- 🤖 Support Open AI and Azure Open AI
- 💬 Chat with session and context
- 🚀 Support Open AI and azure API
- 🔍 Shortcut to quickly activate the app anywhere in the browser
- 🎨 Markdown and code highlight support
- 📚 Prompt Library for custom prompts and community prompts
- 💾 Conversation history saved in localstorage
- 📥 Export and Import all your data
- 🔗 User Auth
- 💰 Make revenue with your own Open AI key
- 🌙 Dark mode
- Fork this repo
- New vercel.com Project Vercel
- Connect your repo
- Create postgresSQL database in Vercel storage
- Set env variables in Vercel
- Deploy your app
- Clone the source code
npm install
cp .env.example .env
.env.example- create postgresSQL database in vercel storage
- update .env file
npm dev
- Support copy message text
- Improve setting page form element style