NP) VP) and (VP returned (PP to (NP Washington NP) PP) (PP without (S (VP delivering (NP his speech NP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV (ADJP Following ADJP) (VP is VP) (NP (NP a weekly listing NP) (PP of (NP (NP unadited net asset values NP) (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP publicly traded ADJP) investment fund shares NP) , (VP reported (PP by (NP the companies NP) PP) (PP as (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's NP) close NP) PP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) . SINV)
(SINV (VP (ADVP Also ADVP) shown VP) (VP is VP) (NP (NP the closing listed market price NP) or (NP (NP a dealer-to-dealer asked price NP) (PP of (NP (NP each fund 's NP) shares NP) PP) NP) NP) , (PP with (NP (NP the percentage NP) (PP of (NP difference NP) PP) NP) PP) . SINV)
(X (X b X) - (PP As (PP of (NP (NP Thursday 's NP) close NP) PP) PP) . X)
(X (X c X) - (S (VP Translated (PP at (NP Commercial Rand exchange rate NP) PP) VP) S) . X)
(X (X e X) - (PP In (NP Canadian dollars NP) PP) . X)
(X (X f X) - (PP As (PP of (NP (NP Wednesday 's NP) close NP) PP) PP) . X)
(X (X UNK-LC X) - (ADJP Not available ADJP) . X)
(S (VP Put (ADVP down ADVP) (NP that phone NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (VP Walk (PP around (NP the room NP) PP) VP) S) ; (S (VP take (NP two deep UNK-LC-s NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (VP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC (NP the urge (S (VP to (VP (VP call (NP your broker NP) VP) and (VP sell (NP all your stocks NP) VP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP That NP) (VP 's (NP (NP the advice NP) (PP of (NP most investment professionals NP) PP) NP) (PP after (NP (NP (NP Friday 's NP) 190-point drop NP) (PP in (NP the Dow Jones Industrial Average NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP No one NP) (VP can (VP say (PP for (ADJP sure ADJP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (VP will (VP happen (NP today NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S And (NP investment pros NP) (VP are (ADJP divided ADJP) (PP on (SBAR whether (S (NP stocks NP) (VP will (VP perform (ADVP well or badly ADVP) (PP in (NP the next six months NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S But (NP they NP) (VP 're (ADJP nearly unanimous ADJP) (PP on (NP one point NP) PP) VP) S) : (S (VP Do n't (VP sell (PP into (NP a panic NP) PP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP Investors NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP sold (NP everything NP) (PP after (NP (NP the crash NP) (PP of (NP 1987 NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP lived (S (VP to (VP regret (NP it NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP (ADVP Even ADVP) after (NP (NP Friday 's NP) plunge NP) PP) , (NP the Dow Jones Industrial Average NP) (VP was (PP (NP 48 % NP) above (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP it NP) (VP landed (PP on (NP Oct. 19 NP) PP) (ADVP (NP two years NP) ago ADVP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC selling NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP was (ADJP unwise ADJP) (PP during (NP (NP other big declines NP) (PP in (NP the past NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The crash NP) (PP of (NP 1929 NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP followed (PP by (NP a substantial recovery NP) PP) (PP before (NP (S (NP the (NX (NX (NX great Depression NX) and (NX awful bear market NX) NX) (PP of (NP the 1930s NP) PP) NX) NP) (VP began VP) S) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The `` October UNK-LC-s '' NP) (PP of (NP 1978 and 1979 NP) PP) NP) (VP (VP were (ADJP scary ADJP) VP) , but (VP did n't (VP lead (PP to (NP (ADJP severe or sustained ADJP) UNK-LC-s NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Indeed ADVP) , (NP some pros NP) (VP see (NP (NP (NP Friday 's NP) plunge NP) , plus (NP (NP any further damage NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP might (VP occur (NP early this week NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) , NP) (PP as (NP (NP a chance NP) (PP for (NP bargain hunting NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP There NP) (VP has (VP been (NP (NP a lot NP) (PP of (NP (NP emotional selling NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP presents (NP a nice buying opportunity NP) (SBAR if (S (NP you NP) (VP 've (VP got (NP the cash NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Stephen B. Timbers NP) , (NP (NP chief investment officer NP) (PP of (NP Chicago-based Kemper Financial Services Inc NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S But (NP most advisers NP) (VP think (SBAR (S (NP (NP the immediate course NP) (PP for (NP individual investors NP) PP) NP) (VP should (VP be (S (VP to (VP stand (S (ADVP UNK-LC ADVP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When WHADVP) (S (NP you NP) (VP see (NP a runaway train NP) VP) S) SBAR) (PRN , '' (SINV (VP says VP) (NP (NP Steve Janachowski NP) , (NP (NP partner NP) (PP in (NP (NP the San Francisco investment advisory firm NP) (NP Brouwer & Janachowski NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) SINV) , PRN) `` (NP you NP) (VP wait (SBAR for (S (NP the train NP) (VP to (VP stop VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S (PP (ADVP Even ADVP) for (NP (NP people NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP expect (NP (NP a bear market NP) (PP in (NP coming months NP) PP) NP) (PRN -- and (S (NP (NP a sizable number NP) (PP of (NP (NP money managers NP) and (NP market UNK-LC-s NP) NP) PP) NP) (VP do VP) S) -- PRN) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) (NP the advice NP) (VP is : (S (VP (VP UNK-CAPS (SBAR for (S (NP the market NP) (VP to (VP bounce (ADVP back ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) , and (VP sell (NP shares NP) (ADVP gradually ADVP) (PP during (NP rallies NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(SINV (S (NP (NP The best thing NP) (SBAR (S (NP individual investors NP) (VP can (VP do VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP is (S `` (ADVP just ADVP) (VP sit (ADVP tight ADVP) VP) S) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Marshall B. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP (NP executive vice president NP) and (NP (NP head NP) (PP of (NP investment counseling NP) PP) NP) NP) (PP at (NP (NP Stein Roe & UNK-CAPS Inc. NP) , (NP (NP a Chicago-based investment counseling firm NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP manages (NP (QP about $ 18 billion QP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (PP On (NP the one hand NP) PP) (PRN , (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP says VP) S) , PRN) (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP would (VP be (ADJP misguided ADJP) (S (VP to (VP sell (PP into (NP `` a classic panic NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . '' S)
(S (PP On (NP the other hand NP) PP) , (NP it NP) (VP 's (ADVP not necessarily ADVP) (NP (NP a good time NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP jump (ADVP in ADVP) VP) and (VP buy VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (S (NP This NP) (VP is (NP all emotion NP) (ADVP right now ADVP) VP) S) , and (S (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP emotion NP) (VP starts (S (VP to (VP run VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP it NP) (VP can (VP run (ADVP (ADVP further ADVP) (SBAR than (S (NP anyone NP) (VP anticipates VP) S) SBAR) ADVP) VP) VP) S) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S `` (ADVP So ADVP) (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP 's (ADJP more prudent ADJP) (S (VP to (VP (VP wait VP) and (VP see (SBAR (WHADVP how WHADVP) (S (NP things NP) (VP stabilize VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP Roger Ibbotson NP) , (NP (NP (NP professor NP) (PP of (NP finance NP) PP) (PP at (NP Yale University NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP head NP) (PP of (NP the market information firm Ibbotson Associates Inc. NP) PP) NP) NP) , NP) (VP says , `` (S (NP My real advice NP) (VP would (VP be (S (VP to (ADVP just ADVP) (VP ride (PP through (NP it NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Generally ADVP) , (NP it NP) (VP is n't (ADJP wise (S (VP to (VP be (PP (PP in PP) and (PP out '' (PP of PP) PP) (NP the stock market NP) PP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. Ibbotson NP) (VP thinks (SBAR that (S (NP this week NP) (VP is `` (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (NP a roller-coaster week NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S But (NP he NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP is `` (NP (NP a good week NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP consider (S (VP buying VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP John UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (NP (NP former president NP) (PP of (NP (NP the Los Angeles chapter NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the National Association NP) (PP of (NP Investors Corp. NP) PP) NP) , (NP (NP an organization NP) (PP of (NP (NP investment clubs NP) and (NP individual investors NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP his fellow club members NP) (VP (VP did n't (VP sell (PP in (NP (NP the crash NP) (PP of (NP 1987 NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) , and (VP see (NP (NP no reason NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (ADVP now ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP We NP) (VP 're (NP (NP dedicated long-term investors NP) , not (NP traders NP) NP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP says VP) . S)
(S `` (NP We NP) (VP understand (NP UNK-LC-s and euphoria NP) VP) . S)
(S And (NP we NP) (VP hope (S (VP to (VP (VP take (NP advantage NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) VP) and (VP buy (NP stocks NP) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP they NP) (VP plunge VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP One camp NP) (PP of (NP investment pros NP) PP) NP) (VP sees (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (VP happened (NP Friday NP) VP) S) SBAR) (PP as (NP an opportunity NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Over (NP the next days and weeks NP) PP) (PRN , (S (NP they NP) (VP say VP) S) , PRN) (NP investors NP) (VP should (VP look (PP for (NP (NP stocks NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP buy VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV (S (NP (NP Friday 's NP) action NP) `` (VP was (NP an old-fashioned panic NP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Alfred Goldman NP) , (NP (NP director NP) (PP of (NP technical market analysis NP) PP) (PP for (NP (NP (NP A.G. Edwards NP) & (NP Sons NP) NP) (PP in (NP St. Louis NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP Stocks NP) (VP were (VP being (VP thrown (ADVP out (PP of (NP windows NP) PP) ADVP) (PP at (NP any price NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . '' S)
(FRAG (NP His advice NP) : `` (S (NP You NP) (VP ought (S (VP to (VP be (NP there NP) (PP with (NP a basket NP) PP) (S (VP catching (NP them NP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) S) . '' FRAG)
(S (NP (NP James Craig NP) , (NP (NP portfolio manager NP) (PP for (NP (NP the Denver-based UNK-CAPS Fund NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP has (NP (NP one NP) (PP of (NP (NP the industry 's NP) better track records NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) PP) NP) NP) (VP started (NP his buying NP) (PP during (NP (NP Friday 's NP) plunge NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP Stocks NP) (PP such as (NP (NP Hershey Foods Corp. NP) , (NP UNK-CAPS Stores Inc. NP) , (NP American International Group Inc. NP) and (NP Federal National Mortgage Association NP) NP) PP) NP) (VP became (NP (NP such bargains NP) (SBAR that (S (NP he NP) (VP could n't (VP resist (NP them NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) , (NP he NP) (VP says VP) . S)
(S And (NP Mr. Craig NP) (VP expects (S (VP to (VP pick (PRT up PRT) (NP more shares NP) (NP today NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (S (NP It NP) (VP will (VP be (ADJP chaotic ADJP) (PP at (ADVP first ADVP) PP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP I NP) (VP would not (VP be (VP buying (SBAR if (S (NP I NP) (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP we NP) (VP were (VP headed (PP for (NP real trouble NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) S) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP says VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP argues (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP stocks NP) (VP are (VP (ADVP reasonably ADVP) valued VP) VP) (ADVP now ADVP) S) SBAR) , and (SBAR that (S (NP interest rates NP) (VP are (ADJP (ADJP lower ADJP) ADJP) (ADVP now ADVP) (PP than (PP in (NP (NP the fall NP) (PP of (NP 1987 NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (PP of (NP Stein Roe NP) PP) NP) (VP suggests (SBAR that (S (NP any buying NP) (VP should `` (VP concentrate (PP in (NP (NP (NP stocks NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP have (VP lagged (NP the market NP) (PP on (NP the up side NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) , or (NP (NP stocks NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP have (VP been (VP beaten (ADVP down ADVP) (ADVP (NP (NP a lot NP) more NP) (PP than (NP the market NP) PP) ADVP) (PP in (NP this correction NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP His firm NP) (VP favors (NP selected computer , drug and pollution-control stocks NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Other investment pros NP) (VP are (ADJP more pessimistic ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP say (SBAR (S (NP investors NP) (VP should (VP sell (NP stocks NP) -- but (ADVP (ADVP not necessarily ADVP) right away ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Many NP) (PP of (NP them NP) PP) NP) (VP stress (SBAR that (S (NP the selling NP) (VP can (VP be (ADJP (ADJP orderly ADJP) , (ADJP gradual ADJP) , and (VP done (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP stock prices NP) (VP are (VP rallying VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) ADJP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP On (NP Thursday NP) PP) , (NP (NP William UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP a Seattle money manager NP) , NP) (VP used (NP (NP futures contracts NP) (PP in (NP his personal account NP) PP) NP) (S (VP to (VP place (NP a bet (SBAR that (S (NP the broad market averages NP) (VP would (VP decline VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP the underlying inflation rate NP) (VP is (NP (NP (QP around 5 % to 6 % QP) NP) , (ADJP (ADJP far higher ADJP) (SBAR than (S (NP most people NP) (VP suppose VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP (NP the pension accounts NP) (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP manages VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP has (VP (VP raised (NP cash positions NP) VP) and (VP (VP invested (PP in (NP (NP gold NP) and (NP natural gas NP) (NX stocks NX) NP) PP) , (PP (ADVP partly ADVP) as (NP an inflation hedge NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP government officials NP) (VP are (ADJP UNK-LC-ed (S (VP to (VP let (S (NP a recession NP) (VP start VP) S) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP (UCP government , corporate and personal UCP) debt levels NP) (VP are (ADJP so high ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP So ADVP) (NP he NP) (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP the government NP) (VP will (VP UNK-LC (PP on (NP (NP the side NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-ed inflation NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP As (NP a result NP) PP) (PRN , (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP says VP) S) , PRN) `` (S (NP I NP) (VP think (SBAR (S (NP the ball game NP) (VP 's (ADJP over ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , '' and (S (NP investors NP) (VP are (VP about (S (VP to (VP face (NP a bear market NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP David M. Jones NP) , (NP (NP vice president NP) (PP at (NP UNK-CAPS-y G. UNK-CAPS & Co. NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP recommends (NP (NP Treasury securities NP) (PRN -LRB- (PP of (NP (NP (QP up to five QP) years ' NP) maturity NP) PP) -RRB- PRN) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP (NP the Oct. 6 employment report NP) , (VP showing (NP (NP slower economic growth NP) and (NP (NP a severe weakening NP) (PP in (NP the manufacturing sector NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) , NP) (VP is (NP (NP a warning sign NP) (PP to (NP investors NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP One strategy NP) (PP for (NP (NP investors NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP (VP want (S (VP to (VP stay (ADJP in ADJP) VP) VP) S) VP) but (VP hedge (NP their bets NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) (VP is (S (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP `` put '' options NP) , (PP either (PP on (NP (NP the individual stocks NP) (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP own VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) or (PP on (NP a broad market index NP) PP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP A put option NP) (VP gives (NP its holder NP) (NP (NP the right (PRN -LRB- but not (NP the obligation NP) -RRB- PRN) (S (VP to (VP sell (NP (NP a stock NP) (PRN -LRB- or (NP stock index NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) (PP for (NP (NP a specified price NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP the strike price NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) PP) (SBAR until (S (NP the option NP) (VP expires VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR Whether (S (NP this insurance NP) (VP is (ADJP worthwhile ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) (VP depends (PP on (NP (NP the cost NP) (PP of (NP an option NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The cost NP) , or (NP premium NP) , NP) (VP tends (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP fat ADJP) (PP in (NP (NP times NP) (PP of (NP crisis NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Thus ADVP) , (S (VP buying (NP puts NP) (PP after (NP a big market slide NP) PP) VP) S) (VP can (VP be (NP (NP an expensive way NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP hedge (PP against (NP risk NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The prices NP) (PP of (NP puts NP) PP) NP) (ADVP generally ADVP) (VP did n't (VP soar (NP Friday NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP example NP) PP) , (NP (NP the premium NP) (PP as (NP (NP a percentage NP) (PP of (NP the stock price NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP for (NP (NP certain puts NP) (PP on (NP Eli Lilly & Co. NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP moved (ADVP up ADVP) (PP from (NP 3 % NP) (PP at (NP (NP Thursday 's NP) close NP) PP) PP) (PP to (NP (QP only 3.3 QP) % NP) (PP at (NP (NP Friday 's NP) close NP) PP) PP) , (SBAR even though (S (NP the shares NP) (VP dropped (NP (QP more than $ 5.50 QP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S But (NP UNK-LC-ion prices NP) (VP may (VP UNK-LC (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP trading NP) (VP resumes (NP today NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP It NP) NP) (VP 's (ADJP hard ADJP) (S (VP to (VP generalize (PP about (NP (NP a reasonable price NP) (PP for (NP puts NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (S But (NP investors NP) (VP should (VP keep (PP in (NP mind NP) PP) , (PP before (S (VP paying (ADVP too much ADVP) VP) S) PP) , (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the average annual return NP) (PP for (NP stock holdings NP) PP) NP) , (ADVP long-term ADVP) , (VP is (NP (NP (QP 9 % to 10 % QP) NP) (NP a year NP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) ; (S (NP (NP a return NP) (PP of (NP 15 % NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP UNK-LC-y ADJP) S) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (VP Paying , (INTJ say INTJ) , (NP (NP 10 % NP) (PP for (NP (NP insurance NP) (PP against (NP losses NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) (VP takes (NP a deep bite NP) (PP out (PP of (NP the return NP) PP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP James A. White NP) and (NP Tom Herman NP) NP) (VP contributed (PP to (NP this article NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC UNK-CAPS-er Commercial Group NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP sold (NP (NP (QP $ 47 million QP) NP) (PP of (NP common stock NP) PP) NP) (PP to (NP its employees NP) PP) (PP at (NP (NP $ 10 NP) (NP a share NP) NP) PP) , (S (VP giving (NP them NP) (NP (NP a total stake NP) (PP of (NP (QP more than 40 QP) % NP) PP) (PP in (NP the commercial real estate brokerage firm NP) PP) NP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The firm NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP was (VP acquired (PP in (NP April NP) PP) (PP from (NP (NP Sears NP) , (NP Roebuck NP) & (NP Co. NP) NP) PP) (PP in (NP a management-led buy-out NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP had (VP planned (S (VP to (VP sell (NP (NP (NP (QP up to $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) (PP of (NP stock NP) PP) NP) , or (NP (NP a 50 % stake NP) (PP in (NP the company NP) PP) NP) , NP) (PP to (NP its 5,000 employees NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR Though (S (NP the offering NP) (VP did n't (VP sell out VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP (NP James J. UNK-CAPS-ion NP) , (NP (NP chairman NP) and (NP chief executive officer NP) NP) , NP) (VP said , `` (S (NP We NP) (VP 're (ADJP pretty proud (PP of (NP (NP the employees ' NP) response NP) PP) ADJP) VP) S) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP noted (SBAR that (S (PP unlike (NP (NP an employee stock ownership plan NP) , (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP a company NP) (ADVP usually ADVP) (VP UNK-LC-s (NP money NP) (PP from (NP third party lenders NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP stock NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP it NP) (VP sets (ADVP aside ADVP) (S (VP to (VP award (NP employees NP) (PP over (NP time NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) PP) (ADVP here ADVP) (NP employees NP) (VP had (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (PRT out PRT) (NP their own cash NP) (PP for (NP the stock NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP They NP) (VP came (PRT up PRT) (PP with (NP (NP their own money NP) (PP instead (PP of (NP borrowed money NP) PP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) , '' (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS-ion NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S `` (NP It NP) (VP 's (ADJP totally different ADJP) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the offering NP) (VP was (VP designed (S (VP to (VP create (NP (NP long-term incentives NP) (PP for (NP employees NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP We NP) (VP 're (PP in (NP a service business NP) PP) VP) S) , and (S (PP in (NP that context NP) PP) , (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP 's (ADJP vital ADJP) (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP your employees NP) (VP involved (PP in (NP the ownership NP) PP) VP) S) (SBAR so (S (NP they NP) (VP have (NP (NP a stake NP) (PP in (NP the success NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) S) . '' S)
(S (NP The brokerage firm NP) (VP wo n't (VP pay (NP (NP a dividend NP) (PP on (NP the stock NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Employees NP) (VP have (NP the right (S (VP to (VP trade (NP stock NP) (PP among (NP themselves NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) S) , and (S (NP the company NP) (VP will (VP establish (NP (NP an internal clearing house NP) (PP for (NP these transactions NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP They NP) (VP may (ADVP also ADVP) (ADVP eventually ADVP) (VP sell (NP the shares NP) (PP to (NP third parties NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP (NP the outside investors NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP own (NP (NP the remaining 60 % NP) (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS-er NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP have (NP (NP the right NP) (PP to (NP first refusal NP) PP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP Those outside investors NP) (PP in (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS-er NP) PP) NP) (VP include (NP (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Group NP) , (NP (NP a (ADJP closely held ADJP) (NAC Washington , D.C. , NAC) merchant banking firm NP) (SBAR (WHNP whose co-chairman WHNP) (S (VP is (NP (NP Frank Carlucci NP) , (NP (NP former secretary NP) (PP of (NP defense NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) ; (NP (NP UNK-CAPS V. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP senior adviser NP) (PP to (NP UNK-CAPS Group NP) PP) NP) NP) ; (NP (NP Mellon Family Trust NP) (PP of (NP Pittsburgh NP) PP) NP) ; (NP (NP Westinghouse Credit Corp. NP) , (NP (NP the financial services unit NP) (PP of (NP Westinghouse Electric Corp. NP) PP) NP) NP) ; (NP (NP Bankers Trust Co. NP) , (NP (NP a unit NP) (PP of (NP Bankers Trust New York Corp. NP) PP) NP) NP) ; and (NP (NP a group NP) (PP of (NP Japanese investors NP) PP) (VP represented (PP by (NP (NP the investment banking unit NP) (PP of (NP Tokyo-based Sumitomo Bank NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Bankers Trust NP) and (NP Sumitomo NP) NP) (VP financed (NP (NP the (ADJP (QP $ 300 million QP) ADJP) acquisition NP) (PP from (NP Sears Roebuck NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC UNK-CAPS-er NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP named (NP three outside director nominees NP) (PP for (NP its 17 member board NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The nominees NP) (VP are (NP (NP (NP Gary Wilson NP) , (NP (NP chief financial officer NP) (PP of (NP Walt Disney Co. NP) PP) NP) NP) ; (NP (NP James Montgomery NP) , (NP (NP chief executive officer NP) (PP of (NP Great Western Financial Corp. NP) PP) NP) NP) ; and (NP (NP Peter UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP (NP former commissioner NP) (PP of (NP baseball NP) PP) NP) and (ADVP now ADVP) (NP a private investor NP) NP) NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The first major event NP) (NP this morning NP) (PP in (NP U.S. stock and futures trading NP) PP) NP) (VP may (VP be (NP (NP a pause NP) (PP at (NP the Chicago Mercantile Exchange NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Under (NP (NP a reform NP) (VP arising (PP from (NP the 1987 crash NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) , (NP (NP trading NP) (PP in (NP (NP the Merc 's NP) stock-index futures NP) PP) NP) (VP will (VP break (PP for (NP 10 minutes NP) PP) (SBAR if (S (NP the contract NP) (VP opens and stays (NP (NP (NP five points NP) (PP from (NP (NP Friday 's NP) close NP) PP) NP) , (NP (NP a move NP) (ADJP equal (PP to (NP (NP 40 points NP) (PP on (NP the Dow Jones Industrial Average NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) NP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The aim NP) (PP of (NP the interruption NP) PP) NP) (VP would (VP be (S (VP to (VP ease (NP (NP the opening NP) (PP of (NP (NP the New York Stock Exchange NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP would (VP be (VP hammered (PP by (NP (NP such a volatile move NP) (PP on (NP the Merc NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP That UNK-LC-ing UNK-LC-er NP) (VP is (NP (NP just one NP) (PP of (NP (NP a number NP) (PP of (NP (NP safeguards NP) (VP adopted (PP after (NP the 1987 crash NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Big Board NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP added (NP computer capacity NP) (S (VP to (VP handle (NP (NP huge surges NP) (PP in (NP trading volume NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Several NP) (PP of (NP those post-crash changes NP) PP) NP) (VP (VP kicked (PRT in PRT) (PP during (NP (NP Friday 's NP) one-hour collapse NP) PP) VP) and (VP worked (SBAR as (S (VP expected VP) S) SBAR) VP) , (SBAR even though (S (NP they NP) (VP did n't (VP prevent (NP a stunning plunge NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the major `` circuit breakers '' NP) (VP have (ADVP yet ADVP) (S (VP to (VP be (VP evaluated VP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP A deeper market plunge NP) (NP today NP) (VP could (VP give (NP them NP) (NP their first test NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP A further slide NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP would (VP resurrect (NP (NP debate NP) (PP over (NP (NP a host NP) (PP of (NP (NP other , (ADJP more sweeping ADJP) changes NP) (VP proposed (PRN -- but not (VP implemented VP) -- PRN) (PP after (NP the last crash NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Most notably ADVP) , (NP (NP (NP several NP) (PP of (NP (NP the regulatory steps NP) (VP recommended (PP by (NP (NP the Brady Task Force NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP analyzed (NP the 1987 crash NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) NP) (VP would (VP be (VP revived -- (SBAR especially because (S (NP (NP that group 's NP) chairman NP) (VP is (ADVP now ADVP) (NP the Treasury secretary NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The (ADJP most controversial ADJP) NP) (PP of (NP the Brady recommendations NP) PP) NP) (VP involved (S (VP establishing (NP a single UNK-LC-ing regulator NP) (S (VP to (VP handle (NP (NP crucial UNK-LC questions NP) , (PP such as (S (VP setting (NP (NP consistent margin requirements NP) (PP for (NP the stock and futures markets NP) PP) NP) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S But (PP for (NP the moment NP) PP) , (S (NP attention NP) (VP focuses (PP on (NP (NP the reforms NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP were (VP put (PP into (NP place NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) , and (S (NP market regulators and participants NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the circuit breakers NP) (VP worked (SBAR as (S (VP intended VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP Big Board and Merc officials NP) (VP expressed (NP (NP satisfaction NP) (PP with (NP (NP the results NP) (PP of (NP (NP two limits NP) (VP imposed (PP on of (NP (NP (NP (NP the Merc 's NP) Standard & Poor 's NP) 500 contract NP) , (CONJP as well as CONJP) (NP (NP `` UNK-LC '' communications NP) (PP among (NP exchanges NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Those UNK-LC-s NP) (PRN -- (PP (PP (PP from (NP UNK-NUM p.m. NP) PP) (PP to (NP UNK-NUM p.m. NP) PP) (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) and (PP (PP from (NP UNK-NUM p.m. NP) PP) (PP until (NP (NP the close NP) (PP of (NP trading NP) PP) (ADVP (NP a half-hour NP) later ADVP) NP) PP) PP) PP) -- PRN) NP) (VP forced (S (NP traders NP) (VP to (VP buy and sell (NP contracts NP) (PP at (NP (NP prices NP) (PP (PP at PP) or (ADJP higher (PP than PP) ADJP) (NP their frozen levels NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP During (NP the first halt NP) PP) , (SBAR after (S (NP the S&P index NP) (VP had (VP fallen (NP 12 points NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP (NP the Big Board 's NP) `` UNK-CAPS '' computer program NP) (ADVP automatically ADVP) (VP was (VP triggered VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP That system NP) (VP is (VP designed (S (VP to (VP separate (NP UNK-LC-ed program trades NP) (PP from (NP all other trades NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP help (NP exchange officials NP) (VP resolve (NP (NP order imbalances NP) (PP in (NP individual stocks NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP One Merc broker NP) (VP compared (NP (NP the action NP) (PP in (NP the S&P pit NP) PP) (PP during (NP the two UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) (PP to (NP (NP a fire NP) (PP at (NP a UNK-LC-ed school NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (S (NP You NP) (VP do n't (VP want (NP the fire NP) VP) VP) S) but (S (NP you NP) (VP know (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (VP to (VP do VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) S) , '' (VP said VP) (NP (NP Howard UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP an independent floor broker NP) and (NP a Merc governor NP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP There NP) (VP was (NP no panic NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The system NP) (VP worked (NP (NP the way NP) (SBAR (S (NP we NP) (VP devised (S (NP it NP) (VP to (VP work VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . '' S)
(S (PP After (S (VP reopening (PP for (NP (QP about 15 QP) minutes NP) PP) VP) S) PP) , (S (NP the S&P index NP) (VP tumbled (PP to (NP its UNK-LC limit NP) PP) VP) S) and (S (NP the second freeze NP) (VP went (PP into (NP effect NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP Traders NP) (ADVP then ADVP) (VP spent (NP the last half-hour NP) (S `` (VP watching (S (VP to (VP see (SBAR if (S (NP the Dow NP) (VP would (VP drop (NP 250 points NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) S) VP) S) , '' (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP added , (S (VP referring (PP to (NP (NP the level NP) (SBAR (WHPP at (WHNP which WHNP) WHPP) (S (NP (NP the stock market NP) (NP itself NP) NP) (VP would (VP have (VP closed (PP for (NP an hour NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP One observer NP) (VP estimated (SBAR that (S (NP (NP (NP (QP 80 % to 90 % QP) NP) (PP of (NP the S&P traders NP) PP) NP) NP) `` (VP were (ADVP just ADVP) (VP standing (ADVP around ADVP) (S (VP watching VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S (S But (NP the UNK-LC circuit breaker NP) (ADVP never ADVP) (VP had (S (VP to (VP kick (PRT in PRT) VP) VP) S) VP) S) , and (S (NP (NP UNK-LC-s NP) (PP on (NP (NP (NP the Chicago Board NP) (PP of (NP Trade NP) PP) 's NP) (NP Major Market Index NP) NP) PP) NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP were n't (VP triggered VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP The MMI NP) and (NP the S&P 500 NP) NP) (VP are (NP (NP the two major indexes NP) (VP used (PP by (NP program traders NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP run (NP their computerized trading strategies NP) VP) VP) S) VP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The programs NP) (VP are (VP considered (PP by (NP many NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP be (NP (NP a major cause NP) (PP of (NP the 1987 crash NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The process NP) (PP of (NP post-crash reforms NP) PP) NP) (VP (VP began (PP with (NP (NP calls NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (NP the markets NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) and (VP wound (PRT up PRT) (ADVP (NP a year NP) later ADVP) (PP with (NP (NP a series NP) (PP of (NP (ADJP rather technical ADJP) adjustments NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP October 1987 NP) PP) , (PP (ADVP just ADVP) after (NP the market drop NP) PP) , (NP Washington NP) (VP was (ADJP UNK-LC (PP in (NP (NP talk NP) (PP of (NP (NP sweeping changes NP) (PP in (NP (NP the way NP) (SBAR (S (NP the financial markets NP) (VP are (VP structured and regulated VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Over (NP the next year NP) PP) (NP that grand agenda NP) (VP was (VP UNK-LC-ed (ADVP down ADVP) (PP to (NP (NP a series NP) (PP of (NP (NP steps NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP soften (NP big stock drops NP) (PP by (S (VP interrupting (NP trading NP) (S (VP to (VP give (NP market players NP) (NP (NP time NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pause and reconsider (NP positions NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP addition NP) PP) , (S (NP limits NP) (VP were (VP placed (PP on (NP computer-driven trading NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , and (S (NP steps NP) (VP were (VP taken VP) VP) (S (VP to (VP (ADVP better ADVP) link (NP the stock and futures markets NP) VP) VP) S) S) . S)
(S (NP Few changes NP) (VP were (VP made (PP in (NP (NP the way NP) (SBAR (S (NP the markets NP) (VP are (VP regulated VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP At (NP the outset NP) PP) (NP the prime target NP) (VP was (NP (NP program trading NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP was (VP (VP (ADVP much ADVP) discussed VP) but (VP (ADVP little ADVP) understood VP) (PP on (NP Capitol Hill NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP There NP) (VP were (ADVP also ADVP) (NP (NP calls NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP strip (NP the stock markets NP) (PP of (NP (NP `` derivative '' products NP) , (PP such as (NP (NP stock-index futures and options NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (NP Federal Judge Stanley UNK-CAPS NP) , (PP for (NP example NP) PP) , (VP likened (PP to `` (NP (NP UNK-LC-s NP) (VP attached (PP to (NP the basic market NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . '' S)
(S And (NP there NP) (VP was (NP (NP much criticism NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the New York Stock Exchange 's NP) system NP) (PP of (S (VP having (NP stock trades NP) (VP flow (PP through (NP (NP specialists NP) , or (NP market makers NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR (WHADVP When WHADVP) (S (NP (NP (NP the Brady Task Force 's NP) powerful analysis NP) (PP of (NP the crash NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP released (PP in (NP January 1988 NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP it NP) (ADVP immediately ADVP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP (NP the reformers ' NP) agenda NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (VP (VP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ing (SBAR that (S (NP the separate financial UNK-LC-s NP) (VP acted (PP as (NP one NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) , and (VP concluding (SBAR that (S (NP the crash NP) (VP had `` (VP raised (NP (NP the possibility NP) (PP of (NP a full-scale financial system breakdown NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) , '' (NP the presidential task force NP) (VP called (PP for (S (VP establishing (NP a UNK-LC NP) (S (S (VP to (VP oversee (NP the markets NP) VP) VP) S) , (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP margins NP) (ADJP consistent (PP across (NP markets NP) PP) ADJP) S) VP) VP) S) , (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC-y (NP clearing systems NP) VP) VP) S) and (S (VP to (VP install (NP circuit breakers NP) VP) VP) S) S) VP) S) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Only the (ADJP last ADJP) NP) (PP of (NP those recommendations NP) PP) NP) (ADVP ever ADVP) (VP was (VP implemented VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Reagan White House NP) (VP (VP held (NP the Brady recommendations NP) (PP at (NP (NP arm 's NP) length NP) PP) VP) and (VP named (S (NP (NP a second panel NP) (PRN -- (NP (NP the Working Group NP) (PP on (NP the Financial Markets NP) PP) NP) -- PRN) NP) (VP to (VP review (NP (NP its analysis NP) and (NP (NP those NP) (PP of (NP other crash studies NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP May 1988 NP) PP) , (NP (NP the Working Group NP) , (VP made (PRT up PRT) (PP of (NP (NP representatives NP) (PP from (NP (NP the Federal Reserve NP) , (NP the Treasury NP) , (NP the Securities and Exchange Commission NP) , and (NP the Commodity Futures Trading Commission NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) , NP) (ADVP finally ADVP) (VP endorsed (NP only circuit breakers NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP After (NP (NP several more months NP) (PP of (NP (NP arguments NP) (PP among (NP various (NX (NX stock exchanges NX) and (NX futures markets NX) NX) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP circuit breakers NP) (VP were (VP set (PP in (NP place NP) PP) , (PP with (S (NP the (ADJP most notable ADJP) NP) (VP suspending (NP trading NP) (PP after (NP (NP (ADJP (QP 250 and 400 QP) point ADJP) drops NP) (PP in (NP the Dow Jones Industrial Average NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ly ADVP) , (NP some free UNK-LC-s NP) (VP dismissed (NP such UNK-LC-s NP) (PP as (NP (NP UNK-LC-s NP) (PP to (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP After (NP all NP) PP) (PRN , (S (NP this free-market argument NP) (VP went VP) S) , PRN) (NP the Dow NP) (ADVP only ADVP) (VP dropped (NP (QP more than 250 QP) points NP) (ADVP once (NP this century NP) ADVP) VP) . S)
(NP (NP `` Circuit breakers '' NP) (VP set (S (VP to (VP soften (NP big drops NP) VP) VP) S) VP) : NP)
(S -- (SBAR If (S (NP S&P futures NP) (VP fall (NP 5 points NP) (PP at (NP opening NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP contract trading NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (PP for (NP 10 minutes NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S -- (SBAR If (S (NP Dow UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP fall (NP 25 points NP) (PP at (NP opening NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP contract trading NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (PP for (NP 10 minutes NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S -- (SBAR If (S (NP S&P futures NP) (VP fall (NP (NP 12 points NP) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP equivalent (PP to (NP (NP (QP about 100 QP) points NP) (PP on (NP DJIA NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) -RRB- PRN) NP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP trading NP) (VP is (VP frozen (PP for (NP half hour NP) PP) (PP to (NP (NP that price NP) or (NP higher NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP On (NP NYSE NP) PP) (NP program trades NP) (VP are (VP diverted (PP into (NP a separate computer file NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP determine (NP buy and sell orders NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S -- (SBAR If (S (NP S&P futures NP) (VP fall (NP 30 points NP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP trading NP) (VP is (VP restricted (PP for (NP an hour NP) PP) (PP to (NP (NP that price NP) or (NP higher NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S -- (SBAR If (S (NP Dow UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP fall (NP 250 points NP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP (NP trading NP) (PP on (NP the Big Board NP) PP) NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (PP for (NP an hour NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP S&P NP) and (NP MMI contracts NP) NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP halt VP) . S)
(S -- (SBAR If (S (NP DJIA NP) (VP drops (NP 400 points NP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP Big Board NP) (VP UNK-LC-s (NP trading NP) (PP for (NP two hours NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Trading NP) (PP in (NP MMI and S&P futures NP) PP) NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP halted VP) . S)
(NP (NP Brady Task Force recommendations NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP Jan. 1988 NP) -RRB- PRN) : NP)
(S -- (VP UNK-CAPS (NP (NP an UNK-LC-ing regulator NP) (PP for (NP financial markets NP) PP) NP) VP) S)
(S -- (VP UNK-CAPS-y (NP UNK-LC-ing systems NP) VP) S)
(S -- (VP Make (S (NP margins NP) (ADJP consistent (PP across (NP stock and futures markets NP) PP) ADJP) S) VP) S)
(NP (NP SEC proposals NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP May 1988 NP) -RRB- PRN) : NP)
(S -- (VP UNK-CAPS (NP (NP prompt reports NP) (PP of (NP large securities trades NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S -- (VP Give (NP SEC NP) (NP authority (S (VP to (VP monitor (NP (NP UNK-LC-ing NP) (PP by (NP (NP affiliates NP) (PP of (NP brokerage firms NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) . S)
(S -- (VP UNK-CAPS-er (NP (NP jurisdiction NP) (PP over (NP UNK-LC-ed futures NP) PP) NP) (PP to (NP SEC NP) PP) (PP from (NP CFTC NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S -LRB- (VP UNK-CAPS-ed (PP by (NP new SEC chairman NP) PP) VP) -RRB- S)
(S -- (VP Give (NP SEC NP) (NP authority (S (VP to (VP halt (NP securities trading NP) VP) VP) S) NP) , (PRN -LRB- (S (ADVP also ADVP) (VP opposed (PP by (NP new SEC chairman NP) PP) VP) S) -RRB- PRN) VP) . S)
(NP Congressional proposal : NP)
(S -- (VP UNK-CAPS (NP (NP a task force NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP review (NP (NP current state NP) (PP of (NP the securities markets and securities laws NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (VP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ing (NP (NP the Soviet government 's NP) television monopoly NP) VP) S) , (NP an independent company NP) (VP has (VP gained (NP rights (S (VP to (VP show (NP (NP world programming NP) , (PP including (NP American films NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (S (NP There NP) (VP must not (VP be (NP a monopoly NP) VP) VP) S) , (S (NP there NP) (VP must (VP be (NP (NP freedom NP) (PP of (NP choice NP) PP) NP) (PP for (NP both journalists and viewers NP) PP) VP) VP) S) S) , '' (NP (NP UNK-CAPS I. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP the president NP) (PP of (NP the UNK-CAPS TV company NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP told (NP the weekly newspaper UNK-CAPS NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The company NP) (VP is (ADVP already ADVP) (VP (VP working (PP on (NP its own programming NP) PP) (PP in (NP several provincial cities NP) PP) VP) and (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP be (PP on (NP the air NP) PP) (ADVP regularly ADVP) VP) VP) (PP in (NP about a year NP) PP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) , (NP the newspaper NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP told (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (SBAR that (S (NP he NP) (ADVP recently ADVP) (VP had (VP been (PP to (NP the U.S. NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP pick (PRT up PRT) (NP the rights (S (VP to (VP show (NP 5,000 U.S. films NP) (PP in (NP the Soviet Union NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC 's NP) article NP) (VP was (VP accompanied (PP by (NP (NP a picture NP) (PP of (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP singer John Denver NP) (PP in (NP Colorado NP) PP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR Even though (S (NP it NP) (VP will (VP be (ADJP independent (PP of (NP official television NP) PP) ADJP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP will (VP have (NP (NP an oversight board NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP will (VP include (NP (NP members NP) (PP of (NP the Communist youth league NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP South Africa 's NP) National Union NP) (PP of (NP Mineworkers NP) PP) NP) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP (NP about 10,000 NP) diamond miners NP) (VP struck (PP for (NP higher wages NP) PP) (PP at (NP De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S)
(S (NP De Beers NP) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP (NP workers NP) (PP at (NP (NP five NP) (PP of (NP (NP the group 's NP) mines NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP were (PP on (NP (NP strike NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (NP it NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (VP was (ADJP peaceful ADJP) , (PP with (S (NP orderly UNK-LC-ing NP) (VP occurring (PP at (NP (NP one NP) (PP of (NP the mines NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The UNK-LC NP) (PP in (NP negotiations NP) PP) NP) (VP occurred (PP with (S (NP De Beers NP) (VP offering (NP (NP a (ADJP 17 % ADJP) increase NP) (PP in (NP the minimum-wage category NP) PP) NP) (SBAR while (S (NP the union NP) (VP demanded (NP (NP a (ADJP 37.6 % ADJP) increase NP) (PP in (NP the minimum wage NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Japan 's NP) opposition Socialist Party NP) (VP denied (SBAR that (S (NP its legislators NP) (VP had (VP been (VP bribed (PP by (NP UNK-LC owners NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The allegation NP) (VP had (VP been (VP raised (PP in (NP Parliament NP) PP) (PP by (NP the governing Liberal Democratic Party NP) PP) (PP following (NP (NP magazine reports NP) (VP suggesting (SBAR that (S (NP (NP money NP) (PP from (NP (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-LC NP) , (VP called (S (NP pachinko NP) S) VP) , NP) PP) NP) (VP had (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP politics NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP secretary general NP) (PP of (NP the Socialist Party NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP (VP acknowledged (SBAR that (S (NP nine party lawmakers NP) (VP had (VP received (NP (NP (NP donations NP) (PP from (NP the pachinko association NP) PP) NP) (VP totaling (NP (NP (QP 8 million QP) yen NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP about $ 55,000 QP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) VP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) but (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the donations NP) (VP were (ADJP legal ADJP) VP) S) and (S (NP (NP none NP) (PP of (NP its members NP) PP) NP) (VP acted (S (VP to (VP favor (NP the industry NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The World UNK-CAPS Fund NP) (PP for (NP Nature NP) PP) NP) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Spain NP) , (NP Argentina NP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) and (NP Indonesia NP) NP) (VP were (VP doing (NP too little (SBAR (S (VP to (VP prevent (NP (NP illegal trade NP) (PP in (NP endangered wildlife NP) PP) (PP across (NP their borders NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP A report NP) (PP by (NP the conservation group NP) PP) NP) (VP presented (PP at (NP (NP the UNK-CAPS-ed Convention NP) (PP on (NP (NP International Trade NP) (PP in (NP Endangered Species NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP in (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) NP) (VP accused (NP the four NP) (PP of (S (VP trading (NP (NP protected species NP) (VP ranging (PP (PP from (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) (PP to (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) PP) VP) NP) VP) S) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Fund official Simon UNK-CAPS-er NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP world trade NP) (PP in (NP wildlife NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP estimated (S (VP to (VP total (NP (NP (QP $ 5 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP business NP) PP) NP) (ADVP annually ADVP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP A NATO project NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP a UNK-LC NP) (PP for (NP the 1990s NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP was (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP by (NP (NP the UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP (NP three NP) (PP of (NP its eight participating nations NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Britain , France and Italy NP) (VP announced (NP (NP technical reasons NP) (PP for (NP withdrawing NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , but (S (NP some officials NP) (VP pointed (PP to (NP (NP growing reluctance NP) (PP among (NP the allies NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP commit (NP themselves NP) (PP to (NP big defense spending NP) PP) (SBAR while (S (NP East-West UNK-LC talks NP) (VP show (NP (NP signs NP) (PP of (NP success NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(FRAG (NP Small wonder (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Britain 's NP) Labor Party NP) (VP wants (NP credit controls NP) VP) S) SBAR) . NP) FRAG)
(S (SBAR (NP A few hours NP) after (S (NP the party NP) (VP launched (NP its own UNK-LC-ity credit card NP) (ADVP earlier (NP this month NP) ADVP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP the UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP raised (NP (NP the nation 's NP) base interest rate NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Labor 's NP) Visa card NP) (VP is (VP believed (S (VP to (VP be (NP (NP the first NP) (VP linked (PP to (NP a British political party NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Labor NP) (VP gets (NP (NP 25 pence NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP 39 cents NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) (PP for (NP (NP (NP every 100 NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP about $ 155 QP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP a user NP) (VP charges (PP to (NP the card NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP As (PP with (NP (NP other plastic NP) (PP in (NP (NP Britain 's NP) UNK-LC environment NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) , (NP (NP the Labor card NP) , (VP administered (PP by (NP UNK-CAPS Bank NP) PP) VP) , NP) (VP carries (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADJP stiff ADJP) (PRN -LRB- (PP in (NP this case NP) PP) , (ADJP UNK-NUM % ADJP) -RRB- PRN) ADJP) annual rate NP) (PP on (NP the unpaid balance NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP China 's NP) UNK-LC austerity program NP) (VP (VP has (VP achieved (NP (NP some successes NP) (PP in (S (VP (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP runaway economic growth NP) VP) and (VP stabilizing (NP prices NP) VP) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) VP) but (VP has (VP failed (S (VP to (VP eliminate (NP (NP (NP serious defects NP) (PP in (NP state planning NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP an alarming drain NP) (PP on (NP state budgets NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The official China Daily NP) (VP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP retail prices NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC foods NP) PP) NP) (VP have n't (VP risen (PP since (NP last December NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) but (VP acknowledged (SBAR (S (NP that huge government subsidies NP) (VP were (NP (NP a main factor NP) (PP in (S (VP keeping (S (NP prices NP) (ADVP down ADVP) S) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The State Statistical Bureau NP) (VP found (SBAR that (S (NP (NP (QP more than 1 billion QP) UNK-LC NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 270 million QP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) (VP was (VP spent (PP in (NP (NP the first half NP) (PP of (NP the year NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP for (NP pork subsidies NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The newspaper NP) (VP quoted (NP experts NP) (PP as (S (VP saying (SBAR (S (NP the subsidies NP) (VP would (VP cause (S (NP (NP the difference NP) (PP between (NP (NP (NP prices NP) and (NP real values NP) NP) (PP of (NP commodities NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP to (VP `` (VP become (ADJP very unreasonable ADJP) VP) '' and (VP reduce (NP (NP needed funds NP) (PP for (NP (NP investment NP) (PP in (NP the `` (ADJP already difficult ADJP) state budget NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) PP) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP The aim NP) (PP of (NP the austerity measures NP) PP) NP) (VP was (S (VP to (VP slice (NP (NP economic growth NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP soared (PP to (NP UNK-NUM % NP) (NP last year NP) PP) , (PP to (NP 8 % NP) (PP in (NP 1990 NP) PP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Economists NP) (ADVP now ADVP) (VP predict (SBAR (S (NP the growth rate NP) (VP will (VP be (NP (QP about 11.5 QP) % NP) (PP for (NP the year NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP (NP a sign NP) (PP of (NP (NP growing official tolerance NP) (PP for (NP religion NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP Russian UNK-CAPS UNK-LC-s NP) (VP were (VP allowed (S (VP to (VP celebrate (NP (NP the UNK-LC anniversary NP) (PP of (NP the Moscow UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) (PP in (NP (NP (NP the Kremlin 's NP) UNK-LC-y UNK-CAPS-y UNK-CAPS-al NP) , (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP czars NP) (VP were (VP UNK-LC-ed VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) ... . S)
(S (NP (NP A (ADJP UNK-LC ADJP) , (ADJP (QP $ 7.7 million QP) ADJP) statue NP) (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP completed (PP on (NP (NP (NP a hill NP) (PP outside (NP Hong Kong NP) PP) , (VP facing (NP China NP) VP) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The statue NP) (VP is (NP (NP the brainchild NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Chi UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP director NP) (PP of (NP the UNK-CAPS Lin UNK-CAPS-y NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP said : `` (S (NP Hong Kong NP) (VP is (NP (NP such a prosperous place NP) , (SBAR (S (NP we NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP need (NP (NP some kind NP) (PP of (NP religious symbol NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP It NP) (NP all NP) (VP seemed (ADJP innocent (NP enough NP) ADJP) VP) S) : (S (NP Last April NP) , (NP one Steven B. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP (VP visited (NP Justin Products Inc. here NP) VP) , (VP identified (NP himself NP) (PP as (NP a potential customer NP) PP) VP) and (VP got (NP (NP the word NP) (PP on (NP (NP (NP the little company 's NP) new cassette players NP) (PP for (NP children NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S `` (S (NP It NP) (VP is (ADJP almost identical (PP to (NP the Sony product NP) PP) ADJP) VP) S) , '' (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP remarked , (PP after (S (VP seeing (NP UNK-LC-s and pictures NP) VP) S) PP) VP) . S)
(SINV (VP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ed VP) (NP a Justin salesman NP) : (FRAG `` (ADVP UNK-CAPS-ly ADVP) FRAG) . '' SINV)
(S (NP The Justin merchandise NP) (VP carried (NP (NP wholesale prices NP) (PP (NP some 40 % NP) below (NP (NP those NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP Sony Corp. NP) (PP of (NP (NP Japan NP) NP) PP) NP) 's NP) `` (NAC My First Sony NAC) '' line NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The visitor NP) (VP (VP UNK-LC-ed (S (ADJP enthusiastic ADJP) S) VP) and (VP promised (S (VP to (VP return VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (PP instead (PP of (NP (NP a new customer NP) (PRN -- (NP (NP part NP) (PP of (NP (NP a hoped-for bonanza NP) (PP from (S (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP Sony NP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) NP) -- PRN) NP) PP) PP) (NP Justin NP) (VP got (NP a costly legal morass NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (PRN , (S (NP it NP) (VP turned (PRT out PRT) VP) S) , PRN) (VP was (NP (NP a private detective NP) (VP using (NP a hidden tape recorder NP) (S (VP to (VP gather (NP information NP) (PP for (NP Sony NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP His recording NP) (ADVP later ADVP) (VP turned (PRT up PRT) (PP as (NP a court exhibit NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (VP Seeking (S (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP Justin 's NP) (NP `` My UNK-CAPS '' NP) product line NP) (PP off (NP the U.S. market NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) , (NP Sony NP) (NP last May NP) (VP filed (NP (NP a suit NP) NP) (PP in (NP Manhattan federal court NP) PP) (VP accusing (NP (NP the upstart NP) (PP of (NP (NP trademark infringement NP) , (NP unfair competition NP) and (NP (NP other violations NP) (PP of (NP business law NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Since (ADVP then ADVP) PP) , (NP life NP) (VP has (VP changed (NP a lot NP) (PP for (NP (NP 61-year-old Leonard UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP Justin 's NP) owner NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP I NP) (VP have n't (VP been (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP get (NP a decent (NP night 's NP) sleep NP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) (SBAR since (S (NP this NP) (VP has (VP been (VP going (PRT on PRT) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP says VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP It NP) (VP 's (NP (NP the (ADJP most distracting ADJP) thing NP) (PP in (NP my life NP) PP) NP) VP) S) -- (S (NP I NP) (VP ca n't (ADVP even ADVP) (VP attend (PP to (NP my business NP) PP) VP) VP) S) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP His company NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP annual sales NP) : (NP (QP about $ 25 million QP) NP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) (VP may (VP suffer (NP a costly blow NP) (PRN -- (S (VP losing (NP (NP an estimated 10 % NP) (PP of (NP total sales NP) PP) NP) VP) S) -- PRN) (SBAR if (S (NP (NP Sony NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP annual sales NP) : (NP (QP about $ 16 billion QP) NP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) (VP prevails VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Justin 's NP) plight NP) (VP shows (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (VP can (VP happen (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP a tiny company NP) (ADVP suddenly ADVP) (VP faces (NP (NP the full legal might NP) (PP of (NP a UNK-LC multinational NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP With (NP considerable irony NP) PP) , (NP the case NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP shows (SBAR (WHADVP how completely WHADVP) (S (NP Japan NP) (VP has (VP turned (NP the tables NP) (PP on (NP U.S. business NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Americans NP) (VP used (S (VP to (VP complain (ADVP bitterly ADVP) (PP about (S (VP being (VP UNK-LC (PP by (NP (NP UNK-LC products NP) (PP from (NP Japan NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Now ADVP) (NP (NP Sony NP) , (SBAR (WHNP whose innovative , (ADJP UNK-LC-ed ADJP) products WHNP) (S (VP are (PP among (NP (NP the (ADJP most UNK-LC-ed ADJP) NP) (PP in (NP consumer electronics NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP is (VP (ADVP bitterly ADVP) complaining (PP about (NP (NP a little U.S. firm NP) (PP with (NP (NP a cheap UNK-LC NP) (VP produced (PP in (NP China NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP (NP The UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP this NP) PP) NP) (VP is (SBAR that (S (S (NP Justin NP) (VP knocked (PRT off PRT) (NP the Sony line NP) VP) S) and (S (NP Sony NP) (VP wants (S (VP to (VP stop (NP it NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) S) SBAR) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Lewis H. UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (NP (NP (NP Sony 's NP) attorney , NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (ADVP previously ADVP) (VP guarded (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) UNK-CAPS NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S -LRB- (NP (NP Sony NP) (NP itself NP) NP) (VP declines (S (VP to (VP comment VP) VP) S) VP) . -RRB- S)
(S (SBAR If (S (NP Sony NP) (VP wins VP) S) SBAR) (PRN , (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS-er NP) (VP says VP) S) , PRN) (NP its little rival NP) (VP will (VP have (S (VP to (VP try (S (VP to (VP sell (NP the products NP) (ADVP overseas ADVP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP At worst PP) (PRN , (S (NP he NP) (VP adds VP) S) , PRN) `` (NP They NP) (VP 'd (VP have (S (VP to (VP (VP UNK-LC (NP them NP) (NP all NP) (PRT up PRT) VP) and (VP throw (NP them NP) (PRT away PRT) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP (VP denies (NP (NP the suit 's NP) charges NP) VP) and (VP says (SBAR (S (NP his only mistake NP) (VP was (S (VP taking (PRT on PRT) (NP Sony NP) (PP in (NP the marketplace NP) PP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (S (NP I NP) (VP made (NP a similar line NP) VP) S) and (S (NP I NP) (VP produced (NP it NP) (ADVP cheaper ADVP) VP) S) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP says VP) . S)
(S (NP Today NP) , (NP U.S. Judge John E. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rule (PP on (NP (NP (NP Sony 's NP) renewed request NP) (PP for (NP (NP a pre-trial order NP) (VP blocking (NP (NP sale NP) (PP of (NP (NP the disputed products NP) , (SBAR (WHPP on (WHNP which WHNP) WHPP) (S (NP deliveries NP) (VP began (PP in (NP July NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The judge NP) (VP turned (PRT down PRT) (NP (NP an earlier Sony request NP) (PP for (NP (NP such an order NP) NP) PP) NP) (PRN -- (NP (NP a decision NP) (VP upheld (PP on (NP appeal NP) PP) VP) NP) -- PRN) VP) S) but (S (NP Sony NP) (VP returned (PP with (NP additional evidence and arguments NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S (PP Though (S (VP hoping (S (VP to (VP settle (NP the case NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) PP) , (NP Justin NP) (VP vows (S (VP to (VP fight (ADVP on ADVP) , (SBAR if (FRAG (ADJP necessary ADJP) FRAG) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the battle NP) (VP is (NP (NP more NP) (SBAR than (S (NP Justin NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP for PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP I NP) (VP had (NP no idea (SBAR (S (NP I NP) (VP was (VP getting in (ADVP so deep ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP founded (NP Justin NP) (PP in (NP 1982 NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) . SINV)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP had (VP (VP sold (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Inc. NP) , (NP a Taiwan electronics maker NP) NP) VP) , and (VP retired VP) , (S (ADVP only ADVP) (VP to (VP find (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP was (ADJP bored ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP With (NP Justin NP) PP) , (NP he NP) (VP began (S (VP selling (NP (NP toys and electronics NP) (VP made (ADVP mostly ADVP) (PP in (NP Hong Kong NP) PP) VP) NP) , (S (VP beginning (PP with (NP Mickey UNK-CAPS radios NP) PP) VP) S) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The company NP) (VP has (VP grown -- (PP to (NP (QP about 40 QP) employees NP) PP) , (PP from (NP four NP) (ADVP initially ADVP) PP) VP) VP) S) , (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP says VP) . S)
(SINV (S (NP Justin NP) (VP has (VP been (ADJP profitable ADJP) (PP since (NP 1986 NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , (VP adds VP) (NP (NP the official NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP shares (NP his office NP) (PP with (NP (NP numerous UNK-LC-y bears NP) , (NP (NP all samples NP) (PP from (NP (NP his line NP) (PP of (NP plush toys NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) . SINV)
(S (PP Like (NP many others NP) PP) , (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP took (NP notice NP) (PP in (NP 1987 NP) PP) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP Sony NP) , (PP in (NP (NP a classic example NP) (PP of (NP market UNK-LC-ion NP) PP) NP) PP) , (VP (VP changed (NP (NP the plastic skin and buttons NP) (PP on (NP (NP the famous UNK-CAPS line NP) (PP of (NP portable audio equipment NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) and (VP created (NP (NP the (NAC My First Sony NAC) line NP) (PP for (NP children NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The (ADJP UNK-LC-ly colored ADJP) new products NP) (VP looked (ADJP (ADJP more (PP like (NP toys NP) PP) ADJP) (PP than (NP the adult models NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S -LRB- (PP In (NP court papers NP) PP) , (NP Sony NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP has (VP spent (NP (QP more than $ 3 million QP) NP) (S (VP to (VP promote (NP the line NP) VP) VP) S) , (PP with (NP (NP resulting sales NP) (PP of (NP (QP over a million QP) units NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . -RRB- S)
(S (S (NP Sony NP) (VP found (NP a new market niche NP) VP) S) , but (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP figured (SBAR that (S (NP its prices NP) (VP left (NP (NP plenty NP) (PP of (NP (NP room NP) (PP for (NP a lower-priced competitor NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP His products NP) (VP (VP are n't (NP (NP exact copies NP) (PP of (NP Sony 's NP) PP) NP) VP) but (VP (ADVP strongly ADVP) resemble (NP them NP) (PP in (NP (NP size NP) , (NP shape NP) and , (ADVP especially ADVP) , (NP color NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Sony NP) (VP (VP uses (ADVP mostly ADVP) (NP (NP red NP) and (NP blue NP) , (PP with (NP (NP traces NP) (PP of (NP yellow NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) -- and (SINV (ADVP so ADVP) (VP does VP) (NP Justin NP) , (PP on (NP the theory (SBAR that (S (NP kids NP) (VP prefer (NP these colors NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) SINV) . S)
(SINV -LRB- `` (S (S (VP To (VP be (ADJP successful ADJP) VP) VP) S) , (NP a product NP) (VP can (VP be (NP (NP any color NP) (NP whatsoever NP) NP) , (SBAR as long as (S (NP it NP) (VP is (ADJP UNK-LC red ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Charles E. UNK-CAPS-y NP) , (NP (NP Justin 's NP) attorney NP) NP) . -RRB- SINV)
(S (S (PP By (NP last winter NP) PP) , (NP Justin NP) (VP was (VP showing (NP UNK-LC-s NP) (PP at (NP toy UNK-LC-s NP) PP) (PP in (NP (NP Hong Kong NP) and (NP New York NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) -- and (S (NP Sony NP) (VP noticed VP) S) . S)
(S (ADVP Indeed ADVP) , (S (VP concerned (SBAR that (S (NP Sony sales personnel NP) (VP were (VP threatening (NP (NP (NP legal action NP) or (NP (NP other retaliation NP) -- (PP such as (S (VP withholding (NP desirable Sony products NP) VP) S) PP) -- NP) NP) (PP against (NP (NP Justin 's NP) customers NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS-y NP) (VP fired (PRT off PRT) (NP (NP a letter NP) (PP to (NP Sony NP) PP) NP) (PP in (NP April NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP He NP) (NP himself NP) NP) (VP threatened (S (VP to (VP take (NP the matter NP) (PP to (NP (NP the Federal Trade Commission NP) or (NP U.S. Justice Department NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S But (NP Justin NP) (VP has n't (VP pursued (NP (NP those charges NP) (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP were (PP without (NP merit NP) PP) , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (NP the Sony attorney NP) NP) PP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) -RRB- PRN) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV (VP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s VP) (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS-y NP) : `` (S (NP Our purpose NP) (VP was (S (VP to (VP influence (S (NP them NP) (VP to (VP leave (S (NP us NP) (ADJP alone ADJP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) S) . SINV)
(S (S (NP We NP) (ADVP never ADVP) (VP intended (S (VP taking (PRT on PRT) (NP Sony NP) VP) S) VP) S) -- (S (NP we NP) (VP do n't (VP have (NP the resources NP) VP) VP) S) . '' S)
(S (NP Sony NP) (VP answered (NP the empty threat NP) (PP with (NP its real suit NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Off and on ADVP) (PP since (ADVP then ADVP) PP) , (NP the companies NP) (VP have (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP in (NP court NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S And (NP Justin NP) , (PP in (NP a news release NP) PP) , (VP says , `` (S (S (ADJP Once competitive ADJP) S) , (NP Sony NP) (ADVP now ADVP) (VP resorts (PP to (NP UNK-LC tactics NP) PP) (PP in (NP American UNK-LC-s NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP (VP UNK-LC (PRT out PRT) VP) and (VP protect VP) (NP niche markets NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP Sony 's NP) lawyer NP) (VP insists (SBAR that (S (NP (NP (NP the company 's NP) tactics NP) (PRN -- (PP including (NP (NP the use NP) (PP of (NP (NP a private detective NP) (VP posing (PP as (NP a buyer NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) -- PRN) NP) (VP are (ADJP routine ADJP) (PP in (NP such matters NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP insists (SBAR that (S (NP Sony NP) , (ADVP (ADVP no less ADVP) (PP than (NP others NP) PP) ADVP) , (VP has (NP a legal right (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP its `` trade dress NP) , '' (PRN (PP in (NP this case NP) PP) , (ADVP mostly ADVP) (NP the colors NP) PRN) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP it NP) (VP claims (SBAR (S (VP make (S (NP (NP My First Sony NP) products NP) (ADJP distinctive ADJP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S -LRB- (NP Justin NP) (VP claims (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP began (S (VP using (NP the same colors NP) (PP on (NP (NP electronic goods NP) (PP for (NP children NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) (SBAR (ADVP long ADVP) before (S (NP Sony NP) (VP entered (NP (NP the children 's NP) market NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . -RRB- S)
(S (SBAR (WHNP Whatever WHNP) (FRAG (NP its merits NP) FRAG) SBAR) , (NP (NP Sony 's NP) aggressive defense NP) (VP is (ADJP UNK-LC-ing (PP for (NP Justin NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP 's (ADVP also ADVP) (ADJP costly ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP has (VP paid (NP (NP (QP more than $ 70,000 QP) NP) (PP in (NP legal fees NP) PP) NP) (ADVP so far ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP Of (NP Sony NP) PP) , (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP says : `` (S (NP They NP) (VP know (SBAR (S (NP there NP) (VP 's (NP (NP no way NP) (SBAR for (S (NP them NP) (VP to (VP lose VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (ADVP just ADVP) (VP keep (S (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP me NP) (ADVP in ADVP) (ADVP deeper ADVP) (SBAR until (S (NP I NP) (VP reach (NP (NP the point NP) (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP I NP) (VP (VP give (PRT up PRT) VP) and (VP go (ADVP away ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) VP) . '' S)
(S (PP For (ADVP now ADVP) PP) , (ADVP though ADVP) , (NP he NP) (VP vows (S (VP to (VP hang (PRT in PRT) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK Charles H. UNK-CAPS-y II NP) , (NP (NP chairman NP) (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS Corp. NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP purchased (NP (NP UNK-NUM shares NP) , or (NP 4.9 % NP) , (PP of (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) common NP) PP) NP) , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a filing NP) (PP with (NP the Securities and Exchange Commission NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The stock NP) (VP was (VP bought (PP on (NP Thursday NP) PP) (PP in (NP a (ADJP privately negotiated ADJP) transaction NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , (NP the filing NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (SBAR As (S (ADVP previously ADVP) (VP reported VP) S) SBAR) , (NP (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (NP N.H. NP) NP) , NP) and (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Gas & Electric Co. NP) , (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP Mass. NP) NP) , NP) NP) (VP are (NP (NP targets NP) (PP of (NP (NP unsolicited tender offers NP) (PP from (NP Boston-based Eastern Utilities Associates NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Eastern Utilities NP) (VP (VP has (VP (VP offered (NP (NP $ 40 NP) (NP a share NP) NP) (PP for (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) VP) and (VP (NP (NP $ 36 NP) (NP a share NP) NP) (PP for (NP UNK-CAPS Gas NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) and (VP has (VP extended (NP both offers NP) (PP to (NP Dec. 4 NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Both companies NP) (VP rejected (NP the offers NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP Dresdner Bank AG NP) (PP of (NP West Germany NP) PP) NP) (VP has (VP announced (NP (NP a friendly tender offer NP) (PP for (NP (NP control NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Banque Internationale NP) (PP de (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) PP) NP) , (NP (NP a French bank NP) (SBAR (WHNP whose main shareholder WHNP) (S (VP is (NP (NP France 's NP) Societe Generale NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) , NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) (NP the Societe de UNK-CAPS-s UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The tender offer NP) (PP by (NP (NP West Germany 's NP) second-biggest commercial bank NP) PP) NP) (VP is (PP in (NP two stages NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Dresdner NP) (VP is (VP offering (S (VP to (VP acquire (NP (NP UNK-NUM % NP) (PP of (NP (NP BIP 's NP) capital NP) PP) NP) (PP for (NP (NP (NP 1,015 francs NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP $ UNK-NUM NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) (NP a share NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The terms NP) (PP of (NP the offer NP) PP) NP) (VP put (NP (NP a value NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-NUM million francs NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 81.6 million QP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) PP) NP) (PP on (NP the (ADJP UNK-NUM % ADJP) shareholding NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Societe Generale banking group NP) (VP controls (NP (NP UNK-NUM % NP) (PP of (NP the shareholding NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR while (S (S (NP (NP Societe Generale NP) (PP de (NP Belgique S.A. NP) PP) NP) (VP owns (NP UNK-NUM % NP) VP) S) and (S (NP (NP Financiere UNK-CAPS-ion NP) , (NP a holding company NP) , NP) (VP owns (NP 5.1 % NP) VP) S) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mexican investor Joel UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP sold (NP (NP a block NP) (PP of (NP (NP 600,000 shares NP) (PP of (NP Smith Laboratories Inc. common stock NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (PP to (NP (NP companies NP) (VP affiliated (PP with (NP him NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP (NP a filing NP) (PP with (NP the Securities and Exchange Commission NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS Inc. NP) , (NP UNK-CAPS II Inc. NP) , and (NP UNK-CAPS III Inc. NP) NP) (VP bought (NP the 600,000 shares NP) (PP on (NP Oct. 11 NP) PP) (PP for (NP (NP (QP $ 1.4 million QP) NP) , or (NP (NP $ 2.375 NP) (NP a share NP) NP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) (VP said (SBAR that (S (NP (NP he NP) , (NP UNK-CAPS Group Ltd. NP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP UNK-CAPS II NP) , and (NP UNK-CAPS III NP) NP) (VP (VP are (ADVP all ADVP) (ADJP affiliated ADJP) VP) and (VP hold (NP (NP a combined stake NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-NUM shares NP) , or (NP 9.33 % NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) (VP has (VP said (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP wants (S (VP to (VP purchase (NP more shares NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP San Diego NP) PP) , (NP Smith Laboratories President Timothy UNK-CAPS-er NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the transfer NP) (PP of (NP the shares NP) PP) NP) (VP is n't (ADJP significant ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC NP) , (NP New York NP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP it NP) and (NP (NP the management NP) (PP of (NP Sports & Recreation Inc. NP) PP) NP) NP) (VP bought (NP (NP the operator NP) (PP of (NP the UNK-LC Sports UNK-CAPS-ed chain NP) PP) NP) (PP for (NP some (QP $ 40 million QP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(SINV (S (NP The investment bank NP) (VP becomes (NP (NP majority shareholder NP) (PP in (NP (NP Sports & Recreation NP) , (NP a 10-year-old sporting goods retailer NP) , NP) PP) NP) VP) S) (VP said VP) (NP (NP Oliver E. Richardson NP) , (NP (NP (NP a member NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) management committee NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP a director NP) (PP of (NP the chain NP) PP) NP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (NP (NP Sports UNK-CAPS-ed NP) , (NP (NP Tampa NP) , (NP Fla. NP) NP) , NP) (VP posted (NP (NP revenue NP) (PP of (NP (QP $ 59 million QP) NP) PP) NP) (PP for (NP (NP the year NP) (VP ended (NP July 31 NP) VP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The company NP) (VP is `` (ADJP very profitable '' (PP on (NP an operating basis NP) PP) ADJP) VP) S) (PRN , (S (NP Mr. Richardson NP) (VP said VP) S) PRN) , but (S (NP he NP) (VP declined (S (VP to (VP specify (NP numbers NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) . S)
(S (PP In (NP 1982 NP) PP) , (NP (NP (NP (NP Sports NP) & (NP Recreation NP) 's NP) managers NP) and (NP certain passive investors NP) NP) (VP purchased (NP the company NP) (PP from (NP (NP Brunswick Corp. NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP Ill NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (PP In (NP the latest transaction NP) PP) , (NP management NP) (VP bought (PRT out PRT) (NP (NP the passive investors ' NP) holding NP) VP) S) , (NP Mr. Richardson NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Hammond Co. NP) , (NP (NP Newport Beach NP) , (NP Calif. NP) NP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Fidelity National Financial Inc. NP) (VP extended (NP (NP its previous agreement NP) , (SBAR (WHPP under (WHNP which WHNP) WHPP) (S (NP it NP) (VP wo n't (VP purchase (NP (NP any more NP) (PP of (NP (NP the mortgage banker 's NP) common stock NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (PP through (NP Oct. 31 NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The previous agreement NP) (VP expired (NP Thursday NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Hammond NP) (VP said (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP (NP its discussions NP) (PP with (NP (NP Fidelity NP) , (NP an (NAC Irvine , Calif. , NAC) title-insurance underwriter NP) , NP) PP) NP) (VP are (VP continuing VP) VP) S) SBAR) , but (SBAR that (S (NP (NP prospects NP) (PP for (NP a longer-term standstill agreement NP) PP) NP) (VP are (ADJP uncertain ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Fidelity NP) (VP has (VP increased (NP (NP its stake NP) (PP in (NP Hammond NP) PP) NP) (PP to (NP UNK-NUM % NP) PP) VP) VP) (PP in (NP recent months NP) PP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (VP made (PP in (NP (NP Securities and Exchange Commission NP) filings NP) PP) VP) NP) (VP led (S (NP Hammond NP) (VP to (VP request (NP a standstill agreement NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Giant Group Ltd. NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP terminated (NP (NP negotiations NP) (PP for (NP (NP the purchase NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Airways NP) , (NP (NP a Denver-based regional carrier NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP operates (NP the United Express UNK-LC service NP) (PP under (NP (NP contract NP) (PP to (NP (NP UAL Corp. 's NP) United Airlines NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP Giant NP) , (NP (NP a (NAC Beverly Hills , Calif. , NAC) collection NP) (PP of (NP companies NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP is (VP controlled (PP by (NP Hollywood producer Burt Sugarman NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) , NP) (VP did n't (VP give (NP (NP a reason NP) (PP for (S (VP halting (NP its plan (S (VP to (VP acquire (NP the airline NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) , and (S (NP UNK-CAPS officials NP) (VP could n't (VP be (VP reached (PP for (NP comment NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP Giant NP) (VP agreed (NP last month NP) (S (VP to (VP purchase (NP the carrier NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Giant NP) (VP has n't (ADVP ever ADVP) (VP disclosed (NP the proposed price NP) VP) , (SBAR although (S (NP (NP UNK-CAPS Inc. NP) , (NP an (NAC Arlington , Va.-based NAC) aircraft consulting concern NP) , NP) (VP has (VP valued (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) fleet NP) (PP at (NP (QP about $ 46 million QP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The airline NP) (VP would (VP have (VP become (NP (NP the latest NP) (PP in (NP (NP a peculiar UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP (NP Giant companies NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP are (ADJP involved (PP in (S (VP (VP making (NP cement NP) VP) , (VP recycling (NP newsprint NP) VP) and (VP operating (NP fast-food restaurants NP) VP) VP) S) PP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The state-controlled insurer NP) (NP (NP Assurances UNK-CAPS-s NP) (PP de (NP France NP) PP) NP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP has (VP obtained (NP regulatory approval (S (VP to (VP increase (NP (NP its stake NP) (PP in (NP the financial holding company Cie. de Navigation Mixte NP) PP) NP) (PP above (NP 10 % NP) PP) (PP from (NP (NP the current level NP) (PP of (NP about 8 % NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Friday 's NP) approval NP) (VP (VP was (VP needed (S (VP to (VP conform (PP with (NP (NP Bourse rules NP) (VP regarding (NP (NP companies NP) (PP with (NP bank interests NP) PP) NP) VP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) and (VP follows (NP (NP a similar approval NP) (VP given (NP Wednesday NP) (PP to (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Both (NP (NP Paribas NP) and (NP UNK-CAPS NP) NP) NP) (VP have (VP been (VP increasing (NP (NP their stakes NP) (PP in (NP Navigation Mixte NP) PP) NP) (ADVP recently ADVP) (PP for (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (NP they NP) (VP have (VP termed (S (NP `` investment purposes NP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) , '' (SBAR although (S (NP the issue NP) (VP has (VP been (VP surrounded (PP by (NP takeover speculation NP) PP) (PP in (NP recent weeks NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP did n't (VP comment (ADVP officially ADVP) (PP on (NP (NP its reasons NP) (PP for (S (VP seeking (NP the approval NP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP (NP people NP) (ADJP close (PP to (NP the group NP) PP) ADJP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP was (VP done (S (VP to (VP make (ADJP sure (SBAR (S (NP the group NP) (VP would (VP have (NP (NP the flexibility NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP increase (NP (NP its stake NP) (PP in (NP the future NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) , (SBAR (SINV should (NP interesting price opportunities NP) (VP arise VP) SINV) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP An UNK-CAPS official NP) (VP did (VP specify , (ADVP however ADVP) , (SBAR that (S (NP there NP) (VP was (NP (NP no foundation NP) (PP to (NP recent rumors (SBAR (S (NP the group NP) (VP might (VP be (VP acting (PP in (NP (NP concert NP) (PP with (NP Paribas NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Lockheed UNK-CAPS-al Systems Co. NP) , (NP (NP a unit NP) (PP of (NP Lockheed Corp. NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP join (PP with (NP (NP UNK-CAPS S.p . A. NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP Italy NP) , NP) PP) NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP propose (NP (NP a new generation NP) (PP of (NP (NP jet UNK-LC-s NP) (PP for (NP the U.S. Air Force NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Air Force NP) (VP is (VP looking (S (VP to (VP buy (NP (NP 540 new primary jet UNK-LC-s NP) , (PP with (NP (NP a total value NP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP $ 1.5 billion QP) NP) (PP to (NP (QP $ 2 billion QP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , NP) (PP between (NP 1994 and 2004 NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The aircraft NP) (VP would (VP replace (NP (NP the UNK-CAPS-NUM NP) , (VP made (PP by (NP (NP the Cessna Aircraft Co. unit NP) (PP of (NP General Dynamics Corp. NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (NP the Air Force NP) (VP uses (S (VP to (VP train (NP jet pilots NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Lockheed NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the U.S. Navy NP) (VP may (ADVP also ADVP) (VP buy (NP (NP an additional 340 trainer aircraft NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP replace (NP (NP its UNK-CAPS UNK-LC-s NP) (VP made (PP by (NP (NP the UNK-CAPS Aircraft Corp. unit NP) (PP of (NP Raytheon Corp NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP Under (NP (NP the agreement NP) (PP with (NP Lockheed NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP (VP will (VP license (S (NP Lockheed NP) (VP to (VP build (NP the UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS-NUM jet UNK-LC-er NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) and (VP will (VP supply (NP certain structures NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Lockheed NP) (VP will (VP (VP build (NP additional structures NP) VP) and (VP perform (NP (NP final assembly NP) (PP of (NP the UNK-LC trainer NP) PP) NP) VP) (PP at (NP its (NAC Marietta , Ga. , NAC) plant NP) PP) (SBAR (SINV should (NP the Air Force NP) (VP order (NP the craft NP) VP) SINV) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP A Lockheed spokesman NP) (PP in (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP Calif. NP) , NP) PP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP was n't (ADJP aware (PP of (SBAR (WHNP which other companies WHNP) (S (VP would (VP be (VP competing (PP for (NP the Air Force contract NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ing auto workers NP) (VP ended (NP (NP their UNK-LC-y occupation NP) (PP of (NP (NP a metal shop NP) (PP at (NP (NP a Peugeot S.A. factory NP) (PP in (NP eastern France NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (NP Friday NP) (SBAR as (S (NP pay talks NP) (VP got (PP under (NP way NP) PP) (PP in (NP the capital NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the Peugeot breakthrough NP) (VP came (SBAR as (S (NP (NP a nationwide dispute NP) (PP by (NP Finance Ministry employees NP) PP) NP) (VP (VP disrupted (NP border UNK-LC-s NP) VP) and (VP threatened (NP (NP the government 's NP) ability (S (VP to (VP pay (NP its bills NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Peugeot UNK-LC-s NP) (VP began (S (VP filing (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP the shop NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP makes (NP auto parts NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) PP) ADVP) (PP at (NP (NP the plant NP) (PP in (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP after (S (VP voting (NP 589 to 193 NP) (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP the occupation NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) PP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Their withdrawal NP) (VP was (VP based (PP on (NP (NP promises NP) (PP by (NP Peugeot NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP open (NP negotiations NP) (PP in (NP Paris NP) PP) (PP at (NP (NP the same time NP) (SBAR (S (NP the last man NP) (VP left (NP the premises NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The strike NP) (PP by (NP (NP customs officers NP) , (NP tax collectors NP) , (NP treasury workers NP) and (NP (NP other civil servants NP) (VP attached (PP to (NP (NP the Ministry NP) (PP of (NP Finance NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) NP) NP) PP) NP) (VP may (VP pose (NP (NP a (ADJP more serious ADJP) challenge NP) (PP to (NP (NP the government NP) and (NP the average UNK-CAPS NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Ministry employees NP) (VP complain (SBAR that (S (NP they NP) (VP are (VP (ADVP poorly ADVP) paid (PP because of (NP (NP a complex UNK-LC-ing system NP) (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP say (SBAR (S (VP fails (S (VP to (VP take (PP into (NP account NP) PP) (NP (NP their education NP) and (NP (NP level NP) (PP of (NP technical expertise NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP The market NP) (PP for (NP (NP (QP $ 200 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP high-risk junk bonds NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) , (S (VP battered (PP by (NP (NP (NP a succession NP) (PP of (NP defaults NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP huge price declines NP) (NP this year NP) NP) NP) PP) VP) S) , (ADVP practically ADVP) (VP vanished (NP Friday NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Trading NP) (VP ground (PP to (NP a halt NP) PP) (SBAR as (S (NP investors NP) (VP rushed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP bonds NP) VP) VP) S) , (S (ADVP only ADVP) (VP to (VP find (S (NP themselves NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP by (NP potential buyers NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (ADJP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ed ADJP) S) , (NP they NP) (VP watched (S (NP brokerage houses NP) (VP mark (S (ADJP down ADJP) (NP (NP price quotations NP) (PP on (NP their junk holdings NP) PP) NP) S) (SBAR while (S (VP being (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP execute (NP (ADJP very few ADJP) actual trades NP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (S (NP The junk bond market NP) (VP is (PP in (NP (NP a state NP) (PP of (NP gridlock NP) PP) NP) PP) (ADVP now ADVP) VP) S) -- (S (NP there NP) (VP are (NP (NP no bids NP) , only (NP offers NP) NP) VP) S) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP independent investor Martin D. Sass NP) , (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP manages (NP (QP nearly $ 4 billion QP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) and (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (ADVP recently ADVP) (VP decided (S (VP to (VP buy (NP distressed securities NP) (PP for (NP a new fund NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) SBAR) NP) . SINV)
(S (NP This calamity NP) (VP is `` (ADVP far (PP from (ADVP over ADVP) PP) ADVP) VP) , '' (NP he NP) (VP says VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Junk 's NP) collapse NP) (VP helped (S (VP UNK-LC (NP (NP the panicky selling NP) (PP of (NP stocks NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP produced (NP (NP the deepest one-day dive NP) (PP in (NP the Dow Jones Industrial Average NP) PP) (SBAR since (NP the (NAC Oct. 19 , 1987 , NAC) crash NP) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-ly ADVP) , (NP it NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP helped (S (VP trigger (NP (NP (NP this year 's NP) biggest rally NP) (PP in (NP the U.S. government bond market NP) PP) NP) VP) S) (SBAR as (S (NP investors NP) (VP rushed (S (VP to (VP move (NP capital NP) (PP into (NP (NP the highest-quality securities NP) (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP could (VP find VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(SINV (S But `` (NP an eerie silence NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed '' (NP the junk market NP) (NP Friday NP) (SBAR as (S (NP prices NP) (VP tumbled (PP on (NP (NP hundreds NP) (PP of (NP high-yield bonds NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP despite (NP `` no active trading NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP John UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP an economist NP) (PP at (NP (NP Moody 's NP) Investors Service Inc NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (PP For (NP example NP) PP) , (NP (NP the price NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Southland Corp. 's NP) (QP $ 500 million QP) NP) (PP of (NP (NP 16 3\/4 % bonds NP) (ADJP due (NP 2002 NP) ADJP) -- (VP sold (ADVP (NP (QP less than two QP) years NP) ago ADVP) (PP by (NP Goldman , Sachs & Co. NP) PP) VP) -- NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP plummeted (NP 25 % NP) (PP to (NP (NP (QP just 30 QP) cents NP) (PP on (NP the dollar NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S But (NP not even Goldman NP) (VP would (VP make (NP a market NP) (PP in (NP (NP the securities NP) (PP of (NP (NP Southland NP) , (NP (NP the owner NP) (PP of (NP (NP the nationwide chain NP) (PP of (NP UNK-NUM convenience stores NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP is (VP strapped (PP for (NP cash NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Goldman officials NP) (VP declined (S (VP to (VP comment VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Junk bonds NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP mushroomed (PP from (NP (QP less than $ 2 billion QP) NP) (PP at (NP (NP the start NP) (PP of (NP this decade NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP have (VP been (VP declining (PP for (NP months NP) PP) (SBAR as (S (NP (NP issuer NP) (PP after (NP issuer NP) PP) NP) (VP sank (PP beneath (NP (NP the weight NP) (PP of (NP hefty interest payments NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The shaky market NP) (VP received (NP (NP its biggest jolt NP) (NP last month NP) NP) (PP from (NP (NP Campeau Corp. NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP created (NP its U.S. retailing empire NP) (PP with (NP junk financing NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Campeau NP) (VP developed (NP (NP a cash squeeze NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP caused (S (NP it NP) (VP (VP to (VP be (ADJP tardy (PP on (NP some interest payments NP) PP) ADJP) VP) VP) and (VP to (VP put (NP its prestigious UNK-CAPS-s department-store chain NP) (PP up (PP for (NP sale NP) PP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Now ADVP) , (NP (NP (NP dozens NP) (PP of (NP corporations NP) PP) NP) , (PP including (NP (NP Ethan Allen NP) , (NP TW Services NP) and (NP York International NP) NP) PP) , (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP are (VP counting (PP on (NP (NP (QP at least $ 7 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP scheduled new junk financings NP) PP) NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP keep (S (NP their highly leveraged takeovers and buy-outs NP) (ADJP afloat ADJP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP may (ADVP never ADVP) (VP get (NP the money NP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP The music NP) (VP has (VP stopped (S (VP playing VP) S) VP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Michael UNK-CAPS-s NP) , (NP (NP a principal NP) (PP in (NP (NP the investment firm NP) (PP of (NP Levy UNK-CAPS-s NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (S (NP You NP) (VP 've VP) (ADVP either ADVP) (VP got (NP a chair NP) VP) S) or (S (NP you NP) (VP do n't VP) S) . '' S)
(S (PP In (NP (NP Friday 's NP) aftermath NP) PP) (PRN , (SINV (VP says VP) (NP (NP R. Douglas UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP a director NP) (PP of (NP (NP high-yield finance NP) (PP at (NP First Boston Corp. NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) SINV) , PRN) `` (NP (NP much NP) (PP of (NP the (ADJP (QP $ 7 billion QP) ADJP) forward calendar NP) PP) NP) (VP could (VP be (VP deferred , (PP depending (PP on (NP the UNK-LC NP) PP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . '' S)
(S (PP In (NP August NP) PP) , (NP First Boston NP) (VP withdrew (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP $ 475 million QP) ADJP) junk offering NP) (PP of (NP Ohio Mattress bonds NP) PP) NP) (SBAR because (S (NP potential buyers NP) (VP were (ADJP `` very skittish ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(SINV (S (NP The outlook NP) `` (VP looks (ADJP shaky ADJP) (SBAR because (S (NP we NP) (VP 're (ADVP still ADVP) (VP waiting '' (SBAR for (S (NP (NP mutual funds NP) , (PP in (ADJP particular ADJP) PP) , NP) (VP to (VP dump (NP (NP some NP) (PP of (NP their junk bond holdings NP) PP) NP) (S (VP to (VP pay (PRT off PRT) (NP (NP redemptions NP) (PP by (NP individual investors NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , (VP says VP) (NP (NP King UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP senior vice president NP) (PP at (NP (NP McCarthy , UNK-CAPS & UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP an investment arm NP) (PP of (NP Xerox Financial Services NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (ADVP Indeed ADVP) , (NP (NP (NP a Moody 's NP) index NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP tracks (NP (NP the net asset values NP) (PP of (NP 24 high-yield mutual funds NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP declined (PP for (NP the UNK-LC consecutive day NP) PP) (NP Friday NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP a stark contrast NP) PP) , (NP the benchmark 30-year Treasury bond NP) (VP (VP climbed (NP (NP (QP more than 2 1\/2 QP) points NP) , or (NP (NP (QP about $ 25 QP) NP) (PP for (NP each (ADJP $ 1,000 ADJP) face amount NP) PP) NP) , NP) (PP to (NP 103 12\/32 NP) PP) VP) , (NP (NP its biggest gain NP) (PP of (NP the year NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The bond 's NP) yield NP) (VP dropped (PP to (NP (NP 7.82 % NP) , (NP (NP the lowest NP) (PP since (NP March 31 , 1987 NP) PP) , (PP according (PP to (NP Technical Data Global Markets Group NP) PP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The yield NP) (PP on (NP (NP three-month Treasury bills NP) , (VP considered (NP the (ADJP UNK-LC-est (PP of (NP all investments NP) PP) ADJP) NP) VP) , NP) PP) NP) (VP (VP plummeted (NP about 0.7 percentage point NP) (PP to (NP UNK-NUM % NP) PP) VP) , (NP (NP the largest one-day decline NP) (PP since (NP 1982 NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The main catalyst NP) (PP for (NP government bond market rally NP) PP) NP) (VP was (NP (NP the 190.58-point drop NP) (PP in (NP the Dow Jones Industrial Average NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When WHADVP) (S (NP you NP) (VP get (NP (NP panic NP) (PP in (NP one market NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , SBAR) (NP you NP) (VP get (NP (NP flight NP) (PP to (NP quality NP) PP) NP) (PP in (NP the other NP) PP) VP) S) , '' (VP said VP) (NP (NP Maria Ramirez NP) , (NP (NP money market economist NP) (PP at (NP Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (ADVP Nevertheless ADVP) , (NP (NP the problems NP) (PP of (NP the junk market NP) PP) NP) (VP could (VP prompt (S (NP the Federal Reserve NP) (VP to (VP ease (NP credit NP) (PP in (NP (NP the months NP) (ADVP ahead ADVP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP This NP) (VP marks (NP (NP a significant shift NP) (PP in (NP the interest rate outlook NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP William Sullivan NP) , (NP (NP director NP) (PP of (NP money market research NP) PP) (PP at (NP (NP Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. NP) , (NP New York NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (NP Any sustained credit-easing NP) (VP could (VP be (NP (NP a lift NP) (PP for (NP (NP junk bonds NP) (CONJP as well as CONJP) (NP other securities NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Robert Dow NP) , (NP (NP a (NX (NX partner NX) and (NX portfolio manager NX) NX) NP) (PP at (NP (NP Lord , UNK-CAPS & Co. NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP manages (NP (NP (QP $ 4 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP high-yield bonds NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) PP) NP) NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP does n't `` (VP think (SBAR (S (NP there NP) (VP is (NP (NP any fundamental economic rationale NP) -LCB- (PP for (NP the junk bond rout NP) PP) -RCB- NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP was (NP herd UNK-LC NP) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP adds : `` (S (S (NP The junk market NP) (VP has (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP some trouble NP) VP) VP) S) and (S (S (ADVP now ADVP) (NP some people NP) (VP think (SBAR that (S (SBAR if (S (NP the equity market NP) (VP gets (VP UNK-LC-ed VP) VP) S) SBAR) (NP that NP) (VP means (SBAR (S (NP the economy NP) (VP will (VP be (ADJP terrible ADJP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) and (S (NP that NP) (VP 's (ADJP bad (PP for (NP junk NP) PP) ADJP) VP) S) S) S) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP I NP) (VP do n't (VP believe (SBAR (S (NP that NP) (VP 's (NP the case NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP I NP) (VP believe (SBAR that (S (NP people NP) (VP are (VP running (S (ADJP scared ADJP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP There NP) (VP is (NP (NP a flight NP) (PP to (NP quality NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , and (S (S (NP the quality NP) (VP is (PP not (PP in (NP equities NP) PP) and not (PP in (NP junk NP) PP) PP) VP) S) -- (S (NP it NP) (VP 's (PP in (NP Treasurys NP) PP) VP) S) S) . '' S)
(S (SBAR Even as (S (NP (NP trading NP) (PP in (NP high-yield issues NP) PP) NP) (VP dried (PRT up PRT) (PP over (NP the past month NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP corporations NP) (VP sold (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP new junk bonds NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP example NP) PP) , (NP (NP (NP a recent (ADJP (QP $ 375 million QP) ADJP) offering NP) (PP of (NP Petrolane Gas Services L.P. bonds NP) PP) NP) (VP sold (PP by (NP First Boston NP) PP) VP) NP) (VP was (NP three times NP) (ADJP oversubscribed ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP A (ADJP (QP $ 550 million QP) ADJP) offering NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Turner Broadcasting System Inc . NP) high-yield securities NP) (VP sold (NP last week NP) (PP by (NP Drexel NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP increased (NP (QP $ 50 million QP) NP) (PP because of (NP strong demand NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP First Boston NP) (VP estimates (SBAR that (S (PP in (NP (NP November and December NP) (ADJP alone ADJP) NP) PP) , (NP junk bond investors NP) (VP will (VP receive (NP (NP (QP $ 4.8 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP coupon interest payments NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP That NP) (VP 's (NP a clear indication (SBAR that (S (NP there NP) (VP (VP is VP) and (VP will (VP be VP) VP) (NP (NP an UNK-LC NP) (PP of (S (NP basic business NP) (VP going (PRT on PRT) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (PP of (NP First Boston NP) PP) NP) . SINV)
(SINV `` (S (NP I NP) (VP do n't (VP know (SBAR (WHADVP how WHADVP) (S (NP people NP) (VP can (VP say (SBAR (S (NP the junk bond market NP) (VP disappeared VP) S) SBAR) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP there NP) (VP were (NP (NP (QP $ 1.5 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP (NP orders NP) (PP for (NP (NP (NP (QP $ 550 million QP) NP) (PP of (NP junk bonds NP) PP) NP) (VP sold (NP last week NP) (PP by (NP Turner NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP Raymond Minella NP) , (NP (NP co-head NP) (PP of (NP merchant banking NP) PP) (PP at (NP (NP Merrill Lynch NP) & (NP Co NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When WHADVP) (S (NP the rally NP) (VP comes VP) S) SBAR) , (NP insurance companies NP) (VP will (VP be (VP leading (NP it NP) (SBAR because (S (S (NP they NP) (VP have (NP (NP billions NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP invest VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) and (SINV (VP invest VP) (NP they NP) (VP will VP) SINV) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP There NP) (VP is (NP (NP plenty NP) (PP of (NP (NP money NP) (ADJP available (PP from (NP (NP people NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP buy (NP UNK-LC-ed deals NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) ADJP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) ; (S (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP 's (NP (NP (NP the stuff NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP 's (VP financed (PP on (NP a shoestring NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP people NP) (VP are (ADJP wary (PP of PP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . '' S)
(S But (NP such (ADJP highly leveraged ADJP) transactions NP) (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP have (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP this year NP) , (S (VP casting (NP a pall NP) (PP over (NP (NP much NP) (PP of (NP the junk market NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Michael McNamara NP) , (NP (NP director NP) (PP of (NP fixed-income research NP) PP) (PP at (NP Kemper Financial Services NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP (NP the quality NP) (PP of (NP junk issues NP) PP) NP) (VP has (VP been (VP getting (ADJP poorer ADJP) , (S (VP contributing (PP to (NP (NP the slide NP) (PP in (NP prices NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP Last year NP) (NP we NP) (ADVP probably ADVP) (VP bought (NP (QP one out of every three QP) new deals NP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP says VP) . S)
(S `` (NP This year NP) , (PP at best PP) , (NP it NP) (VP 's (PP in (NP (QP one in every five or six QP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S And (NP our credit standards NP) (VP have n't (VP changed (NP one UNK-LC NP) VP) VP) . '' S)
(S (ADVP However ADVP) , (NP Mr. McNamara NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the slide NP) (PP in (NP junk NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP creating `` (NP (NP one hell NP) (PP of (NP (NP a buying opportunity NP) '' (PP for (NP selective buyers NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP the moment NP) PP) , (NP investors NP) (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP more preoccupied (PP with (NP the `` bad '' junk NP) PP) ADJP) (PP than (NP the `` good '' junk NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP The market NP) (VP has (VP been (ADJP weak ADJP) (PP since '' (NP (NP (NP the announcement NP) (PP of (NP the Campeau cash squeeze NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP (NP the company 's NP) subsequent bailout NP) (PP by (NP Olympia & York NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , (VP says VP) (NP (NP Mr. Minella NP) (PP of (NP Merrill Lynch NP) PP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP That NP) (ADVP really ADVP) (VP affected (NP the market NP) (SBAR in that (S (NP people NP) (VP started (S (VP to (VP ask ` (SBARQ (WHNP What else WHNP) (SQ (VP is (PP in (NP trouble NP) PP) VP) SQ) SBARQ) ? ' VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) '' S)
(S (PP (ADVP Well ADVP) before (NP Campeau NP) PP) , (ADVP though ADVP) , (NP there NP) (VP were (NP signs (SBAR that (S (NP the junk market NP) (VP was (VP stumbling (PP through (NP (NP one NP) (PP of (NP its worst years ever NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Despite (NP the (ADJP relatively strong ADJP) economy NP) PP) , (NP junk bond prices NP) (VP did (NP (NP nothing NP) (PP except (VP go (ADVP down ADVP) VP) PP) NP) , (S (VP hammered (PP by (NP (NP a (ADJP seemingly endless ADJP) trail NP) (PP of (NP bad news NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) : S)
(S -- (PP In (NP June NP) PP) , (SBAR (NP two months NP) before (S (NP it NP) (VP would (VP default (PP on (NP (NP interest payments NP) (VP covering (NP (NP some NP) (PP of (NP (NP its (QP $ 1.2 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP speculative debt securities NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP (ADJP New York-based ADJP) Integrated Resources Inc. NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP ran (PRT out PRT) (PP of (NP borrowed money NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S -- (PP In (NP July NP) PP) , (NP (NP Southmark Corp. NP) , (NP (NP the Dallas-based real estate and financial services company NP) (PP with (NP (NP (QP about $ 1.3 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP junk bonds NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP (ADVP voluntarily ADVP) filed (PP for (NP (NP protection NP) (PP under (NP U.S. bankruptcy law NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S -- (PP By (NP (NP the end NP) (PP of (NP July NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP (NP the difference NP) (PP in (NP yield NP) PP) (PP between (NP (NP an index NP) (PP of (NP junk bonds NP) PP) NP) and (NP seven-year Treasury notes NP) PP) NP) (VP widened (PP to (NP (QP more than 5.5 QP) percentage points NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S -- (PP In (NP August NP) PP) , (NP (NP Resorts International Inc. NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP sold (NP (NP (QP more than $ 500 million QP) NP) (PP of (NP junk bonds NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP suspended (NP interest payments NP) VP) . S)
(S -- (PP In (NP September NP) PP) , (SBAR just as (S (NP the cash squeeze NP) (VP hit (NP Campeau NP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP UNK-CAPS-s Financial Corp. NP) (VP (VP defaulted (PP on (NP (NP (QP $ 145 million QP) NP) (PP of (NP notes NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) and (VP appeared (ADJP unlikely (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP interest NP) (PP on (NP (NP a total NP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP $ 1.2 billion QP) NP) (PP of (NP debt securities NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Meantime ADVP) , (NP regulators NP) (VP are (VP becoming (ADJP increasingly worried ADJP) (SBAR as (S (NP (NP the rush NP) (PP to (NP leverage NP) PP) NP) (VP shows (NP (NP no signs NP) (PP of (S (VP UNK-LC-ing VP) S) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Moody 's NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP (NP the frequency NP) (PP of (NP corporate credit UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) (VP is (NP (NP the highest NP) (NP this year NP) (PP since (NP 1982 NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP addition NP) PP) , (NP there NP) (VP are (NP (NP (ADJP (QP six times as many QP) ADJP) troubled banks NP) (SBAR as (S (NP there NP) (VP were (PP in (NP (NP the recession NP) (PP of (NP 1981 NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) , (PP according (PP to (NP the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp NP) PP) PP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP (NP The era NP) (PP of (NP the 1980s NP) PP) NP) (VP is (PP about (NP (NP compound interest NP) and (NP (NP the reaching NP) (PP for (NP it NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) S) , '' (VP says VP) (NP (NP James Grant NP) , (NP (NP editor NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP Grant 's NP) Interest Rate UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (NP (NP an early critic NP) (PP of (NP the junk bond market NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP (SBAR (WHNP What WHNP) (S (NP we NP) (VP 've (VP begun (S (VP to (VP see VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP is (NP (NP the damage NP) (PP to (NP businesses NP) PP) (PP of (S (VP paying (NP exorbitant compound interest NP) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Businesses NP) (VP were (VP borrowing (PP at (NP (NP interest rates NP) (ADJP (ADJP higher ADJP) (PP than (NP their own earnings NP) PP) ADJP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (SBAR (WHNP What WHNP) (S (NP we NP) (VP 're (VP seeing (ADVP now ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP is (NP (NP the UNK-LC-ing UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP asset values NP) PP) (PP to (NP (NP a future NP) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP UNK-LC debt NP) (VP will (VP be (ADJP (ADJP hard (S (VP to (VP obtain VP) VP) S) ADJP) (CONJP rather than CONJP) (ADJP easy ADJP) ADJP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) . '' S)
(NP (NP Friday 's NP) Market Activity NP)
(S (NP (NP Prices NP) (PP of (NP Treasury bonds NP) PP) NP) (VP surged (PP in (NP (NP the biggest rally NP) (PP of (NP the year NP) PP) NP) PP) (SBAR as (S (NP investors NP) (VP fled (NP a plummeting stock market NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The benchmark 30-year Treasury bond NP) (VP was (VP quoted (NP (NP 6 p.m. NP) (NP EDT NP) NP) (PP at (NP (NP 103 12\/32 NP) , (VP compared (PP with (NP 100 UNK-NUM (NP Thursday NP) NP) PP) VP) , NP) PP) (ADVP up (NP 2 1\/2 points NP) ADVP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The yield NP) (PP on (NP the benchmark NP) PP) NP) (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP 7.82 % NP) , (NP (NP the lowest NP) (PP since (NP March 31 , 1987 , NP) PP) (PP according (PP to (NP Technical Data Global Markets Group NP) PP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The `` flight NP) (PP to (NP quality NP) PP) '' NP) (VP (VP began (PP (ADVP late ADVP) in (NP the day NP) PP) VP) and (VP followed (NP (NP a precipitous fall NP) (PP in (NP the stock market NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Treasurys NP) (VP opened (ADVP lower ADVP) , (S (VP reacting (ADVP negatively ADVP) (PP to (NP news (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the producer price index NP) (PRN -- (NP (NP a measure NP) (PP of (NP (NP inflation NP) (PP on (NP the wholesale level NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) -- PRN) NP) (VP accelerated (PP in (NP September NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Bond prices NP) (ADVP barely ADVP) (VP budged (PP until (NP midday NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Many bond market participants NP) (VP will (VP be (VP (ADVP closely ADVP) UNK-LC-ing (NP (NP the action NP) (PP of (NP (NP the Federal Reserve NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP might (VP repeat (NP (NP its (NAC October 1987 NAC) injection NP) (PP of (NP (NP huge amounts NP) (PP of (NP liquidity NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (S (VP to (VP (VP buoy (NP the financial markets NP) VP) and (VP keep (NP the economy NP) (PP from (S (VP slowing (PP into (NP a recession NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Prices NP) (PP of (NP (NP municipals NP) , (NP investment-grade corporates NP) and (NP mortgage-backed bonds NP) NP) PP) NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP (VP rose VP) , but (VP lagged (PP behind (NP their Treasury counterparts NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mortgage securities NP) (VP rose (PP in (NP hectic trading NP) PP) , (SBAR with (S (NP (NP most NP) (PP of (NP the activity NP) PP) NP) (VP concentrated (PP in (NP (NP Government National Mortgage Association (ADJP 9 % ADJP) coupon securities NP) , (NP the (ADJP most liquid ADJP) mortgage issue NP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Ginnie Mae November 9 % issue NP) (VP ended (PP at (NP 98 25\/32 NP) PP) , (ADVP up (NP 7\/8 point NP) (PP on (NP the day NP) PP) ADVP) , (S (VP to (VP yield (NP (QP about UNK-NUM QP) % NP) (PP to (NP a 12-year average life assumption NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Investment-grade corporate bonds NP) (VP were (ADVP up (NP (QP about 1\/2 to 3\/4 QP) point NP) ADVP) VP) . S)
(S But (NP (NP the yield spread NP) (PP between (NP UNK-LC-ity , investment-grade issues NP) and (NP UNK-LC-ity bonds NP) PP) NP) (VP widened VP) . S)
(S And (NP (NP the yields NP) (PP on (NP telephone and utility issues NP) PP) NP) (VP rose (ADVP relative (PP to (NP other investment-grade bonds NP) PP) ADVP) (PP in (NP (NP anticipation NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP this week 's NP) (ADJP (QP $ 3 billion QP) ADJP) bond offering NP) (PP by (NP the Tennessee Valley Authority NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Despite (NP rumors (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the TVA 's NP) (ADJP long-awaited ADJP) offering NP) (VP would (VP be (VP postponed (PP because of (NP (NP the debacle NP) (PP in (NP the equity markets NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , (NP (NP sources NP) (PP in (NP the underwriting syndicate NP) PP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP expect (SBAR (S (NP the issue NP) (VP will (VP be (VP priced (SBAR as (S (VP scheduled VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP One NP) (PP of (NP the sources NP) PP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the smaller portions NP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP $ 750 million QP) NP) (NP each NP) NP) PP) (PP of (NP (ADJP (ADJP five-year ADJP) and (ADJP 10-year ADJP) ADJP) bonds NP) PP) NP) (VP have (ADVP already ADVP) (VP been `` (VP (ADVP substantially ADVP) oversubscribed VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP Municipal bonds NP) (VP rose (NP (NP as much NP) (PP as (NP 3\/4 point NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Roger UNK-CAPS NP) (VP contributed (PP to (NP this article NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP (NP Friday 's NP) 190-point plunge NP) (PP in (NP stocks NP) PP) NP) (VP does not (VP come (PP atop (NP (NP (NP the climate NP) (PP of (NP anxiety NP) PP) NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP dominated (NP financial markets NP) (ADVP just prior (PP to (NP their 1987 October crash NP) PP) ADVP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , and (S (NP UNK-LC-s NP) (VP have (VP been (VP put (PP in (NP place NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP keep (NP markets NP) (ADJP more orderly ADJP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (ADVP Still ADVP) , (NP the lesson NP) (VP is (ADJP about the same ADJP) VP) S) : (S (PP On (NP Friday the 13th NP) PP) , (NP the market NP) (VP was (VP spooked (PP by (NP Washington NP) PP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP The consensus NP) (PP along (NP the street NP) PP) NP) (VP seems (S (VP to (VP be (SBAR that (S (NP the plunge NP) (VP was (VP triggered (PP by (NP (NP the financing problems NP) (PP of (NP the UAL takeover NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) S) , and (S (NP it NP) (VP 's (ADJP certainly true (SBAR (S (NP the rout NP) (VP began (PP (ADVP immediately ADVP) after (NP the UAL trading halt NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) VP) S) . S)
(S (ADVP Still ADVP) , (NP (NP the consensus NP) NP) (VP seems (ADJP almost as wide ADJP) (SBAR that (S (NP one faltering bid NP) (VP is (NP (NP no reason NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP write (PRT down PRT) (NP (NP the value NP) (PP of (NP all U.S. business NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP This UNK-LC-ion NP) (VP leads (NP us NP) (PP to (NP (NP (NP another piece NP) (PP of (NP news NP) PP) NP) (VP moving (PP on (NP the Dow Jones UNK-LC-er NP) PP) (PP (ADVP shortly ADVP) before (NP the downturn NP) PP) VP) : (NP (NP the success NP) (PP of (NP Senate Democrats NP) PP) (PP in (S (VP stalling (NP the capital gains tax cut NP) VP) S) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The real value NP) (PP of (NP all shares NP) PP) NP) , (PP after (NP all NP) PP) , (VP is (VP (ADVP directly ADVP) UNK-LC-ed (PP by (NP (NP the tax NP) (PP on (NP any profits NP) PP) NP) PP) (PRN -LRB- (ADVP (ADVP (NP all the more NP) so ADVP) (VP given (NP (NP the limits NP) (PP on (NP (NP deductions NP) (PP for (NP losses NP) PP) NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP show (SBAR (S (NP gains NP) (VP are not `` (NP ordinary income NP) '' VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) ADVP) -RRB- PRN) VP) VP) . S)
(S And (NP market expectations NP) (ADVP clearly ADVP) (VP have (VP been (VP raised (PP by (NP (NP the capital gains victory NP) (PP in (NP the House NP) PP) (NP last month NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP (NP An hour NP) before (NP (NP Friday 's NP) plunge NP) PP) , (NP that provision NP) (VP was (VP stripped (PP from (NP the tax bill NP) PP) , (S (VP leaving (NP it NP) (PP with (NP (NP (QP $ 5.4 billion QP) NP) (PP in (NP tax increases NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP without (NP a capital gains cut NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP There NP) (VP is (NP (NP a great deal NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP said , (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure ADJP) VP) VP) S) , (PP for (S (VP stripping (NP the garbage NP) (ADVP out (PP of (NP the reconciliation bill NP) PP) ADVP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP would (VP be (NP a good thing NP) (SBAR if (S (NP Congress NP) (VP started (S (VP to (VP decide (NP issues NP) (ADVP UNK-LC ADVP) (PP on (NP their individual merits NP) PP) (PP without (NP UNK-LC-y NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP one thing NP) PP) , (NP no one NP) (VP doubts (SBAR that (S (NP the capital gains cut NP) (VP would (VP pass (PP on (NP an UNK-LC vote NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR Since (S (NP Senate leaders NP) (VP have (ADVP so far ADVP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP it NP) (PRT up PRT) (PP with (NP procedural UNK-LC-s NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP (NP promises NP) (PP of (NP a cleaner bill NP) PP) NP) (VP are (ADJP suspect ADJP) VP) . S)
(FRAG (ADVP Especially so ADVP) (SBAR since (S (NP President Bush NP) (VP has (VP been (VP weakened (PP by (NP the Panama fiasco NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) . FRAG)
(S (PP To (NP (NP the extent NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP the UAL troubles NP) (VP contributed (PP to (NP the plunge NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , (NP they NP) (VP are (NP (NP another instance NP) (PP of (NP (NP Washington 's NP) UNK-LC-y fingers NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR As (S (NP (NP the best opportunities NP) (PP for (NP corporate restructurings NP) PP) NP) (VP are (VP exhausted (PP of (NP course NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (PP at (NP some point NP) PP) (NP the market NP) (VP will (VP start (S (VP to (VP reject (NP them NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the airlines NP) (VP are (ADVP scarcely ADVP) (NP a clear case NP) , (S (VP given (NP (NP anti-takeover UNK-LC NP) (PP by (NP (NP (NAC Secretary (PP of (NP Transportation NP) PP) NAC) Skinner NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP UNK-LC-s (S (VP to (VP believe (SBAR (S (NP safety NP) (VP will (VP be (VP compromised (SBAR if (S (NP (NP KLM NP) and (NP British Airways NP) NP) (VP own (NP interests NP) (PP in (NP (NP companies NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP fly (NP airplanes NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADJP Worse ADJP) , (NP Congress NP) (VP has (VP started (S (VP to (VP jump (PP on (NP the Skinner bandwagon NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP James Oberstar NP) , (NP (NP the Minnesota Democrat NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP chairs (NP the (NP Public Works and Transportation Committee 's NP) aviation subcommittee NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) , NP) (VP has (VP put (NP an UNK-LC takeover bill NP) (PP on (NP UNK-LC speed NP) PP) (SBAR so that (S (NP it NP) (VP would (VP be (VP passed (PP in (NP time NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP affect (NP the American and United Air Lines bids NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP would (VP give (NP Mr. Skinner NP) (NP (NP (QP up to 50 QP) days NP) NP) (S (VP to `` (VP review '' (NP (NP any bid NP) (PP for (NP (NP 15 % (QP or more QP) NP) (PP of (NP (NP the voting stock NP) (PP of (NP (NP any U.S. carrier NP) (PP with (NP (NP revenues NP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion QP) NP) (QP or (ADJP more ADJP) QP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP So ADVP) (S (NP the UAL deal NP) (VP has (NP problems NP) VP) S) , and (S (NP the market NP) (VP loses (NP 190 points NP) VP) S) . S)
(FRAG (INTJ UNK-INITC-s INTJ) , (NP (NP Mr. Secretary NP) and (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) NP) . FRAG)
(S (PP In (NP the 1987 crash NP) PP) (PRN , (S (VP remember VP) S) , PRN) (NP the market NP) (VP was (VP shaken (PP by (NP a Danny Rostenkowski proposal (S (VP to (VP tax (NP takeovers NP) (PP out (PP of (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV (ADJP (ADVP Even more ADVP) important ADJP) , (PP in (NP our view NP) PP) , (VP was VP) (NP (NP the Treasury 's NP) threat (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (NP the dollar NP) VP) VP) S) NP) . SINV)
(S (S (NP The Treasury NP) (VP is (VP doing (NP the same thing NP) (NP today NP) VP) VP) S) ; (S (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) , (NP the dollar NP) (VP is not (PP under (NP UNK-LC pressure NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S (ADVP Also ADVP) , (NP traders NP) (VP are (PP in (NP (NP (NP better shape NP) NP) NP) PP) (NP today NP) (PP than (PP in (NP 1987 NP) PP) PP) (S (VP to (VP survive (NP selling UNK-LC-s NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP are (ADVP better ADVP) (VP capitalized VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP are (PP in (NP (NP less danger NP) (PP of (S (VP losing (NP liquidity NP) (PP (ADVP simply ADVP) because of (NP (NP tape lags NP) and (NP clearing and settlement delays NP) NP) PP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Fed NP) (VP promises (NP any needed liquidity NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP (NP The Big Board 's NP) UNK-LC NP) (PP with (NP (NP the Chicago Board NP) (PP of (NP Trade NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP has (VP improved VP) VP) S) ; (S (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP will (VP be (ADJP interesting ADJP) (S (VP to (VP learn (SBAR if (S (NP `` circuit breakers '' NP) (VP prove (S (VP to (VP be (NP a good idea NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (PP In (NP any event NP) PP) , (NP some traders NP) (VP see (NP stocks NP) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP UNK-LC-ed (NP today NP) ADJP) ADJP) PP) , (PP unlike (NP 1987 NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP There NP) (VP is (NP (NP nothing NP) (ADJP wrong (PP with (NP the market NP) PP) ADJP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP ca n't (VP be (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP by (NP (NP (QP a little QP) (NX (NX UNK-LC NX) and (NX common sense NX) NX) NP) (PP in (NP Washington NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S But (PP on (NP the bearish side NP) PP) , (NP that NP) (VP may (VP be (ADJP too much (SBAR (S (VP to (VP expect VP) VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP First Chicago Corp. NP) (VP posted (NP (NP a third-quarter loss NP) (PP of (NP (QP $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) PP) NP) (PP after (S (VP joining (NP other big banks NP) (PP in (S (ADVP further ADVP) (VP adding (PP to (NP (NP its reserves NP) (PP for (NP (NP losses NP) (PP on (NP foreign loans NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP The parent company NP) (PP of (NP (NP First National Bank NP) (PP of (NP Chicago NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) , (PP with (NP (NP (QP $ 48 billion QP) NP) (PP in (NP assets NP) PP) NP) PP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP set (ADVP aside ADVP) (NP (QP $ 200 million QP) NP) (S (VP to (VP absorb (NP (NP losses NP) (PP on (NP loans and investments NP) PP) (PP in (NP (ADJP financially troubled ADJP) countries NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The addition NP) , (PP on (NP (NP top NP) (PP of (NP (NP two big 1987 additions NP) (PP to (NP UNK-LC reserves NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , NP) (VP brings (NP the reserve NP) (PP to (NP (NP a level NP) (VP equaling (NP (NP 79 % NP) (PP of (NP (NP medium-term and long-term loans NP) (ADJP outstanding (PP to (NP troubled nations NP) PP) ADJP) NP) PP) NP) VP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP First Chicago NP) (PP since (NP 1987 NP) PP) (VP has (VP reduced (NP (NP its loans NP) (PP to (NP such nations NP) PP) NP) (PP to (NP (QP $ 1.7 billion QP) NP) PP) (PP from (NP (QP $ 3 billion QP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Despite (NP this loss NP) PP) , (NP First Chicago NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP does n't (VP need (S (VP to (VP sell (NP stock NP) VP) VP) S) (S (VP to (VP raise (NP capital NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP During (NP the quarter NP) PP) , (NP the company NP) (VP realized (NP (NP a pretax gain NP) (PP of (NP (QP $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) PP) (PP from (NP (NP the sale NP) (PP of (NP its First Chicago Investment Advisors unit NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Combined foreign exchange and bond trading profits NP) (VP dipped (NP (NP 24 % NP) (PP against (NP (NP last year 's NP) third quarter NP) PP) NP) , (PP to (NP (QP $ 38.2 million QP) NP) PP) (PP from (NP (QP $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (PP from (NP (NP (NP First Chicago 's NP) venture capital unit NP) , (NP a big leveraged buy-out investor NP) , NP) PP) NP) (VP rose (NP 32 % NP) (PP to (NP (QP $ 34 million QP) NP) PP) (PP from (NP (QP $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) (ADVP (NP a year NP) ago ADVP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Interest income NP) and (NP most fee income NP) NP) (VP was (ADJP strong ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP Greece 's NP) second bout NP) (PP of (NP general elections NP) PP) (NP this year NP) NP) (VP is (VP slated (PP for (NP Nov. 5 NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (PP For (NP (NP those NP) (VP hoping (S (VP to (VP see (S (NP (NP a UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP political normalcy NP) PP) NP) (VP restored VP) S) VP) VP) S) (PRN -- (PP in (NP (NP view NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP (NP Greece 's NP) eight-year UNK-LC NP) (PP under (NP UNK-LC UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP subsequent three-month hitch NP) (PP with (NP a UNK-LC coalition government NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) -- PRN) VP) NP) PP) (NP there NP) (VP is (NP but one bright sign NP) VP) S) : (S (NP (NP The scandals NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP (NP former Prime Minister Andreas UNK-CAPS NP) and (NP his fallen socialist government NP) NP) VP) NP) (VP are (PP like (NP (NP flies NP) (VP UNK-LC-ing (PP around (NP a UNK-LC-ing UNK-LC NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S (PP In (NP (NP the UNK-LC round NP) (PP of (NP voting NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP gave (NP no clear mandate NP) (PP to (NP any single political party NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The ad interim coalition government NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP emerged (PP from (NP UNK-LC-al UNK-LC-s NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP was , (PP in (NP essence NP) PP) , (NP (NP little more NP) (PP than (NP (NP the UNK-LC-ed UNK-LC-ing NP) (PP of (NP ideological UNK-LC-ion NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) : (FRAG (PP On (NP one side NP) PP) , (NP (NP the UNK-LC New Democracy Party NP) , (VP headed (PP by (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) PP) VP) NP) FRAG) VP) . S)
(FRAG (PP On (NP the other NP) PP) , (FRAG (NP (NP (NP the so-called UNK-CAPS-ion NP) (PP of (NP (NP the Left NP) and (NP Progress NP) NP) PP) NP) -- (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADJP UNK-LC ADJP) and (ADJP rather deceptive ADJP) ADJP) title NP) (PP for (NP (NP a merger NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP the UNK-LC Communist Party NP) (PP of (NP Greece NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP its UNK-CAPS cousin NP) , (NP the UNK-CAPS Left NP) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) FRAG) . FRAG)
(S (NP (NP The UNK-LC-ing bond NP) (PP for (NP this UNK-LC mismatch NP) PP) NP) (VP was (ADJP plain ADJP) : (FRAG (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS 's NP) party NP) -RRB- PRN) (PP as (NP common political enemy NP) PP) NP) FRAG) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The UNK-LC goal NP) (VP was (NP (NP a UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP (NP government corruption NP) , (PP (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) at (NP all levels NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , but (S (NP the main marks NP) (VP were (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) and (NP his closest associates NP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (PP In (NP (NP point NP) (PP of (NP fact NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP this UNK-LC NP) (VP was (ADJP overdue (PP by (NP decades NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR (WHADVP When WHADVP) (S (VP reduced (PP to (NP UNK-LC status NP) PP) (PP in (NP UNK-LC UNK-LC pledges NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , (ADVP however ADVP) , (NP the notion NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP into (NP a promised assault NP) PP) , (SBAR with (S (NP targets NP) (PP (ADVP primarily ADVP) for (NP (NP political gains NP) , not (NP justice NP) NP) PP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP With (NP (NP regard NP) (PP to (NP (NP Greece 's NP) UNK-LC-ing UNK-LC-ing scandal NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS 's NP) principal UNK-LC-er NP) (VP remains (NP (NP George Koskotas NP) , (NP (NP (NP former owner NP) (PP of (NP (NP the Bank NP) (PP of (NP Crete NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) and (NP UNK-LC-ed UNK-LC-er NP) NP) , (VP (ADVP now ADVP) UNK-LC-ing (PP in (NP (NP (NP a jail cell NP) (PP in (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP Mass. NP) , NP) PP) NP) (SBAR (WHPP from (WHADVP where WHADVP) WHPP) (S (NP he NP) (VP is (VP fighting (NP (NP extradition proceedings NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP would (VP return (NP him NP) (PP to (NP Greece NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mr. Koskotas 's NP) credibility NP) (VP is , (PP at best PP) , (ADJP problematic ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP He NP) (VP has (NP ample motive (S (VP to (VP shift (NP the blame NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) S) , and (S (NP his testimony NP) (VP has (ADVP also ADVP) (VP been (VP found (S (ADJP (ADJP less ADJP) (PP than (ADJP UNK-LC ADJP) PP) ADJP) S) (PP on (NP numerous points NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (ADVP Nevertheless ADVP) , (NP the New Democracy and Communist parties NP) (VP UNK-LC (NP his assertions NP) (PP as (NP (NP proof NP) (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS complicity NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(SINV (PP Among (NP UNK-LC-ed questions NP) PP) (VP are VP) (SBAR (SBAR whether (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP received (NP (NP (NP (QP $ 23 million QP) NP) (PP of (NP stolen (NAC Bank (PP of (NP Crete NP) PP) NAC) funds NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP an additional $ UNK-NUM NP) (PP in (NP bribes NP) PP) NP) NP) , (SBAR as (S (VP contended VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) ; (SBAR whether (S (NP the prime minister NP) (VP ordered (NP state agencies NP) (S (VP to (VP (VP deposit (NP some (QP $ 57 million QP) NP) (PP in (NP (NP Mr. Koskotas 's NP) bank NP) PP) VP) and (VP (ADVP then ADVP) UNK-LC (PRT off PRT) (NP the interest NP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) ; and , (SBAR (WHNP what WHNP) (S (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) cut NP) (VP was (PP from (NP (NP the (QP $ 210 million QP) NP) (SBAR (S (NP Mr. Koskotas NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) SBAR) . SINV)
(S (NP Two former ministers NP) (VP were (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP so heavily ADVP) implicated ADJP) ADJP) (PP in (NP the Koskotas affair NP) PP) (SBAR that (S (NP (NP UNK-CAPS members NP) (PP of (NP Parliament NP) PP) NP) (VP voted (S (VP to (VP refer (NP them NP) (PP to (NP the special court NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(SINV But (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP parliamentary probe NP) VP) (VP was VP) (NP (NP the case NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP millions NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) (SBAR (S (NP Mr. Koskotas NP) (VP funneled (PP into (NP New Democracy coffers NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) . SINV)
(S (PP In (NP the end NP) PP) , (NP the investigation NP) (VP produced (NP (ADVP only ADVP) (NP (NP (NP UNK-LC-al evidence NP) and (NP `` (NP indications NP) '' (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP point (PP to (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) , NP) not (NP UNK-LC-ing proof NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP On (NP another issue NP) PP) , (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP were (VP told (SBAR (WHADVP how WHADVP) (S (NP (NP their national intelligence agency NP) , (NP the UNK-CAPS NP) , NP) (ADVP regularly ADVP) (VP monitored (NP (NP the telephone conversations NP) (PP of (NP (NP prominent figures NP) , (PP including (NP (NP key opposition politicians NP) , (NP journalists NP) and (NP UNK-CAPS cabinet members NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP Despite (NP convincing arguments NP) PP) , (NP it NP) (VP was (ADVP never ADVP) (VP established (SBAR that (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP (ADVP personally ADVP) ordered or directed (NP the UNK-LC-s NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The central weakness NP) (PP of (NP the `` scandals '' debates NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP pointed (PRT up PRT) (ADVP especially well ADVP) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP discussions NP) (VP focused (PP on (NP arms deals and kickbacks NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The coalition government NP) (VP tried (S (VP to (VP show (SBAR that (S (NP UNK-CAPS ministers NP) (VP had (VP received (NP hefty sums NP) (PP for (S (VP UNK-CAPS-ing (NP (NP the purchase NP) (PP of (NP (NP (NP F-16 UNK-CAPS-ing Falcon NP) and (NP Mirage 2000 combat aircraft NP) NP) , (VP produced (PP by (NP (NP the UNK-CAPS-ed General Dynamics Corp. NP) and (NP (NP France 's NP) UNK-CAPS-s UNK-CAPS Dassault NP) NP) PP) , (ADVP respectively ADVP) VP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Naturally ADVP) , (NP neither (NP (NP General Dynamics NP) nor (NP Dassault NP) NP) NP) (VP could (VP be (VP expected (S (VP to (VP hamper (NP its prospective future dealings NP) (PP by (S (VP making (NP (NP disclosures NP) (PP of (NP (NP sums NP) (VP paid (PRN -LRB- or not -RRB- PRN) (PP to (NP various Greek officials NP) PP) (PP for (NP (NP services NP) (VP rendered VP) NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (ADVP So ADVP) (NP it NP) (VP seems (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) and (NP his communist UNK-LC-s NP) NP) (VP may (VP have (VP (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) served (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (NP (NP a moral victory NP) (PP on (NP a UNK-LC-er NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) : (S (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (SBAR whether (FRAG (ADJP guilty ADJP) or not FRAG) SBAR) , NP) (VP can (ADVP now ADVP) (VP UNK-LC (NP the countryside NP) (S (VP condemning (NP the whole affair NP) (PP as (NP a witch hunt NP) PP) (PP at (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS 's NP) expense NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S But (SBAR while (S (NP (NP verbal high UNK-LC-s NP) (ADJP alone ADJP) NP) (VP wo n't (VP help (S (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP regain (NP power NP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP should (ADVP never ADVP) (VP be (VP underestimated VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (SINV (ADVP First ADVP) (VP came VP) (NP his predictable UNK-LC NP) SINV) : (S (NP He NP) (VP charged (SBAR (S (NP (NP the UNK-CAPS-ion NP) (PP of (NP (NP the Left NP) and (NP Progress NP) NP) PP) NP) (VP had (VP sold (PRT out PRT) (NP its leftist tenets NP) (PP by (S (VP collaborating (PP in (NP (NP a right-wing plot NP) (VP aimed (PP at (S (VP (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP UNK-CAPS NP) VP) and (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP (NP the course NP) (PP of (NP socialism NP) PP) (PP in (NP Greece NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) PP) VP) NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . S)
(S (ADVP Then ADVP) , (S (VP to (VP UNK-LC (NP (NP his credibility NP) (PP with (NP the left NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) , (NP he NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (S (NP some smaller leftist parties NP) (VP to (VP stand (PP for (NP election NP) PP) (PP under (NP the UNK-CAPS banner NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Next ADVP) , (NP he NP) (VP continued (S (VP to (VP court (NP (NP the communists NP) (PRN -- (SBAR (WHNP many (WHPP of (WHNP whom WHNP) WHPP) WHNP) (S (VP feel (ADJP UNK-LC-ed (PP by (NP (NP the UNK-LC coalition 's NP) birth NP) PP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) -- PRN) NP) (PP by (S (VP bringing (PP into (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) (NP a UNK-LC-ed Communist Party candidate NP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP balance NP) PP) , and (PP in (NP (NP hopes NP) (PP of (S (VP gaining (NP some UNK-LC-ed UNK-LC votes NP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) , (NP he NP) (VP managed (S (VP to (VP attract (NP a (NX (NX former New Democracy Party representative NX) and (NX (NX known political enemy NX) (PP of (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) PP) NX) NX) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Thus ADVP) (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP heads (PP for (NP the polls NP) PP) (PP not (ADVP only ADVP) (PP with (NP diminished UNK-LC NP) PP) , but (ADVP also ADVP) (PP with `` (NP (NP UNK-LC-s NP) (PP of (NP approval NP) PP) '' (PP from (NP (NP representatives NP) (PP of (NP its UNK-LC-est UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (ADJP (ADJP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-al ADJP) (SBAR as (S (NP these elections NP) (VP are (PP for (NP Greece NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) , (NP (NP pressing issues NP) (PP of (NP state NP) PP) NP) (VP are (VP getting (ADJP lost (PP in (NP the UNK-LC NP) PP) ADJP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The country 's NP) future NATO participation NP) (VP remains (ADJP UNK-LC ADJP) , (PP for (NP instance NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Greece NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP must (VP UNK-LC (NP (NP major pieces NP) (PP of (NP legislation NP) PP) NP) (PP in (NP (NP preparation NP) (PP for (NP (NP the 1992 targets NP) (PP of (NP heightened Common Market cooperation NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP Greece 's NP) UNK-LC-al relations NP) (PP with (NP the U.S. NP) PP) NP) (VP need (NP attention NP) (ADVP soon ADVP) (ADVP as well ADVP) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP one NP) PP) , (NP (NP the current accord NP) (VP concerning (NP (NP U.S. military bases NP) (PP in (NP Greece NP) PP) NP) VP) NP) (VP lapses (PP in (NP May 1990 NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (PP for (NP a new agreement NP) PP) NP) (VP were (VP frozen (PP before (NP the June elections NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP the clock NP) (VP is (VP running VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP Another matter NP) (PP of (NP concern NP) PP) NP) (VP is (NP (NP the extradition NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-CAPS-ed UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP a Palestinian terrorist NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP is (VP wanted (PP in (NP the U.S. NP) PP) (PP for (NP (NP the 1982 bombing NP) (PP of (NP a Pan American Airways flight NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The Greek courts NP) (VP have (VP decided (PP in (NP (NP favor NP) (PP of (NP extradition NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP in (NP the UNK-CAPS case NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP the matter NP) (VP awaits (NP (NP final approval NP) (PP from (NP (NP Greece 's NP) next justice minister NP) PP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP The UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP seem (ADJP barely aware (PP of (NP (NP the importance NP) (PP of (NP the case NP) PP) (PP as (NP (NP a litmus test NP) (PP of (SBAR whether (S (NP Greece NP) (VP will (VP be (VP counted (ADVP in or out ADVP) (PP for (NP international efforts (S (VP to (VP combat (NP terrorism NP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (S (SBAR That (S (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP could (VP win (NP the elections NP) (ADVP outright ADVP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) (VP is (ADJP UNK-LC ADJP) VP) S) ; (S (NP (NP the Greek press NP) , (ADJP previously eager (S (VP to (VP palm (PRT off PRT) (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) line NP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) , NP) (VP has (VP turned (PP on (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) PP) (PP with (NP a UNK-LC-ed vengeance NP) PP) VP) VP) S) . S)
(S (ADVP Yet ADVP) (NP (NP the possibility NP) (PP of (NP another UNK-LC government NP) PP) NP) (VP is (ADJP all too real ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (SBAR If (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP becomes (NP the major opposition leader NP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP he NP) (VP could (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP a UNK-LC-ed coalition NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Also ADVP) , (NP he NP) (VP could (VP force (NP new elections NP) (NP early next year NP) VP) VP) (PP by (S (VP frustrating (NP (NP the procedures NP) (PP for (NP (NP the election NP) (PP of (NP (NP the president NP) (PP of (NP the republic NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP in (NP March NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) PP) . S)
(S (NP New Democracy NP) (VP has (ADVP once again ADVP) (VP (VP (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) underestimated (NP the opponent NP) VP) and (VP linked (NP its own prospects NP) (PP to (NP (NP negative reaction NP) (PP against (NP UNK-CAPS NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) , (S (VP forgetting (S (VP to (VP tend (PP to (NP either (NP (NP program UNK-LC-ity NP) or (NP (NP the UNK-LC-ion NP) (PP of (NP internal UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP 's not (ADVP exactly ADVP) (VP sitting (ADVP pretty ADVP) (PP at (NP this stage NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (SBAR since (S (NP he NP) (VP is (ADVP undoubtedly ADVP) (NP (NP one NP) (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP most proficient ADJP) bull UNK-LC-s NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (ADVP ever ADVP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP muck NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP (NP it NP) NP) (VP seems (ADJP far UNK-LC-er ADJP) (S (VP to (VP view (NP him NP) (PP as (ADJP (ADJP sidelined ADJP) , but (ADVP certainly ADVP) not (ADVP yet ADVP) (ADJP eliminated ADJP) ADJP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mr. Carpenter NP) , (NP (NP a regional correspondent NP) (PP for (NP National Review NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP has (VP lived (PP in (NP Athens NP) PP) (PP since (NP 1981 NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP U.S. UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP UNK-CAPS-ed (S (VP to (VP head (PRT off PRT) (NP (NP any repeat NP) (PP of (NP Black Monday NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) (NP today NP) (PP following (NP (NP (NP Friday 's NP) plunge NP) (PP in (NP stock prices NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Fed Chairman Greenspan NP) (VP signaled (SBAR that (S (NP the central bank NP) (VP was (ADJP prepared (S (VP to (VP inject (NP (NP massive amounts NP) (PP of (NP money NP) PP) NP) (PP into (NP the banking system NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP prevent (NP a financial crisis NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Other (UCP U.S. and foreign UCP) officials NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (PRT out PRT) (NP plans NP) , (SBAR though (S (NP they NP) (VP kept (S (NP their moves NP) (ADJP quiet ADJP) S) (S (VP to (VP avoid (S (VP making (S (NP the financial markets NP) (ADJP more jittery ADJP) S) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Friday 's NP) sell-off NP) (VP was (VP triggered (PP by (NP (NP (NP the collapse NP) (PP of (NP (NP UAL 's NP) buy-out plan NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP a big rise NP) (PP in (NP producer prices NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Dow Jones industrials NP) (VP skidded (NP 190.58 NP) , (PP to (NP UNK-NUM NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The junk bond market NP) (VP came (PP to (NP a standstill NP) PP) , (SBAR while (S (S (NP Treasury bonds NP) (VP soared VP) S) and (S (NP the dollar NP) (VP fell VP) S) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Japanese stocks NP) (VP (VP dropped (NP early Monday NP) , VP) but (VP (PP by (NP late morning NP) PP) were (VP turning (ADVP around ADVP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The dollar NP) (VP was (VP trading (ADVP (ADVP sharply ADVP) lower ADVP) (PP in (NP Tokyo NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-KNOWNLC-s NP) (PP for (NP a new UAL buy-out proposal NP) PP) NP) (VP appear (ADJP bleak ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Many banks NP) (VP refused (S (VP to (VP back (NP the (ADJP (QP $ 6.79 billion QP) ADJP) transaction NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) , but (S (NP bankers NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP was not (PP from (NP any unwillingness (S (VP to (VP finance (NP takeovers NP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP The decision NP) (VP was (VP based (ADVP solely ADVP) (PP on (NP (NP problems NP) (PP with (NP the UAL UNK-LC plan NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) , S) (NP they NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP The surge NP) (PP in (NP producer prices NP) PP) (PP in (NP September NP) PP) NP) (VP followed (NP (NP three months NP) (PP of (NP declines NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , but (S (NP analysts NP) (VP were (ADJP divided ADJP) (PP on (SBAR whether (S (NP the 0.9 % jump NP) (VP signaled (NP (NP a severe worsening NP) (PP of (NP inflation NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S (ADVP Also ADVP) , (NP retail sales NP) (VP grew (NP 0.5 % NP) (NP last month NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP A capital-gains tax cut NP) (VP was (VP removed (PP from (NP (NP the Senate 's NP) deficit reduction bill NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP proponents NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP hope (S (VP to (VP enact (NP the cut NP) (NP this year NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP Bush NP) (VP wo n't (VP press (PP for (NP (NP a capital-gains provision NP) (PP in (NP the final deficit bill NP) PP) NP) PP) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP House-Senate conferees NP) (VP meet (NP (ADVP later ADVP) this week NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP General Motors NP) (VP signaled (SBAR that (S (NP (QP up to five QP) North American assembly plants NP) (VP may (VP close (PP by (NP the mid-1990s NP) PP) (SBAR as (S (NP it NP) (VP tries (S (VP to (VP cut (NP excess capacity NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP U.S. car and truck sales NP) (VP fell (NP 12.6 % NP) (PP in (NP (NP early October NP) , (NP (NP the first sales period NP) (PP of (NP the 1990-model year NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) , (S (VP dragged (ADVP down ADVP) (PP by (NP (NP a sharp decline NP) (PP in (NP GM sales NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Warner and Sony NP) (VP are (ADJP UNK-LC-ed (PP in (NP (NP a legal battle NP) (PP over (NP movie producers Peter UNK-CAPS-er and Jon Peters NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The fight NP) (VP could (VP set (PRT back PRT) (NP (NP Sony 's NP) plans (S (VP to (VP enter (NP the U.S. movie business NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Hooker 's NP) U.S. unit NP) (VP received (NP a (NP (NP (ADJP (QP $ 409 million QP) ADJP) bid NP) (PP for (NP (NP most NP) (PP of (NP its real-estate and UNK-LC-er assets NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) (PP from (NP an investor group NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The offer NP) (VP does n't (VP include (NP (NP Bonwit Teller NP) or (NP B. Altman NP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The Boeing strike NP) (VP is (VP starting (S (VP to (VP affect (NP airlines NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP America West NP) (VP said (NP Friday NP) (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP will (VP postpone (NP (NP its new service NP) (PP out (PP of (NP Houston NP) PP) PP) NP) (PP because of (NP (NP delays NP) (PP in (S (VP receiving (NP aircraft NP) (PP from (NP Boeing NP) PP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Saatchi & Saatchi NP) (VP would (VP launch (NP a management buy-out NP) (SBAR if (S (NP a hostile suitor NP) (VP emerged VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) , (NP an official NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP British Aerospace NP) and (NP (NP France 's NP) Thomson-CSF NP) NP) (VP are (VP nearing (NP a pact (S (VP to (VP merge (NP UNK-LC divisions NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP New U.S. UNK-LC quotas NP) (VP will (VP give (NP a bigger share NP) (PP to (NP (NP developing nations NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP have (NP (ADJP relatively UNK-LC-ed ADJP) steel industries NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Japan 's NP) steel quota NP) (VP will (VP be (VP cut (ADVP significantly ADVP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP Four ailing S&Ls NP) (VP were (VP sold (PRT off PRT) (PP by (NP government regulators NP) PP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP low bids NP) (VP prevented (NP (NP the sale NP) (PP of (NP a fifth NP) PP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(NP Markets -- NP)
(NP (NP Stocks NP) : (NP (NP Volume NP) (NP UNK-NUM shares NP) NP) . NP)
(FRAG (NP (NP Dow Jones industrials NP) (NP UNK-NUM NP) , (ADVP off (NP 190.58 NP) ADVP) NP) ; (NP (NP transportation NP) (NP UNK-NUM NP) , (ADVP off (NP UNK-NUM NP) ADVP) NP) ; (NP (NP utilities NP) (NP UNK-NUM NP) , (ADVP off (NP UNK-NUM NP) ADVP) NP) . FRAG)
(NP (NP Bonds NP) : (NP (NP Shearson Lehman Hutton Treasury index NP) (NP UNK-NUM NP) , (ADVP up ADVP) NP) NP)
(NP (NP Commodities NP) : (NP (NP Dow Jones futures index NP) (NP UNK-NUM NP) , (ADVP up (NP 0.01 NP) ADVP) NP) ; (NP (NP spot index NP) (NP UNK-NUM NP) , (ADVP up (NP UNK-NUM NP) ADVP) NP) . NP)
(NP (NP Dollar NP) : (NP (NP 142.10 yen NP) , (ADVP off (NP 2.07 NP) ADVP) NP) ; (NP (NP UNK-NUM marks NP) , (ADVP off (NP UNK-NUM NP) ADVP) NP) . NP)
(S (NP (NP A federal appeals court NP) (PP in (NP San Francisco NP) PP) NP) (VP ruled (SBAR that (S (NP shareholders NP) (VP ca n't (VP hold (S (NP corporate officials NP) (ADJP liable (PP for (NP (NP false sales projections NP) (PP on (NP new products NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) S) (SBAR if (S (NP the news media NP) (ADVP UNK-LC-ly ADVP) (VP revealed (NP (NP substantial information NP) (PP about (NP (NP the product 's NP) flaws NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The ruling NP) (VP stems (PP from (NP (NP a 1984 suit NP) (VP filed (PP by (NP (NP shareholders NP) (PP of (NP Apple Computer Inc. NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) , (VP claiming (SBAR that (S (NP company officials NP) (VP misled (NP investors NP) (PP about (NP (NP the expected success NP) (PP of (NP (NP the Lisa computer NP) , (VP introduced (PP in (NP 1983 NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Lawyers NP) (VP specializing (PP in (NP shareholder suits NP) PP) VP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP are (ADJP concerned (SBAR that (S (NP (NP use NP) (PP of (NP the `` press defense '' NP) PP) (PP by (NP corporations NP) PP) NP) (VP may (VP become (ADJP popular ADJP) (PP as (NP (NP a result NP) (PP of (NP the ruling NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP According (PP to (NP the suit NP) PP) PP) , (NP Apple officials NP) (VP created (NP public excitement NP) (PP by (S (VP touting (NP Lisa NP) (PP as (NP (NP an office computer NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP would (VP (VP UNK-LC (NP the workplace NP) VP) and (VP be (ADJP extremely successful ADJP) (PP in (NP its first year NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The plaintiffs NP) (ADVP also ADVP) (VP alleged (SBAR that (S (ADVP prior (PP to (NP the fanfare NP) PP) ADVP) , (NP the company NP) (VP circulated (NP (NP internal memos NP) (VP indicating (NP (NP problems NP) (PP with (NP Lisa NP) PP) NP) VP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The suit NP) (VP claimed (SBAR (S (NP (NP Apple 's NP) stock NP) (VP climbed (PP to (NP (NP a high NP) (PP of (NP (NP $ UNK-NUM NP) (NP a share NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP on (NP (NP the basis NP) (PP of (NP (NP the company 's NP) optimistic forecasts NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S But (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP the company NP) (VP revealed (NP (NP Lisa 's NP) poor sales NP) (PP (ADVP late ADVP) in (NP 1983 NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP the stock NP) (VP plummeted (PP to (NP (NP a low NP) (PP of (NP (NP $ UNK-NUM NP) (NP a share NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , (PP according (PP to (NP the suit NP) PP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The shareholders NP) (VP claimed (NP (NP (QP more than $ 150 million QP) NP) (PP in (NP losses NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP 1987 NP) PP) , (NP the San Francisco district court NP) (VP dismissed (NP the case NP) (SBAR (ADVP largely ADVP) because (S (NP newspaper reports NP) (VP had (VP (ADVP sufficiently ADVP) UNK-LC-ed (NP (NP the company 's NP) statements NP) (PP by (S (VP UNK-LC-ing (NP consumers NP) (PP to (NP (NP Lisa 's NP) problems NP) PP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Late last month NP) , (NP the appeals court NP) (VP agreed (SBAR that (S (NP (NP most NP) (PP of (NP the case NP) PP) NP) (VP should (VP be (VP dismissed VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP However ADVP) , (NP it NP) (VP gave (NP the shareholders NP) (NP the right (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP (NP a small portion NP) (PP of (NP their claim NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP UNK-LC-s (PP to (NP (NP (NP Lisa 's NP) disk drive NP) , (VP known (PP as (NP UNK-CAPS-y NP) PP) VP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The court NP) (VP ruled (SBAR that (S (NP the news media NP) (VP did n't (VP reveal (NP (NP UNK-CAPS-y 's NP) problems NP) (PP at (NP the time NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Lawyers NP) (VP are (VP (VP worried (PP about (NP (NP (NP the ruling 's NP) implication NP) (PP in (NP other shareholder suits NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) but (VP pointed (PRT out PRT) (SBAR that (S (NP the court NP) (VP stressed (SBAR that (S (NP the ruling NP) (VP should (VP be (VP regarded (PP as (ADJP very specific (PP to (NP the Apple case NP) PP) ADJP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (NP The court NP) (VP was (ADJP careful (S (VP to (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP the adverse information NP) (VP (VP appeared (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP very same ADJP) articles NP) NP) PP) VP) and (VP received (NP (NP the same attention NP) NP) VP) (PP as (NP (NP the company 's NP) statements NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) ADJP) VP) S) , '' (VP said VP) (NP (NP Patrick UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP a Los Angeles lawyer NP) (PP at (NP (NP the firm NP) (PP of (NP (NP Greenfield & UNK-CAPS-s NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP was n't (VP involved (PP in (NP the case NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S `` (NP The court NP) (VP is (VP saying (SBAR that (S (NP the adverse facts NP) (VP have (S (VP to (VP be (VP transferred (PP to (NP the market NP) PP) (PP with (NP (NP equal intensity and credibility NP) (PP as (NP (NP the statements NP) (PP of (NP corporate insiders NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP (NP (NP Shareholders ' NP) attorneys NP) (PP at (NP (NP the New York firm NP) (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS , Weiss , UNK-CAPS , UNK-CAPS & UNK-CAPS NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (NP last week NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP for (NP (NP a rehearing NP) (PP of (NP the case NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP They NP) (VP wrote : `` (S (NP The opinion NP) (VP establishes (NP (NP a new rule NP) (PP of (NP immunity NP) PP) -- (SBAR that (S (SBAR if (S (NP (NP a wide variety NP) (PP of (NP (NP opinions NP) (PP on (NP (NP a company 's NP) business NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP are (VP (ADVP publicly ADVP) reported VP) VP) S) SBAR) , (NP the company NP) (VP can (VP say (NP anything NP) (PP without (NP (NP fear NP) (PP of (NP securities liability NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) VP) . '' S)
(S (NP NFL NP) (VP UNK-CAPS-ed (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP (QP $ 5.5 million QP) NP) (PP in (NP legal fees NP) PP) NP) (PP to (NP defunct NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S)
(S (NP The National Football League NP) (VP is (VP considering (S (VP appealing (NP (NP the ruling NP) (VP stemming (PP from (NP (NP (NP the U.S. Football League 's NP) (ADJP largely unsuccessful ADJP) antitrust suit NP) (PP against (NP the NFL NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP A jury NP) (PP in (NP 1986 NP) PP) (VP agreed (PP with (NP (NP the UNK-CAPS 's NP) claims (SBAR that (S (NP the NFL NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (NP major league football NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S But (NP the jury NP) (VP awarded (NP the UNK-CAPS NP) (NP (NP (QP only $ 1 QP) NP) (PP in (NP damages NP) PP) , (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP because of (NP the antitrust claims NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Last week NP) , (NP (NP the U.S. Court NP) (PP of (NP Appeals NP) PP) (PP in (NP New York NP) PP) NP) (VP upheld (NP (NP a (ADJP $ 5.5 million ADJP) award NP) (PP of (NP (NP attorneys fees NP) (PP to (NP the defunct league NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP Harvey D. UNK-CAPS NP) , (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS & (NP UNK-CAPS NP) NP) PP) , (ADVP then ADVP) (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS-y , UNK-CAPS , UNK-CAPS-er , UNK-CAPS , UNK-CAPS , Manley , UNK-CAPS & Casey NP) PP) , NP) (VP was (NP the lead trial lawyer NP) VP) S) , and (S (NP his new firm NP) (VP pursued (NP the application appeal NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP Douglas R. UNK-CAPS-s NP) (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS & UNK-CAPS NP) PP) NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP (NP (QP about $ 5.3 million QP) NP) (PP of (NP the award NP) PP) NP) (VP goes (ADVP directly ADVP) (PP to (NP the UNK-CAPS NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP reimburse (NP it NP) (PP for (NP (NP fees NP) (VP (ADVP already ADVP) paid VP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC & UNK-CAPS NP) (VP will (VP get (NP (QP about $ UNK-NUM QP) NP) (PP for (NP (NP the costs NP) (PP of (S (VP pressing (NP the application NP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The federal appeals court NP) (VP held (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the nominal damages NP) and (NP the failure (S (VP to (VP prove (NP all claims NP) VP) VP) S) NP) NP) (VP did n't (VP exclude (NP the UNK-CAPS NP) (PP from (S (VP being (VP UNK-LC-ed VP) VP) S) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Antitrust laws NP) (VP provide (SBAR that (S (NP injured parties NP) (VP may (VP be (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP for (NP (NP lawyers ' NP) fees NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S But (NP (NP UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP an attorney NP) (PP for (NP the NFL NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (NP his client NP) (VP will (VP consider (S (VP (VP asking (PP for (NP another hearing NP) PP) VP) or (VP appealing (PP to (NP the U.S. Supreme Court NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) , (PP of (NP (NP Skadden , Arps , Slate , Meagher & Flom NP) (PP in (NP New York NP) PP) NP) PP) , NP) (VP says (SBAR (S (S (NP the ruling NP) (VP is (ADJP wrong ADJP) VP) S) and (S (NP the fee award NP) (VP is (ADJP excessive ADJP) VP) S) (SBAR because (S (NP the UNK-CAPS NP) (VP lost (NP (NP its major claims NP) , (PP including (NP its contention (SBAR that (S (NP the NFL NP) (VP restrained (NP trade NP) (PP through (NP television contracts NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP The UNK-CAPS NP) (VP was not (NP the prevailing party NP) VP) S) , '' (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP insists VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP UNK-INITC & UNK-CAPS NP) (PP of (NP Houston NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP UNK-CAPS-y , Robertson , Fraser & Hatch NP) (PP of (NP (NP Calgary NP) , (NP Alberta NP) , NP) PP) NP) NP) (VP are (VP UNK-LC-ing (S (VP to (VP help (VP serve (NP their UNK-LC-y clients NP) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The affiliation NP) (VP is (VP believed (S (VP to (VP be (NP (NP the first such cross-border arrangement NP) (PP among (NP major law firms NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The firms NP) (VP (VP (VP are n't (VP required (S (VP to (VP refer (NP work NP) (PP (ADVP exclusively ADVP) to (NP each other NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) and (VP remain (NP separate organizations NP) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV (S But (NP they NP) (VP will (VP (VP work (ADVP together ADVP) (PP on (NP (ADJP energy - , environmental - and UNK-LC-ed ADJP) issues NP) PP) VP) and (VP conduct (NP (NP seminars NP) (PP on (NP (NP topics NP) (PP of (NP mutual interest NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) S) , (VP said VP) (NP (NP Gibson UNK-CAPS Jr. NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-er UNK-CAPS & UNK-CAPS NP) PP) NP) . SINV)
(S (PP In (NP addition NP) PP) , (NP (NP UNK-CAPS & UNK-CAPS 's NP) (NAC Washington , D.C. , NAC) office NP) (VP will (VP play (NP a key role NP) (SBAR as (S (NP the firms NP) (VP work (ADVP together ADVP) (PP on (NP (NP regulatory issues NP) , (NP particularly natural-gas exports NP) , NP) PP) (PP for (NP their clients NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(SINV (S (NP (NP The arrangement NP) , (VP reached (PP after (NP (NP about eight months NP) (PP of (NP negotiations NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) , NP) (VP grew (PP out (PP of (NP (NP UNK-LC-er UNK-CAPS-y Robertson 's NP) desire (S (VP to (VP develop (NP (NP ties NP) (PP with (NP a U.S. firm NP) PP) NP) (PP in (NP (NP light NP) (PP of (NP (NP relaxed trade barriers NP) (PP between (NP (NP the U.S. NP) and (NP Canada NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) PP) VP) S) , (VP said VP) (NP (NP Francis M. UNK-CAPS NP) (PP of (NP UNK-CAPS-y Robertson NP) PP) NP) . SINV)
(S (PP IN (SBAR (WHNP UNK-CAPS WHNP) (S (VP UNK-CAPS (VP UNK-CAPS-al (NP (NP a turnaround NP) (PP for (NP asbestos manufacturers NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) , (NP (NP W.R. Grace NP) & (NP Co. NP) NP) (VP won (NP (NP a (ADJP 3 UNK-LC ADJP) trial NP) (PP in (NP Pittsburgh NP) PP) (PP over (SBAR whether (S (NP it NP) (VP should (VP be (VP required (S (VP to (VP remove (NP asbestos UNK-LC-ing NP) (PP from (NP a local high school NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mount Lebanon High School NP) , (PP near (NP Pittsburgh NP) PP) , NP) (VP sought (NP (NP (QP $ 21 million QP) NP) (PP in (NP UNK-LC-y damages NP) PP) NP) (PP from (NP Grace NP) PP) , (S (VP arguing (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the asbestos NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP can (VP cause (NP (NP UNK-LC-y diseases NP) and (NP lung cancer NP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP posed (NP a risk NP) (PP to (NP students NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Grace NP) (VP (ADVP successfully ADVP) contended (SBAR that (S (S (VP removing (NP the fire UNK-LC NP) VP) S) (VP would (VP pose (NP (NP a greater health risk NP) (PP than (S (VP leaving (S (NP it NP) (ADJP alone ADJP) S) VP) S) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP A spokesman NP) (PP for (NP the company NP) PP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the verdict NP) (VP is (VP thought (S (VP to (VP be (NP (NP the first NP) (PP in (NP (NP favor NP) (PP of (NP an asbestos manufacturer NP) PP) NP) PP) (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (S (NP the plaintiff NP) (VP was (NP a school NP) VP) S) and (S (NP (NP the asbestos NP) (PP in (NP question NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP used (PP for (NP UNK-LC-ing NP) PP) VP) VP) S) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Diane S. UNK-CAPS-y NP) (VP will (VP join (NP UNK-LC-er Morrison & UNK-CAPS-er NP) (PP as (NP (NP a partner NP) (PP in (NP its (NAC Washington , D.C. , NAC) office NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP in (NP mid-November NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP She NP) (VP will (VP help (VP develop (NP (NP the UNK-LC practice NP) (PP of (NP (NP the San Francisco-based firm 's NP) communications group NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Ms. UNK-CAPS-y NP) , (ADJP (NP 35 years NP) old ADJP) , NP) (VP resigned (PP as (NP Federal Communications Commission general counsel NP) PP) (NP early this month NP) (PP after (NP (NP nearly three years NP) (PP in (NP that post NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP She NP) (VP was (NP (NP the first woman NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP appointed (S (NP FCC general counsel NP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-CAPS P. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP formerly (NP Eastern Airlines ' NP) top lawyer NP) , NP) (VP joined (NP (NP the New York law firm NP) (PP of (NP (NP Lord Day NP) & (NP Lord NP) , (NP Barrett Smith NP) NP) PP) NP) (PP as (NP a partner NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP 45 NP) , NP) (VP (VP spent (NP 17 years NP) (PP at (NP (NP the Miami airline unit NP) (PP of (NP Houston-based Texas Air Corp. NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) and (VP was (VP named (S (NP general counsel NP) S) (PP in (NP 1984 NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP left (NP the company NP) (PP in (NP 1987 NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP will (VP split (NP his time NP) (PP between (NP (NP (NP the UNK-LC-er firm 's NP) offices NP) (PP in (NP (NP (NP Washington NP) , (NP D.C. NP) NP) , and (NP New York NP) , NP) PP) (PP with (NP (NP specialties NP) (PP in (NP aviation and labor law NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Apple Computer Inc. NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP will (VP offer (NP (NP cash rebates NP) (PP on (NP (NP several NP) (PP of (NP its machines NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (PP (PP from (NP Oct. 14 NP) PP) (PP to (NP Dec. UNK NP) PP) PP) , (PP as (NP (NP part NP) (PP of (NP a UNK-LC sales promotion NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Apple NP) (VP will (VP offer (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP $ 150 ADJP) rebate NP) (PP on (NP (NP its Apple UNK-CAPS-s NP) (PP with (NP any Apple UNK-CAPS and disk drive NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) ; (NP (NP $ 200 NP) (PP on (NP the basic Macintosh Plus central processing unit NP) PP) NP) ; (NP (NP $ 250 NP) (PP on (NP the Macintosh UNK-CAPS central processing unit NP) PP) NP) ; (NP (NP $ 250 NP) (PP on (NP the Macintosh UNK-CAPS-NUM UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) , and (NP (NP $ 300 NP) (PP on (NP (NP a Macintosh UNK-CAPS NP) (PP with (NP any (NX (NX Apple video card NX) and (NX Apple monitor NX) NX) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP The rebates NP) , (PP as (NP (NP a percentage NP) (PP of (NP (NP the retail cost NP) (PP of (NP (NP the UNK-LC NP) (PP of (NP each system NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , NP) (VP amount (PP to (NP (QP 6 % to 13 % QP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The company NP) (VP is (ADVP also ADVP) (VP offering (NP (NP a free trial NP) (PP of (NP its computers NP) PP) NP) (PP to (NP (NP consumers NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP qualify (PP for (NP its (NX (NX credit cards NX) or (NX leases NX) NX) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. NP) (PP of (NP Japan NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP Siemens AG NP) (PP of (NP West Germany NP) PP) NP) NP) (VP announced (SBAR (S (NP they NP) (VP have (VP completed (NP a (ADJP 100 UNK-LC ADJP) (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 52.2 million QP) ADJP) -RRB- PRN) joint venture (S (VP to (VP produce (NP electronics parts NP) VP) VP) S) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP In (NP (NP the venture 's NP) first fiscal year NP) PP) , (S (NP Siemens NP) (VP will (VP hold (NP (NP UNK-NUM % NP) (PP of (NP the venture NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) and (S (NP (NP a Matsushita subsidiary NP) , (NP Matsushita Electronic Components Co. NP) , NP) (NP UNK-NUM % NP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP A basic agreement NP) (PP between (NP the two companies NP) PP) NP) (VP was (VP announced (PP in (NP June NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The new company NP) (VP is (S (VP to (VP be (VP called (S (NP Siemens Matsushita Components G.m.b . H . NP) S) VP) VP) VP) S) VP) S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP will (VP have (NP its headquarters NP) (PP in (NP Munich NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP Matsushita 's NP) share NP) (PP in (NP the venture NP) PP) NP) (VP will (VP (VP rise (PP to (NP 35 % NP) PP) (NP Oct. 1 , 1990 NP) VP) , and (VP (PP to (NP 50 % NP) PP) (NP the following Oct. 1 NP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Siemens NP) (VP will (VP retain (NP majority voting rights NP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The parent companies NP) (VP forecast (NP (NP sales NP) (PP for (NP the venture NP) PP) (PP of (NP (QP around 750 million QP) marks NP) PP) NP) (PP for (NP its first fiscal year NP) PP) VP) S) , (NP Matsushita NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP Sales NP) (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise (PP to (NP (QP one billion QP) marks NP) PP) (PP after (NP four years NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The company NP) (VP will (VP have (NP production facilities NP) (PP in (NP (NP West Germany NP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP France NP) and (NP Spain NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Roger UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP editor NP) (PP of (NP U.S. News & World Report NP) PP) NP) , NP) (VP resigned (NP Friday NP) (PP from (NP the weekly news magazine NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP resigned (PP because of (NP (NP difficulties NP) (PP with (S (VP UNK-LC-ing (PP between (NP (NP his home NP) (PP in (NP New York NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP (NP the magazine 's NP) editorial offices NP) (PP in (NP Washington NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(SINV `` (S (ADVP Frankly ADVP) , (NP I NP) (VP missed (NP my family NP) VP) S) , '' (VP said VP) (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) . SINV)
(S (PP In (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS 's NP) tenure NP) PP) , (NP (NP the magazine 's NP) advertising pages and circulation NP) (VP have (VP grown (ADVP significantly ADVP) VP) VP) . S)
(S But (PP at (NP (ADJP 2.3 million weekly ADJP) paid circulation NP) PP) , (NP U.S. News NP) (ADVP still ADVP) (VP ranks (S (ADJP third ADJP) S) (PP behind (NP (NP (NP (NP Time Warner Inc. 's NP) (NX Time magazine NX) NP) , (PP with (NP (QP 4.4 million QP) circulation NP) PP) NP) , and (NP (NP (NP Washington Post Co. 's NP) (NX UNK-CAPS NX) NP) , (PP with (NP (QP 3.3 million QP) circulation NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mortimer B. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP chairman NP) and (NP (NP editor NP) (PP in (NP chief NP) PP) NP) NP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP would (VP be (VP succeeded (PP starting (NP today NP) PP) (PP by (NP (NP (NP Michael Ruby NP) , (NP (NP the magazine 's NP) executive editor NP) NP) , and (NP (NP Merrill UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP a senior writer NP) NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mr. Ruby NP) and (NP Ms. UNK-CAPS NP) NP) (VP are (VP married (PP to (NP each other NP) PP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his magazine NP) (VP would (VP maintain (NP (NP its editorial format NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP is (NP (NP a mix NP) (PP of (NP (NP analysis NP) and (NP trend stories NP) NP) PP) (PP with (NP UNK-LC-ed , how-to articles NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP (NP a senior writer NP) (PP at (NP Time magazine NP) PP) (PP before (S (VP joining (NP U.S. News & World Report NP) VP) S) PP) NP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP had (NP (NP numerous job offers NP) (PP from (NP other magazines NP) PP) NP) (SBAR while (S (NP he NP) (VP was (NP editor NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The offers NP) (VP were (S (VP to (VP work (PP as (NP (NP a writer NP) , not (NP an editor NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP He NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP he NP) (VP will (ADVP now ADVP) (VP consider (NP those offers NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-s UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS Aviation S.A. NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP group profit NP) (PP before (NP (NP taxes NP) and (NP (NP contributions NP) (PP to (NP employee profit-sharing NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) (VP soared (NP 97 % NP) (PP to (NP (NP UNK-NUM million francs NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) -RRB- PRN) (PP in (NP (NP the first half NP) (PP of (NP 1989 NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP from (NP (NP 425 million francs NP) (ADVP (NP a year NP) earlier ADVP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The French aircraft group NP) (VP pointed (PRT out PRT) , (ADVP however ADVP) , (SBAR that (S (NP (NP financial results NP) (PP from (NP (NP its sector NP) (PP of (NP industry NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP are (ADVP frequently ADVP) (ADJP erratic ADJP) (PP because of (NP (NP UNK-LC cash flow NP) (PP from (NP large contracts NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP noted , (PP for (NP example NP) PP) , (SBAR that (S (NP (NP group revenue NP) (PP for (NP the first half NP) PP) NP) (VP was (NP (QP UNK-NUM billion QP) francs NP) , (ADVP down (NP (QP about 12 QP) % NP) (PP from (NP UNK-NUM billion francs NP) (ADVP (NP a year NP) earlier ADVP) PP) ADVP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Still ADVP) , (NP it NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP expects (S (NP (NP sales NP) (PP for (NP (NP all NP) (PP of (NP 1989 NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP to (VP be (PP on (NP (NP the order NP) (PP of (NP (QP 20 billion QP) francs NP) PP) NP) PP) , (S (VP reflecting (NP (NP anticipated billings NP) (PP for (NP two large contracts NP) PP) (PP in (NP (NP the second half NP) (PP of (NP the year NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP (NP all NP) (PP of (NP 1988 NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP Dassault NP) (VP had (NP (NP group profit NP) (PP of (NP (QP UNK-NUM million QP) francs NP) PP) (PP on (NP (NP revenue NP) (PP of (NP (QP UNK-NUM billion QP) francs NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The group NP) (VP has n't (ADVP yet ADVP) (VP released (NP (NP earnings figures NP) (PP for (NP (NP the first half NP) (PP of (NP 1989 NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) , nor (SINV has (NP it NP) (VP made (NP (NP a detailed forecast NP) (PP of (NP its full-year earnings NP) PP) NP) VP) SINV) . S)
(SINV (S (NP UNK-INITC Consolidated Industries Inc. NP) (VP expects (S (VP to (VP report (NP (NP earnings NP) (PP before (NP extraordinary tax benefits NP) PP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP about $ 1.5 million QP) NP) , or (NP (NP (QP about 41 QP) cents NP) (NP a share NP) NP) , (PP for (NP the third quarter NP) PP) NP) PP) , (PP compared (PP with (NP a loss (NP last year NP) NP) PP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) , (VP said VP) (NP (NP Glenn R. Simmons NP) , (NP (NP chairman NP) and (NP chief executive officer NP) NP) NP) . SINV)
(S (S (PP After (NP (NP a tax benefit NP) (PP of (NP (QP about $ UNK-NUM QP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP expects (S (VP to (VP report (NP (NP net income NP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP $ 2.3 million QP) NP) , or (NP (NP (QP about 62 QP) cents NP) (NP a share NP) NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) , (NP Mr. Simmons NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP (NP third quarter NP) (NP last year NP) NP) PP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP reported (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP $ 1 million QP) ADJP) loss NP) (PP from (NP continuing operations NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP $ 200,000 QP) ADJP) loss NP) (PP from (NP discontinued operations NP) PP) NP) NP) , (PP for (NP (NP a net loss NP) (PP of (NP (QP $ 1.2 million QP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP (NP Revenue NP) (PP for (NP the latest third quarter NP) PP) NP) (VP was (NP (QP about $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) , (ADVP up (NP 10 % NP) (PP from (NP (QP $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) (NP last year NP) PP) ADVP) VP) S) , (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. Simmons NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the results NP) (VP signal (NP a turnaround NP) (PP for (NP (NP (NP the maker NP) (PP of (NP (NP wire NP) and (NP wire products NP) NP) PP) NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP has (VP struggled (S (VP to (VP remain (ADJP competitive ADJP) (PP in (NP (NP the face NP) (PP of (NP lower-priced , imported steel NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (S (S (NP (NP A new (ADJP (QP $ 46 million QP) ADJP) steel rod minimill NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP got (PRT off PRT) (PP to (NP a rocky start NP) PP) (PP in (NP early 1988 NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (ADVP now ADVP) (VP is (VP running (ADVP efficiently ADVP) VP) VP) S) and (S (NP a new management team NP) (VP is (VP (ADVP more heavily ADVP) marketing (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) products NP) VP) VP) S) S) , (NP Mr. Simmons NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (PP As (NP a result NP) PP) , (NP the company NP) (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP report (NP (NP net income NP) (PP for (NP the year NP) PP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP about $ 11.6 million QP) NP) , or (NP (NP (NP (QP about $ 3.10 QP) NP) (PP to (NP $ UNK-NUM NP) PP) NP) (NP a share NP) NP) , NP) PP) (PP compared (PP with (NP (NP (NP a net loss NP) (PP of (NP (QP $ 24.4 million QP) NP) (NP last year NP) PP) NP) , (PP after (NP (NP a loss NP) (PP from (NP discontinued operations NP) PP) (PP of (NP (QP $ 18.4 million QP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Revenue NP) (PP for (NP 1989 NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (NP (QP about $ 300 million QP) NP) , (ADVP up (NP (QP about 21 QP) % NP) (PP from (NP (NP (QP $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) (PP in (NP 1988 NP) PP) NP) PP) ADVP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (PP For (NP (NP the nine months NP) (VP ended (NP Sept. 30 NP) VP) NP) PP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP expects (S (VP to (VP report (NP (NP net income NP) (PP of (NP (NP $ 9.3 UNK-LC-ion NP) , or (NP (NP (QP about $ 2.53 QP) NP) (NP a share NP) NP) , NP) PP) (PP after (NP (NP an extraordinary gain NP) (PP from (NP (NP $ 3.2 million NP) (PP in (NP tax benefits NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP Last year NP) , (NP the company NP) (VP had (NP (NP a net loss NP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP $ 6.5 million QP) NP) , (PP including (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP $ 6.1 million QP) ADJP) loss NP) (PP from (NP continuing operations NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP a (ADJP $ 400,000 ADJP) loss NP) (PP from (NP discontinued operations NP) PP) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Revenue NP) (PP for (NP the nine months NP) PP) NP) (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (NP (QP about $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) , (ADVP up (NP (QP about 21 QP) % NP) (PP from (NP (QP $ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) (NP last year NP) PP) ADVP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. Simmons NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) new mill NP) (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP produce (NP (NP (QP about UNK-NUM QP) tons NP) (PP of (NP steel UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) (NP this year NP) , (ADVP up (PP from (NP UNK-NUM tons NP) (PP in (NP 1988 NP) PP) PP) ADVP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Production NP) (PP at (NP the mill NP) PP) NP) (VP has (VP exceeded (NP (NP the ability NP) (PP of (NP (NP UNK-CAPS 's NP) casting operation NP) PP) (S (VP to (VP supply (NP it NP) VP) VP) S) NP) (PRN , (S (NP he NP) (VP said VP) S) , PRN) (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP will (VP force (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (S (VP to (VP purchase (NP (NP UNK-LC NP) , or (NP UNK-LC-ed steel bars NP) , NP) (PP from (PP outside (NP the company NP) PP) PP) (UCP (PP during (NP the fourth quarter NP) PP) and (NP next year NP) UCP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP UNK-INITC NP) (VP will (VP have (S (VP to (VP consider (S (VP expanding (NP its casting operation NP) , (PP at (NP (NP an estimated cost NP) (PP of (NP (QP $ 8 million to $ 10 million QP) NP) PP) NP) PP) , (PP within (NP the next (QP 18 to 24 QP) months NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) , (NP Mr. Simmons NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (PP Under (NP (NP Robert W. Singer NP) , (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president NP) and (NP chief operating officer NP) NP) S) (NP last year NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP has (VP (VP expanded (NP its sales force NP) (PP to (NP (QP about 20 QP) people NP) PP) (PP from (NP (QP about 15 QP) NP) PP) VP) and (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP expand (NP its sales NP) (PP from (NP (NP the middle portion NP) (PP of (NP the country NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP toward (NP the (ADJP East and West ADJP) UNK-LC-s NP) PP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S `` (ADVP Prior (PP to (ADVP (NP a year NP) ago ADVP) PP) ADVP) , (NP UNK-CAPS NP) (VP was (NP an UNK-LC-er NP) VP) . S)
(S (S (ADVP Now ADVP) (NP I NP) (VP think (SBAR (S (NP we NP) (VP have (NP (NP a group NP) (PP of (NP marketing people NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP are (ADVP out ADVP) (S (VP selling (PP to (NP retailers and UNK-LC-s NP) PP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) , '' (NP Mr. Simmons NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (ADVP Still ADVP) (PRN , (NP he NP) (VP said VP) PRN) , (NP the UNK-LC company NP) (VP plans (S (VP to (VP continue (NP (NP its UNK-LC-ed strategy NP) (PP for (NP (NP (NP its distinctive brand NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-ed wire UNK-LC-ing NP) PP) NP) and (NP other products NP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP The company NP) (VP claims (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 40 % ADJP) share NP) (PP of (NP the U.S. field fence business NP) PP) NP) , (NP (NP a (ADJP 35 % ADJP) share NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-y UNK-LC-ing sales NP) PP) NP) and (NP (NP a (ADJP 30 % ADJP) share NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC-ed wire sales NP) PP) NP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Freeport-McMoRan Inc. NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP a temporary UNK-LC-ion NP) (PP of (NP (NP operations NP) (PP at (NP (NP its UNK-CAPS Bridge UNK-LC-y facility NP) (PP in (NP (NP UNK-CAPS NP) , (NP La. NP) , NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) (VP will (VP result (PP in (NP (NP slight earnings improvement NP) (PP to (NP both (NP (NP the company NP) and (NP its Freeport-McMoRan Resource Partners Limited Partnership unit NP) NP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP The company NP) (VP did n't (VP elaborate VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The diversified energy and minerals concern NP) (VP said (SBAR (SBAR that (S (NP a depressed UNK-LC market NP) (VP is (ADJP responsible (PP for (NP (NP the temporary UNK-LC-ing NP) (PP of (NP the plant NP) PP) NP) PP) ADJP) VP) S) SBAR) , but (SBAR that (S (NP the plant NP) (VP can (VP be (VP UNK-LC-ed (ADVP quickly ADVP) (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (NP the market NP) (VP improves VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (QP More than 400,000 QP) pounds NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) (NP a year NP) NP) (VP have (VP been (VP produced (PP at (NP the facility NP) PP) (PP during (NP the past seven years NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP A second UNK-LC-y plant NP) (PP at (NP (NP Uncle Sam NP) , (NP La. NP) , NP) PP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP produces (NP (NP (QP more than 700,000 QP) pounds NP) (PP of (NP UNK-LC NP) PP) NP) (ADVP annually ADVP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP will (VP continue (S (VP to (VP operate VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Freeport-McMoRan NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the shutdown NP) (VP (VP wo n't (VP affect (NP (NP sales volumes NP) (PP under (NP (NP long-term sales contracts NP) (PP of (NP its UNK-CAPS UNK-CAPS Recovery Co. unit NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) , (VP but (VP will (VP reduce (NP (NP (NP the amount NP) (PP of (NP product NP) PP) NP) (VP sold (PP on (NP the spot market NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Freeport-McMoRan Resource Partners NP) , (PP as (NP (NP owner NP) (PP of (NP the UNK-LC-y technology NP) PP) NP) PP) , NP) (VP receives (NP royalty payments NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP Business Week subscribers NP) (VP may (VP hear (S (NP (NP this week 's NP) issue NP) (VP talking (ADVP back ADVP) (PP to (NP them NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP A four-page ad NP) (PP from (NP Texas Instruments Inc. NP) PP) NP) , (VP running (PP in (NP (NP (QP approximately 140,000 QP) issues NP) (PP of (NP (NP the Oct. 20 `` (NAC Corporate UNK-CAPS NAC) '' issue NP) (PP of (NP the McGraw-Hill Inc. publication NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) , NP) (VP contains (NP (NP a speech UNK-LC-er NP) (VP UNK-LC-ed (PP between (NP (NP two NP) (PP of (NP the pages NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) NP) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Readers NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP (VP pull (PRT off PRT) (NP (NP a piece NP) (PP of (NP tape NP) PP) NP) VP) and (VP press (NP a switch NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) (VP will (VP hear (S (NP a (ADJP (ADJP tiny ADJP) (PRN -- but (ADJP UNK-LC-ly UNK-LC-ing ADJP) -- PRN) ADJP) voice NP) (VP announce , `` (S (NP I NP) (VP am (NP the talking chip NP) VP) S) , '' (SBAR as (S (NP it NP) (VP launches (PP into (NP (NP a UNK-LC UNK-LC NP) (PP on (NP its own attributes NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (NP The talking chip NP) (VP is n't (ADJP cheap ADJP) VP) S) (PRN -- (S (S (NP (NP the UNK-LC cost NP) (PP to (NP Texas Instruments NP) PP) NP) (VP is (NP (QP about $ 4 QP) NP) VP) S) , and (S (NP that NP) (VP 's (PP without (S (VP adding (PRT in PRT) (NP (NP Business Week 's NP) charge NP) VP) S) PP) VP) S) S) -- PRN) but (S (NP Texas Instruments NP) (VP believes (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP is (NP a first NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) . S)
(S (S (NP Previous efforts NP) (VP have (VP included (NP (NP musical ads NP) , (VP featuring (NP (NP simple UNK-LC-ing chips NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP play (NP a tune NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) NP) VP) VP) S) , but (S (NP (NP the voice UNK-LC-er NP) (PP in (NP this effort NP) PP) NP) (VP is (ADJP (ADVP much more ADVP) sophisticated ADJP) , (PP with (NP (NP none NP) (PP of (NP (NP the UNK-LC UNK-LC NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (NP one NP) (VP hears , (PP for (NP example NP) PP) , (SBAR (WHADVP when WHADVP) (S (VP calling (NP telephone directory services NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) . S)
(S (S And (PP for (NP (NP those NP) (SBAR (WHNP who WHNP) (S (VP miss (NP the message NP) (NP the first time around NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) , not (VP to (VP worry VP) VP) S) : (S (NP Three tiny batteries NP) (VP provide (NP (NP enough juice NP) (PP for (NP (QP as many as 650 QP) UNK-LC-s NP) PP) NP) VP) S) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-s Financial Corp. NP) , (NP Dallas NP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP will (VP ask (NP a U.S. bankruptcy court NP) (S (VP to (VP allow (NP it NP) (S (VP to (VP hire (NP (NP Lazard Freres NP) & (NP Co. NP) NP) (S (VP to (VP help (S (NP it NP) (VP sell (NP its leasing unit NP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP UNK-INITC-s NP) , (VP assisted (PP by (NP Merrill Lynch Capital Markets NP) PP) VP) , NP) (VP has (VP been (VP trying (S (VP to (VP sell (NP its Equitable UNK-CAPS-s Leasing Co. NP) VP) VP) S) (PP for (NP several months NP) PP) , (PP (ADVP apparently ADVP) without (NP success NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) . S)
(S (NP The real estate and mortgage banking concern NP) (VP had (VP hoped (S (VP to (VP use (NP (NP proceeds NP) (PP from (NP the sale NP) PP) NP) (S (VP to (VP reduce (NP its debt NP) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) VP) VP) . S)
(S (S (UCP (PP Without (NP (NP cash NP) (PP from (NP asset sales NP) PP) NP) PP) and (ADJP unable (S (VP to (VP reach (NP a new UNK-LC agreement NP) VP) VP) S) ADJP) UCP) S) , (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) (VP defaulted (PP on (NP (NP (NP (QP $ 145 million QP) NP) (PP in (NP notes NP) PP) NP) (SBAR (WHNP that WHNP) (S (VP became (ADJP due ADJP) (NP Sept. 1 NP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP filed (PP for (NP (NP protection NP) (PP from (NP creditors NP) PP) NP) PP) (PP under (NP (NP Chapter 11 NP) (PP of (NP the federal Bankruptcy Code NP) PP) NP) PP) (NP Sept. 24 NP) (S (VP to (VP give (NP it NP) (NP (NP additional time NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP work (PP on (NP a plan (S (VP to (VP restructure (NP (NP its (QP $ 1.45 billion QP) NP) (PP in (NP senior debt NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) . S)
(S (NP UNK-INITC-s NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP Merrill Lynch NP) , (SBAR (WHNP which WHNP) (S (VP owns (NP (NP bonds and equity NP) (PP in (NP UNK-CAPS-s NP) PP) NP) VP) S) SBAR) , NP) (VP could n't (VP continue (PP as (NP (NP UNK-CAPS-s 's NP) investment banker NP) PP) (SBAR because (S (NP it NP) (VP is (ADVP also ADVP) (NP a creditor NP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP It NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP chose (NP Lazard NP) (PP in (NP part NP) PP) (PP because of (NP (NP (NP Lazard 's NP) offices NP) (PP in (NP (NP Europe and Japan NP) , (SBAR (WHADVP where WHADVP) (S (NP investors NP) (VP might (VP be (ADJP interested (PP in (NP a U.S. leasing company NP) PP) ADJP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Canadian Imperial Bank NP) (PP of (NP Commerce NP) PP) NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it NP) (VP will (VP increase (NP its loan-loss provisions NP) (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP (NP all NP) its loans NP) (PP to (NP (NP (ADJP lesser developed ADJP) countries NP) , (PP except (NP Mexico NP) PP) , NP) PP) NP) VP) VP) S) (S (VP resulting (PP in (NP (NP an after-tax charge NP) (PP to (NP 1989 earnings NP) PP) (PP of (NP (NP (QP 300 million QP) Canadian dollars NP) (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP US$ 255 million QP) NP) -RRB- PRN) NP) PP) NP) PP) VP) S) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP Don UNK-CAPS-er NP) , (NP (NP senior vice president NP) and (NP chief accountant NP) NP) , NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the bank 's NP) strong earnings NP) (VP enable (S (NP it NP) (VP to (VP be (NP (NP the first major Canadian bank NP) (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (ADVP aside ADVP) (NP (NP provisions NP) (VP covering (NP (NP (NP all NP) its (QP C$ 1.17 billion QP) NP) (PP in (NP UNK-LC LDC debt NP) PP) NP) VP) NP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) NP) VP) VP) S) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S `` (S (NP It NP) (VP eliminates (NP (NP the continuing uncertainty NP) (PP with (NP (NP respect NP) (PP to (NP (NP the ultimate value NP) (PP of (NP the loans NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) PP) NP) VP) S) , '' (NP he NP) (VP said VP) . S)
(S (NP The bank NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (ADVP about ADVP) (QP C$ 525 million QP) NP) (VP will (VP be (VP added (PP to (NP its existing LDC and general loss provisions NP) PP) (PP in (NP (NP its fourth quarter NP) , (VP ending (NP Oct. 31 NP) VP) NP) PP) VP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP Mr. UNK-CAPS-er NP) (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the (ADJP C$ 300 million ADJP) charge NP) (PP to (NP earnings NP) PP) NP) (VP would (VP amount (PP to (NP (NP about C$ 1.34 NP) (NP a share NP) NP) PP) VP) VP) S) SBAR) VP) . S)
(S (NP (NP (NP The bank 's NP) net income NP) (PP for (NP (NP the nine months NP) (VP ended (NP July 31 NP) VP) NP) PP) NP) (VP was (NP (NP (QP C$ UNK-NUM million QP) NP) , or (NP (NP C$ 3.10 NP) (NP a share NP) NP) NP) VP) . S)