diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2016.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2016.md index 359c4d7ac425..2421a86e2ee8 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2016.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2016.md @@ -15,41 +15,36 @@ limitations under the License. # List Of Documents Submitted To dev@beam.apache.org In 2016 | No. | Author | Subject | Date (UTC) | |---|---|---|---| -| 1 | Jean-Baptiste | [Apache Beam: Technical Vision](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UyAeugHxZmVlQ5cEWo_eOPgXNQA1oD-rGooWOSwAqh8/edit?pref=2&pli=1#heading=h.e5s64nliyukh) | 2016-02-09 11:01:41 | -| 2 | Amit Sela | [Apache Beam (incubating) - Spark Runner Technical Vision](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y4qlQinjjrusGWlgq-mYmbxRW2z7-_X5Xax-GG0YsC0/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-02-10 13:46:37 | +| 1 | Frances Perry | [Apache Beam: Technical Vision](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UyAeugHxZmVlQ5cEWo_eOPgXNQA1oD-rGooWOSwAqh8) | 2016-02-09 11:01:41 | +| 2 | Amit Sela | [Apache Beam (incubating) - Spark Runner Technical Vision](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y4qlQinjjrusGWlgq-mYmbxRW2z7-_X5Xax-GG0YsC0) | 2016-02-10 13:46:37 | | 3 | Seetharam Venkatesh | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](http://s.apache.org/gsoc2016ideas) | 2016-02-15 13:38:18 | -| 4 | Kenneth Knowles | [Lateness (and Panes) in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12r7frmxNickxB5tbpuEh_n35_IJeVZn1peOrBrhhP6Y/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-03-01 11:50:30 | -| 5 | Tyler Akidau | [Beam Model & Runner Compatibility Matrix - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OM077lZBARrtUi6g0X0O0PHaIbFKCD6v0djRefQRE1I/edit) | 2016-03-09 17:14:29 | -| 6 | Ben Chambers | [Static Display Data](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11enEB9JwVp6vO0uOYYTMYTGkr3TdNfELwWqoiUg5ZxM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-03-14 20:25:44 | -| 7 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam (incubating) Pipeline Runner API 1-Pager](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zEJN06YaKEIMhSckVjVgLQIh-jxqkgDRSnos1AOVSQ4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-03-15 11:28:45 | -| 8 | Frances Perry | [[Draft] Apache Beam Contribution Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1syFyfqIsGOYDE_Hn3ZkRd8a6ylcc64Kud9YtrGHgU0E/comment) | 2016-03-17 17:19:08 | -| 9 | Jean-Baptiste | [[Draft] Apache Beam Contribution Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1syFyfqIsGOYDE_Hn3ZkRd8a6ylcc64Kud9YtrGHgU0E/) | 2016-03-21 12:59:42 | -| 10 | Thomas Groh | [Writing More Expressive Beam Tests](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZUUbG2LxBtqCVabQshldXIhkMcXepsbv2vuuny8Ix4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-03-21 20:38:53 | -| 11 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bao-5B6uBuf-kwH1meenAuXXS0c9cBQ1B2J59I3FiyI/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-03-23 17:17:08 | -| 12 | Jean-Baptiste | [Apache Beam: Technical Vision](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UyAeugHxZmVlQ5cEWo_eOPgXNQA1oD-rGooWOSwAqh8/edit#heading=h.ywcvt1a9xcx1) | 2016-04-04 16:23:30 | -| 13 | Kam Kasravi | [ML models and pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17cRZk_yqHm3C0fljivjN66MbLkeKS1yjo4PBECHb-xA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-05-13 12:54:13 | -| 14 | Kenneth Knowles | [Side Input Architecture for Apache Beam (incubating) 1-Pager](https://s.apache.org/beam-side-inputs-1-pager) | 2016-05-13 13:50:35 | -| 15 | Tyler Akidau | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bao-5B6uBuf-kwH1meenAuXXS0c9cBQ1B2J59I3FiyI/edit) | 2016-05-17 18:17:55 | -| 16 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggers in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-triggers) | 2016-05-30 15:18:34 | -| 17 | Thomas Groh | [Capability Matrix Testing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fICxq32t9yWn9qXhmT07xpclHeHX2VlUyVtpi2WzzGM/edit?usp=sharing,) | 2016-06-10 19:34:34 | -| 18 | Aljoscha Krettek | [Capability Matrix Testing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fICxq32t9yWn9qXhmT07xpclHeHX2VlUyVtpi2WzzGM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-06-11 01:48:11 | -| 19 | Jean-Baptiste | [Website Layout](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-0jMv7NnYp0Ttt4voulUMwVe_qjBYeNMLm2LusYF3gQ/edit) | 2016-06-17 00:53:45 | -| 20 | Thomas Groh | [DoFn Instance Setup and Teardown](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LLQqggSePURt3XavKBGV7SZJYQ4NW8yCu63lBchzMRk/edit?ts=5771458f#) | 2016-06-28 12:06:48 | -| 21 | Jesse Anderson | [Apache Beam Interviews](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IQt6FfQI7W4d2QxZm6WwGnZFdA8JmaseKZrMGPu8zgY/edit#) | 2016-07-07 20:18:35 | -| 22 | Kenneth Knowles | [State and Timers for DoFn in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-state) | 2016-07-26 23:20:33 | -| 23 | Kenneth Knowles | [Presenting: A New DoFn - Google Slides](https://s.apache.org/presenting-a-new-dofn) | 2016-07-26 23:29:59 | -| 24 | Sam McVeety | [Beam Proposal for Dynamic PipelineOptions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I-iIgWDYasb7ZmXbGBHdok_IK1r1YAJ90JG5Fz0_28o/edit) | 2016-07-29 15:14:32 | -| 25 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2016-08-04 13:45:49 | -| 26 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Apache URL Shortener](https://s.apache.org/) | 2016-08-18 20:29:32 | -| 27 | Jean-Baptiste | [A New DoFn](https://s.apache.org/a-new-dofn) | 2016-08-19 14:52:34 | -| 28 | Jean-Baptiste | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AQmx-T9XjSi1PNoEp5_L-lT0j7BkgTbmQnc6uFEMI4c/edit#) | 2016-08-29 11:40:41 | -| 29 | Kenneth Knowles | [WindowMappingFn / Side Input GC 1-Pager](https://s.apache.org/beam-windowmappingfn-1-pager) | 2016-09-15 14:51:34 | -| 30 | Ben Chambers | [User Defined Metrics API](http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2016-10-05 14:51:18 | -| 31 | Amit Sela | [Reading from an unbounded source with Spark](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12BzHbETDt7ICIF7vc8zzCeLllmIpvvaVDIdBlcIwE1M/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-10-09 03:10:29 | -| 32 | Robert Bradshaw | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn?) | 2016-10-10 13:22:56 | -| 33 | Thomas Groh | [Availability of PipelineOptions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wr05cYdqnCfrLLqSk--XmGMGgDwwNwWZaFbxLKvPqEQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2016-10-24 19:36:10 | -| 34 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api) | 2016-11-07 23:11:15 | -| 35 | Pei He | [Apache Beam (incubating) Proposal: Part 1: IOChannelFactory Redesign](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11TdPyZ9_zmjokhNWM3Id-XJsVG3qel2lhdKTknmZ_7M/edit#) | 2016-11-16 19:09:51 | -| 36 | Etienne Chauchot | [Testing IO Transforms in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/153J9jPQhMCNi_eBzJfhAg-NprQ7vbf1jNVRgdqeEE8I/edit?ts=58349aec#) | 2016-12-01 11:19:47 | -| 37 | Etienne Chauchot | [Testing IO Transforms in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/153J9jPQhMCNi_eBzJfhAg-NprQ7vbf1jNVRgdqeEE8I/edit#heading=h.7ly6e7beup8a) | 2016-12-23 10:48:21 | -| 38 | Davor Bonaci | [Apache Beam (incubating) Proposal: Part 2: Configurable BeamFileSystem](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-7vo9nLRsEEzDGnb562PuL4q9mUiq_ZVpCAiyyJw8p8/edit#heading=h.p3gc3colc2cs) | 2016-12-30 23:53:13 | \ No newline at end of file +| 4 | Kenneth Knowles | [Lateness (and Panes) in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12r7frmxNickxB5tbpuEh_n35_IJeVZn1peOrBrhhP6Y) | 2016-03-01 11:50:30 | +| 5 | Tyler Akidau | [Beam Model & Runner Compatibility Matrix - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OM077lZBARrtUi6g0X0O0PHaIbFKCD6v0djRefQRE1I) | 2016-03-09 17:14:29 | +| 6 | Ben Chambers | [Static Display Data](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11enEB9JwVp6vO0uOYYTMYTGkr3TdNfELwWqoiUg5ZxM) | 2016-03-14 20:25:44 | +| 7 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam (incubating) Pipeline Runner API 1-Pager](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zEJN06YaKEIMhSckVjVgLQIh-jxqkgDRSnos1AOVSQ4) | 2016-03-15 11:28:45 | +| 8 | Frances Perry | [[Draft] Apache Beam Contribution Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1syFyfqIsGOYDE_Hn3ZkRd8a6ylcc64Kud9YtrGHgU0E) | 2016-03-17 17:19:08 | +| 9 | Thomas Groh | [Writing More Expressive Beam Tests](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZUUbG2LxBtqCVabQshldXIhkMcXepsbv2vuuny8Ix4) | 2016-03-21 20:38:53 | +| 10 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bao-5B6uBuf-kwH1meenAuXXS0c9cBQ1B2J59I3FiyI) | 2016-03-23 17:17:08 | +| 11 | Kam Kasravi | [ML models and pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17cRZk_yqHm3C0fljivjN66MbLkeKS1yjo4PBECHb-xA) | 2016-05-13 12:54:13 | +| 12 | Kenneth Knowles | [Side Input Architecture for Apache Beam (incubating) 1-Pager](https://s.apache.org/beam-side-inputs-1-pager) | 2016-05-13 13:50:35 | +| 13 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggers in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-triggers) | 2016-05-30 15:18:34 | +| 14 | Thomas Groh | [Capability Matrix Testing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fICxq32t9yWn9qXhmT07xpclHeHX2VlUyVtpi2WzzGM) | 2016-06-10 19:34:34 | +| 15 | N/A| [Website Layout](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-0jMv7NnYp0Ttt4voulUMwVe_qjBYeNMLm2LusYF3gQ) | 2016-06-17 00:53:45 | +| 16 | Thomas Groh | [DoFn Instance Setup and Teardown](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LLQqggSePURt3XavKBGV7SZJYQ4NW8yCu63lBchzMRk) | 2016-06-28 12:06:48 | +| 17 | Jesse Anderson | [Apache Beam Interviews](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IQt6FfQI7W4d2QxZm6WwGnZFdA8JmaseKZrMGPu8zgY) | 2016-07-07 20:18:35 | +| 18 | Kenneth Knowles | [State and Timers for DoFn in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-state) | 2016-07-26 23:20:33 | +| 19 | Kenneth Knowles | [Presenting: A New DoFn - Google Slides](https://s.apache.org/presenting-a-new-dofn) | 2016-07-26 23:29:59 | +| 20 | Sam McVeety | [Beam Proposal for Dynamic PipelineOptions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I-iIgWDYasb7ZmXbGBHdok_IK1r1YAJ90JG5Fz0_28o) | 2016-07-29 15:14:32 | +| 21 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2016-08-04 13:45:49 | +| 22 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Apache URL Shortener](https://s.apache.org/) | 2016-08-18 20:29:32 | +| 23 | Ben Chambers and Kenneth Knowles | [A New DoFn](https://s.apache.org/a-new-dofn) | 2016-08-19 14:52:34 | +| 24 | Eugene Kirpichov, Daniel Mills, Robert Bradshaw | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AQmx-T9XjSi1PNoEp5_L-lT0j7BkgTbmQnc6uFEMI4c) | 2016-08-29 11:40:41 | +| 25 | Kenneth Knowles | [WindowMappingFn / Side Input GC 1-Pager](https://s.apache.org/beam-windowmappingfn-1-pager) | 2016-09-15 14:51:34 | +| 26 | Ben Chambers | [User Defined Metrics API](http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2016-10-05 14:51:18 | +| 27 | Amit Sela | [Reading from an unbounded source with Spark](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12BzHbETDt7ICIF7vc8zzCeLllmIpvvaVDIdBlcIwE1M) | 2016-10-09 03:10:29 | +| 28 | Robert Bradshaw | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn?) | 2016-10-10 13:22:56 | +| 29 | Thomas Groh | [Availability of PipelineOptions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wr05cYdqnCfrLLqSk--XmGMGgDwwNwWZaFbxLKvPqEQ) | 2016-10-24 19:36:10 | +| 30 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api) | 2016-11-07 23:11:15 | +| 31 | Pei He | [Apache Beam (incubating) Proposal: Part 1: IOChannelFactory Redesign](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11TdPyZ9_zmjokhNWM3Id-XJsVG3qel2lhdKTknmZ_7M) | 2016-11-16 19:09:51 | +| 32 | Etienne Chauchot | [Testing IO Transforms in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/153J9jPQhMCNi_eBzJfhAg-NprQ7vbf1jNVRgdqeEE8I) | 2016-12-01 11:19:47 | +| 33 | Davor Bonaci | [Apache Beam (incubating) Proposal: Part 2: Configurable BeamFileSystem](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-7vo9nLRsEEzDGnb562PuL4q9mUiq_ZVpCAiyyJw8p8) | 2016-12-30 23:53:13 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2017.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2017.md index 96bf924ce560..6fce298391ca 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2017.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2017.md @@ -16,77 +16,75 @@ limitations under the License. | No. | Author | Subject | Date (UTC) | |---|---|---|---| | 1 | Wesley Tanaka | [A New DoFn](https://s.apache.org/a-new-dofn) | Unknown | -| 2 | Stephen Sisk | [Apache Beam (incubating) Proposal: Part 2: Configurable BeamFileSystem](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-7vo9nLRsEEzDGnb562PuL4q9mUiq_ZVpCAiyyJw8p8/edit#heading=h.p3gc3colc2cs) | 2017-01-05 16:31:24 | -| 3 | Vladisav Jelisavcic | [ML models and pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17cRZk_yqHm3C0fljivjN66MbLkeKS1yjo4PBECHb-xA/edit#heading=h.n51rhya8bv4f) | 2017-01-06 10:07:12 | +| 2 | Stephen Sisk | [Apache Beam (incubating) Proposal: Part 2: Configurable BeamFileSystem](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-7vo9nLRsEEzDGnb562PuL4q9mUiq_ZVpCAiyyJw8p8) | 2017-01-05 16:31:24 | +| 3 | Vladisav Jelisavcic | [ML models and pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17cRZk_yqHm3C0fljivjN66MbLkeKS1yjo4PBECHb-xA) | 2017-01-06 10:07:12 | | 4 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2017-01-10 19:58:25 | | 5 | Kenneth Knowles | [WindowMappingFn / Side Input GC 1-Pager](https://s.apache.org/beam-windowmappingfn-1-pager) | 2017-01-11 16:21:55 | -| 6 | Thomas Groh | [Composite PInputs, POutputs, and the Runner API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_CHLnj1RFAGKy_MfR54XmixakYNmCnhGZLWmuDSMJ10/edit#heading=h.qlkikisrzqqf) | 2017-01-17 13:46:34 | +| 6 | Thomas Groh | [Composite PInputs, POutputs, and the Runner API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_CHLnj1RFAGKy_MfR54XmixakYNmCnhGZLWmuDSMJ10) | 2017-01-17 13:46:34 | | 7 | Kenneth Knowles | [Lateness (and Panes) in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-lateness) | 2017-01-17 14:04:28 | | 8 | Kenneth Knowles | [Composite PInputs, POutputs, and the Runner API](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-composites) | 2017-01-17 14:13:07 | | 9 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn Api Overview](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api) | 2017-01-19 18:56:19 | -| 10 | Etienne Chauchot | [Testing IO Transforms in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/153J9jPQhMCNi_eBzJfhAg-NprQ7vbf1jNVRgdqeEE8I/edit#heading=h.uj505twpx0m) | 2017-01-25 03:54:17 | +| 10 | Etienne Chauchot | [Testing IO Transforms in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/153J9jPQhMCNi_eBzJfhAg-NprQ7vbf1jNVRgdqeEE8I) | 2017-01-25 03:54:17 | | 11 | Matthew Jadczak | [State and Timers for DoFn in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-state) | 2017-01-25 16:09:28 | | 12 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](http://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api) | 2017-01-25 17:06:07 | -| 13 | =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jean-Baptiste_Onofr=E9?= | [Testing IO Transforms in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/153J9jPQhMCNi_eBzJfhAg-NprQ7vbf1jNVRgdqeEE8I/edit#heading=h.cykbne9o4iv) | 2017-01-26 02:30:25 | -| 14 | Stephen Sisk | [Authoring Apache Beam IO Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nGGP2sLb5fLamB_dnkHVHC8BVjDD_SE46mQPIPkK5cQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-01-27 20:29:58 | -| 15 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](http://s.apache.org/gsoc2017ideas) | 2017-02-03 16:47:45 | -| 16 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Splittable DoFn proposal](http://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2017-02-07 18:12:21 | -| 17 | Jason Kuster | [Enabling PerfKit Benchmarker for Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PsjGPSN6FuorEEPrKEP3u3m16tyOzph5FnL2DhaRDz0/edit?ts=58a78e73) | 2017-02-17 19:03:51 | -| 18 | Mingmin Xu | [Apache Beam: Add a Beam SQL DSL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uc5xYTpO9qsLXtT38OfuoqSLimH_0a1Bz5BsCROMzCU/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-02-27 16:33:32 | -| 19 | Sourabh Bajaj | [Apache Beam (incubating) Proposal: Part 1: IOChannelFactory Redesign](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11TdPyZ9_zmjokhNWM3Id-XJsVG3qel2lhdKTknmZ_7M/edit#) | 2017-03-01 18:08:48 | -| 20 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Splittable DoFn for Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h_zprJrOilivK2xfvl4L42vaX4DMYGfH1YDmi-s_ozM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-03-03 20:16:34 | -| 21 | Davor Bonaci | [Beam report to ASF Board, 2017-03](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eYBBIafwnbNUZj6Iqk0_kDhnqJ8PYkzVjipNm1v1RJs/) | 2017-03-07 21:14:19 | -| 22 | Sourabh Bajaj | [Beam File System Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10qD0RXmdI0240wPShaGDRm9Zt9a_ess-ABlvYx2LZFA/edit#heading=h.czvx1winvche) | 2017-03-17 17:14:43 | -| 23 | Jean-Baptiste | [Testing IO Transforms in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/153J9jPQhMCNi_eBzJfhAg-NprQ7vbf1jNVRgdqeEE8I/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-03-22 00:15:32 | -| 24 | Thomas Groh | [Side-Channel Inputs in the Java SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e_-MenoW2cQ-6-EGVVqfOR-B9FovVXqXyUm4-ZwlgKA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-03-24 14:48:54 | -| 25 | Thomas Groh | [finalizeCheckpoint spec cleanup](https://s.apache.org/FIWQ) | 2017-03-29 16:28:45 | -| 26 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Proposed Splittable DoFn API changes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BGc8pM1GOvZhwR9SARSVte-20XEoBUxrGJ5gTWXdv3c/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-04-05 19:55:39 | -| 27 | Tyler Akidau | [The Beam Model : Streams & Tables](http://s.apache.org/beam-streams-tables) | 2017-04-20 20:57:42 | -| 28 | Madhusudan Borkar | [Beam Hive Connector Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JOzihFiXkQjtv6rur8-vCixSK-nHhIoIij9MwJZ_Dp0/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-04-24 20:23:32 | -| 29 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Running Splittable DoFn via Source API](https://s.apache.org/sdf-via-source) | 2017-05-01 01:22:49 | -| 30 | Davor Bonaci | [Apache Beam Community Hackathon](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UKC2R_9FkSdMVTz2nt2sIW18KoLbIu6w0aj9bwSSPiw/) | 2017-05-04 15:07:59 | -| 31 | Madhusudan Borkar | [Apache Beam Hive Connector Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aeQRLXjVr38Z03_zWkHO9YQhtnj0jHoCfhsSNm-wxtA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-05-10 18:05:59 | -| 32 | Mingmin Xu | [Apache Beam: design of DSL SQL interface](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uWXL_yF3UUO5GfCxbL6kWsmC8xCWfICU3RwiQKsk7Mk/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-05-13 01:49:44 | -| 33 | Jesse Anderson | [Beam 2.0 Q and A](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vyel3XRfdeGyqLvXiy1C3mrw9QBbveoKjjVLuRxMw4k/edit#) | 2017-05-17 14:26:01 | -| 34 | Reuven Lax | [Dynamic (data-dependent) FileBasedSink](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bd9mJO1YC8vOoFObJFupVURBMCl7jWt6hOgw6ClwxE4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-05-19 01:31:28 | -| 35 | Manu Zhang | [Apache Beam Fn API: Processing a Bundle](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-processing-a-bundle) | 2017-05-21 20:54:21 | -| 36 | Kenneth Knowles | [Runner Authoring Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-guide) | 2017-05-22 01:12:09 | -| 37 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2017-05-26 16:49:01 | -| 38 | Reuven Lax | [Beam Proposal: Pipeline Drain](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NExwHlj-2q2WUGhSO4jTu8XGhDPmm3cllSN8IMmWci8/edit) | 2017-06-06 13:43:03 | -| 39 | Jean-Baptiste | [Apache Beam: Technical Vision](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UyAeugHxZmVlQ5cEWo_eOPgXNQA1oD-rGooWOSwAqh8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-06-06 15:06:16 | -| 40 | James | [Apache Beam SQL: DDL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/162_cuYlZ5pC_8PzGWX844tlLOsSvQmoSGjJAgol4ipE/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-06-08 06:11:40 | -| 41 | Davor Bonaci | [Beam report to ASF Board, 2017-06](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tgJ_2WEInGa7Wg2RXSWZI7ot3bZ37ZuApalVAJOQscI/) | 2017-06-13 10:47:13 | -| 42 | Tyler Akidau | [Beam DSL_SQL merge to master burndown](https://s.apache.org/beam-dsl-sql-burndown) | 2017-06-13 11:30:41 | -| 43 | Ben Chambers | [User Defined Metrics API](https://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2017-06-23 04:30:17 | -| 44 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.1.0-burndown) | 2017-06-23 10:15:07 | -| 45 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Proposal and plan: new TextIO features based on SDF](https://s.apache.org/textio-sdf) | 2017-06-23 19:32:17 | -| 46 | Pei HE | [Fine-grained Resource Configuration in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N0y64dbzmukLLEy6M9CygdI_H88pIS3NtcOAkL5-oVw/edit#) | 2017-06-28 23:24:08 | -| 47 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Proposal and plan: new TextIO features based on SDF](http://s.apache.org/textio-sdf) | 2017-06-29 19:43:09 | -| 48 | Pei HE | [Beam MapReduce Runner One-Pager](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10jJ8pBTZ10rNr_IO5YnggmZZG1MU-F47sWg8N6xkBM0/edit#heading=h.bewnehqnt4zd) | 2017-07-07 09:11:14 | -| 49 | Thomas Groh | [Cross-language Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/beam-mixed-language-pipelines) | 2017-07-10 12:58:37 | -| 50 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.1.0-burndown?) | 2017-07-10 16:33:23 | -| 51 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Proposal: Watch: a transform for watching growth of sets](http://s.apache.org/beam-watch-transform) | 2017-07-12 00:08:43 | -| 52 | Vikas RK | [Apache Beam Fn API: Progress Reporting](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-progress-reporting) | 2017-07-13 14:34:51 | -| 53 | Kenneth Knowles | [Pull requests · apache/beam · GitHub](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.1.0-cherry-picks) | 2017-07-14 16:01:13 | -| 54 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-validation) | 2017-07-24 01:57:20 | -| 55 | Tyler Akidau | [Robust Streaming SQL in Apache Apex, Beam, Calcite, & Flink](http://s.apache.org/streaming-sql-spec) | 2017-07-24 19:34:49 | -| 56 | Jean-Baptiste | [Sketches_Extension](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xy6g5RPBYX_HadpIr_2WrUeusiwL0Jo2ACI5PEOP1kc/edit) | 2017-08-03 08:35:32 | -| 57 | Tyler Akidau | [Beam DSL_SQL branch API review](https://s.apache.org/beam-sql-dsl-api-review) | 2017-08-03 19:21:02 | -| 58 | Henning Rohde | [Apache Beam Fn API: SDK Harness container contract](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-container-contract) | 2017-08-11 14:45:42 | -| 59 | Asha Rostamianfar | [Beam I/O VCF source: Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jsdxOPALYYlhnww2NLURS8NKXaFyRSJrcGbEDpY9Lkw/edit) | 2017-08-16 13:18:54 | -| 60 | Robert Bradshaw | [Graphical View of Progress](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dx18qBTvFWNqwLeecemOpKfleKzFyeV3Qwh71SHATvY/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-08-22 14:49:37 | -| 61 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.2.0-burndown) | 2017-08-30 23:57:12 | -| 62 | Kenneth Knowles | [A New DoFn](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ClmQ6LqdnfseRzeSw3SL68DAO1f8jsWBL2FfzWErlbw/edit#heading=h.1budnm7l01ko) | 2017-09-06 03:22:01 | -| 63 | Eugene Kirpichov | [FileIO.write](http://s.apache.org/fileio-write) | 2017-09-06 21:44:02 | -| 64 | Davor Bonaci | [Beam report to ASF Board, 2017-09](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uX8k99k2OXD6tizsJQ9KZtfxbO_I-8rC_oOJgkcJ_O8/) | 2017-09-13 13:45:24 | -| 65 | Robert Bradshaw | [Simplifying Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/no-beam-pipeline) | 2017-09-18 20:49:16 | -| 66 | Griselda Cuevas | [[Public] Monthly Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C4L8b1It9Ju1JgJaSvSPlAYMlG0Q4v4hbjebkmNsnQ8/edit) | 2017-09-21 21:31:55 | -| 67 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Context access from user code closures](http://s.apache.org/context-fn) | 2017-09-29 16:53:24 | -| 68 | pfgerver@gmail.com | [User Defined Metrics API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1voyUIQ2DrWkoY-BsJwM8YvF4gGKB76CDG8BYL8XBc7A/edit#heading=h.vv2fbulkp7t) | 2017-11-09 18:42:27 | -| 69 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release 2.2.0 Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.2.0-release-validation) | 2017-11-17 14:30:05 | -| 70 | Holden Karau | [Apache Beam Fn API: SDK Harness container contract](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n6s3BOxOPct3uF4UgbbI9O9rpdiKWFH9R6mtVmR7xp0/edit#) | 2017-11-18 09:33:27 | -| 71 | Udi Meiri | [HDFS Support for Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-uzKf4VPlGrkBMXM00sxxf3K01Ss3ZzXeju0w5L0LY0/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-11-20 20:26:09 | -| 72 | Reuven Lax | [Schema-Aware PCollections](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tnG2DPHZYbsomvihIpXruUmQ12pHGK0QIvXS1FOTgRc/edit?usp=sharing) | 2017-11-29 21:38:45 | -| 73 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggering is for Sinks](https://s.apache.org/beam-sink-triggers) | 2017-11-30 15:06:41 | -| 74 | Henning Rohde | [RFC: Apache Beam Go SDK design](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sdk-design-rfc) | 2017-11-30 18:40:01 | -| 75 | Etienne Chauchot | [Metrics extraction independant from runners / execution engines](https://s.apache.org/runner_independent_metrics_extraction) | 2017-12-11 11:33:31 | \ No newline at end of file +| 13 | Stephen Sisk | [Authoring Apache Beam IO Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nGGP2sLb5fLamB_dnkHVHC8BVjDD_SE46mQPIPkK5cQ) | 2017-01-27 20:29:58 | +| 14 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](http://s.apache.org/gsoc2017ideas) | 2017-02-03 16:47:45 | +| 15 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Splittable DoFn proposal](http://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2017-02-07 18:12:21 | +| 16 | Jason Kuster | [Enabling PerfKit Benchmarker for Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PsjGPSN6FuorEEPrKEP3u3m16tyOzph5FnL2DhaRDz0) | 2017-02-17 19:03:51 | +| 17 | Mingmin Xu | [Apache Beam: Add a Beam SQL DSL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uc5xYTpO9qsLXtT38OfuoqSLimH_0a1Bz5BsCROMzCU) | 2017-02-27 16:33:32 | +| 18 | Sourabh Bajaj | [Apache Beam (incubating) Proposal: Part 1: IOChannelFactory Redesign](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11TdPyZ9_zmjokhNWM3Id-XJsVG3qel2lhdKTknmZ_7M) | 2017-03-01 18:08:48 | +| 19 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Splittable DoFn for Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h_zprJrOilivK2xfvl4L42vaX4DMYGfH1YDmi-s_ozM) | 2017-03-03 20:16:34 | +| 20 | Davor Bonaci | [Beam report to ASF Board, 2017-03](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eYBBIafwnbNUZj6Iqk0_kDhnqJ8PYkzVjipNm1v1RJs) | 2017-03-07 21:14:19 | +| 21 | Sourabh Bajaj | [Beam File System Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10qD0RXmdI0240wPShaGDRm9Zt9a_ess-ABlvYx2LZFA) | 2017-03-17 17:14:43 | +| 22 | Thomas Groh | [Side-Channel Inputs in the Java SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e_-MenoW2cQ-6-EGVVqfOR-B9FovVXqXyUm4-ZwlgKA) | 2017-03-24 14:48:54 | +| 23 | Thomas Groh | [finalizeCheckpoint spec cleanup](https://s.apache.org/FIWQ) | 2017-03-29 16:28:45 | +| 24 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Proposed Splittable DoFn API changes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BGc8pM1GOvZhwR9SARSVte-20XEoBUxrGJ5gTWXdv3c) | 2017-04-05 19:55:39 | +| 25 | Tyler Akidau | [The Beam Model : Streams & Tables](http://s.apache.org/beam-streams-tables) | 2017-04-20 20:57:42 | +| 26 | Madhusudan Borkar | [Beam Hive Connector Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JOzihFiXkQjtv6rur8-vCixSK-nHhIoIij9MwJZ_Dp0) | 2017-04-24 20:23:32 | +| 27 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Running Splittable DoFn via Source API](https://s.apache.org/sdf-via-source) | 2017-05-01 01:22:49 | +| 28 | Davor Bonaci | [Apache Beam Community Hackathon](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UKC2R_9FkSdMVTz2nt2sIW18KoLbIu6w0aj9bwSSPiw) | 2017-05-04 15:07:59 | +| 29 | Madhusudan Borkar | [Apache Beam Hive Connector Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aeQRLXjVr38Z03_zWkHO9YQhtnj0jHoCfhsSNm-wxtA) | 2017-05-10 18:05:59 | +| 30 | Mingmin Xu | [Apache Beam: design of DSL SQL interface](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uWXL_yF3UUO5GfCxbL6kWsmC8xCWfICU3RwiQKsk7Mk) | 2017-05-13 01:49:44 | +| 31 | Jesse Anderson | [Beam 2.0 Q and A](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vyel3XRfdeGyqLvXiy1C3mrw9QBbveoKjjVLuRxMw4k) | 2017-05-17 14:26:01 | +| 32 | Reuven Lax | [Dynamic (data-dependent) FileBasedSink](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bd9mJO1YC8vOoFObJFupVURBMCl7jWt6hOgw6ClwxE4) | 2017-05-19 01:31:28 | +| 33 | Manu Zhang | [Apache Beam Fn API: Processing a Bundle](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-processing-a-bundle) | 2017-05-21 20:54:21 | +| 34 | Kenneth Knowles | [Runner Authoring Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-guide) | 2017-05-22 01:12:09 | +| 35 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2017-05-26 16:49:01 | +| 36 | Reuven Lax | [Beam Proposal: Pipeline Drain](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NExwHlj-2q2WUGhSO4jTu8XGhDPmm3cllSN8IMmWci8) | 2017-06-06 13:43:03 | +| 37 | Frances Perry | [Apache Beam: Technical Vision](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UyAeugHxZmVlQ5cEWo_eOPgXNQA1oD-rGooWOSwAqh8) | 2017-06-06 15:06:16 | +| 38 | James | [Apache Beam SQL: DDL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/162_cuYlZ5pC_8PzGWX844tlLOsSvQmoSGjJAgol4ipE) | 2017-06-08 06:11:40 | +| 39 | Davor Bonaci | [Beam report to ASF Board, 2017-06](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tgJ_2WEInGa7Wg2RXSWZI7ot3bZ37ZuApalVAJOQscI) | 2017-06-13 10:47:13 | +| 40 | Tyler Akidau | [Beam DSL_SQL merge to master burndown](https://s.apache.org/beam-dsl-sql-burndown) | 2017-06-13 11:30:41 | +| 41 | Ben Chambers | [User Defined Metrics API](https://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2017-06-23 04:30:17 | +| 42 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.1.0-burndown) | 2017-06-23 10:15:07 | +| 43 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Proposal and plan: new TextIO features based on SDF](https://s.apache.org/textio-sdf) | 2017-06-23 19:32:17 | +| 44 | Pei HE | [Fine-grained Resource Configuration in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N0y64dbzmukLLEy6M9CygdI_H88pIS3NtcOAkL5-oVw) | 2017-06-28 23:24:08 | +| 45 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Proposal and plan: new TextIO features based on SDF](http://s.apache.org/textio-sdf) | 2017-06-29 19:43:09 | +| 46 | Pei HE | [Beam MapReduce Runner One-Pager](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10jJ8pBTZ10rNr_IO5YnggmZZG1MU-F47sWg8N6xkBM0) | 2017-07-07 09:11:14 | +| 47 | Thomas Groh | [Cross-language Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/beam-mixed-language-pipelines) | 2017-07-10 12:58:37 | +| 48 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.1.0-burndown?) | 2017-07-10 16:33:23 | +| 49 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Proposal: Watch: a transform for watching growth of sets](http://s.apache.org/beam-watch-transform) | 2017-07-12 00:08:43 | +| 50 | Vikas RK | [Apache Beam Fn API: Progress Reporting](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-progress-reporting) | 2017-07-13 14:34:51 | +| 51 | Kenneth Knowles | [Pull requests · apache/beam · GitHub](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.1.0-cherry-picks) | 2017-07-14 16:01:13 | +| 52 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-validation) | 2017-07-24 01:57:20 | +| 53 | Tyler Akidau | [Robust Streaming SQL in Apache Apex, Beam, Calcite, & Flink](http://s.apache.org/streaming-sql-spec) | 2017-07-24 19:34:49 | +| 54 | Arnaud Fournier | [Sketches_Extension](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xy6g5RPBYX_HadpIr_2WrUeusiwL0Jo2ACI5PEOP1kc) | 2017-08-03 08:35:32 | +| 55 | Tyler Akidau | [Beam DSL_SQL branch API review](https://s.apache.org/beam-sql-dsl-api-review) | 2017-08-03 19:21:02 | +| 56 | Henning Rohde | [Apache Beam Fn API: SDK Harness container contract](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-container-contract) | 2017-08-11 14:45:42 | +| 57 | Asha Rostamianfar | [Beam I/O VCF source: Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jsdxOPALYYlhnww2NLURS8NKXaFyRSJrcGbEDpY9Lkw) | 2017-08-16 13:18:54 | +| 58 | Robert Bradshaw | [Graphical View of Progress](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dx18qBTvFWNqwLeecemOpKfleKzFyeV3Qwh71SHATvY) | 2017-08-22 14:49:37 | +| 59 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.2.0-burndown) | 2017-08-30 23:57:12 | +| 60 | Kenneth Knowles | [A New DoFn](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ClmQ6LqdnfseRzeSw3SL68DAO1f8jsWBL2FfzWErlbw) | 2017-09-06 03:22:01 | +| 61 | Eugene Kirpichov | [FileIO.write](http://s.apache.org/fileio-write) | 2017-09-06 21:44:02 | +| 62 | Davor Bonaci | [Beam report to ASF Board, 2017-09](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uX8k99k2OXD6tizsJQ9KZtfxbO_I-8rC_oOJgkcJ_O8) | 2017-09-13 13:45:24 | +| 63 | Robert Bradshaw | [Simplifying Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/no-beam-pipeline) | 2017-09-18 20:49:16 | +| 64 | Griselda Cuevas | [[Public] Monthly Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C4L8b1It9Ju1JgJaSvSPlAYMlG0Q4v4hbjebkmNsnQ8) | 2017-09-21 21:31:55 | +| 65 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Context access from user code closures](http://s.apache.org/context-fn) | 2017-09-29 16:53:24 | +| 66 | pfgerver@gmail.com | [User Defined Metrics API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1voyUIQ2DrWkoY-BsJwM8YvF4gGKB76CDG8BYL8XBc7A) | 2017-11-09 18:42:27 | +| 67 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release 2.2.0 Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.2.0-release-validation) | 2017-11-17 14:30:05 | +| 68 | Holden Karau | [Apache Beam Fn API: SDK Harness container contract](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n6s3BOxOPct3uF4UgbbI9O9rpdiKWFH9R6mtVmR7xp0) | 2017-11-18 09:33:27 | +| 69 | Udi Meiri | [HDFS Support for Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-uzKf4VPlGrkBMXM00sxxf3K01Ss3ZzXeju0w5L0LY0) | 2017-11-20 20:26:09 | +| 70 | Reuven Lax | [Schema-Aware PCollections](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tnG2DPHZYbsomvihIpXruUmQ12pHGK0QIvXS1FOTgRc) | 2017-11-29 21:38:45 | +| 71 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggering is for Sinks](https://s.apache.org/beam-sink-triggers) | 2017-11-30 15:06:41 | +| 72 | Henning Rohde | [RFC: Apache Beam Go SDK design](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sdk-design-rfc) | 2017-11-30 18:40:01 | +| 73 | Etienne Chauchot | [Metrics extraction independant from runners / execution engines](https://s.apache.org/runner_independent_metrics_extraction) | 2017-12-11 11:33:31 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2018.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2018.md index 1ac18126b517..2c126310aca3 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2018.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2018.md @@ -17,115 +17,100 @@ limitations under the License. |---|---|---|---| | 1 | Davor Bonaci | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](http://s.apache.org/gsoc2018ideas) | 2018-01-22 02:37:24 | | 2 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api) | 2018-01-26 13:09:11 | -| 3 | Reuven Lax | [Schema-Aware PCollections](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tnG2DPHZYbsomvihIpXruUmQ12pHGK0QIvXS1FOTgRc/edit#) | 2018-01-28 20:08:35 | +| 3 | Reuven Lax | [Schema-Aware PCollections](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tnG2DPHZYbsomvihIpXruUmQ12pHGK0QIvXS1FOTgRc) | 2018-01-28 20:08:35 | | 4 | Etienne Chauchot | [Metrics extraction independant from runners / execution engines](https://s.apache.org/runner_independent_metrics_extraction) | 2018-01-31 08:01:01 | | 5 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release 2.3.0 Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.3.0-release-validation) | 2018-01-31 09:07:13 | -| 6 | Raghu Angadi | [Event Time and Watermarks in KafkaIO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DyWcLJpALRoUfvYUbiPCDVikYb_Xz2X7Co2aDUVVd4I/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-02-01 18:21:42 | +| 6 | Raghu Angadi | [Event Time and Watermarks in KafkaIO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DyWcLJpALRoUfvYUbiPCDVikYb_Xz2X7Co2aDUVVd4I) | 2018-02-01 18:21:42 | | 7 | Ben Sidhom | [Portable Beam on Flink](https://s.apache.org/portable-beam-on-flink) | 2018-02-08 19:31:18 | | 8 | Romain Manni-Bucau | [Apache URL Shortener](https://s.apache.org/) | 2018-02-09 00:47:19 | -| 9 | Matthias Baetens | [Apache Beam YouTube channel: guidelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10RNWSU7wGyIOkOvlRbw47wsgkxX2-7G1OKmSlINREus/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-02-23 14:12:58 | +| 9 | Matthias Baetens | [Apache Beam YouTube channel: guidelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10RNWSU7wGyIOkOvlRbw47wsgkxX2-7G1OKmSlINREus) | 2018-02-23 14:12:58 | | 10 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Breaking the fusion barrier: Deep splitting of Beam instruction graphs](https://s.apache.org/beam-breaking-fusion) | 2018-02-23 17:20:59 | | 11 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.4.0-burndown) | 2018-02-27 15:44:47 | -| 12 | Etienne Chauchot | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit?ts=5a1c7310#gid=1663314475) | 2018-03-09 04:02:30 | -| 13 | Daniel Oliveira | [Structure and Lifting of Combines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-3mEs3Y7bIkJ0hmQ6SiHpVIFu5vbY6Zcpw-7tOMVg4U/edit#bookmark=id.ur8f96unbqx8) | 2018-03-09 13:19:52 | +| 12 | Etienne Chauchot | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw) | 2018-03-09 04:02:30 | +| 13 | Daniel Oliveira | [Structure and Lifting of Combines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-3mEs3Y7bIkJ0hmQ6SiHpVIFu5vbY6Zcpw-7tOMVg4U) | 2018-03-09 13:19:52 | | 14 | Kenneth Knowles | [User Defined Metrics API](https://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2018-03-09 18:44:42 | -| 15 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API : Defining and adding SDK Metrics](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MtBZYV7NAcfbwyy9Op8STeFNBxtljxgy69FkHMvhTMA/edit) | 2018-03-13 23:47:03 | -| 16 | Griselda Cuevas | [[Notes] Apache Beam Community Summit - March 2018](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B4EU8jjZy9TnlRiZWW9hSCqegbmOh8boIgjkAyOfnCk/edit#) | 2018-03-14 01:56:40 | +| 15 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API : Defining and adding SDK Metrics](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MtBZYV7NAcfbwyy9Op8STeFNBxtljxgy69FkHMvhTMA) | 2018-03-13 23:47:03 | +| 16 | Griselda Cuevas | [[Notes] Apache Beam Community Summit - March 2018](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B4EU8jjZy9TnlRiZWW9hSCqegbmOh8boIgjkAyOfnCk) | 2018-03-14 01:56:40 | | 17 | Lukasz Cwik | [Slack for ASF projects - Apache Infrastructure Website](https://s.apache.org/slack-invite) | 2018-03-14 14:12:42 | | 18 | Henning Rohde | [RFC: Apache Beam Go SDK design](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sdk-design-rfc) | 2018-03-16 13:55:07 | -| 19 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam Summit: Notes on Contributor Experience](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WaK39qrrG_P50FOMHifJhrdHZYmjOOf8MgoObwCZI50/edit) | 2018-03-20 18:40:42 | -| 20 | Robbe Sneyders | [Apache Beam: Python 3 support](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xDG0MWVlDKDPu_IW9gtMvxi2S9I0GB0VDTkPhjXT0nE/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-03-23 12:27:43 | +| 19 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam Summit: Notes on Contributor Experience](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WaK39qrrG_P50FOMHifJhrdHZYmjOOf8MgoObwCZI50) | 2018-03-20 18:40:42 | +| 20 | Robbe Sneyders | [Apache Beam: Python 3 support](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xDG0MWVlDKDPu_IW9gtMvxi2S9I0GB0VDTkPhjXT0nE) | 2018-03-23 12:27:43 | | 21 | Lukasz Cwik | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2018-03-26 15:41:45 | | 22 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API : Defining and adding SDK Metrics](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-metrics) | 2018-04-10 12:53:39 | | 23 | Kenneth Knowles | [Cross-language Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/beam-mixed-language-pipelines) | 2018-04-13 10:58:01 | | 24 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Go SDK - Vanity Import Path](https://s.apache.org/go-beam-vanity-import) | 2018-04-16 19:56:45 | | 25 | Scott Wegner | [Log in - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-gradle-migration) | 2018-04-17 18:15:29 | -| 26 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Apache Kafka for Beam Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ogRS-e-HYYTHsXi_l2zDUUOnvfzEbub3BFkPrYIOawU/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-04-28 01:06:26 | +| 26 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Apache Kafka for Beam Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ogRS-e-HYYTHsXi_l2zDUUOnvfzEbub3BFkPrYIOawU) | 2018-04-28 01:06:26 | | 27 | Henning Rohde | [Apache Beam Fn API: SDK Harness container contract](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-container-contract) | 2018-05-04 19:31:50 | -| 28 | Henning Rohde | [Apache Beam Go SDK integration tests](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jy6EE7D4RjgfNV0FhD3rMsT1YKhnUfcHRZMAlC6ygXw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-05-08 21:13:42 | +| 28 | Henning Rohde | [Apache Beam Go SDK integration tests](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jy6EE7D4RjgfNV0FhD3rMsT1YKhnUfcHRZMAlC6ygXw) | 2018-05-08 21:13:42 | | 29 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggers in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-triggers) | 2018-05-10 10:57:34 | -| 30 | Robbe Sneyders | [Apache Beam: Python 3 support](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xDG0MWVlDKDPu_IW9gtMvxi2S9I0GB0VDTkPhjXT0nE/edit) | 2018-05-11 09:36:19 | -| 31 | Henning Rohde | [Apache Beam Portability Support Matrix - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KDa_FGn1ShjomGd-UUDOhuh2q73de2tPz6BqHpzqvNI/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-05-11 13:38:03 | -| 32 | Yifan Zou | [Reproducible Environment for Jenkins Tests By Using Containers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U7FeVMiHiBP-pFm4ULotqG1QqZY0fi7g9ZwTmeIgvvM/edit?ts=5af60985#) | 2018-05-11 18:25:44 | -| 33 | Ankur Goenka | [Launching a Portable Pipeline](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xOaEEJrMmiSHprd-WiYABegfT129qqF-idUBINjxz8s/edit) | 2018-05-14 15:33:31 | -| 34 | Anton Kedin | [Eventual PAssert](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X_3KH_6QyfOSnh5kNK-fHlkEDrwPVpA2RnRggMMxhUk/edit#heading=h.i3owzq4bs63l) | 2018-05-14 16:56:57 | +| 30 | Henning Rohde | [Apache Beam Portability Support Matrix - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KDa_FGn1ShjomGd-UUDOhuh2q73de2tPz6BqHpzqvNI) | 2018-05-11 13:38:03 | +| 31 | Yifan Zou | [Reproducible Environment for Jenkins Tests By Using Containers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U7FeVMiHiBP-pFm4ULotqG1QqZY0fi7g9ZwTmeIgvvM) | 2018-05-11 18:25:44 | +| 32 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2018-05-14 12:44:02 | +| 33 | Ankur Goenka | [Launching a Portable Pipeline](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xOaEEJrMmiSHprd-WiYABegfT129qqF-idUBINjxz8s) | 2018-05-14 15:33:31 | +| 34 | Anton Kedin | [Eventual PAssert](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X_3KH_6QyfOSnh5kNK-fHlkEDrwPVpA2RnRggMMxhUk) | 2018-05-14 16:56:57 | | 35 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Processing a Bundle](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-processing-a-bundle) | 2018-05-14 19:54:19 | -| 36 | Etienne Chauchot | [User Defined Metrics API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1voyUIQ2DrWkoY-BsJwM8YvF4gGKB76CDG8BYL8XBc7A/edit#heading=h.vv2fbulkp7t) | 2018-05-15 03:56:05 | -| 37 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Fast Precommits](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1udtvggmS2LTMmdwjEtZCcUQy6aQAiYTI3OrTP8CLfJM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-05-17 21:53:52 | -| 38 | Ankur Goenka | [Launching a Portable Pipeline](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xOaEEJrMmiSHprd-WiYABegfT129qqF-idUBINjxz8s/edit#heading=h.lky5ef6wxo9x) | 2018-05-18 17:59:26 | -| 39 | Thomas Weise | [Launching a Portable Pipeline](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xOaEEJrMmiSHprd-WiYABegfT129qqF-idUBINjxz8s/edit?ts=5afa1238) | 2018-05-18 20:01:20 | -| 40 | Charles Chen | [Redirecting](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-user-state-and-timers) | 2018-05-21 20:15:40 | -| 41 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Splittable DoFn proposal](http://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2018-05-22 15:34:26 | -| 42 | Charles Chen | [Beam Python User State and Timer APIs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GadEkAmtbJQjmqiqfSzGw3b66TKerm8tyn6TK4blAys/edit#heading=h.ofyl9jspiz3b) | 2018-05-23 14:49:34 | -| 43 | Daniel Oliveira | [Structure and Lifting of Combines](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api-combine-model) | 2018-05-23 16:57:04 | -| 44 | Ankur Goenka | [Portable Artifact Staging](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12zNk3O2nhTB8Zmxw5U78qXrvlk5r42X8tqF248IDlpI/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-05-23 21:54:37 | -| 45 | Kenneth Knowles | [A New DoFn](https://s.apache.org/a-new-dofn) | 2018-05-24 09:22:42 | -| 46 | Yifan Zou | [Automation For Beam SDK Dependency Check](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rqr_8a9NYZCgeiXpTIwWLCL7X8amPAVfRXsO72BpBwA/) | 2018-05-24 10:08:17 | -| 47 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn Api Overview](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api) | 2018-05-25 13:23:55 | -| 48 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Managing Beam Dependencies](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15m1MziZ5TNd9rh_XN0YYBJfYkt0Oj-Ou9g0KFDPL2aA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-05-31 22:11:31 | -| 49 | Griselda Cuevas | [June Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BwRhOu-uDd3SLB_Om_Beke5RoGKos4hj7Ljh7zM2YIo/edit) | 2018-06-01 15:19:58 | -| 50 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability: Modeling, scheduling and executing timers](https://s.apache.org/beam-portability-timers) | 2018-06-04 18:00:34 | -| 51 | Austin Bennett | [Walkthrough with a first contributor to Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hq-s3L676LkMTftvhv0eCkdwrRnZmCRiLdaQBWLHWWA/edit) | 2018-06-05 16:39:49 | -| 52 | Andrew Pilloud | [Beam SQL Pipeline Options](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UTsSBuruJRfGnVOS9eXbQI6NauCD4WnSAPgA_Y0zjdk/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-06-06 12:24:36 | -| 53 | Alan Myrvold | [Apache Beam Contribution Guide Improvements](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zukoPXPgUq3Vli_rOJ0ykzK6NbR6g-FrgSHZjLd23bo/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-06-06 14:54:52 | -| 54 | Griselda Cuevas | [Apache Beam Roadmap - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W6xvPmGyG8Nd9R7wkwgwRJvZdyLoBg6F3NCrPafbKmk/edit#gid=0) | 2018-06-06 20:04:54 | -| 55 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Automation For Beam SDK Dependency Check](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rqr_8a9NYZCgeiXpTIwWLCL7X8amPAVfRXsO72BpBwA/edit#) | 2018-06-07 01:39:47 | -| 56 | Kenneth Knowles | [Beam SQL: Integrating runners & IO](https://s.apache.org/beam-sql-packaging) | 2018-06-11 13:44:27 | -| 57 | Jean-Baptiste | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=152451807) | 2018-06-12 01:28:45 | -| 58 | Bashir Sadjad | [Managing Beam Dependencies](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15m1MziZ5TNd9rh_XN0YYBJfYkt0Oj-Ou9g0KFDPL2aA/edit) | 2018-06-12 01:34:44 | -| 59 | Yifan Zou | [Automation For Beam SDK Dependency Check](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rqr_8a9NYZCgeiXpTIwWLCL7X8amPAVfRXsO72BpBwA/edit#heading=h.u75g8bk11ngp) | 2018-06-13 10:45:27 | -| 60 | Sindy Li | [Interactive Beam Pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10bTc97GN5Wk-nhwncqNq9_XkJFVVy0WLT4gPFqP6Kmw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-06-13 14:48:35 | -| 61 | Griselda Cuevas | [June Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BwRhOu-uDd3SLB_Om_Beke5RoGKos4hj7Ljh7zM2YIo/edit?ts=5b17fb92#) | 2018-06-13 19:40:38 | -| 62 | Robin Qiu | [@RequiresStableInput Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/117yRKbbcEdm3eIKB_26BHOJGmHSZl1YNoF0RqWGtqAM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-06-14 16:58:45 | -| 63 | Rui Wang | [Unbounded with limit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13zeTewHH9nfwhSlcE4x77WQwr1U2Z4sTiNRjOXUj2aw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-06-18 21:20:24 | -| 64 | Boyuan Zhang | [Process of Building Python Wheels](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HHnUkiFmwAVQwMJ-BjAX3LOmkC44Gb3jvGIJvSMC84s/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-06-19 19:03:55 | -| 65 | Jean-Baptiste | [Apache Beam version 2.5.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BeqHuH1U8iOFJWTfFPW_4O2HtLRZm9rlnEUyMB6Eq7M/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-06-23 00:42:06 | -| 66 | Kenneth Knowles | [Google Calendar - Easier Time Management, Appointments & Scheduling](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-calendar) | 2018-06-25 17:47:30 | -| 67 | Thomas Weise | [Apache Beam Portability Prototype](https://s.apache.org/beam-portability-team-doc) | 2018-06-27 08:35:21 | -| 68 | Yifan Zou | [Beam SDK Dependency Ownership 2018-06-26 - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12NN3vPqFTBQtXBc0fg4sFIb9c_mgst0IDePB_0Ui8kE/edit?ts=5b32bec1#gid=0) | 2018-06-27 11:52:00 | -| 69 | Thomas Weise | [Apache Beam Portability Support Matrix - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KDa_FGn1ShjomGd-UUDOhuh2q73de2tPz6BqHpzqvNI/edit#gid=0) | 2018-06-28 04:37:27 | -| 70 | Yifan Zou | [Tracking Beam Dependency Upgrades](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XXTMnofizSQZSorZy4NFlxKfx5f17PGRmws-DngoTms/edit#) | 2018-07-10 18:17:30 | -| 71 | Alan Myrvold | [Apache Beam Contributor Metrics: Collection, Display, Actions](https://s.apache.org/beam-contributor-metrics) | 2018-07-11 13:17:49 | -| 72 | Boyuan Zhang | [Proposal of Building Python Wheels](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MRVFs48e6g7wORshr2UpuOVD_yTSJTbmR65_j8XbGek/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-07-16 17:47:36 | -| 73 | Yifan Zou | [Beam SDK Dependency Ownership 2018-06-26 - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12NN3vPqFTBQtXBc0fg4sFIb9c_mgst0IDePB_0Ui8kE/) | 2018-07-18 14:12:43 | -| 74 | Mikhail Gryzykhin | [Proposal of starting contributors wiki](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qLojdA6GheKf0PVl1A1uip3D2JTk9jQroUKuxriBcfY/edit) | 2018-07-19 17:21:33 | -| 75 | David Cavazos | [Community Repository Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vhcKJlP0qH1C7NZPDjohT2PUbOD-k71avv1CjEYapdw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-08-01 18:12:15 | -| 76 | Boyuan Zhang | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-validation) | 2018-08-01 19:03:16 | -| 77 | Rose Nguyen | [August Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/124klHcJcIi_gD6rvMXwbbToINl1KTdXPmYrgGB998FQ/edit) | 2018-08-02 19:18:01 | -| 78 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam version 2.6.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jwz5AxInSm9C6z0TZqer6JYE2gpbJ_dZn88X37VvQEY/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-08-08 19:20:39 | -| 79 | Rose Nguyen | [Interactive Beam Pipelines](http://s.apache.org/interactive-beam) | 2018-08-10 15:37:11 | -| 80 | Yifan Zou | [Reproducible Environment for Jenkins Tests By Using Docker](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y0YuQj_oZXC0uM5-gniG7r9-5gv2uiDhzbtgYYJW48c/edit#heading=h.bg2yi0wbhl9n) | 2018-08-27 13:53:14 | -| 81 | Robin Qiu | [@RequiresStableInput Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/117yRKbbcEdm3eIKB_26BHOJGmHSZl1YNoF0RqWGtqAM/edit#) | 2018-08-27 14:26:44 | -| 82 | Ankur Goenka | [SDK Harness Concurrency Requirements](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oAXVPbJ0dzj2_8LXEWFAgqCP5Tpld3q5B3QU254PQ6A/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-08-29 20:53:36 | -| 83 | Lukasz Cwik | [Bundles w/ SplittableDoFns: Signals & Splitting](https://s.apache.org/beam-bundles-backlog-splitting) | 2018-08-30 21:13:31 | -| 84 | Robbe Sneyders | [Apache Beam: Python 3 support](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-3) | 2018-09-05 12:11:52 | -| 85 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bao-5B6uBuf-kwH1meenAuXXS0c9cBQ1B2J59I3FiyI/edit#heading=h.tt55lhd3k6by) | 2018-09-07 13:15:48 | -| 86 | Maximilian Michels | [September Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PE97Cf3yoNcx_A9zPzROT_kPtujRZLJoZyqIQfzqUvY/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-09-10 10:20:01 | -| 87 | Rose Nguyen | [Redirecting](http://s.apache.org/beam-python-user-state-and-timers) | 2018-09-10 22:56:03 | -| 88 | David Moravek | [Streaming Hadoop OutputFormat](https://s.apache.org/beam-streaming-hofio) | 2018-09-13 10:48:37 | -| 89 | Udi Meiri | [Simplifying Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/no-beam-pipeline) | 2018-09-24 12:37:24 | -| 90 | Charles Chen | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1675964688) | 2018-09-26 00:41:52 | -| 91 | Eugene Kirpichov | [(Apachecon 2018) Robust, performant and modular APIs for data ingestion with Apache Beam - Google Slides](https://s.apache.org/beam-modular-io-talk) | 2018-09-26 17:16:27 | -| 92 | Charles Chen | [Apache Beam version 2.7.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jIk0pc8CxTMmtz5b7UL0gSPxmjKnyerVFS6FcpP2Ym8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-09-30 19:59:19 | -| 93 | Jean-Baptiste | [Splittable DoFn Public Meeting 9/14/18](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kjJLGIiNAGvDiUCMEtQbw8tyOXESvwGeGZLL-0M06fQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-10-03 01:07:14 | -| 94 | Etienne Chauchot | [Etienne Chauchot Universal metrics with Beam - Google Slides](https://s.apache.org/universal-metrics) | 2018-10-03 11:08:07 | -| 95 | Thomas Weise | [Apache Beam Portability Support Matrix - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/apache-beam-portability-support-table) | 2018-10-08 12:43:08 | -| 96 | Plajt, Vaclav | [Java 8 Euphoria DSL](https://s.apache.org/beam-euphoria) | 2018-10-10 04:26:18 | -| 97 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Python SDK: Datastore Client Upgrade](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sL9p7NE5Z0p-5SB5uwpxWrddj_UCESKSrsvDTWNKqb4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-10-16 21:59:13 | -| 98 | Ahmet Altay | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1854712816) | 2018-10-18 20:26:21 | -| 99 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Finalize Bundles](https://s.apache.org/beam-finalizing-bundles) | 2018-10-24 17:37:58 | -| 100 | Charles Chen | [Beam Python User State and Timer APIs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GadEkAmtbJQjmqiqfSzGw3b66TKerm8tyn6TK4blAys/edit#heading=h.10nb33sz7u16) | 2018-10-26 04:48:25 | -| 101 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Checkpoint and Split Bundles](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cKOB9ToasfYs1kLWQgffzvIbJx2Smy4svlodPRhFrk4/edit#heading=h.wkwslng744mv) | 2018-10-26 18:07:27 | -| 102 | Etienne Chauchot | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1854712) | 2018-10-29 05:42:36 | -| 103 | Etienne Chauchot | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid) | 2018-10-29 06:28:30 | -| 104 | Alex Amato | [MonitoringInfo spec proposal.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SB59MMVZXO0Aa6w0gf4m0qM4oYt4SiofDq3QxnpQaK4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-10-29 20:19:36 | -| 105 | Jean-Baptiste | [Snapshotting and Updating Beam Pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UWhnYPgui0gUYOsuGcCjLuoOUlGA4QaY91n8p3wz9MY/edit#) | 2018-11-05 10:24:14 | -| 106 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Checkpoint and Split Bundles](https://s.apache.org/beam-checkpoint-and-split-bundles) | 2018-11-06 19:45:31 | -| 107 | Ruoyun Huang | [[BEAM-5448] Java Reference Runner in Python](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S86saZqiDaE_M5wxO0zOQ_rwC6QHv7sp1BmGTm0dLNE/edit#) | 2018-11-08 20:04:52 | -| 108 | Jeff Klukas | [AutoValue Coding and Row Support](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ucoik4WzUDfilqIz3I1AuMHc1J8DE6iv7gaUCDI42BI/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-11-09 16:50:19 | -| 109 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.9.0-burndown) | 2018-11-15 16:59:15 | -| 110 | Rose Nguyen | [Grafana](https://s.apache.org/beam-community-metrics) | 2018-11-15 17:08:19 | -| 111 | Kenneth Knowles | [User Defined Metrics API](http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2018-11-20 22:19:47 | -| 112 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BOozW0bzBuz4oHJEuZNDOHdzaV5Y56ix58Ozrqm2jFg/edit#heading=h.y6e78jyiwn50) | 2018-11-28 15:01:06 | -| 113 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - December '18](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HenFg37xyNuFC7A4zkqmBPY9_Gqdi6LgPtF6wfoEix8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2018-11-30 01:14:11 | -| 114 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=2053422529) | 2018-12-06 05:46:07 | \ No newline at end of file +| 36 | Etienne Chauchot | [User Defined Metrics API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1voyUIQ2DrWkoY-BsJwM8YvF4gGKB76CDG8BYL8XBc7A) | 2018-05-15 03:56:05 | +| 37 | Lukasz Cwik | [State and Timers for DoFn in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-state) | 2018-05-15 11:38:56 | +| 38 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Fast Precommits](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1udtvggmS2LTMmdwjEtZCcUQy6aQAiYTI3OrTP8CLfJM) | 2018-05-17 21:53:52 | +| 39 | Charles Chen | [Redirecting](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-user-state-and-timers) | 2018-05-21 20:15:40 | +| 40 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Splittable DoFn proposal](http://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2018-05-22 15:34:26 | +| 41 | Charles Chen | [Beam Python User State and Timer APIs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GadEkAmtbJQjmqiqfSzGw3b66TKerm8tyn6TK4blAys) | 2018-05-23 14:49:34 | +| 42 | Daniel Oliveira | [Structure and Lifting of Combines](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api-combine-model) | 2018-05-23 16:57:04 | +| 43 | Ankur Goenka | [Portable Artifact Staging](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12zNk3O2nhTB8Zmxw5U78qXrvlk5r42X8tqF248IDlpI) | 2018-05-23 21:54:37 | +| 44 | Kenneth Knowles | [A New DoFn](https://s.apache.org/a-new-dofn) | 2018-05-24 09:22:42 | +| 45 | Yifan Zou | [Automation For Beam SDK Dependency Check](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rqr_8a9NYZCgeiXpTIwWLCL7X8amPAVfRXsO72BpBwA) | 2018-05-24 10:08:17 | +| 46 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn Api Overview](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api) | 2018-05-25 13:23:55 | +| 47 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Managing Beam Dependencies](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15m1MziZ5TNd9rh_XN0YYBJfYkt0Oj-Ou9g0KFDPL2aA) | 2018-05-31 22:11:31 | +| 48 | Griselda Cuevas | [June Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BwRhOu-uDd3SLB_Om_Beke5RoGKos4hj7Ljh7zM2YIo) | 2018-06-01 15:19:58 | +| 49 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability: Modeling, scheduling and executing timers](https://s.apache.org/beam-portability-timers) | 2018-06-04 18:00:34 | +| 50 | Austin Bennett | [Walkthrough with a first contributor to Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hq-s3L676LkMTftvhv0eCkdwrRnZmCRiLdaQBWLHWWA) | 2018-06-05 16:39:49 | +| 51 | Andrew Pilloud | [Beam SQL Pipeline Options](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UTsSBuruJRfGnVOS9eXbQI6NauCD4WnSAPgA_Y0zjdk) | 2018-06-06 12:24:36 | +| 52 | Alan Myrvold | [Apache Beam Contribution Guide Improvements](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zukoPXPgUq3Vli_rOJ0ykzK6NbR6g-FrgSHZjLd23bo) | 2018-06-06 14:54:52 | +| 53 | Griselda Cuevas | [Apache Beam Roadmap - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W6xvPmGyG8Nd9R7wkwgwRJvZdyLoBg6F3NCrPafbKmk) | 2018-06-06 20:04:54 | +| 54 | Kenneth Knowles | [Beam SQL: Integrating runners & IO](https://s.apache.org/beam-sql-packaging) | 2018-06-11 13:44:27 | +| 55 | Sindy Li | [Interactive Beam Pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10bTc97GN5Wk-nhwncqNq9_XkJFVVy0WLT4gPFqP6Kmw) | 2018-06-13 14:48:35 | +| 56 | Robin Qiu | [@RequiresStableInput Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/117yRKbbcEdm3eIKB_26BHOJGmHSZl1YNoF0RqWGtqAM) | 2018-06-14 16:58:45 | +| 57 | Rui Wang | [Unbounded with limit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13zeTewHH9nfwhSlcE4x77WQwr1U2Z4sTiNRjOXUj2aw) | 2018-06-18 21:20:24 | +| 58 | Boyuan Zhang | [Process of Building Python Wheels](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HHnUkiFmwAVQwMJ-BjAX3LOmkC44Gb3jvGIJvSMC84s) | 2018-06-19 19:03:55 | +| 59 | N/A | [Apache Beam version 2.5.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BeqHuH1U8iOFJWTfFPW_4O2HtLRZm9rlnEUyMB6Eq7M) | 2018-06-23 00:42:06 | +| 60 | Kenneth Knowles | [Google Calendar - Easier Time Management, Appointments & Scheduling](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-calendar) | 2018-06-25 17:47:30 | +| 61 | Thomas Weise | [Apache Beam Portability Prototype](https://s.apache.org/beam-portability-team-doc) | 2018-06-27 08:35:21 | +| 62 | Yifan Zou | [Beam SDK Dependency Ownership 2018-06-26 - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12NN3vPqFTBQtXBc0fg4sFIb9c_mgst0IDePB_0Ui8kE) | 2018-06-27 11:52:00 | +| 63 | Yifan Zou | [Tracking Beam Dependency Upgrades](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XXTMnofizSQZSorZy4NFlxKfx5f17PGRmws-DngoTms) | 2018-07-10 18:17:30 | +| 64 | Alan Myrvold | [Apache Beam Contributor Metrics: Collection, Display, Actions](https://s.apache.org/beam-contributor-metrics) | 2018-07-11 13:17:49 | +| 65 | Boyuan Zhang | [Proposal of Building Python Wheels](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MRVFs48e6g7wORshr2UpuOVD_yTSJTbmR65_j8XbGek) | 2018-07-16 17:47:36 | +| 66 | Mikhail Gryzykhin | [Proposal of starting contributors wiki](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qLojdA6GheKf0PVl1A1uip3D2JTk9jQroUKuxriBcfY) | 2018-07-19 17:21:33 | +| 67 | David Cavazos | [Community Repository Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vhcKJlP0qH1C7NZPDjohT2PUbOD-k71avv1CjEYapdw) | 2018-08-01 18:12:15 | +| 68 | Boyuan Zhang | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-validation) | 2018-08-01 19:03:16 | +| 69 | Rose Nguyen | [August Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/124klHcJcIi_gD6rvMXwbbToINl1KTdXPmYrgGB998FQ) | 2018-08-02 19:18:01 | +| 70 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam version 2.6.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jwz5AxInSm9C6z0TZqer6JYE2gpbJ_dZn88X37VvQEY) | 2018-08-08 19:20:39 | +| 71 | Rose Nguyen | [Interactive Beam Pipelines](http://s.apache.org/interactive-beam) | 2018-08-10 15:37:11 | +| 72 | Yifan Zou | [Reproducible Environment for Jenkins Tests By Using Docker](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y0YuQj_oZXC0uM5-gniG7r9-5gv2uiDhzbtgYYJW48c) | 2018-08-27 13:53:14 | +| 73 | Ankur Goenka | [SDK Harness Concurrency Requirements](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oAXVPbJ0dzj2_8LXEWFAgqCP5Tpld3q5B3QU254PQ6A) | 2018-08-29 20:53:36 | +| 74 | Lukasz Cwik | [Bundles w/ SplittableDoFns: Signals & Splitting](https://s.apache.org/beam-bundles-backlog-splitting) | 2018-08-30 21:13:31 | +| 75 | Robbe Sneyders | [Apache Beam: Python 3 support](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-3) | 2018-09-05 12:11:52 | +| 76 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bao-5B6uBuf-kwH1meenAuXXS0c9cBQ1B2J59I3FiyI) | 2018-09-07 13:15:48 | +| 77 | Maximilian Michels | [September Beam Newsletter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PE97Cf3yoNcx_A9zPzROT_kPtujRZLJoZyqIQfzqUvY) | 2018-09-10 10:20:01 | +| 78 | Rose Nguyen | [Redirecting](http://s.apache.org/beam-python-user-state-and-timers) | 2018-09-10 22:56:03 | +| 79 | David Moravek | [Streaming Hadoop OutputFormat](https://s.apache.org/beam-streaming-hofio) | 2018-09-13 10:48:37 | +| 80 | Udi Meiri | [Simplifying Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/no-beam-pipeline) | 2018-09-24 12:37:24 | +| 81 | Eugene Kirpichov | [(Apachecon 2018) Robust, performant and modular APIs for data ingestion with Apache Beam - Google Slides](https://s.apache.org/beam-modular-io-talk) | 2018-09-26 17:16:27 | +| 82 | Charles Chen | [Apache Beam version 2.7.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jIk0pc8CxTMmtz5b7UL0gSPxmjKnyerVFS6FcpP2Ym8) | 2018-09-30 19:59:19 | +| 83 | N/A | [Splittable DoFn Public Meeting 9/14/18](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kjJLGIiNAGvDiUCMEtQbw8tyOXESvwGeGZLL-0M06fQ) | 2018-10-03 01:07:14 | +| 84 | Etienne Chauchot | [Etienne Chauchot Universal metrics with Beam - Google Slides](https://s.apache.org/universal-metrics) | 2018-10-03 11:08:07 | +| 85 | Thomas Weise | [Apache Beam Portability Support Matrix - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/apache-beam-portability-support-table) | 2018-10-08 12:43:08 | +| 86 | Plajt, Vaclav | [Java 8 Euphoria DSL](https://s.apache.org/beam-euphoria) | 2018-10-10 04:26:18 | +| 87 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Python SDK: Datastore Client Upgrade](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sL9p7NE5Z0p-5SB5uwpxWrddj_UCESKSrsvDTWNKqb4) | 2018-10-16 21:59:13 | +| 88 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Finalize Bundles](https://s.apache.org/beam-finalizing-bundles) | 2018-10-24 17:37:58 | +| 89 | Scott Wegner | [Grafana](https://s.apache.org/beam-community-metrics) | 2018-10-26 01:36:26 | +| 90 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Checkpoint and Split Bundles](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cKOB9ToasfYs1kLWQgffzvIbJx2Smy4svlodPRhFrk4) | 2018-10-26 18:07:27 | +| 91 | Alex Amato | [MonitoringInfo spec proposal.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SB59MMVZXO0Aa6w0gf4m0qM4oYt4SiofDq3QxnpQaK4) | 2018-10-29 20:19:36 | +| 92 | N/A | [Snapshotting and Updating Beam Pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UWhnYPgui0gUYOsuGcCjLuoOUlGA4QaY91n8p3wz9MY) | 2018-11-05 10:24:14 | +| 93 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Checkpoint and Split Bundles](https://s.apache.org/beam-checkpoint-and-split-bundles) | 2018-11-06 19:45:31 | +| 94 | Ruoyun Huang | [[BEAM-5448] Java Reference Runner in Python](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S86saZqiDaE_M5wxO0zOQ_rwC6QHv7sp1BmGTm0dLNE) | 2018-11-08 20:04:52 | +| 95 | Jeff Klukas | [AutoValue Coding and Row Support](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ucoik4WzUDfilqIz3I1AuMHc1J8DE6iv7gaUCDI42BI) | 2018-11-09 16:50:19 | +| 96 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.9.0-burndown) | 2018-11-15 16:59:15 | +| 97 | Kenneth Knowles | [User Defined Metrics API](http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2018-11-20 22:19:47 | +| 98 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BOozW0bzBuz4oHJEuZNDOHdzaV5Y56ix58Ozrqm2jFg) | 2018-11-28 15:01:06 | +| 99 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - December '18](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HenFg37xyNuFC7A4zkqmBPY9_Gqdi6LgPtF6wfoEix8) | 2018-11-30 01:14:11 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2019.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2019.md index b325f9ff17f3..b48fc8b87d8c 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2019.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2019.md @@ -15,104 +15,89 @@ limitations under the License. # List Of Documents Submitted To dev@beam.apache.org In 2019 | No. | Author | Subject | Date (UTC) | |---|---|---|---| -| 1 | Robert Burke | [[Go SDK] User Defined Coders](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kQwx4Ah6PzG8z2ZMuNsNEXkGsLXm6gADOZaIO7reUOg/edit#) | 2019-01-03 14:45:11 | +| 1 | Robert Burke | [[Go SDK] User Defined Coders](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kQwx4Ah6PzG8z2ZMuNsNEXkGsLXm6gADOZaIO7reUOg) | 2019-01-03 14:45:11 | | 2 | Mikhail Gryzykhin | [Grafana](https://s.apache.org/beam-community-metrics) | 2019-01-03 20:38:59 | | 3 | Manu Zhang | [Apache Beam: Python 3 support](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-3) | 2019-01-05 00:03:01 | -| 4 | Thomas Weise | [Copy of [Proposal] Apache Beam Summit Europe 2018](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h0y85vxt0AGYdz6SZCbV2jzUGs46_M-keUZTMsm2R0I/edit) | 2019-01-06 17:54:55 | -| 5 | Matthias Baetens | [[Public] Beam Summit London 2018 - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pNoeLD0JBImc1-gja209mSuTVLNna_b1gmQ1r-_Z5t0/edit) | 2019-01-07 02:25:46 | +| 4 | Thomas Weise | [Copy of [Proposal] Apache Beam Summit Europe 2018](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h0y85vxt0AGYdz6SZCbV2jzUGs46_M-keUZTMsm2R0I) | 2019-01-06 17:54:55 | +| 5 | Matthias Baetens | [[Public] Beam Summit London 2018 - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pNoeLD0JBImc1-gja209mSuTVLNna_b1gmQ1r-_Z5t0) | 2019-01-07 02:25:46 | | 6 | Maximilian Michels | [Grafana](http://s.apache.org/beam-community-metrics) | 2019-01-07 10:21:22 | | 7 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Checkpoint and Split Bundles](https://s.apache.org/beam-checkpoint-and-split-bundles) | 2019-01-14 22:26:04 | -| 8 | Heejong Lee | [BigQuery Streaming Insert Benchmark](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EhRNWLevm86GD_QtvlrTauHITVMwQBzuemyp-w4Z_ck/edit#heading=h.c0angyd9tn21) | 2019-01-16 21:53:03 | -| 9 | Alex Amato | [Refactoring Java State Sampler](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OlAJf4T_CTL9WRH8lP8uQOfLjWYfm8IpRXSe38g34k4/edit#) | 2019-01-17 13:48:54 | +| 8 | Heejong Lee | [BigQuery Streaming Insert Benchmark](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EhRNWLevm86GD_QtvlrTauHITVMwQBzuemyp-w4Z_ck) | 2019-01-16 21:53:03 | +| 9 | Alex Amato | [Refactoring Java State Sampler](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OlAJf4T_CTL9WRH8lP8uQOfLjWYfm8IpRXSe38g34k4) | 2019-01-17 13:48:54 | | 10 | Alexey Romanenko | [Apache Beam Fn Api Overview](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api) | 2019-01-18 10:49:30 | -| 11 | junwan01@gmail.com | [[BEAM-5448] Java Reference Runner in Python](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S86saZqiDaE_M5wxO0zOQ_rwC6QHv7sp1BmGTm0dLNE/edit#) | 2019-01-21 14:32:05 | +| 11 | junwan01@gmail.com | [[BEAM-5448] Java Reference Runner in Python](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S86saZqiDaE_M5wxO0zOQ_rwC6QHv7sp1BmGTm0dLNE) | 2019-01-21 14:32:05 | | 12 | Robert Bradshaw | [Cross-language Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/beam-mixed-language-pipelines) | 2019-01-22 07:39:05 | -| 13 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Cross-language transforms primer](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H3yCyVFI9xYs1jsiF1GfrDtARgWGnLDEMwG5aQIx2AU/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-01-22 16:44:33 | -| 14 | Etienne Chauchot | [Runner supported features plugin](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eXt54ht0h7-pPbP-MJR0N5nzmxRRlAwbFod-LXI1x0A/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-01-23 04:00:40 | -| 15 | Maximilian Michels | [Quick presentation of Nexmark Code](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VgnGiVu8vSfm7Et-xAtQYv0PlEpqeyfmhpQUNPmWRJs/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-01-28 12:13:16 | -| 16 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=2053422529) | 2019-01-28 12:24:12 | +| 13 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Cross-language transforms primer](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H3yCyVFI9xYs1jsiF1GfrDtARgWGnLDEMwG5aQIx2AU) | 2019-01-22 16:44:33 | +| 14 | Etienne Chauchot | [Runner supported features plugin](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eXt54ht0h7-pPbP-MJR0N5nzmxRRlAwbFod-LXI1x0A) | 2019-01-23 04:00:40 | +| 15 | Maximilian Michels | [Quick presentation of Nexmark Code](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VgnGiVu8vSfm7Et-xAtQYv0PlEpqeyfmhpQUNPmWRJs) | 2019-01-28 12:13:16 | +| 16 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw) | 2019-01-28 12:24:12 | | 17 | Matthias Baetens | [Apache Beam Portability Support Matrix - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/apache-beam-portability-support-table) | 2019-01-31 06:06:06 | | 18 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API: Get Metrics API: Metric Extraction via proto RPC API.](https://s.apache.org/get-metrics-api) | 2019-01-31 14:45:55 | -| 19 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=467787719) | 2019-02-06 12:25:24 | -| 20 | Maximilian Michels | [Cross-Language Pipelines & Legacy IO](https://s.apache.org/beam-cross-language-io) | 2019-02-07 13:59:12 | -| 21 | Austin Bennett | [A Brief Intro to Apache Beam (Feb 2019) - Google Slides](http://s.apache.org/beam-intro-feb-2019) | 2019-02-11 16:51:27 | -| 22 | Daniel Oliveira | [Error - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-test-failure) | 2019-02-11 18:21:19 | -| 23 | Ahmet Altay | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=542393513) | 2019-02-22 03:50:09 | -| 24 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API: Get Metrics API: Metric Extraction via proto RPC API.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p7mRCUEigkrWickqCLCHBshrqQ97YIv1E5cZxJTKx3I/edit?ouid=113939718880580928184&usp=docs_home&ths=true) | 2019-03-12 20:22:35 | -| 25 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Python SDK: Datastore Client Upgrade](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sL9p7NE5Z0p-5SB5uwpxWrddj_UCESKSrsvDTWNKqb4/edit) | 2019-03-19 13:24:53 | -| 26 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [BQ IO bytes support](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zvDycWzF82MmtCmxrhqqyXKaRq8slRIjdxE6E8MObA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-03-25 22:19:11 | -| 27 | Tanay Tummalapalli | [GSoC proposal for Apache Beam - T. Tanay](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Peyd3Z_wu5rvGWw8lMLpZuTyyreM_JOAEFFWvF97YY/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-03-28 14:58:08 | -| 28 | Lukasz Cwik | [Implement AWS S3 and Azure Blob filesystems for Python SDK Apache - Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i_PoIrbmhNgwKCS1TYWC28A9RsyZQFsQCJic3aCXO-8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-04-03 11:45:41 | -| 29 | Andrew Pilloud | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1007316984) | 2019-04-03 14:34:14 | -| 30 | Yifan Zou | [Apache Beam Jenkins Agents Management](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c38IPrF94PZC-ItGZgmAgAKrgmC1MGA6N6nkK0cL6L4/edit?ts=5ca54b3e#heading=h.lm27uybdtpys) | 2019-04-03 21:34:57 | -| 31 | Yifan Zou | [Apache Beam Jenkins Agents Management](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c38IPrF94PZC-ItGZgmAgAKrgmC1MGA6N6nkK0cL6L4/edit?ts=5ca54b3e#) | 2019-04-09 17:23:16 | -| 32 | Kenneth Knowles | [Side Input Architecture for Apache Beam (incubating) 1-Pager](https://s.apache.org/beam-side-inputs-1-pager) | 2019-04-11 13:09:25 | -| 33 | Kyle Weaver | [Beam Portable Spark Runner](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j8GERTiHUuc6CzzCXZHc38rBn41uWfATBh2-5JN8hro/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-04-12 14:33:41 | -| 34 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-starter-tasks) | 2019-04-17 17:58:24 | -| 35 | Robert Burke | [[Go SDK] Versioning](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjP30zNLWTu_WzkWbgY8F_ZXlA_OWAobAD9PuohJxPg/edit#heading=h.drpipq762xi7) | 2019-04-18 00:56:34 | -| 36 | Maximilian Michels | [Beam Application Season of Docs - 2019](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FNf-BjB4Q7PDdqygPboLr7CyIeo6JAkrt0RBgs2I4dE/edit#) | 2019-04-23 08:36:01 | -| 37 | Maximilian Michels | [[DISCUSS] FLIP-38 Support python language in flink Table API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybYt-0xWRMa1Yf5VsuqGRtOfJBz4p74ZmDxZYg3j_h8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-04-24 09:20:38 | -| 38 | Rui Wang | [Complex Equi-join Condition Support in BeamSQL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vDiE4HR5ZdbZypIf1vzyFy9yKmAMWBu6BzBKfP7JhPc/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-04-26 13:12:18 | -| 39 | Etienne Chauchot | [Structured streaming Spark Runner](https://s.apache.org/spark-structured-streaming-runner) | 2019-04-30 13:11:32 | -| 40 | Maximilian Michels | [Artifact Staging in Cross-Language Pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XaiNekAY2sptuQRIXpjGAyaYdSc-wlJ-VKjl04c8N48/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-05-07 13:21:30 | -| 41 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Type Hints for Python 3](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15bsOL3YcUWuIjnxqhi9nanhj2eh9S6-QlLYuL7ufcXY/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-05-08 12:28:42 | -| 42 | Lukasz Cwik | [Beam Proposal: Pipeline Drain](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NExwHlj-2q2WUGhSO4jTu8XGhDPmm3cllSN8IMmWci8/edit#) | 2019-05-08 15:58:04 | -| 43 | Kenneth Knowles | [Portable Beam Schemas](https://s.apache.org/beam-schemas) | 2019-05-09 04:05:18 | -| 44 | Ankur Goenka | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1031196952) | 2019-05-22 19:30:02 | -| 45 | Jan_Lukavsk | [@RequiresTimeSortedInput design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ObLVUFsf1NcG8ZuIZE4aVy2RYKx2FfyMhkZYWPnI9-c/) | 2019-05-23 10:10:37 | -| 46 | Brian Hulette | [Portable Beam Schemas](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uu9pJktzT_O3DxGd1-Q2op4nRk4HekIZbzi-0oTAips/edit?ts=5cdf6a5b#heading=h.7570feur1qin) | 2019-05-24 14:41:42 | -| 47 | Brian Hulette | [Portable Beam Schemas](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uu9pJktzT_O3DxGd1-Q2op4nRk4HekIZbzi-0oTAips/edit?ts=5cdf6a5b#heading=h.jlt5hdrolfy) | 2019-05-31 18:40:21 | -| 48 | Alireza Samadian | [Cost-based Optimization in Beam SQL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vi1PBBu5IqSy-qZl1Gk-49CcANOpbNs1UAud6LnOaiY/edit#heading=h.6rlkpwwx7gvf) | 2019-05-31 18:54:48 | -| 49 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Board Report Drafting Doc - June 2019](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GY16lzVKL-mPh4M560AtqPAB1kXEptkhcBymvFr-4z8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-06-13 10:47:01 | -| 50 | Claire McGinty | [Apache Beam Design Doc - Sort Merge Bucket Source+Sink](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AQlonN8t4YJrARcWzepyP7mWHTxHAd6WIECwk1s3LQQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-06-17 17:12:15 | -| 51 | Brian Hulette | [Portable Beam Schemas](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uu9pJktzT_O3DxGd1-Q2op4nRk4HekIZbzi-0oTAips/edit#heading=h.7570feur1qin) | 2019-06-17 20:37:17 | -| 52 | Jan_Lukavsk | [@RequiresTimeSortedInput design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ObLVUFsf1NcG8ZuIZE4aVy2RYKx2FfyMhkZYWPnI9-c/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-06-21 06:02:33 | -| 53 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2019-06-25 13:24:03 | -| 54 | Cyrus Maden | [Beam pipelines diagrams proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1khf9Bx4XJWsKUD6J1eDcYo_8dL9LBoHDtJpyDjDzOMM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-06-25 16:16:56 | -| 55 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Apache Beam Portability: Modeling, scheduling and executing timers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GRL88rKLHbMR0zJnBHYwM4xtj66VYlB112EWVUFcGB0/edit#heading=h.fzptl5h0vi9k) | 2019-06-27 18:38:57 | -| 56 | Rui Wang | [Retractions in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14WRfxwk_iLUHGPty3C6ZenddPsp_d6jhmx0vuafXqmE/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-07-10 13:58:36 | -| 57 | Alireza Samadian | [Cost-based Optimization in Beam SQL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vi1PBBu5IqSy-qZl1Gk-49CcANOpbNs1UAud6LnOaiY/edit) | 2019-07-10 17:54:20 | -| 58 | Kenneth Knowles | [Streaming Beam SQL Extensions](https://s.apache.org/streaming-beam-sql) | 2019-07-18 13:51:09 | -| 59 | Rui Wang | [Lateness (and Panes) in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12r7frmxNickxB5tbpuEh_n35_IJeVZn1peOrBrhhP6Y/edit#heading=h.7a03n7d5mf6g) | 2019-07-18 14:16:59 | -| 60 | Rakesh Kumar | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BOozW0bzBuz4oHJEuZNDOHdzaV5Y56ix58Ozrqm2jFg/edit#heading=h.7ghoih5aig5m) | 2019-07-24 00:20:38 | -| 61 | Thomas Weise | [[Public] Beam Flink K8s](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3LNrRtr8kkiFHonZ5JJM_L4NWNBBNcqRc_yAf6G0VI/) | 2019-07-25 00:00:52 | -| 62 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Running Splittable DoFn via Source API](http://s.apache.org/sdf-via-source) | 2019-07-25 17:09:02 | -| 63 | Anton Kedin | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-validation#gid=1082148452) | 2019-07-25 17:39:20 | -| 64 | Rui Wang | [ZetaSQL Integration In BeamSQL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Yi4oEMzqS3n9-LfSNi6Q6kQpEP3gWTHzX0HxqUksdc/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-08-04 14:06:53 | -| 65 | Kyle Weaver | [Beam Portable Job Jars](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kj_9JWxGWOmSGeZ5hbLVDXSTv-zBrx4kQRqOq85RYD4/edit#) | 2019-08-06 20:03:02 | -| 66 | Daniel Oliveira | [Splittable DoFns for Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14IwJYEUpar5FmiPNBFvERADiShZjsrsMpgtlntPVCX0/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-08-07 14:57:39 | -| 67 | Tanay Tummalapalli | [[BEAM-7742] BQ file loads hardening](https://s.apache.org/beam-bqfl-hardening) | 2019-08-07 15:19:57 | -| 68 | Thomas Weise | [[Public] Beam Flink K8s](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3LNrRtr8kkiFHonZ5JJM_L4NWNBBNcqRc_yAf6G0VI/edit#heading=h.iov21d695qx5) | 2019-08-08 19:28:43 | -| 69 | Thomas Weise | [[Public] Beam Flink K8s](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3LNrRtr8kkiFHonZ5JJM_L4NWNBBNcqRc_yAf6G0VI/edit#heading=h.bzs6y6ms0898) | 2019-08-13 12:13:59 | -| 70 | Chad Dombrova | [[Flink Design] Fine Grained Resource Management](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h68XOG-EyOFfcomd2N7usHK1X429pJSMiwZwAXCwx1k/edit#heading=h.72szmms7ufza) | 2019-08-13 13:58:39 | -| 71 | Ning Kang | [Interactive Beam Pipeline Execution Design Overview](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DYWrT6GL_qDCXhRMoxpjinlVAfHeVilK5Mtf8gO6zxQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-08-13 20:00:01 | -| 72 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing?) | 2019-08-14 11:13:38 | -| 73 | Maximilian Michels | [Caching in the Fn API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ltVqIW0XxUXI6grp17TgeyIybk3-nDF8a0-Nqw-s9mY/) | 2019-08-14 12:50:01 | -| 74 | Yifan Zou | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit?pli=1#gid=1036192804) | 2019-08-14 16:42:37 | -| 75 | Robert Bradshaw | [Simplifying Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/no-beam-pipeline) | 2019-08-23 14:36:31 | -| 76 | Sam Bourne | [Apache Beam Containers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IKE_aEkrAzkzUE4pD_r_zVuL5amHGetJ1efnbTfmunM/edit#heading=h.5irk4csrpu0y) | 2019-08-28 19:39:02 | -| 77 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](http://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api) | 2019-08-30 11:36:29 | -| 78 | Pablo Estrada | [Performance of Apache Beam doc pages](https://s.apache.org/beam-ga-report) | 2019-09-06 13:47:48 | -| 79 | Alexey Strokach | [File and Stream Caching in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sISjl4Q60mR1V22R1UZd417wVEn_EmZT-SalTHXG4H0/) | 2019-09-06 15:30:23 | -| 80 | Lukasz Cwik | [FileIO.write](http://s.apache.org/fileio-write) | 2019-09-11 13:45:01 | -| 81 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Board Report Sept 2019](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NIoeLvJPCirsFRy0F_OBYLr3zdcTRPHr-gH3a5cLJBE/) | 2019-09-11 16:19:41 | -| 82 | Bharath Kumara Subramanian | [Async ParDo API for Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t--UYXgaij0ULEoXUnhG3r8OZPBljN9r_WWlwQJBDrI/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-09-13 12:31:27 | -| 83 | Etienne Chauchot | [Watermarks and multiple aggregates in Spark strucutred streaming](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IAH9UQJPUiUCLd7H6dazRK2k1szDX38SnM6GVNZYvUo/edit#t#) | 2019-09-18 09:18:25 | -| 84 | Cam Mach | [Beam KinesisIO V2 Migration](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XeIVbiDHBReZY8rEI2OWA3cTEQuaR7RPdwGAup6S1DM/edit) | 2019-09-30 08:02:08 | -| 85 | Kirill Kozlov | [Beam SQL Filter/Project push-down](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ysD7U7qF3MAmSfkbXZO_5PLJBevAL9bktlLCerd_jE/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-09-30 13:55:34 | -| 86 | Mark Liu | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=890914284) | 2019-10-01 12:18:55 | -| 87 | Jan_Lukavsk | [KeyedPCollection design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fdAz-IvFQ3xxYOGskByo_9lI82iQlAtPvZHZb-h3z20/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-10-15 11:16:03 | -| 88 | Pablo Estrada | [Streaming Fn API Runner](http://s.apache.org/streaming-fn-runner-py) | 2019-10-15 17:10:24 | -| 89 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Processing a Bundle](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-processing-a-bundle) | 2019-10-17 10:06:30 | -| 90 | Chad Dombrova | [Kubernetes native integration](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-jNzqGF6NfZuwVaFICoFQ5HFFXzF5NVIagUZByFMfBY/edit) | 2019-10-19 14:54:43 | -| 91 | jincheng sun | [Apache Beam Fn API: DoFn Teardown](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sCgy9VQPf9zVXKRquK8P6N4x7aB62GEO8ozkujRSHZg/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-10-21 07:26:53 | -| 92 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: SDK Harness container contract](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n6s3BOxOPct3uF4UgbbI9O9rpdiKWFH9R6mtVmR7xp0/edit#) | 2019-10-21 14:05:26 | -| 93 | Ryan Skraba | [Slack](https://s.apache.org/beam-slack-channel) | 2019-10-23 12:32:03 | -| 94 | Robert Burke | [Splittable DoFns for Go SDK](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sdf) | 2019-10-28 12:14:47 | -| 95 | Yichi Zhang | [Expose SDKHarness status to runner](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W77buQtdSEIPUKd9zemAM38fb-x3CvOoaTF4P2mSxmI/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-10-29 15:14:04 | -| 96 | Pablo Estrada | [Performance of Apache Beam doc pages](http://s.apache.org/beam-ga-report) | 2019-11-06 20:41:01 | -| 97 | Heejong Lee | [Runner Validation Test Plan for Cross-language transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQp0ElIV84b8OCVz8CD2hvbiWdR8w4BvWxPTZJZA6NA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-11-08 20:27:41 | -| 98 | Reza Rokni | [HLL in Beam](https://s.apache.org/hll-in-beam) | 2019-11-12 21:35:21 | -| 99 | Kenneth Knowles | [Lateness (and Panes) in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12r7frmxNickxB5tbpuEh_n35_IJeVZn1peOrBrhhP6Y/edit#heading=h.45gyyckqhg4c) | 2019-11-15 16:50:53 | -| 100 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - December '19](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AJT5j-qRLJPeN5x6nbHD5KqadXLM0zT0Ugmiy_vQ7C8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2019-12-12 00:07:40 | -| 101 | Mikhail Gryzykhin | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=803858785) | 2019-12-17 15:12:18 | \ No newline at end of file +| 19 | Maximilian Michels | [Cross-Language Pipelines & Legacy IO](https://s.apache.org/beam-cross-language-io) | 2019-02-07 13:59:12 | +| 20 | Austin Bennett | [A Brief Intro to Apache Beam (Feb 2019) - Google Slides](http://s.apache.org/beam-intro-feb-2019) | 2019-02-11 16:51:27 | +| 21 | Daniel Oliveira | [Error - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-test-failure) | 2019-02-11 18:21:19 | +| 22 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API: Get Metrics API: Metric Extraction via proto RPC API.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p7mRCUEigkrWickqCLCHBshrqQ97YIv1E5cZxJTKx3I) | 2019-03-12 20:22:35 | +| 23 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Python SDK: Datastore Client Upgrade](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sL9p7NE5Z0p-5SB5uwpxWrddj_UCESKSrsvDTWNKqb4) | 2019-03-19 13:24:53 | +| 24 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [BQ IO bytes support](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zvDycWzF82MmtCmxrhqqyXKaRq8slRIjdxE6E8MObA) | 2019-03-25 22:19:11 | +| 25 | Tanay Tummalapalli | [GSoC proposal for Apache Beam - T. Tanay](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Peyd3Z_wu5rvGWw8lMLpZuTyyreM_JOAEFFWvF97YY) | 2019-03-28 14:58:08 | +| 26 | Lukasz Cwik | [Implement AWS S3 and Azure Blob filesystems for Python SDK Apache - Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i_PoIrbmhNgwKCS1TYWC28A9RsyZQFsQCJic3aCXO-8) | 2019-04-03 11:45:41 | +| 27 | Yifan Zou | [Apache Beam Jenkins Agents Management](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c38IPrF94PZC-ItGZgmAgAKrgmC1MGA6N6nkK0cL6L4) | 2019-04-03 21:34:57 | +| 28 | Kenneth Knowles | [Side Input Architecture for Apache Beam (incubating) 1-Pager](https://s.apache.org/beam-side-inputs-1-pager) | 2019-04-11 13:09:25 | +| 29 | Kyle Weaver | [Beam Portable Spark Runner](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j8GERTiHUuc6CzzCXZHc38rBn41uWfATBh2-5JN8hro) | 2019-04-12 14:33:41 | +| 30 | Kenneth Knowles | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-starter-tasks) | 2019-04-17 17:58:24 | +| 31 | Robert Burke | [[Go SDK] Versioning](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZjP30zNLWTu_WzkWbgY8F_ZXlA_OWAobAD9PuohJxPg) | 2019-04-18 00:56:34 | +| 32 | Maximilian Michels | [Beam Application Season of Docs - 2019](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FNf-BjB4Q7PDdqygPboLr7CyIeo6JAkrt0RBgs2I4dE) | 2019-04-23 08:36:01 | +| 33 | Maximilian Michels | [[DISCUSS] FLIP-38 Support python language in flink Table API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybYt-0xWRMa1Yf5VsuqGRtOfJBz4p74ZmDxZYg3j_h8) | 2019-04-24 09:20:38 | +| 34 | Rui Wang | [Complex Equi-join Condition Support in BeamSQL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vDiE4HR5ZdbZypIf1vzyFy9yKmAMWBu6BzBKfP7JhPc) | 2019-04-26 13:12:18 | +| 35 | Etienne Chauchot | [Structured streaming Spark Runner](https://s.apache.org/spark-structured-streaming-runner) | 2019-04-30 13:11:32 | +| 36 | Maximilian Michels | [Artifact Staging in Cross-Language Pipelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XaiNekAY2sptuQRIXpjGAyaYdSc-wlJ-VKjl04c8N48) | 2019-05-07 13:21:30 | +| 37 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Type Hints for Python 3](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15bsOL3YcUWuIjnxqhi9nanhj2eh9S6-QlLYuL7ufcXY) | 2019-05-08 12:28:42 | +| 38 | Lukasz Cwik | [Beam Proposal: Pipeline Drain](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NExwHlj-2q2WUGhSO4jTu8XGhDPmm3cllSN8IMmWci8) | 2019-05-08 15:58:04 | +| 39 | Kenneth Knowles | [Portable Beam Schemas](https://s.apache.org/beam-schemas) | 2019-05-09 04:05:18 | +| 40 | Jan Lukavsky | [@RequiresTimeSortedInput design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ObLVUFsf1NcG8ZuIZE4aVy2RYKx2FfyMhkZYWPnI9-c) | 2019-05-23 10:10:37 | +| 41 | Brian Hulette | [Portable Beam Schemas](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uu9pJktzT_O3DxGd1-Q2op4nRk4HekIZbzi-0oTAips) | 2019-05-24 14:41:42 | +| 42 | Alireza Samadian | [Cost-based Optimization in Beam SQL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vi1PBBu5IqSy-qZl1Gk-49CcANOpbNs1UAud6LnOaiY) | 2019-05-31 18:54:48 | +| 43 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Board Report Drafting Doc - June 2019](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GY16lzVKL-mPh4M560AtqPAB1kXEptkhcBymvFr-4z8) | 2019-06-13 10:47:01 | +| 44 | Claire McGinty | [Apache Beam Design Doc - Sort Merge Bucket Source+Sink](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AQlonN8t4YJrARcWzepyP7mWHTxHAd6WIECwk1s3LQQ) | 2019-06-17 17:12:15 | +| 45 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2019-06-25 13:24:03 | +| 46 | Cyrus Maden | [Beam pipelines diagrams proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1khf9Bx4XJWsKUD6J1eDcYo_8dL9LBoHDtJpyDjDzOMM) | 2019-06-25 16:16:56 | +| 47 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability: Modeling, scheduling and executing timers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GRL88rKLHbMR0zJnBHYwM4xtj66VYlB112EWVUFcGB0) | 2019-06-27 18:38:57 | +| 48 | Rui Wang | [Retractions in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14WRfxwk_iLUHGPty3C6ZenddPsp_d6jhmx0vuafXqmE) | 2019-07-10 13:58:36 | +| 49 | Kenneth Knowles | [Streaming Beam SQL Extensions](https://s.apache.org/streaming-beam-sql) | 2019-07-18 13:51:09 | +| 50 | Rui Wang | [Lateness (and Panes) in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12r7frmxNickxB5tbpuEh_n35_IJeVZn1peOrBrhhP6Y) | 2019-07-18 14:16:59 | +| 51 | Rakesh Kumar | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BOozW0bzBuz4oHJEuZNDOHdzaV5Y56ix58Ozrqm2jFg) | 2019-07-24 00:20:38 | +| 52 | Thomas Weise | [[Public] Beam Flink K8s](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3LNrRtr8kkiFHonZ5JJM_L4NWNBBNcqRc_yAf6G0VI) | 2019-07-25 00:00:52 | +| 53 | Eugene Kirpichov | [Running Splittable DoFn via Source API](http://s.apache.org/sdf-via-source) | 2019-07-25 17:09:02 | +| 54 | Anton Kedin | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-validation#gid=1082148452) | 2019-07-25 17:39:20 | +| 55 | Rui Wang | [ZetaSQL Integration In BeamSQL](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Yi4oEMzqS3n9-LfSNi6Q6kQpEP3gWTHzX0HxqUksdc) | 2019-08-04 14:06:53 | +| 56 | Kyle Weaver | [Beam Portable Job Jars](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kj_9JWxGWOmSGeZ5hbLVDXSTv-zBrx4kQRqOq85RYD4) | 2019-08-06 20:03:02 | +| 57 | Daniel Oliveira | [Splittable DoFns for Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14IwJYEUpar5FmiPNBFvERADiShZjsrsMpgtlntPVCX0) | 2019-08-07 14:57:39 | +| 58 | Tanay Tummalapalli | [[BEAM-7742] BQ file loads hardening](https://s.apache.org/beam-bqfl-hardening) | 2019-08-07 15:19:57 | +| 59 | Chad Dombrova | [[Flink Design] Fine Grained Resource Management](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h68XOG-EyOFfcomd2N7usHK1X429pJSMiwZwAXCwx1k) | 2019-08-13 13:58:39 | +| 60 | Ning Kang | [Interactive Beam Pipeline Execution Design Overview](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DYWrT6GL_qDCXhRMoxpjinlVAfHeVilK5Mtf8gO6zxQ) | 2019-08-13 20:00:01 | +| 61 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing?) | 2019-08-14 11:13:38 | +| 62 | Maximilian Michels | [Caching in the Fn API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ltVqIW0XxUXI6grp17TgeyIybk3-nDF8a0-Nqw-s9mY) | 2019-08-14 12:50:01 | +| 63 | Robert Bradshaw | [Simplifying Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/no-beam-pipeline) | 2019-08-23 14:36:31 | +| 64 | Sam Bourne | [Apache Beam Containers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IKE_aEkrAzkzUE4pD_r_zVuL5amHGetJ1efnbTfmunM) | 2019-08-28 19:39:02 | +| 65 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam (Incubating) Pipeline Runner API Proposal](http://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api) | 2019-08-30 11:36:29 | +| 66 | Pablo Estrada | [Performance of Apache Beam doc pages](https://s.apache.org/beam-ga-report) | 2019-09-06 13:47:48 | +| 67 | Alexey Strokach | [File and Stream Caching in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sISjl4Q60mR1V22R1UZd417wVEn_EmZT-SalTHXG4H0) | 2019-09-06 15:30:23 | +| 68 | Lukasz Cwik | [FileIO.write](http://s.apache.org/fileio-write) | 2019-09-11 13:45:01 | +| 69 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Board Report Sept 2019](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NIoeLvJPCirsFRy0F_OBYLr3zdcTRPHr-gH3a5cLJBE) | 2019-09-11 16:19:41 | +| 70 | Bharath Kumara Subramanian | [Async ParDo API for Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t--UYXgaij0ULEoXUnhG3r8OZPBljN9r_WWlwQJBDrI) | 2019-09-13 12:31:27 | +| 71 | Etienne Chauchot | [Watermarks and multiple aggregates in Spark strucutred streaming](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IAH9UQJPUiUCLd7H6dazRK2k1szDX38SnM6GVNZYvUo) | 2019-09-18 09:18:25 | +| 72 | Cam Mach | [Beam KinesisIO V2 Migration](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XeIVbiDHBReZY8rEI2OWA3cTEQuaR7RPdwGAup6S1DM) | 2019-09-30 08:02:08 | +| 73 | Kirill Kozlov | [Beam SQL Filter/Project push-down](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ysD7U7qF3MAmSfkbXZO_5PLJBevAL9bktlLCerd_jE) | 2019-09-30 13:55:34 | +| 74 | Jan Lukavsky | [KeyedPCollection design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fdAz-IvFQ3xxYOGskByo_9lI82iQlAtPvZHZb-h3z20) | 2019-10-15 11:16:03 | +| 75 | Pablo Estrada | [Streaming Fn API Runner](http://s.apache.org/streaming-fn-runner-py) | 2019-10-15 17:10:24 | +| 76 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Processing a Bundle](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api-processing-a-bundle) | 2019-10-17 10:06:30 | +| 77 | Chad Dombrova | [Kubernetes native integration](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-jNzqGF6NfZuwVaFICoFQ5HFFXzF5NVIagUZByFMfBY) | 2019-10-19 14:54:43 | +| 78 | jincheng sun | [Apache Beam Fn API: DoFn Teardown](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sCgy9VQPf9zVXKRquK8P6N4x7aB62GEO8ozkujRSHZg) | 2019-10-21 07:26:53 | +| 79 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: SDK Harness container contract](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n6s3BOxOPct3uF4UgbbI9O9rpdiKWFH9R6mtVmR7xp0) | 2019-10-21 14:05:26 | +| 80 | Ryan Skraba | [Slack](https://s.apache.org/beam-slack-channel) | 2019-10-23 12:32:03 | +| 81 | Robert Burke | [Splittable DoFns for Go SDK](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sdf) | 2019-10-28 12:14:47 | +| 82 | Yichi Zhang | [Expose SDKHarness status to runner](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W77buQtdSEIPUKd9zemAM38fb-x3CvOoaTF4P2mSxmI) | 2019-10-29 15:14:04 | +| 83 | Pablo Estrada | [Performance of Apache Beam doc pages](http://s.apache.org/beam-ga-report) | 2019-11-06 20:41:01 | +| 84 | Heejong Lee | [Runner Validation Test Plan for Cross-language transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQp0ElIV84b8OCVz8CD2hvbiWdR8w4BvWxPTZJZA6NA) | 2019-11-08 20:27:41 | +| 85 | Reza Rokni | [HLL in Beam](https://s.apache.org/hll-in-beam) | 2019-11-12 21:35:21 | +| 86 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - December '19](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AJT5j-qRLJPeN5x6nbHD5KqadXLM0zT0Ugmiy_vQ7C8) | 2019-12-12 00:07:40 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2020.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2020.md index 604ef10e6490..47df10398628 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2020.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2020.md @@ -15,80 +15,66 @@ limitations under the License. # List Of Documents Submitted To dev@beam.apache.org In 2020 | No. | Author | Subject | Date (UTC) | |---|---|---|---| -| 1 | Kirill Kozlov | [Beam SQL Filter/Project push-down](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ysD7U7qF3MAmSfkbXZO_5PLJBevAL9bktlLCerd_jE/edit) | 2020-01-03 13:31:29 | -| 2 | Kirill Kozlov | [DataStoreIO SQL Connector](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FxuEGewJ3GPDl0IKglfOYf1edwa2m_wryFZYRMpRNbA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-01-08 14:28:14 | +| 1 | Kirill Kozlov | [Beam SQL Filter/Project push-down](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ysD7U7qF3MAmSfkbXZO_5PLJBevAL9bktlLCerd_jE) | 2020-01-03 13:31:29 | +| 2 | Kirill Kozlov | [DataStoreIO SQL Connector](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FxuEGewJ3GPDl0IKglfOYf1edwa2m_wryFZYRMpRNbA) | 2020-01-08 14:28:14 | | 3 | jincheng sun | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2020-01-08 20:37:29 | | 4 | Daniel Oliveira | [Splittable DoFns for Go SDK](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sdf) | 2020-01-10 19:54:55 | | 5 | Brian Hulette | [Leveraging SQL Table Providers for Row-based Cross-Language IOs](https://s.apache.org/xlang-table-provider) | 2020-01-13 17:25:10 | -| 6 | Udi Meiri | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1178617819) | 2020-01-13 19:08:49 | -| 7 | Kyle Weaver | [Beam SQL Query Parameters](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kPG3S6qAIPlhTYPYK_CYwkzBk-i7U6vON5_95tRGk6c/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-01-21 17:19:57 | -| 8 | Alex Van Boxel | [Beam Schema Options](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yCCRU5pViVQIO8-YAb66VRh3I-kl0F7bMez616tgM8Q/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-01-26 11:27:05 | -| 9 | Daniel Oliveira | [Go SDF API v2 Changes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UeG5uNO00xCByGEZzDXk0m0LghX6HBWlMfRbMv_Xiyc/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-01-27 14:59:01 | -| 10 | Boyuan Zhang | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1148160512) | 2020-01-30 00:02:44 | -| 11 | Alex Van Boxel | [Beam Schema Aware stabilisation](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WseNjxFXYrpjWjbIxfWUpwHmjTL7WSfj9n2Nh3H_qqA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-02-05 07:48:30 | -| 12 | Hannah Jiang | [Add licenses and notices for third party libraries to Beam SDK docker images](https://s.apache.org/eauq6) | 2020-02-05 19:43:51 | -| 13 | Brian Hulette | [Beam Schema Options](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yCCRU5pViVQIO8-YAb66VRh3I-kl0F7bMez616tgM8Q/edit?disco=AAAAI54si4k) | 2020-02-07 11:54:32 | -| 14 | Alex Van Boxel | [Leveraging SQL Table Providers for Row-based Cross-Language IOs](https://s.apache.org/xlang-table-provider/) | 2020-02-07 14:17:07 | -| 15 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Apache Beam Capabilities and Requirements Listings](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CyVElQDYHBRfXu6k1VSXv3Yok_4r8c4V0bkh2nFAWYc/edit) | 2020-02-14 17:03:48 | -| 16 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Apache Beam Capabilities and Requirements Listings](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CyVElQDYHBRfXu6k1VSXv3Yok_4r8c4V0bkh2nFAWYc/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-02-14 17:51:49 | -| 17 | Reza Rokni | [HLL in Beam](https://s.apache.org/hll-in-beam) | 2020-02-18 19:31:34 | -| 18 | Kenneth Knowles | [[ANN] Seeking volunteer mentors from all Apache projects to help mentor under-represented contributors - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/OutreachyMay2020) | 2020-02-24 16:53:42 | -| 19 | Luke Cwik | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2020-02-27 17:43:12 | -| 20 | Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy | [[Public] Beam Knowledge Architecture Revamp - Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HlRHfmc9MvKkFEf2gfIL3RYVxTmBXQL4sXjAGGOjeiI/edit#heading=h.5rqdbnson7px) | 2020-03-10 17:00:09 | -| 21 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2020](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iBSTPHjTLA4rPdwjnoNAMb0IOMhruZHIx1QlT3H-GaY/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-03-11 17:52:26 | -| 22 | Badrul Chowdhury | [Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/173e_gnDclwavqobiNjwxRlo9D1xjaZat98g6Yax0kGQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-03-18 15:56:24 | -| 23 | John Mora | [BEAM-9198 BeamSQL aggregation analytics functionality](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nUbV45iL_avgAewYYTkyHHJWY8ZaVcFuky-dQ-pcE0M/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-03-23 19:53:44 | -| 24 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Data collection for “Smart quarantine”](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HPRV1SriRd2v95r2I_MYcRkJgiLZs27wPuowigsmO70/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-03-24 08:43:57 | -| 25 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - June 2020](https://s.apache.org/beam-report-2020-06) | 2020-03-25 13:40:49 | -| 26 | Julian Bruno | [Firefly design donation as Beam Mascot](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zK8Cm8lwZ3ALVFpD1aY7TLCVNwlyTS3PXxTV2qQCAbk/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-04-02 13:18:47 | -| 27 | Rui Wang | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=318600984) | 2020-04-03 00:06:48 | -| 28 | Maximilian Michels | [[Proposal] Digital Beam Summit 2020](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OddPOvP36mTTWEXV0DWtyS3MgfXyWOS3YXiZGeLWfSI/) | 2020-04-15 10:59:18 | -| 29 | Udi Meiri | [Log In - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/asfyaml-notify) | 2020-04-27 18:50:55 | -| 30 | Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy | [[Community] Beam website redesign](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1btXMkQGqYaU9pUjYh0iCNrbXf4pAHe3tBFsLQ_cLYHg/edit) | 2020-04-28 19:21:07 | -| 31 | Kenneth Knowles | [Error - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-test-failure) | 2020-05-01 17:34:22 | -| 32 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API : Defining and adding SDK Metrics](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MtBZYV7NAcfbwyy9Op8STeFNBxtljxgy69FkHMvhTMA/edit#heading=h.c6fjf0g6rsbc) | 2020-05-04 17:44:08 | -| 33 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API: Histogram Style Metrics](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kiNG2BAR-51pRdBCK4-XFmc0WuIkSuBzeb__Zv8owbU/edit#) | 2020-05-04 18:33:08 | -| 34 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API: Histogram Style Metrics](https://s.apache.org/beam-histogram-metrics) | 2020-05-04 18:58:40 | -| 35 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam FN API: GCP IO Debuggability Metrics](https://s.apache.org/beam-gcp-debuggability) | 2020-05-05 21:23:30 | -| 36 | Luke Cwik | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-starter-tasks) | 2020-05-08 11:43:01 | -| 37 | Luke Cwik | [Structure and Lifting of Combines](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api-combine-model) | 2020-05-12 11:04:57 | -| 38 | Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy | [Slack for ASF projects - Apache Infrastructure Website](https://s.apache.org/slack-invite) | 2020-05-12 23:20:48 | -| 39 | Robert Burke | [[Go SDK] Beam Schemas](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-schemas) | 2020-05-14 12:39:46 | -| 40 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Checkpoint and Split Bundles](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cKOB9ToasfYs1kLWQgffzvIbJx2Smy4svlodPRhFrk4/edit#heading=h.wkwslng744mv) | 2020-05-15 10:59:12 | -| 41 | Kyle Weaver | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=275707202) | 2020-05-19 16:51:16 | -| 42 | Brittany Hermann | [Beam Summit Status Report](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11PXOBUbeldgPqz6OlTswCal6SxyX76Bb_ZVKBdwsd7o/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-05-21 10:43:21 | -| 43 | Gris Cuevas | [[Public] Beam Knowledge Architecture Revamp - Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HlRHfmc9MvKkFEf2gfIL3RYVxTmBXQL4sXjAGGOjeiI/edit#) | 2020-05-27 18:14:14 | -| 44 | Kenneth Knowles | [Lateness (and Panes) in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-lateness) | 2020-05-28 11:02:51 | -| 45 | Brian Hulette | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1991970145) | 2020-06-03 16:15:16 | -| 46 | Jan_Lukavsk | [@RequiresTimeSortedInput design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ObLVUFsf1NcG8ZuIZE4aVy2RYKx2FfyMhkZYWPnI9-c/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-06-11 12:10:29 | -| 47 | Brian Hulette | [Abstractions for Schema-Aware IOs](https://s.apache.org/beam-schema-io) | 2020-06-12 16:32:16 | -| 48 | Qihang Zeng | [Beam Match_Recognition Design Documentation](https://s.apache.org/beam-sql-pattern-recognization) | 2020-06-17 08:39:24 | -| 49 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: How to send and receive data](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IGduUqmhWDi_69l9nG8kw73HZ5WI5wOps9Tshl5wpQA/edit#heading=h.g19rkupi8zga) | 2020-06-19 14:22:28 | -| 50 | John Mora | [BEAM-9198 BeamSQL aggregation analytics functionality - Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tJapdA7ZNwkU0NaK7p-em0XnpHqNE1pKIXw9hVJkIUg/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-06-23 00:24:51 | -| 51 | Siyuan Chen | [GroupIntoBatches with Runner Determined Sharding](https://s.apache.org/sharded-group-into-batches) | 2020-06-26 15:21:54 | -| 52 | Ning Kang | [Apache Beam JupyterLab Side Panel](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aKK8TzSrl8WiG0K4v9xZEfLMCinuGqRlMOyb7xOhgy4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-07-09 19:35:58 | -| 53 | Etta Rapp | [Azure Filesystem for Beam Java SDK](http://s.apache.org/beam-azfs-java) | 2020-07-16 15:29:17 | -| 54 | Abhishek Yadav | [Contextual TextIO](https://s.apache.org/beam-contextual-io) | 2020-07-18 01:48:54 | -| 55 | Maximilian Michels | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=596347973) | 2020-07-20 04:40:53 | -| 56 | Scott Lukas | [Abstractions for Schema-Aware IOs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ic3P8EVGHIydHQ-VMDKbN9kEdwm7sBXMo80VrhwksvI/edit) | 2020-07-20 15:31:46 | -| 57 | Jiadai Xia | [[BEAM-4379] Making ParquetIO Splittable](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xqN7qsV3vsrqd6i18isAA1HTWmTMXK-u4sle-brXxuw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-07-30 19:21:31 | -| 58 | Gris Cuevas | [[Public] State of Apache Beam (Roadmap)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qvjnpSj_5MXBmhPI70BJYdrUPVXZR9nAFGf6zqNigek/edit?ts=5f21c30a&pli=1#) | 2020-08-17 17:54:13 | -| 59 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Beam Proposal: Pipeline Drain](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NExwHlj-2q2WUGhSO4jTu8XGhDPmm3cllSN8IMmWci8/edit) | 2020-08-21 03:32:14 | -| 60 | Daniel Oliveira | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1432428331) | 2020-08-31 23:59:25 | -| 61 | Gris Cuevas | [[Public PRD] Beam Website 2.0](https://s.apache.org/beam-site-revamp) | 2020-09-09 14:14:18 | -| 62 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2020](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z2pKu6NYdpYAka9IfTkEiAMOVubH1jjkkRQMaVJbs5Y/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-09-09 14:30:47 | -| 63 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn Api Overview](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api) | 2020-09-25 17:42:26 | -| 64 | Boyuan Zhang | [Self-checkpoint Support on Portable Flink](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1372B7HYxtcUYjZOnOM7OBTfSJ4CyFg_gaPD_NUxWClo/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-10-05 14:11:47 | -| 65 | Luke Cwik | [SplittableDoFn 2020 Blog](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kpn0RxqZaoacUPVSMYhhnfmlo8fGT-p50fEblaFr2HE/edit#) | 2020-10-06 16:37:00 | -| 66 | Ning Kang | [Apache Beam JupyterLab Side Panel](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aKK8TzSrl8WiG0K4v9xZEfLMCinuGqRlMOyb7xOhgy4/edit#heading=h.he7se5yxfo7) | 2020-10-06 17:56:58 | -| 67 | Robin Qiu | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1494345946) | 2020-10-16 17:36:13 | -| 68 | Brittany Hermann | [10-30-20 Beam Community Update](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_t6xKoOQVwgn2edmRVh1ViudmbnNM3BwZyguKAwwjfA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-10-26 14:06:12 | -| 69 | Sam Rohde | [ToString Transform Design](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v7iWj0LIum04mYwRM_Cvze915tATwmEzLrqj_uVBkCE/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-10-27 15:04:18 | -| 70 | Kyle Weaver | [User Defined Metrics API](http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2020-11-19 15:58:26 | -| 71 | Chad Dombrova | [Beam Task Workers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GrAvDWwnR1QAmFX7lnNA7I_mQBC2G1V2jE2CZOc6rlw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-12-02 13:30:44 | -| 72 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=) | 2020-12-03 23:01:09 | -| 73 | Griselda Cuevas | [[Public PRD] Beam Website 2.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rssE8B6fvwLfyODS6KKp049KryhKn8E-HlHkzM8TWkE/edit) | 2020-12-04 19:21:48 | -| 74 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - December 2020](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2020-12) | 2020-12-07 12:38:42 | -| 75 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=475997301) | 2020-12-07 21:03:33 | -| 76 | Brittany Hermann | [Beam Community Update](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sA06m_spqgHwI3yGiQ_Z06LXfYqRcgIO1_N8y_a2O6o/edit?usp=sharing) | 2020-12-09 14:56:15 | -| 77 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=194829106) | 2020-12-23 00:46:30 | \ No newline at end of file +| 6 | Udi Meiri | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw) | 2020-01-13 19:08:49 | +| 7 | Kyle Weaver | [Beam SQL Query Parameters](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kPG3S6qAIPlhTYPYK_CYwkzBk-i7U6vON5_95tRGk6c) | 2020-01-21 17:19:57 | +| 8 | Alex Van Boxel | [Beam Schema Options](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yCCRU5pViVQIO8-YAb66VRh3I-kl0F7bMez616tgM8Q) | 2020-01-26 11:27:05 | +| 9 | Daniel Oliveira | [Go SDF API v2 Changes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UeG5uNO00xCByGEZzDXk0m0LghX6HBWlMfRbMv_Xiyc) | 2020-01-27 14:59:01 | +| 10 | Alex Van Boxel | [Beam Schema Aware stabilisation](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WseNjxFXYrpjWjbIxfWUpwHmjTL7WSfj9n2Nh3H_qqA) | 2020-02-05 07:48:30 | +| 11 | Hannah Jiang | [Add licenses and notices for third party libraries to Beam SDK docker images](https://s.apache.org/eauq6) | 2020-02-05 19:43:51 | +| 12 | Alex Van Boxel | [Leveraging SQL Table Providers for Row-based Cross-Language IOs](https://s.apache.org/xlang-table-provider/) | 2020-02-07 14:17:07 | +| 13 | N/A | [Apache Beam Capabilities and Requirements Listings](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CyVElQDYHBRfXu6k1VSXv3Yok_4r8c4V0bkh2nFAWYc) | 2020-02-14 17:03:48 | +| 14 | Reza Rokni | [HLL in Beam](https://s.apache.org/hll-in-beam) | 2020-02-18 19:31:34 | +| 15 | Kenneth Knowles | [[ANN] Seeking volunteer mentors from all Apache projects to help mentor under-represented contributors - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/OutreachyMay2020) | 2020-02-24 16:53:42 | +| 16 | Luke Cwik | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2020-02-27 17:43:12 | +| 17 | Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy | [[Public] Beam Knowledge Architecture Revamp - Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HlRHfmc9MvKkFEf2gfIL3RYVxTmBXQL4sXjAGGOjeiI) | 2020-03-10 17:00:09 | +| 18 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2020](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iBSTPHjTLA4rPdwjnoNAMb0IOMhruZHIx1QlT3H-GaY) | 2020-03-11 17:52:26 | +| 19 | Badrul Chowdhury | [Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/173e_gnDclwavqobiNjwxRlo9D1xjaZat98g6Yax0kGQ) | 2020-03-18 15:56:24 | +| 20 | John Mora | [BEAM-9198 BeamSQL aggregation analytics functionality](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nUbV45iL_avgAewYYTkyHHJWY8ZaVcFuky-dQ-pcE0M) | 2020-03-23 19:53:44 | +| 21 | Jan Lukavsky | [Data collection for “Smart quarantine”](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HPRV1SriRd2v95r2I_MYcRkJgiLZs27wPuowigsmO70) | 2020-03-24 08:43:57 | +| 22 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - June 2020](https://s.apache.org/beam-report-2020-06) | 2020-03-25 13:40:49 | +| 23 | Julian Bruno | [Firefly design donation as Beam Mascot](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zK8Cm8lwZ3ALVFpD1aY7TLCVNwlyTS3PXxTV2qQCAbk) | 2020-04-02 13:18:47 | +| 24 | Maximilian Michels | [[Proposal] Digital Beam Summit 2020](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OddPOvP36mTTWEXV0DWtyS3MgfXyWOS3YXiZGeLWfSI) | 2020-04-15 10:59:18 | +| 25 | Udi Meiri | [Log In - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/asfyaml-notify) | 2020-04-27 18:50:55 | +| 26 | Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy | [[Community] Beam website redesign](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1btXMkQGqYaU9pUjYh0iCNrbXf4pAHe3tBFsLQ_cLYHg) | 2020-04-28 19:21:07 | +| 27 | Kenneth Knowles | [Error - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-test-failure) | 2020-05-01 17:34:22 | +| 28 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API : Defining and adding SDK Metrics](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MtBZYV7NAcfbwyy9Op8STeFNBxtljxgy69FkHMvhTMA) | 2020-05-04 17:44:08 | +| 29 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API: Histogram Style Metrics](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kiNG2BAR-51pRdBCK4-XFmc0WuIkSuBzeb__Zv8owbU) | 2020-05-04 18:33:08 | +| 30 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam Fn API: Histogram Style Metrics](https://s.apache.org/beam-histogram-metrics) | 2020-05-04 18:58:40 | +| 31 | Alex Amato | [Apache Beam FN API: GCP IO Debuggability Metrics](https://s.apache.org/beam-gcp-debuggability) | 2020-05-05 21:23:30 | +| 32 | Luke Cwik | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-starter-tasks) | 2020-05-08 11:43:01 | +| 33 | Luke Cwik | [Structure and Lifting of Combines](https://s.apache.org/beam-runner-api-combine-model) | 2020-05-12 11:04:57 | +| 34 | Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy | [Slack for ASF projects - Apache Infrastructure Website](https://s.apache.org/slack-invite) | 2020-05-12 23:20:48 | +| 35 | Robert Burke | [[Go SDK] Beam Schemas](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-schemas) | 2020-05-14 12:39:46 | +| 36 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Portability API: How to Checkpoint and Split Bundles](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cKOB9ToasfYs1kLWQgffzvIbJx2Smy4svlodPRhFrk4) | 2020-05-15 10:59:12 | +| 37 | Brittany Hermann | [Beam Summit Status Report](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11PXOBUbeldgPqz6OlTswCal6SxyX76Bb_ZVKBdwsd7o) | 2020-05-21 10:43:21 | +| 38 | Kenneth Knowles and Mark Shields | [Lateness (and Panes) in Apache Beam (incubating)](https://s.apache.org/beam-lateness) | 2020-05-28 11:02:51 | +| 39 | Jan Lukavsky | [@RequiresTimeSortedInput design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ObLVUFsf1NcG8ZuIZE4aVy2RYKx2FfyMhkZYWPnI9-c) | 2020-06-11 12:10:29 | +| 40 | Brian Hulette | [Abstractions for Schema-Aware IOs](https://s.apache.org/beam-schema-io) | 2020-06-12 16:32:16 | +| 41 | Qihang Zeng | [Beam Match_Recognition Design Documentation](https://s.apache.org/beam-sql-pattern-recognization) | 2020-06-17 08:39:24 | +| 42 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: How to send and receive data](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IGduUqmhWDi_69l9nG8kw73HZ5WI5wOps9Tshl5wpQA) | 2020-06-19 14:22:28 | +| 43 | John Mora | [BEAM-9198 BeamSQL aggregation analytics functionality - Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tJapdA7ZNwkU0NaK7p-em0XnpHqNE1pKIXw9hVJkIUg) | 2020-06-23 00:24:51 | +| 44 | Siyuan Chen | [GroupIntoBatches with Runner Determined Sharding](https://s.apache.org/sharded-group-into-batches) | 2020-06-26 15:21:54 | +| 45 | Ning Kang | [Apache Beam JupyterLab Side Panel](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aKK8TzSrl8WiG0K4v9xZEfLMCinuGqRlMOyb7xOhgy4) | 2020-07-09 19:35:58 | +| 46 | Etta Rapp | [Azure Filesystem for Beam Java SDK](http://s.apache.org/beam-azfs-java) | 2020-07-16 15:29:17 | +| 47 | Abhishek Yadav | [Contextual TextIO](https://s.apache.org/beam-contextual-io) | 2020-07-18 01:48:54 | +| 48 | Scott Lukas | [Abstractions for Schema-Aware IOs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ic3P8EVGHIydHQ-VMDKbN9kEdwm7sBXMo80VrhwksvI) | 2020-07-20 15:31:46 | +| 49 | Jiadai Xia | [[BEAM-4379] Making ParquetIO Splittable](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xqN7qsV3vsrqd6i18isAA1HTWmTMXK-u4sle-brXxuw) | 2020-07-30 19:21:31 | +| 50 | Gris Cuevas | [[Public] State of Apache Beam (Roadmap)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qvjnpSj_5MXBmhPI70BJYdrUPVXZR9nAFGf6zqNigek) | 2020-08-17 17:54:13 | +| 51 | Reuven Lax | [Beam Proposal: Pipeline Drain](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NExwHlj-2q2WUGhSO4jTu8XGhDPmm3cllSN8IMmWci8) | 2020-08-21 03:32:14 | +| 52 | Gris Cuevas | [[Public PRD] Beam Website 2.0](https://s.apache.org/beam-site-revamp) | 2020-09-09 14:14:18 | +| 53 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2020](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z2pKu6NYdpYAka9IfTkEiAMOVubH1jjkkRQMaVJbs5Y) | 2020-09-09 14:30:47 | +| 54 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn Api Overview](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api) | 2020-09-25 17:42:26 | +| 55 | Boyuan Zhang | [Self-checkpoint Support on Portable Flink](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1372B7HYxtcUYjZOnOM7OBTfSJ4CyFg_gaPD_NUxWClo) | 2020-10-05 14:11:47 | +| 56 | Luke Cwik | [SplittableDoFn 2020 Blog](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kpn0RxqZaoacUPVSMYhhnfmlo8fGT-p50fEblaFr2HE) | 2020-10-06 16:37:00 | +| 57 | Brittany Hermann | [10-30-20 Beam Community Update](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_t6xKoOQVwgn2edmRVh1ViudmbnNM3BwZyguKAwwjfA) | 2020-10-26 14:06:12 | +| 58 | Sam Rohde | [ToString Transform Design](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v7iWj0LIum04mYwRM_Cvze915tATwmEzLrqj_uVBkCE) | 2020-10-27 15:04:18 | +| 59 | Kyle Weaver | [User Defined Metrics API](http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2020-11-19 15:58:26 | +| 60 | Chad Dombrova | [Beam Task Workers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GrAvDWwnR1QAmFX7lnNA7I_mQBC2G1V2jE2CZOc6rlw) | 2020-12-02 13:30:44 | +| 61 | Griselda Cuevas | [[Public PRD] Beam Website 2.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rssE8B6fvwLfyODS6KKp049KryhKn8E-HlHkzM8TWkE) | 2020-12-04 19:21:48 | +| 62 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - December 2020](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2020-12) | 2020-12-07 12:38:42 | +| 63 | Brittany Hermann | [Beam Community Update](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sA06m_spqgHwI3yGiQ_Z06LXfYqRcgIO1_N8y_a2O6o) | 2020-12-09 14:56:15 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2021.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2021.md index 6a9b2b13aa4c..001577cc2309 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2021.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2021.md @@ -15,67 +15,55 @@ limitations under the License. # List Of Documents Submitted To dev@beam.apache.org In 2021 | No. | Author | Subject | Date (UTC) | |---|---|---|---| -| 1 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=194829106) | 2021-01-06 02:17:56 | -| 2 | Boyuan Zhang | [KafkaIO Dynamic Read](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FU3GxVRetHPLVizP3Mdv6mP5tpjZ3fd99qNjUI5DT5k/edit?usp=sharing,) | 2021-01-07 23:23:17 | -| 3 | Mirac Vuslat Basaran | [Apache Beam Resource Annotations](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1phExeGD1gdDI9M8LK4ZG57UGa7dswpB8Aj6jxWj4uQk/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-01-13 11:26:02 | +| 1 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw) | 2021-01-06 02:17:56 | +| 2 | Boyuan Zhang | [KafkaIO Dynamic Read](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FU3GxVRetHPLVizP3Mdv6mP5tpjZ3fd99qNjUI5DT5k) | 2021-01-07 23:23:17 | +| 3 | Mirac Vuslat Basaran | [Apache Beam Resource Annotations](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1phExeGD1gdDI9M8LK4ZG57UGa7dswpB8Aj6jxWj4uQk) | 2021-01-13 11:26:02 | | 4 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-2.28.0-burn-down) | 2021-01-25 20:20:28 | -| 5 | Boyuan Zhang | [Portable OrderedListState](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U77sAvE6Iy9XsVruRYHxPdFji7nqS6HPi1XU8fhyrxs/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-02-03 15:33:44 | -| 6 | Griselda Cuevas | [[Public PRD] Beam Website 2.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rssE8B6fvwLfyODS6KKp049KryhKn8E-HlHkzM8TWkE/edit) | 2021-02-06 00:12:51 | -| 7 | Brittany Hermann | [[Proposal] Digital Beam Summit 2021](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nqE2DMfw2qsI57qIZzjF76L0W_NacxQFXIoZtDOApVY/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-02-11 16:39:47 | -| 8 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=283321283) | 2021-02-15 15:01:52 | -| 9 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggering is for Sinks](https://s.apache.org/beam-sink-triggers) | 2021-02-22 14:51:27 | -| 10 | Brittany Hermann | [Beam Community Update](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sA06m_spqgHwI3yGiQ_Z06LXfYqRcgIO1_N8y_a2O6o/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-03-05 15:09:54 | -| 11 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2021](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2021-03) | 2021-03-09 11:50:15 | -| 12 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - June 2021](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2021-06) | 2021-03-11 16:51:17 | -| 13 | Tomo Suzuki | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2021-03-15 10:17:37 | -| 14 | Rui Wang | [State Prefetching and Batching over FnApi](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z3a5YOZyYsN8MeS6hRhCXX31m9bKCXSOtjKSl7wX40c/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-eiNl525kmb3Av2bqgCsZUA) | 2021-03-22 15:27:08 | -| 15 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2021-03-30 20:21:44 | -| 16 | Kenneth Knowles | [Cassandra 4.x upgrade](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qsNksUJ_a6PL623iBZ-3QQDkFae81IKbqVQl1chsOfU/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-04-15 13:28:38 | -| 17 | Brian Hulette | [A Pandas-compatible dataframe API for Beam](https://s.apache.org/beam-dataframes) | 2021-04-15 17:40:44 | -| 18 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1652881637) | 2021-04-16 00:01:48 | -| 19 | Rui Wang | [BEAM-9198 BeamSQL aggregation analytics functionality - Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tJapdA7ZNwkU0NaK7p-em0XnpHqNE1pKIXw9hVJkIUg/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-05-12 14:27:21 | -| 20 | Heejong Lee | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=109662250) | 2021-06-03 04:55:12 | -| 21 | Luke Cwik | [Parallel querying in JdbcIO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wBzVhQEhTK23ALzTSZ_CVouEOXTm3w2-LjmO3ieUvFc/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-06-08 16:21:51 | -| 22 | Robert Burke | [Go SDK Feature, Test, and Doc Audit (2021-06-22 Snapshot) - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DrBFjxPBmMMmPfeFr6jr_JndxGOes8qDqKZ2Uxwvvds/edit?resourcekey=0-tVFwcLrQ2v2jpZkHk6QOpQ#gid=2072310090) | 2021-06-10 20:04:09 | -| 23 | Alexey Romanenko | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-starter-tasks) | 2021-06-14 07:00:11 | -| 24 | Robert Bradshaw | [RFC: Apache Beam Go SDK design](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sdk-design-rfc) | 2021-06-15 14:10:46 | -| 25 | Kiley Sok | [Portable MultimapUserState](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tpvLAsl7cb4WTgIKRtMF-UVg_TW_WNc73uCn9rmDAoQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-06-28 16:38:14 | -| 26 | Andrew Pilloud | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1518714176) | 2021-06-28 20:09:41 | -| 27 | Kyle Weaver | [Projection Pushdown in SchemaIO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M71LrbjfPZwk5C0IpI13Su63UWSBFKYjSrz9SsyBM_Y/edit#) | 2021-07-12 19:19:44 | -| 28 | Miguel_Hern| [Portable Runner Tests Results](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pqd0-vuYHSjLr6yQvfGwiK3NcYypT-WrHfjCbP-Xob4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-07-14 16:27:03 | -| 29 | Brittany Hermann | [2021 Beam Summit Status Report](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JgDUwcfJTZFBG6vZGGFuSkyh116WanzJ8P2liXNGffw/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-eMwZSwurvcpyXh7quhHbyA) | 2021-07-14 19:17:55 | -| 30 | Luke Cwik | [JmsIO auto scaling feature](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LMPpMpn9DByQcyCdRrTMBa-8ltByO4aqNYY4D9h3m18/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-07-19 11:19:15 | -| 31 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2021-07-25 14:31:57 | -| 32 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam Fn Api Overview](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api) | 2021-07-26 07:29:09 | -| 33 | Chamikara Jayalath | [A simpler way to define and use Java cross-language transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ECXSWicE31K-vSxdb4qL6UcmovOAWvE-ZHFT3NTM654/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-07-26 22:09:44 | -| 34 | Kyle Weaver | [Projection Pushdown in Beam Java](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eHSO3aIsAUmiVtfDL-pEFenNBRKt26KkF4dQloMhpBQ/edit#) | 2021-08-03 17:30:46 | -| 35 | Chamikara Jayalath | [A simpler way to define and use Java cross-language transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ECXSWicE31K-vSxdb4qL6UcmovOAWvE-ZHFT3NTM654/edit?disco=AAAANjeR9CU) | 2021-08-17 15:37:59 | -| 36 | Ankur Goenka | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1747256107) | 2021-08-20 00:49:01 | -| 37 | Zachary Houfek | [SBE Beam Extension](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiZR__1EsV9tDFsNUhvbpv2YjeP5cMl1c3Wj7Nb1fWs/edit?usp=drive_web) | 2021-08-26 11:00:11 | -| 38 | Tianyang Hu | [[Go SDK] SqlTransform API](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sql-api) | 2021-08-30 14:06:09 | -| 39 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Apache Beam Fn API: How to send and receive data](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IGduUqmhWDi_69l9nG8kw73HZ5WI5wOps9Tshl5wpQA/edit#heading=h.j8zpiclux4id) | 2021-08-31 03:51:23 | -| 40 | Vachan Shetty | [Supporting BigQuery Storage Read API in the Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wIVh7GnWFnf6x9hj972GLxZoLgFhgZQHHGpALyhJLL4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-09-09 15:54:03 | -| 41 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2021](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2021-09) | 2021-09-10 15:17:42 | -| 42 | Chamikara Jayalath | [URN convention for cross-language transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JOHPBNv6x6ziMdwr_96EPSP-Bx7C4IrLU1j267MSCts/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-09-14 18:30:39 | -| 43 | Kenneth Knowles | [User Defined Metrics API](http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2021-09-17 11:39:31 | -| 44 | Udi Meiri | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1705275493) | 2021-09-21 13:32:40 | -| 45 | Brian Hulette | [pandas downloads by minor version last 30 days - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V-CfygItUmJaJfPbu-kVfPo1e822quYt52ewfOhbEBM/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-TQtWEo9vy7hElMOPa39-ag) | 2021-09-23 13:25:27 | -| 46 | Pablo Estrada | [Defining and documenting key-ordering semantics in Beam runners](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_7WRJznXlOtWuVaHl_dpy8OZcx_M8BUmeWVA4G0-wEc/edit#) | 2021-09-23 19:30:12 | -| 47 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [Issues · apache/beam · GitHub](http://s.apache.org/beam-flakes) | 2021-09-27 22:44:16 | -| 48 | Zachary Houfek | [SBE Schema in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q2KyBxPQ6V6Gfm50Z74YWofATgVauYu066F0t1JPxRU/edit?usp=drive_web) | 2021-09-28 12:56:56 | -| 49 | Jan_Lukavsk | [@RequiresTimeSortedInput design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ObLVUFsf1NcG8ZuIZE4aVy2RYKx2FfyMhkZYWPnI9-c/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-09-29 04:35:49 | -| 50 | Heejong Lee | [Artifact Registration for Java Expansion Service](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wi8IMHFT54T274ybkbek79s_RGKa2X2zY-LVOR_RMNM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-10-06 18:40:19 | -| 51 | Ryan Thompson | [Upgrading Pickle Library](https://s.apache.org/beam-picklers) | 2021-10-12 17:58:56 | -| 52 | Ning Kang | [Apache Beam JupyterLab Side Panel](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aKK8TzSrl8WiG0K4v9xZEfLMCinuGqRlMOyb7xOhgy4/edit#heading=h.he7se5yxfo7) | 2021-10-14 14:38:45 | -| 53 | Daniel Oliveira | [[Cross-Language] Java BigQuery IO Externalization](https://s.apache.org/beam-bigquery-externalization) | 2021-10-18 19:25:22 | -| 54 | Pablo Estrada | [Improvements to JdbcIO’s readWithPartitions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lre4n31eYAZdlz9ZDkomucOxRgyAehcg_ZT3HErQ5p0/edit#) | 2021-11-01 13:39:57 | -| 55 | Brian Hulette | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztEoyGkqq9ie5riQxRtMuBu3vb6BUO91mSMn1PU0pDA/edit#heading=h.kzrr7s34eja2) | 2021-11-01 18:30:30 | -| 56 | Kyle Weaver | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=) | 2021-11-02 21:00:27 | -| 57 | Yichi Zhang | [[Proposal] Optional elements embedding in Fn API process bundle request and response](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14p8Y_n4IY5n9L_I9l5x9lVGgml4ZzdCw645HldndCrw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-11-03 14:00:10 | -| 58 | Jack McCluskey | [Beam Go MultiMap Side Input Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyWdszvtJihqEfyu0yhDbYaLnbqDUwaixcbV5sjbWwE/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-11-08 16:58:59 | -| 59 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [Automated generation of requirement files for Python Docker images](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-image-requirements) | 2021-11-09 16:18:24 | -| 60 | Lara Schmidt | [Schema-Aware Transforms](https://s.apache.org/beam-schema-transform) | 2021-11-09 17:01:11 | -| 61 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [Python Tips - Apache Beam - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-dev-wiki) | 2021-11-16 15:01:34 | -| 62 | Brian Hulette | [Batched DoFns](https://s.apache.org/batched-dofns) | 2021-12-15 12:59:22 | -| 63 | Chad Dombrova | [Beam Task Workers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GrAvDWwnR1QAmFX7lnNA7I_mQBC2G1V2jE2CZOc6rlw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-12-17 11:57:03 | -| 64 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Kafka Streams Runner](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mNqERvvV8oGI_O4tGewH2Kgkq6PQGv3ylmxnaTRBqH8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2021-12-27 08:28:31 | \ No newline at end of file +| 5 | Boyuan Zhang | [Portable OrderedListState](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U77sAvE6Iy9XsVruRYHxPdFji7nqS6HPi1XU8fhyrxs) | 2021-02-03 15:33:44 | +| 6 | Griselda Cuevas | [[Public PRD] Beam Website 2.0](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rssE8B6fvwLfyODS6KKp049KryhKn8E-HlHkzM8TWkE) | 2021-02-06 00:12:51 | +| 7 | Brittany Hermann | [[Proposal] Digital Beam Summit 2021](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nqE2DMfw2qsI57qIZzjF76L0W_NacxQFXIoZtDOApVY) | 2021-02-11 16:39:47 | +| 8 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggering is for Sinks](https://s.apache.org/beam-sink-triggers) | 2021-02-22 14:51:27 | +| 9 | Brittany Hermann | [Beam Community Update](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sA06m_spqgHwI3yGiQ_Z06LXfYqRcgIO1_N8y_a2O6o) | 2021-03-05 15:09:54 | +| 10 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2021](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2021-03) | 2021-03-09 11:50:15 | +| 11 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - June 2021](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2021-06) | 2021-03-11 16:51:17 | +| 12 | Tomo Suzuki | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2021-03-15 10:17:37 | +| 13 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2021-03-30 20:21:44 | +| 14 | Kenneth Knowles | [Cassandra 4.x upgrade](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qsNksUJ_a6PL623iBZ-3QQDkFae81IKbqVQl1chsOfU) | 2021-04-15 13:28:38 | +| 15 | Brian Hulette | [A Pandas-compatible dataframe API for Beam](https://s.apache.org/beam-dataframes) | 2021-04-15 17:40:44 | +| 16 | Rui Wang | [BEAM-9198 BeamSQL aggregation analytics functionality - Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tJapdA7ZNwkU0NaK7p-em0XnpHqNE1pKIXw9hVJkIUg) | 2021-05-12 14:27:21 | +| 17 | Luke Cwik | [Parallel querying in JdbcIO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wBzVhQEhTK23ALzTSZ_CVouEOXTm3w2-LjmO3ieUvFc) | 2021-06-08 16:21:51 | +| 18 | Alexey Romanenko | [Issue Navigator - ASF JIRA](https://s.apache.org/beam-starter-tasks) | 2021-06-14 07:00:11 | +| 19 | Robert Bradshaw | [RFC: Apache Beam Go SDK design](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sdk-design-rfc) | 2021-06-15 14:10:46 | +| 20 | Kiley Sok | [Portable MultimapUserState](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tpvLAsl7cb4WTgIKRtMF-UVg_TW_WNc73uCn9rmDAoQ) | 2021-06-28 16:38:14 | +| 21 | Kyle Weaver | [Projection Pushdown in SchemaIO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M71LrbjfPZwk5C0IpI13Su63UWSBFKYjSrz9SsyBM_Y) | 2021-07-12 19:19:44 | +| 22 | N/A | [Portable Runner Tests Results](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pqd0-vuYHSjLr6yQvfGwiK3NcYypT-WrHfjCbP-Xob4) | 2021-07-14 16:27:03 | +| 23 | Luke Cwik | [JmsIO auto scaling feature](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LMPpMpn9DByQcyCdRrTMBa-8ltByO4aqNYY4D9h3m18) | 2021-07-19 11:19:15 | +| 24 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Splittable DoFn proposal](https://s.apache.org/splittable-do-fn) | 2021-07-25 14:31:57 | +| 25 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam Fn Api Overview](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-api) | 2021-07-26 07:29:09 | +| 26 | Chamikara Jayalath | [A simpler way to define and use Java cross-language transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ECXSWicE31K-vSxdb4qL6UcmovOAWvE-ZHFT3NTM654) | 2021-07-26 22:09:44 | +| 27 | Kyle Weaver | [Projection Pushdown in Beam Java](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eHSO3aIsAUmiVtfDL-pEFenNBRKt26KkF4dQloMhpBQ) | 2021-08-03 17:30:46 | +| 28 | Zachary Houfek | [SBE Beam Extension](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiZR__1EsV9tDFsNUhvbpv2YjeP5cMl1c3Wj7Nb1fWs) | 2021-08-26 11:00:11 | +| 29 | Tianyang Hu | [[Go SDK] SqlTransform API](https://s.apache.org/beam-go-sql-api) | 2021-08-30 14:06:09 | +| 30 | Lukasz Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: How to send and receive data](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IGduUqmhWDi_69l9nG8kw73HZ5WI5wOps9Tshl5wpQA) | 2021-08-31 03:51:23 | +| 31 | Vachan Shetty | [Supporting BigQuery Storage Read API in the Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wIVh7GnWFnf6x9hj972GLxZoLgFhgZQHHGpALyhJLL4) | 2021-09-09 15:54:03 | +| 32 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2021](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2021-09) | 2021-09-10 15:17:42 | +| 33 | Chamikara Jayalath | [URN convention for cross-language transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JOHPBNv6x6ziMdwr_96EPSP-Bx7C4IrLU1j267MSCts) | 2021-09-14 18:30:39 | +| 34 | Kenneth Knowles | [User Defined Metrics API](http://s.apache.org/beam-metrics-api) | 2021-09-17 11:39:31 | +| 35 | Pablo Estrada | [Defining and documenting key-ordering semantics in Beam runners](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_7WRJznXlOtWuVaHl_dpy8OZcx_M8BUmeWVA4G0-wEc) | 2021-09-23 19:30:12 | +| 36 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [Issues · apache/beam · GitHub](http://s.apache.org/beam-flakes) | 2021-09-27 22:44:16 | +| 37 | Zachary Houfek | [SBE Schema in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q2KyBxPQ6V6Gfm50Z74YWofATgVauYu066F0t1JPxRU) | 2021-09-28 12:56:56 | +| 38 | Jan Lukavsky | [@RequiresTimeSortedInput design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ObLVUFsf1NcG8ZuIZE4aVy2RYKx2FfyMhkZYWPnI9-c) | 2021-09-29 04:35:49 | +| 39 | Heejong Lee | [Artifact Registration for Java Expansion Service](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wi8IMHFT54T274ybkbek79s_RGKa2X2zY-LVOR_RMNM) | 2021-10-06 18:40:19 | +| 40 | Ryan Thompson | [Upgrading Pickle Library](https://s.apache.org/beam-picklers) | 2021-10-12 17:58:56 | +| 41 | Ning Kang | [Apache Beam JupyterLab Side Panel](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aKK8TzSrl8WiG0K4v9xZEfLMCinuGqRlMOyb7xOhgy4) | 2021-10-14 14:38:45 | +| 42 | Daniel Oliveira | [[Cross-Language] Java BigQuery IO Externalization](https://s.apache.org/beam-bigquery-externalization) | 2021-10-18 19:25:22 | +| 43 | Pablo Estrada | [Improvements to JdbcIO’s readWithPartitions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lre4n31eYAZdlz9ZDkomucOxRgyAehcg_ZT3HErQ5p0) | 2021-11-01 13:39:57 | +| 44 | Brian Hulette | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztEoyGkqq9ie5riQxRtMuBu3vb6BUO91mSMn1PU0pDA) | 2021-11-01 18:30:30 | +| 45 | Yichi Zhang | [[Proposal] Optional elements embedding in Fn API process bundle request and response](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14p8Y_n4IY5n9L_I9l5x9lVGgml4ZzdCw645HldndCrw) | 2021-11-03 14:00:10 | +| 46 | Jack McCluskey | [Beam Go MultiMap Side Input Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyWdszvtJihqEfyu0yhDbYaLnbqDUwaixcbV5sjbWwE) | 2021-11-08 16:58:59 | +| 47 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [Automated generation of requirement files for Python Docker images](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-image-requirements) | 2021-11-09 16:18:24 | +| 48 | Lara Schmidt | [Schema-Aware Transforms](https://s.apache.org/beam-schema-transform) | 2021-11-09 17:01:11 | +| 49 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [Python Tips - Apache Beam - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-dev-wiki) | 2021-11-16 15:01:34 | +| 50 | Brian Hulette | [Batched DoFns](https://s.apache.org/batched-dofns) | 2021-12-15 12:59:22 | +| 51 | Chad Dombrova | [Beam Task Workers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GrAvDWwnR1QAmFX7lnNA7I_mQBC2G1V2jE2CZOc6rlw) | 2021-12-17 11:57:03 | +| 52 | Stuart Perks | [Kafka Streams Runner](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mNqERvvV8oGI_O4tGewH2Kgkq6PQGv3ylmxnaTRBqH8) | 2021-12-27 08:28:31 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2022.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2022.md index be9c5cd826b5..87f7947df01a 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2022.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2022.md @@ -15,93 +15,75 @@ limitations under the License. # List Of Documents Submitted To dev@beam.apache.org In 2022 | No. | Author | Subject | Date (UTC) | |---|---|---|---| -| 1 | Emily Ye | [Gradle 7 migration (provided -> compileOnly) - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UpeQtx1PoAgeSmpKxZC9lv3B9G1c7cryW3iICfRtG1o/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-01-11 21:38:34 | -| 2 | Brian Hulette | [Beam SQL Filter/Project push-down](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ysD7U7qF3MAmSfkbXZO_5PLJBevAL9bktlLCerd_jE/edit) | 2022-01-13 21:01:36 | -| 3 | Robert Bradshaw | [Schema-Aware PCollections](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tnG2DPHZYbsomvihIpXruUmQ12pHGK0QIvXS1FOTgRc/edit#heading=h.puuotbien1gf) | 2022-01-14 14:35:56 | -| 4 | Luke Cwik | [Portable Artifact Staging](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12zNk3O2nhTB8Zmxw5U78qXrvlk5r42X8tqF248IDlpI/edit) | 2022-01-17 13:52:33 | +| 1 | Emily Ye | [Gradle 7 migration (provided -> compileOnly) - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UpeQtx1PoAgeSmpKxZC9lv3B9G1c7cryW3iICfRtG1o) | 2022-01-11 21:38:34 | +| 2 | Brian Hulette | [Beam SQL Filter/Project push-down](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ysD7U7qF3MAmSfkbXZO_5PLJBevAL9bktlLCerd_jE) | 2022-01-13 21:01:36 | +| 3 | Robert Bradshaw | [Schema-Aware PCollections](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tnG2DPHZYbsomvihIpXruUmQ12pHGK0QIvXS1FOTgRc) | 2022-01-14 14:35:56 | +| 4 | Luke Cwik | [Portable Artifact Staging](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12zNk3O2nhTB8Zmxw5U78qXrvlk5r42X8tqF248IDlpI) | 2022-01-17 13:52:33 | | 5 | Emily Ye | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2022-01-18 12:08:42 | -| 6 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache CDAP Connector Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T-bhd0Qk7DBePIfgHEPagYiA1oLP4z5kYEd0S1SOGxQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-01-18 16:49:00 | -| 7 | Anand Inguva | [BEAM-4032](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1htXDZwg7WcCB-ZyNuy91qWuccaQ6cjX4lY4l4Cqb8P0/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-01-18 20:33:41 | -| 8 | Brian Hulette | [Beam Task Workers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GrAvDWwnR1QAmFX7lnNA7I_mQBC2G1V2jE2CZOc6rlw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-01-19 14:10:54 | -| 9 | Pranav Bhandari | [FileIO behavior when destination file exists](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10o3iHzecWLcg3PCURa8ARvcKjL_kxO5M7daFCBXhEdo/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-01-21 13:22:03 | +| 6 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache CDAP Connector Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T-bhd0Qk7DBePIfgHEPagYiA1oLP4z5kYEd0S1SOGxQ) | 2022-01-18 16:49:00 | +| 7 | Anand Inguva | [BEAM-4032](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1htXDZwg7WcCB-ZyNuy91qWuccaQ6cjX4lY4l4Cqb8P0) | 2022-01-18 20:33:41 | +| 8 | Brian Hulette | [Beam Task Workers](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GrAvDWwnR1QAmFX7lnNA7I_mQBC2G1V2jE2CZOc6rlw) | 2022-01-19 14:10:54 | +| 9 | Pranav Bhandari | [FileIO behavior when destination file exists](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10o3iHzecWLcg3PCURa8ARvcKjL_kxO5M7daFCBXhEdo) | 2022-01-21 13:22:03 | | 10 | Pablo Estrada | [[Beam I/O Standards] API Syntax and Semantics](https://s.apache.org/beam-io-api-standard) | 2022-01-24 11:00:00 | -| 11 | Emily Ye | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit) | 2022-01-26 21:07:14 | -| 12 | Danny McCormick | [Unify PipelineOptions Behavior in the Go Sdk](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AyO5SDEd_DzyOyrz_TkyDLUv19eLsKI97vKM8I7fQ9o/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-02-03 09:59:49 | -| 13 | Jack McCluskey | [Beam Go Native Iterable Side Inputs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V7GKjQz_156ZPE0gN86dhbpagsEj6uYf1wEErGxsDOQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-02-03 15:41:23 | +| 11 | Emily Ye | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw) | 2022-01-26 21:07:14 | +| 12 | Danny McCormick | [Unify PipelineOptions Behavior in the Go Sdk](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AyO5SDEd_DzyOyrz_TkyDLUv19eLsKI97vKM8I7fQ9o) | 2022-02-03 09:59:49 | +| 13 | Jack McCluskey | [Beam Go Native Iterable Side Inputs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V7GKjQz_156ZPE0gN86dhbpagsEj6uYf1wEErGxsDOQ) | 2022-02-03 15:41:23 | | 14 | Robert Bradshaw | [Simplifying Beam Pipelines](https://s.apache.org/no-beam-pipeline) | 2022-02-04 12:00:01 | -| 15 | Ritesh Ghorse | [Go SDK Debug Capture / Worker Status](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dMTD5_sKdzLcnoe0ZsQU5Wf9q11uliyYgFnnOZQDzuI/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-02-04 12:32:54 | -| 16 | Pablo Estrada | [A generic Beam IO Sink](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UIWv6wnD86GYAkeqbVWCG3mx4dTZ9WstUUThPWQmcFM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-02-04 15:11:07 | -| 17 | John Casey | [Automatically Generate Boilerplate for Cross-Language Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SAe9tG3JeKbyWVlJf-oGROHsu_fHk02X_I1j6kfvClM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-02-07 15:43:00 | -| 18 | Anand Inguva | [Inconsistent behavior when parsing boolean flags across different APIs in Python SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13n8IkonXvugBnDWocuaY-obQs4_oR70oZ4WVxewPuWI/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-tILu89gr-zXa_JcwHxiPYQ) | 2022-02-08 14:46:12 | -| 19 | Danny McCormick | [Automate Reviewer Assignment](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FhRPRD6VXkYlLAPhNfZB7y2Yese2FCWBzjx67d3TjBo/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-02-09 17:15:59 | -| 20 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2022-02-11 13:52:21 | -| 21 | Andy Ye | [RunInference: ML Inference in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bVMU7Uo9Nzuu6aXR702j74nhQK4j6J1lkRVVBRySI0g/edit#) | 2022-02-11 18:31:31 | -| 22 | Heejong Lee | [Python External Transform Registry](https://s.apache.org/python-external-transform-registry) | 2022-02-11 18:43:57 | -| 23 | Kerry Donny-Clark | [Automatically Generate Boilerplate for Cross-Language Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SAe9tG3JeKbyWVlJf-oGROHsu_fHk02X_I1j6kfvClM/edit#heading=h.cfh6hf1hyp3a) | 2022-02-14 09:43:49 | -| 24 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Migrate Jira to GitHub Issues?](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_n7gboVbSKPs-CVcHzADgg8qpNL9igiHqUPCmiOslf0/edit#bookmark=id.izn35w5gsjft) | 2022-02-15 07:54:36 | -| 25 | Brian Hulette | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1090588300) | 2022-02-17 17:55:46 | -| 26 | Daniel Oliveira | [[Investigation] Go Expansion Service Auto-Startup for Dev Environments](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Yj3oZYAkw7Xc5xDQ88bdTt3BE94vY6833cAtrjbnRg/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-02-18 17:29:00 | -| 27 | Danny McCormick | [Bundle Finalization in the Go Sdk](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dLylt36oFhsWfyBaqPayYXqYHCICNrSZ6jmr51eqZ4k/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-02-24 10:42:08 | -| 28 | Lara Schmidt | [Schema-Aware Transforms](https://s.apache.org/beam-schema-transform) | 2022-03-01 17:10:27 | -| 29 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2022](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2022-03) | 2022-03-07 08:36:28 | -| 30 | Danny McCormick | [Why Go Generics Can't Completely Replace the Code Generator (Yet!)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1imYbBeu2FNJkwPNm6E9GEJkjpHnHscvFoKAE6AISvFA/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-03-10 12:44:07 | -| 31 | Jack McCluskey | [Self-Checkpointing DoFns in the Beam Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_JbzjY9JR07ZK5v7PcZevUfzHPsqwzfV7W6AouNpMPk/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-03-16 13:47:12 | -| 32 | Danny McCormick | [Why Go Generics Can't Completely Replace the Code Generator (Yet!)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1imYbBeu2FNJkwPNm6E9GEJkjpHnHscvFoKAE6AISvFA/edit#heading=h.e24tsm6ev6f0) | 2022-03-17 08:36:21 | -| 33 | Jack McCluskey | [Fuzz Testing the Beam Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VHe5xFHjsmgOj2upH2k4zT90S5SCPtGYSJNcvPj5fig/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-03-17 16:06:51 | -| 34 | Liam Miller-Cushon | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](http://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2022-03-25 14:03:22 | -| 35 | Danny McCormick | [Watermark Estimation in the Go Sdk](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DqCYJ-J1YGNelCRIcN5v6BQsZxJB2l5uWBmN4ti--Ew/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-03-30 13:22:43 | -| 36 | Reza Rokni | [[Beam I/O Standards] Documentation](https://s.apache.org/beam-io-api-standard-documentation) | 2022-03-31 18:47:24 | -| 37 | John Casey | [Updating watchForNewFiles to allow reading already read files with a new timestamp](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xnacyLGNh6rbPGgTAh5D1gZVR8rHUBsMMRV3YkvlL08/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-be0uF-DdmwAz6Vg4Li9FNw) | 2022-04-04 15:54:51 | -| 38 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Updated ExternalPythonTransform API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/164rn4otqtQA-8QoLlaoGunUDjLSBBvS2DuR0bn344MQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-04-04 16:20:06 | -| 39 | Andy Ye | [RunInference: ML Inference in Beam](https://s.apache.org/inference-sklearn-pytorch) | 2022-04-07 14:59:47 | -| 40 | Robert Burke | [Design Documents - Apache Beam - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/beam-design-docs) | 2022-04-08 14:00:03 | -| 41 | Brian Hulette | [Should batch-producing DoFns return Iterables?](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xt7T0e_TEJrCCx9DnUBY60zrysRHDw6mPBAcc-e9UHo/edit#) | 2022-04-13 17:47:32 | -| 42 | Ritesh Ghorse | [Truncate SDF in Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C4hoE28Ye0fO6lbpZSb84BbJLNI2N4cYCH1FOhAyFEk/edit#) | 2022-04-15 12:46:43 | -| 43 | Daniel Oliveira | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=388936882) | 2022-04-15 13:19:48 | -| 44 | Andy Ye | [Order-sensitive DataFrame Operations in Beam](https://s.apache.org/order-sensitive-dataframe-operations) | 2022-04-21 14:31:46 | -| 45 | Andy Ye | [Interactive DataFrame Operations in Beam](https://s.apache.org/interactive-dataframe-operations) | 2022-04-21 18:44:34 | -| 46 | John Casey | [Upgrading GCS Bucket Storage to support writing to locked buckets](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z4TfvEp0AEtZY2xsAt_Tu1W4ziyhbp8rsdaXNHEfVkY/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-04-22 14:14:33 | -| 47 | Yi Hu | [Make GCS read and write buffers customizable](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GCE8xQ73eGr_LZ6fUwIScpx9mL8PLFA8azr3r-UrJ8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-04-28 11:51:14 | -| 48 | John Casey | [Re-Implementing KafkaIO.withDynamicRead with Watch transform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Io49s5LBs29HJyppKG3AlR-gHz5m5PC6CqO0CCoSqLs/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-04-29 13:08:14 | -| 49 | Jarek Potiuk | [Data Engineering Track - ApacheCon : by Jarek Potiuk : Medium](https://s.apache.org/apacheconna-2022-dataeng-track) | 2022-05-10 15:20:37 | -| 50 | Yichi Zhang | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=584711835) | 2022-05-17 01:57:57 | -| 51 | Yi Hu | [Proposal: Slowly Changing Dimensions Support in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LDY_CtsOJ8Y_zNv1QtkP6AGFrtzkj1q5EW_gSChOIvg/edit#heading=h.iluf68hiykcs) | 2022-05-18 15:32:24 | -| 52 | Danny McCormick | [Analysis of Broken Jenkins Issue](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10qyUsvB_uVy5jftfTiwohlvN8Qwix5AuadssyoC4JsE/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-06-12 20:25:15 | -| 53 | Andrew Pilloud | [[Public] Beam Java DoFn Performance](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12XkHLcE0HpOS0fs0FekDzh68fMPCEZ5uGCh00kPZf0I/edit) | 2022-06-13 15:22:44 | -| 54 | Mara Ruvalcaba | [Doctor pipeline topics - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wz-RU092-qLNRcMjYUoLM9ZO2hClWQi9dfRB3ZoLw3c/edit#gid=0) | 2022-06-15 22:12:20 | -| 55 | Brian Hulette | [Batched DoFns](https://s.apache.org/batched-dofns) | 2022-06-17 17:19:26 | -| 56 | Pablo Estrada | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1844197258) | 2022-06-20 19:09:46 | -| 57 | Alex Merose | [Apache Beam on Dask](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Awj_eNmH-WRSte3bKcCcUlQDiZ5mMKmCO_xV-mHWAak/edit#heading=h.y0pwg4polebc) | 2022-06-21 13:45:31 | -| 58 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Adding support for Locked Buckets](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11kXzI90KmAyknszSFmtfPcL_GWaVzpt8MojQfifZOoM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-06-28 11:26:33 | -| 59 | Danny McCormick | [Analysis of Beam's ghprb issues](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15CILeNjNxCnbigSvxNq4eXPj6x6sn5DGdbTdWu55kCI/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-06-30 11:39:52 | -| 60 | Yi Hu | [Merge Workflow Recommendations](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10FlXOo_hL2QYTPhwS8uHSyJbQCzwC3K3C12tFccANA8/edit#) | 2022-07-07 12:08:11 | -| 61 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - July 2022](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2022-07) | 2022-07-08 16:02:32 | -| 62 | Moritz Mack | [Beam JMH performance metrics](https://s.apache.org/nvi9g) | 2022-07-12 10:54:01 | -| 63 | Ritesh Ghorse | [State and Timers in the Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rcKa1Z6orDDFr1l8t6NA1eLl6zanQbYAEiAqk39NQUU/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-07-28 12:02:24 | -| 64 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Easy Multi-language via a SchemaTransform-aware Expansion Service](https://s.apache.org/easy-multi-language) | 2022-08-04 21:51:21 | -| 65 | Kiley Sok | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=331459080) | 2022-08-12 00:56:20 | -| 66 | Andy Ye | [Controlling Batching in RunInference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l40rOTOEqrQAkto3r_AYq8S_L06dDgoZu-4RLKAE6bo/edit#) | 2022-08-12 15:36:18 | -| 67 | Anand Inguva | [RunInference API Testing[public]](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmh9D_904H-6X19Mi0-tDACwCCMvP4_MFA9QT0TOym8/edit#) | 2022-08-16 09:35:50 | -| 68 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [External: Apache Beam PM: failed installations due to dependency resolution.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gxQF8mciRYgACNpCy1wlR7TBa8zN-Tl6PebW-U8QvBk/edit?resourcekey=0-XcHRyFh4KRPkA0GsdUmU3g#) | 2022-08-23 20:44:43 | -| 69 | Adalbert Makarovych | [SingleStoreDB Apache Beam IO Connector Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WU-hkoZ93SaGXyOz_UtX0jXzIRl194hCId_IdmEV9jw/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-08-25 10:17:34 | -| 70 | Danny McCormick | [[Investigation] Go Expansion Service Auto-Startup for Dev Environments](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Yj3oZYAkw7Xc5xDQ88bdTt3BE94vY6833cAtrjbnRg/edit#heading=h.uq5laeaf069p) | 2022-08-29 09:43:35 | -| 71 | Anand Inguva | [RunInference namespace.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qf5APv1kw5nbVZIMgqEp1N4XYcb0cJP0KZc9PrUYCO4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-09-12 13:31:28 | -| 72 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2022](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2022-09) | 2022-09-13 19:22:01 | -| 73 | Jack McCluskey | [Custom Inference Fn One Pager](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YYGsF20kminz7j9ifFdCD5WQwVl8aTeCo0cgPjbdFNU/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-09-16 14:45:32 | -| 74 | Pranav Bhandari | [Performance and Cost Benchmarking.docx](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14GatBilwuR4jJGb-ZNpYeuB-KkVmDvEm/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102139643796739130048&rtpof=true&sd=true) | 2022-09-26 12:07:22 | -| 75 | Alexey Romanenko | [Performance and Cost Benchmarking.docx](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14GatBilwuR4jJGb-ZNpYeuB-KkVmDvEm/edit?=) | 2022-09-27 12:05:20 | -| 76 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=265602293) | 2022-09-28 15:24:09 | -| 77 | Anand Inguva | [Adding Additional/Optional Parameters to the run_inference method](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vJgGArgNTCkKo9BDxhf5jJtzr6yLTo1CRMw5B9ljT9o/edit?resourcekey=0-5TTi0_4oFPl0DM_g_04JBA#) | 2022-09-29 10:39:22 | -| 78 | Ning Kang | [Apache Beam JupyterLab Side Panel](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aKK8TzSrl8WiG0K4v9xZEfLMCinuGqRlMOyb7xOhgy4/edit#heading=h.he7se5yxfo7) | 2022-10-04 18:09:58 | -| 79 | Kenneth Knowles | [Jenkins --> GitHub Actions?](https://s.apache.org/beam-jenkins-to-gha) | 2022-10-19 11:31:54 | -| 80 | Buqian Zheng| [Beam MultimapState](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zm16QCxWEWNy4qW1KKoA3DmQBOLrTSPimXiqQkTxokc/edit#) | 2022-10-27 17:55:37 | -| 81 | Anand Inguva | [Regression Alerts for Python Performance tests](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jhcmP405s5IRSB2T5ZlCAuBy8duhQjO0kgRLF0SfSl8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-11-02 12:32:27 | -| 82 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Making existing Java transforms discoverable to other SDKs as SchemaTransforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qW9O3VxdGxUM887TdwhD1iH9AdNbpu0_wXbCGvFP0OM/edit?usp=drive_web) | 2022-11-03 14:25:06 | -| 83 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1310009119) | 2022-11-08 19:38:18 | -| 84 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Schema-Aware Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B-pxOjIA8Znl99nDRFEQMfr7VG91MZGfki2BPanjjZA/edit) | 2022-11-15 17:28:27 | -| 85 | Anand Inguva | [Model updates using SideInput](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12j4bDwsIBhMN_8DNT2KGXPol7YS_G-DZFy6fjRsUGOQ/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-11-21 16:25:35 | -| 86 | Danny McCormick | [Model updates using SideInput](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12j4bDwsIBhMN_8DNT2KGXPol7YS_G-DZFy6fjRsUGOQ/edit#bookmark=id.wdsu0jkyygmh) | 2022-11-21 17:21:18 | -| 87 | Danny McCormick | [What labels do we care about?](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FpaFr_Sdg217ogd5oMDRX4uLIMSatKLF_if9CzLg9tM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-12-06 12:11:21 | -| 88 | Damon Douglas | [FileWriteSchemaTransformProvider](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IOZrQ4qQrUS2WwQhadN35vX4AzhG4dyXMk1J-R1qJ9c/edit?usp=sharing) | 2022-12-09 18:54:25 | -| 89 | Herman Mak | [[PUBLIC] Beam I/O Standards](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BCTpSZDUjK90hYZjcn8aAnPd9vuRfj8YU1j3mpSgRwI/edit?usp=drive_web) | 2022-12-11 09:16:41 | -| 90 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - December 2022](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2022-12) | 2022-12-14 15:40:26 | \ No newline at end of file +| 15 | Ritesh Ghorse | [Go SDK Debug Capture / Worker Status](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dMTD5_sKdzLcnoe0ZsQU5Wf9q11uliyYgFnnOZQDzuI) | 2022-02-04 12:32:54 | +| 16 | Pablo Estrada | [A generic Beam IO Sink](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UIWv6wnD86GYAkeqbVWCG3mx4dTZ9WstUUThPWQmcFM) | 2022-02-04 15:11:07 | +| 17 | John Casey | [Automatically Generate Boilerplate for Cross-Language Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SAe9tG3JeKbyWVlJf-oGROHsu_fHk02X_I1j6kfvClM) | 2022-02-07 15:43:00 | +| 18 | Danny McCormick | [Automate Reviewer Assignment](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FhRPRD6VXkYlLAPhNfZB7y2Yese2FCWBzjx67d3TjBo) | 2022-02-09 17:15:59 | +| 19 | Luke Cwik | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2022-02-11 13:52:21 | +| 20 | Andy Ye | [RunInference: ML Inference in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bVMU7Uo9Nzuu6aXR702j74nhQK4j6J1lkRVVBRySI0g) | 2022-02-11 18:31:31 | +| 21 | Heejong Lee | [Python External Transform Registry](https://s.apache.org/python-external-transform-registry) | 2022-02-11 18:43:57 | +| 22 | N/A | [Migrate Jira to GitHub Issues?](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_n7gboVbSKPs-CVcHzADgg8qpNL9igiHqUPCmiOslf0) | 2022-02-15 07:54:36 | +| 23 | Daniel Oliveira | [[Investigation] Go Expansion Service Auto-Startup for Dev Environments](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Yj3oZYAkw7Xc5xDQ88bdTt3BE94vY6833cAtrjbnRg) | 2022-02-18 17:29:00 | +| 24 | Danny McCormick | [Bundle Finalization in the Go Sdk](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dLylt36oFhsWfyBaqPayYXqYHCICNrSZ6jmr51eqZ4k) | 2022-02-24 10:42:08 | +| 25 | Lara Schmidt | [Schema-Aware Transforms](https://s.apache.org/beam-schema-transform) | 2022-03-01 17:10:27 | +| 26 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2022](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2022-03) | 2022-03-07 08:36:28 | +| 27 | Danny McCormick | [Why Go Generics Can't Completely Replace the Code Generator (Yet!)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1imYbBeu2FNJkwPNm6E9GEJkjpHnHscvFoKAE6AISvFA) | 2022-03-10 12:44:07 | +| 28 | Jack McCluskey | [Self-Checkpointing DoFns in the Beam Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_JbzjY9JR07ZK5v7PcZevUfzHPsqwzfV7W6AouNpMPk) | 2022-03-16 13:47:12 | +| 29 | Jack McCluskey | [Fuzz Testing the Beam Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VHe5xFHjsmgOj2upH2k4zT90S5SCPtGYSJNcvPj5fig) | 2022-03-17 16:06:51 | +| 30 | Liam Miller-Cushon | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](http://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2022-03-25 14:03:22 | +| 31 | Danny McCormick | [Watermark Estimation in the Go Sdk](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DqCYJ-J1YGNelCRIcN5v6BQsZxJB2l5uWBmN4ti--Ew) | 2022-03-30 13:22:43 | +| 32 | Reza Rokni | [[Beam I/O Standards] Documentation](https://s.apache.org/beam-io-api-standard-documentation) | 2022-03-31 18:47:24 | +| 33 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Updated ExternalPythonTransform API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/164rn4otqtQA-8QoLlaoGunUDjLSBBvS2DuR0bn344MQ) | 2022-04-04 16:20:06 | +| 34 | Andy Ye | [RunInference: ML Inference in Beam](https://s.apache.org/inference-sklearn-pytorch) | 2022-04-07 14:59:47 | +| 35 | Robert Burke | [Design Documents - Apache Beam - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/beam-design-docs) | 2022-04-08 14:00:03 | +| 36 | Brian Hulette | [Should batch-producing DoFns return Iterables?](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xt7T0e_TEJrCCx9DnUBY60zrysRHDw6mPBAcc-e9UHo) | 2022-04-13 17:47:32 | +| 37 | Ritesh Ghorse | [Truncate SDF in Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C4hoE28Ye0fO6lbpZSb84BbJLNI2N4cYCH1FOhAyFEk) | 2022-04-15 12:46:43 | +| 38 | Andy Ye | [Order-sensitive DataFrame Operations in Beam](https://s.apache.org/order-sensitive-dataframe-operations) | 2022-04-21 14:31:46 | +| 39 | Andy Ye | [Interactive DataFrame Operations in Beam](https://s.apache.org/interactive-dataframe-operations) | 2022-04-21 18:44:34 | +| 40 | John Casey | [Upgrading GCS Bucket Storage to support writing to locked buckets](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z4TfvEp0AEtZY2xsAt_Tu1W4ziyhbp8rsdaXNHEfVkY) | 2022-04-22 14:14:33 | +| 41 | Yi Hu | [Make GCS read and write buffers customizable](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GCE8xQ73eGr_LZ6fUwIScpx9mL8PLFA8azr3r-UrJ8) | 2022-04-28 11:51:14 | +| 42 | John Casey | [Re-Implementing KafkaIO.withDynamicRead with Watch transform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Io49s5LBs29HJyppKG3AlR-gHz5m5PC6CqO0CCoSqLs) | 2022-04-29 13:08:14 | +| 43 | Yi Hu | [Proposal: Slowly Changing Dimensions Support in Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LDY_CtsOJ8Y_zNv1QtkP6AGFrtzkj1q5EW_gSChOIvg) | 2022-05-18 15:32:24 | +| 44 | Danny McCormick | [Analysis of Broken Jenkins Issue](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10qyUsvB_uVy5jftfTiwohlvN8Qwix5AuadssyoC4JsE) | 2022-06-12 20:25:15 | +| 45 | Andrew Pilloud | [[Public] Beam Java DoFn Performance](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12XkHLcE0HpOS0fs0FekDzh68fMPCEZ5uGCh00kPZf0I) | 2022-06-13 15:22:44 | +| 46 | Mara Ruvalcaba | [Doctor pipeline topics - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wz-RU092-qLNRcMjYUoLM9ZO2hClWQi9dfRB3ZoLw3c) | 2022-06-15 22:12:20 | +| 47 | Brian Hulette | [Batched DoFns](https://s.apache.org/batched-dofns) | 2022-06-17 17:19:26 | +| 48 | Alex Merose | [Apache Beam on Dask](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Awj_eNmH-WRSte3bKcCcUlQDiZ5mMKmCO_xV-mHWAak) | 2022-06-21 13:45:31 | +| 49 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Adding support for Locked Buckets](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11kXzI90KmAyknszSFmtfPcL_GWaVzpt8MojQfifZOoM) | 2022-06-28 11:26:33 | +| 50 | Danny McCormick | [Analysis of Beam's ghprb issues](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15CILeNjNxCnbigSvxNq4eXPj6x6sn5DGdbTdWu55kCI) | 2022-06-30 11:39:52 | +| 51 | Yi Hu | [Merge Workflow Recommendations](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10FlXOo_hL2QYTPhwS8uHSyJbQCzwC3K3C12tFccANA8) | 2022-07-07 12:08:11 | +| 52 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - July 2022](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2022-07) | 2022-07-08 16:02:32 | +| 53 | Moritz Mack | [Beam JMH performance metrics](https://s.apache.org/nvi9g) | 2022-07-12 10:54:01 | +| 54 | Robert Burke | [State and Timers in the Go SDK](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rcKa1Z6orDDFr1l8t6NA1eLl6zanQbYAEiAqk39NQUU) | 2022-08-04 18:57:29 | +| 55 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Easy Multi-language via a SchemaTransform-aware Expansion Service](https://s.apache.org/easy-multi-language) | 2022-08-04 21:51:21 | +| 56 | Andy Ye | [Controlling Batching in RunInference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l40rOTOEqrQAkto3r_AYq8S_L06dDgoZu-4RLKAE6bo) | 2022-08-12 15:36:18 | +| 57 | Anand Inguva | [RunInference API Testing[public]](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmh9D_904H-6X19Mi0-tDACwCCMvP4_MFA9QT0TOym8) | 2022-08-16 09:35:50 | +| 58 | Adalbert Makarovych | [SingleStoreDB Apache Beam IO Connector Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WU-hkoZ93SaGXyOz_UtX0jXzIRl194hCId_IdmEV9jw) | 2022-08-25 10:17:34 | +| 59 | Anand Inguva | [RunInference namespace.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qf5APv1kw5nbVZIMgqEp1N4XYcb0cJP0KZc9PrUYCO4) | 2022-09-12 13:31:28 | +| 60 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2022](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2022-09) | 2022-09-13 19:22:01 | +| 61 | Jack McCluskey | [Custom Inference Fn One Pager](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YYGsF20kminz7j9ifFdCD5WQwVl8aTeCo0cgPjbdFNU) | 2022-09-16 14:45:32 | +| 62 | Pranav Bhandari | [Performance and Cost Benchmarking.docx](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14GatBilwuR4jJGb-ZNpYeuB-KkVmDvEm) | 2022-09-26 12:07:22 | +| 63 | Ning Kang | [Apache Beam JupyterLab Side Panel](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aKK8TzSrl8WiG0K4v9xZEfLMCinuGqRlMOyb7xOhgy4) | 2022-10-04 18:09:58 | +| 64 | Anand Inguva | [Regression Alerts for Python Performance tests](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jhcmP405s5IRSB2T5ZlCAuBy8duhQjO0kgRLF0SfSl8) | 2022-11-02 12:32:27 | +| 65 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Making existing Java transforms discoverable to other SDKs as SchemaTransforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qW9O3VxdGxUM887TdwhD1iH9AdNbpu0_wXbCGvFP0OM) | 2022-11-03 14:25:06 | +| 66 | Austin Bennett | [Jenkins --> GitHub Actions?](https://s.apache.org/beam-jenkins-to-gha) | 2022-11-07 12:08:52 | +| 67 | Chamikara Jayalath | [Schema-Aware Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B-pxOjIA8Znl99nDRFEQMfr7VG91MZGfki2BPanjjZA) | 2022-11-15 17:28:27 | +| 68 | Anand Inguva | [Model updates using SideInput](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12j4bDwsIBhMN_8DNT2KGXPol7YS_G-DZFy6fjRsUGOQ) | 2022-11-21 16:25:35 | +| 69 | Danny McCormick | [What labels do we care about?](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FpaFr_Sdg217ogd5oMDRX4uLIMSatKLF_if9CzLg9tM) | 2022-12-06 12:11:21 | +| 70 | Damon Douglas | [FileWriteSchemaTransformProvider](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IOZrQ4qQrUS2WwQhadN35vX4AzhG4dyXMk1J-R1qJ9c) | 2022-12-09 18:54:25 | +| 71 | Herman Mak | [[PUBLIC] Beam I/O Standards](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BCTpSZDUjK90hYZjcn8aAnPd9vuRfj8YU1j3mpSgRwI) | 2022-12-11 09:16:41 | +| 72 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - December 2022](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2022-12) | 2022-12-14 15:40:26 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2023.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2023.md index 8faf7145b7f7..a1e04e671585 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2023.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2023.md @@ -15,60 +15,48 @@ limitations under the License. # List Of Documents Submitted To dev@beam.apache.org In 2023 | No. | Author | Subject | Date (UTC) | |---|---|---|---| -| 1 | Jack McCluskey | [TensorFlow Hub Model Loading in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11WpWQ_x3dpgRTvkzKS47lCXA_-PGzUBAIKNJQfLpJTg/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-01-03 10:27:26 | -| 2 | John Casey | [How to Write a Beam IO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-WxZTNu9RrLhh5O7Dl5PbnKqz3e5gm1x3gDBBhszVF8/edit#) | 2023-01-09 11:57:44 | -| 3 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=622267910) | 2023-01-09 16:25:33 | +| 1 | Jack McCluskey | [TensorFlow Hub Model Loading in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11WpWQ_x3dpgRTvkzKS47lCXA_-PGzUBAIKNJQfLpJTg) | 2023-01-03 10:27:26 | +| 2 | John Casey | [How to Write a Beam IO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-WxZTNu9RrLhh5O7Dl5PbnKqz3e5gm1x3gDBBhszVF8) | 2023-01-09 11:57:44 | +| 3 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw) | 2023-01-09 16:25:33 | | 4 | Herman Mak | [[Beam I/O Standards] Documentation](https://s.apache.org/beam-io-api-standard-documentation) | 2023-01-11 07:55:33 | -| 5 | Damon Douglas | [[Public facing][Beam][issue/25119] Refactor Kubernetes Kafka External load balancer dependency in tests](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U9aTAwL_YzrrPh4IAkpMQ6MXAwVumTg9JpPCAxxgJug/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-8vzToz5LJiqPBlvCKd-SOQ) | 2023-01-23 13:24:40 | -| 6 | Ritesh Ghorse | [TF Model Handler for RunInference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c2rWX7fA7UAl2qabzEXg5r7_zwosHfGo6mg1gz8VdSQ/edit?pli=1#) | 2023-01-26 10:42:33 | -| 7 | Becket Qin | [Migrate Flink runner to run batch jobs with DataStream API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cjUJHOS1eEkH76hMNeBuc-kPhbIIc9w2gvjm8miIFS8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-02-01 04:10:32 | -| 8 | Yi Hu | [template-it-to-beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11RBh9_Escr8jq93tev2ADF7Wdw4St89PL4ZNrmHyGNI/edit?usp=drive_web) | 2023-02-01 14:00:48 | -| 9 | Chamikara Jayalath | [A User-deployable Beam Transform Service](https://s.apache.org/beam-transform-service) | 2023-02-06 16:32:56 | -| 10 | Damon Douglas | [Proposal : Exploring existing Beam features to prevent web service API overuse](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VZ9YphDO7kewBSz5oMXVPHWaib3S03Z6aZ66BhciB3E/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-ItxMSG72EzfSwVedSz-Zeg) | 2023-02-09 00:54:21 | -| 11 | John Casey | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=2030665842) | 2023-02-10 11:14:00 | -| 12 | Alan Zhang | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2023-02-23 02:46:32 | -| 13 | Danny McCormick | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=247587190) | 2023-03-02 17:15:17 | -| 14 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Structured Logging](https://s.apache.org/beam-structured-logging) | 2023-03-08 16:59:10 | -| 15 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2023](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2023-03) | 2023-03-20 17:49:27 | -| 16 | Siddharth Aryan | [Sentimental Analysis Notebook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U6zcXAWsDCrWlbf14f5VlLqPZFucwXR48tD7mrERW-g/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-03-23 12:25:28 | -| 17 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggered Side Inputs: clarifying the spec and move to portability](https://s.apache.org/beam-triggered-side-inputs) | 2023-03-23 15:19:34 | -| 18 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztEoyGkqq9ie5riQxRtMuBu3vb6BUO91mSMn1PU0pDA/edit#heading=h.vhcuqlttpnog) | 2023-03-29 15:52:02 | -| 19 | Yi Hu | [External: Apache Beam PM: failed installations due to dependency resolution.](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-dependencies-pm) | 2023-04-12 13:19:11 | -| 20 | Kenneth Knowles | [Guard against "Trigger Finishing", a data loss risk](https://s.apache.org/finishing-triggers-drop-data) | 2023-04-14 16:14:48 | -| 21 | Danny McCormick | [Pre/Post Processing and DLQ in RunInference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hr1SaWraneB9dYSFyGA99JT44oKgGNhT70wz99lmdEU/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-04-18 13:49:14 | -| 22 | Jack McCluskey | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=) | 2023-04-26 15:14:29 | -| 23 | Anand Inguva | [Beam MLTransform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rQkSm_8tseLqDQaLohtlCGqt5pvMaP0XIpPi5UD0LCQ/edit#) | 2023-05-09 11:26:22 | -| 24 | Jack McCluskey | [Apache Beam Repository Deletion Postmortem](https://s.apache.org/beam-repo-deletion-postmortem) | 2023-05-16 15:39:41 | -| 25 | Ritesh Ghorse | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=458120434) | 2023-05-24 18:20:28 | -| 26 | Jack McCluskey | [Client-Side Throttling](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ePorJGZnLbNCmLD9mR7iFYOdPsyDA1rDnTpYnbdrzSU/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-05-30 14:42:03 | -| 27 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - June 2023](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2023-06) | 2023-06-09 17:28:01 | -| 28 | John Casey | [How to Write a Beam IO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-WxZTNu9RrLhh5O7Dl5PbnKqz3e5gm1x3gDBBhszVF8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-06-13 22:28:46 | -| 29 | Jarek Potiuk | [ApacheCon 2022 - Data Engineering - YouTube](https://s.apache.org/data-engineering-videos-2022) | 2023-06-16 10:14:54 | -| 30 | Steven van Rossum | [A New DoFn](https://s.apache.org/a-new-dofn) | 2023-06-20 21:43:12 | -| 31 | Ritesh Ghorse | [Hugging Face Model Handler](https://docs.google.com/document/d/107T71QHMxvu67PyG-mkHwRhm7W2-07jihnqUMz-yuEM/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-06-22 17:38:13 | -| 32 | Robert Bradshaw | [Apache Beam Yaml Improvements](https://s.apache.org/beam-yaml-pipelines-improvements) | 2023-06-22 18:12:26 | -| 33 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=934901728) | 2023-07-06 11:34:28 | -| 34 | Celeste Zeng | [Add ARM Support to All Beam Container Images](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ikbEJNsFH1D9HqiMqiVyyMlNpDgSqxXK22nUoetzW6I/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-07-18 17:50:01 | -| 35 | Danny McCormick | [Per Key Inference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kj3FyWRbJu1KhViX07Z0Gk0MU0842jhYRhI-DMhhcv4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-07-20 10:47:33 | -| 36 | Yasha Ravindra | [Throttle Time Counters - One Pager](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hUufb3L5jURGeFLaQKeQbPlYK-B2wbaLHtqNVETSOOk/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-07-27 16:50:44 | -| 37 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2023-08-03 10:44:27 | -| 38 | Danny McCormick | [Contribute to Apache Beam](https://s.apache.org/beam-owners) | 2023-08-08 10:55:01 | -| 39 | Jack McCluskey | [Buffered Logging for Apache Beam Bootloaders](https://s.apache.org/beam-buffered-logging) | 2023-08-16 12:56:54 | -| 40 | Damon Douglas | [Can Beam slow down a PCollection?](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DFHazCZp7xjgYRsuhD8VBgeWXweU2AQFgzGjTSIw9X4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-08-23 19:40:59 | -| 41 | Kenneth Knowles | [[PUBLIC] PTransform Design Doc Template](https://s.apache.org/ptransform-design-doc) | 2023-08-24 10:25:18 | -| 42 | Anand Inguva | [Proposal for supporting pyproject](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17-y48WW25-VGBWZNyTdoN0WUN03k9ZhJjLp9wtyG1Wc/edit#heading=h.wskna8eurvjv) | 2023-08-28 10:14:17 | -| 43 | Svetak Sundhar | [Beam De-ID PTransform Design](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FLyL0x8DKHi0Kcp75tvqeyKuoagohYEhUYxJ2JuW_Ek/edit?resourcekey=0-U9drxvF-ApT-Y7MoBSv-yQ) | 2023-08-31 12:31:03 | -| 44 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2023](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2023-09) | 2023-09-12 11:11:49 | -| 45 | Robert Bradshaw | [Beam Yaml Contribution Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-yaml-contribute) | 2023-09-25 15:12:12 | -| 46 | Kenneth Knowles | [[PUBLIC] Redistribute PTransform Design Doc](https://s.apache.org/beam-reshuffle) | 2023-09-26 11:43:53 | -| 47 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=437054928) | 2023-10-03 13:58:37 | -| 48 | Anand Inguva | [Improving Side Input Performance Through Caching in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gllYsIFqKt4TWAxQmXU_-sw7SLnur2Q69d__N0XBMdE/edit) | 2023-10-16 12:26:01 | -| 49 | Joey Tran | [[PUBLIC] PTransform Design Doc Template](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NpCipgvT6lMgf1nuuPPwZoKp5KsteplFancGqOgy8OY/edit#heading=h.x9snb54sjlu9) | 2023-10-19 10:05:52 | -| 50 | Anand Inguva | [Embeddings in MLTransform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1En4bfbTu4rvu7LWJIKV3G33jO-xJfTdbaSFSURmQw_s/edit#heading=h.wskna8eurvjv) | 2023-10-30 10:00:00 | -| 51 | Danny McCormick | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1387982510) | 2023-11-07 18:24:45 | -| 52 | John Casey | [[BEAM] Adding Dead Letter Queue Functionality to IO Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NGeCk6tOqF-TiGEAV7ixd_vhIiWz9sHPlCa1P_77Ajs/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-11-08 15:43:39 | -| 53 | Jack McCluskey | [Beam Python Type Hinting](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-type-hinting-overview) | 2023-11-13 12:02:03 | -| 54 | Ritesh Ghorse | [[PUBLIC] Enrichment PTransform Design Doc](https://s.apache.org/enrichment-transform) | 2023-11-13 14:58:56 | -| 55 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Generating External Transform Wrappers](https://s.apache.org/autogen-wrappers) | 2023-12-04 12:05:44 | -| 56 | Jack McCluskey | [RunInference Batching Across Bundles](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rin_5Vm3qT1Mkb5PcHgTDrjXc3j0Admzi3fEGEHB2-4/edit?usp=sharing) | 2023-12-07 15:28:07 | -| 57 | Jack McCluskey | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1290249774) | 2023-12-21 15:50:18 | \ No newline at end of file +| 5 | Ritesh Ghorse | [TF Model Handler for RunInference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c2rWX7fA7UAl2qabzEXg5r7_zwosHfGo6mg1gz8VdSQ) | 2023-01-26 10:42:33 | +| 6 | Becket Qin | [Migrate Flink runner to run batch jobs with DataStream API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cjUJHOS1eEkH76hMNeBuc-kPhbIIc9w2gvjm8miIFS8) | 2023-02-01 04:10:32 | +| 7 | Yi Hu | [template-it-to-beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11RBh9_Escr8jq93tev2ADF7Wdw4St89PL4ZNrmHyGNI) | 2023-02-01 14:00:48 | +| 8 | Chamikara Jayalath | [A User-deployable Beam Transform Service](https://s.apache.org/beam-transform-service) | 2023-02-06 16:32:56 | +| 9 | Alan Zhang | [Apache Beam Fn API: Fn State API and Bundle Processing](https://s.apache.org/beam-fn-state-api-and-bundle-processing) | 2023-02-23 02:46:32 | +| 10 | Udi Meiri | [Beam Structured Logging](https://s.apache.org/beam-structured-logging) | 2023-03-08 16:59:10 | +| 11 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2023](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2023-03) | 2023-03-20 17:49:27 | +| 12 | Siddharth Aryan | [Sentimental Analysis Notebook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U6zcXAWsDCrWlbf14f5VlLqPZFucwXR48tD7mrERW-g) | 2023-03-23 12:25:28 | +| 13 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggered Side Inputs: clarifying the spec and move to portability](https://s.apache.org/beam-triggered-side-inputs) | 2023-03-23 15:19:34 | +| 14 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztEoyGkqq9ie5riQxRtMuBu3vb6BUO91mSMn1PU0pDA) | 2023-03-29 15:52:02 | +| 15 | Yi Hu | [External: Apache Beam PM: failed installations due to dependency resolution.](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-dependencies-pm) | 2023-04-12 13:19:11 | +| 16 | Kenneth Knowles | [Guard against "Trigger Finishing", a data loss risk](https://s.apache.org/finishing-triggers-drop-data) | 2023-04-14 16:14:48 | +| 17 | Danny McCormick | [Pre/Post Processing and DLQ in RunInference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hr1SaWraneB9dYSFyGA99JT44oKgGNhT70wz99lmdEU) | 2023-04-18 13:49:14 | +| 18 | Anand Inguva | [Beam MLTransform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rQkSm_8tseLqDQaLohtlCGqt5pvMaP0XIpPi5UD0LCQ) | 2023-05-09 11:26:22 | +| 19 | Jack McCluskey | [Apache Beam Repository Deletion Postmortem](https://s.apache.org/beam-repo-deletion-postmortem) | 2023-05-16 15:39:41 | +| 20 | Jack McCluskey | [Client-Side Throttling](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ePorJGZnLbNCmLD9mR7iFYOdPsyDA1rDnTpYnbdrzSU) | 2023-05-30 14:42:03 | +| 21 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - June 2023](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2023-06) | 2023-06-09 17:28:01 | +| 22 | Jarek Potiuk | [ApacheCon 2022 - Data Engineering - YouTube](https://s.apache.org/data-engineering-videos-2022) | 2023-06-16 10:14:54 | +| 23 | Steven van Rossum | [A New DoFn](https://s.apache.org/a-new-dofn) | 2023-06-20 21:43:12 | +| 24 | Ritesh Ghorse | [Hugging Face Model Handler](https://docs.google.com/document/d/107T71QHMxvu67PyG-mkHwRhm7W2-07jihnqUMz-yuEM) | 2023-06-22 17:38:13 | +| 25 | Robert Bradshaw | [Apache Beam Yaml Improvements](https://s.apache.org/beam-yaml-pipelines-improvements) | 2023-06-22 18:12:26 | +| 26 | Celeste Zeng | [Add ARM Support to All Beam Container Images](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ikbEJNsFH1D9HqiMqiVyyMlNpDgSqxXK22nUoetzW6I) | 2023-07-18 17:50:01 | +| 27 | Danny McCormick | [Per Key Inference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kj3FyWRbJu1KhViX07Z0Gk0MU0842jhYRhI-DMhhcv4) | 2023-07-20 10:47:33 | +| 28 | Yasha Ravindra | [Throttle Time Counters - One Pager](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hUufb3L5jURGeFLaQKeQbPlYK-B2wbaLHtqNVETSOOk) | 2023-07-27 16:50:44 | +| 29 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2023-08-03 10:44:27 | +| 30 | Danny McCormick | [Contribute to Apache Beam](https://s.apache.org/beam-owners) | 2023-08-08 10:55:01 | +| 31 | Jack McCluskey | [Buffered Logging for Apache Beam Bootloaders](https://s.apache.org/beam-buffered-logging) | 2023-08-16 12:56:54 | +| 32 | Damon Douglas | [Can Beam slow down a PCollection?](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DFHazCZp7xjgYRsuhD8VBgeWXweU2AQFgzGjTSIw9X4) | 2023-08-23 19:40:59 | +| 33 | Kenneth Knowles | [[PUBLIC] PTransform Design Doc Template](https://s.apache.org/ptransform-design-doc) | 2023-08-24 10:25:18 | +| 34 | Anand Inguva | [Proposal for supporting pyproject](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17-y48WW25-VGBWZNyTdoN0WUN03k9ZhJjLp9wtyG1Wc) | 2023-08-28 10:14:17 | +| 35 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2023](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2023-09) | 2023-09-12 11:11:49 | +| 36 | Robert Bradshaw | [Beam Yaml Contribution Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-yaml-contribute) | 2023-09-25 15:12:12 | +| 37 | Kenneth Knowles | [[PUBLIC] Redistribute PTransform Design Doc](https://s.apache.org/beam-reshuffle) | 2023-09-26 11:43:53 | +| 38 | Anand Inguva | [Improving Side Input Performance Through Caching in Apache Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gllYsIFqKt4TWAxQmXU_-sw7SLnur2Q69d__N0XBMdE) | 2023-10-16 12:26:01 | +| 39 | Joey Tran | [[PUBLIC] PTransform Design Doc Template](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NpCipgvT6lMgf1nuuPPwZoKp5KsteplFancGqOgy8OY) | 2023-10-19 10:05:52 | +| 40 | Anand Inguva | [Embeddings in MLTransform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1En4bfbTu4rvu7LWJIKV3G33jO-xJfTdbaSFSURmQw_s) | 2023-10-30 10:00:00 | +| 41 | John Casey | [[BEAM] Adding Dead Letter Queue Functionality to IO Transforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NGeCk6tOqF-TiGEAV7ixd_vhIiWz9sHPlCa1P_77Ajs) | 2023-11-08 15:43:39 | +| 42 | Jack McCluskey | [Beam Python Type Hinting](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-type-hinting-overview) | 2023-11-13 12:02:03 | +| 43 | Ritesh Ghorse | [[PUBLIC] Enrichment PTransform Design Doc](https://s.apache.org/enrichment-transform) | 2023-11-13 14:58:56 | +| 44 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Generating External Transform Wrappers](https://s.apache.org/autogen-wrappers) | 2023-12-04 12:05:44 | +| 45 | Jack McCluskey | [RunInference Batching Across Bundles](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rin_5Vm3qT1Mkb5PcHgTDrjXc3j0Admzi3fEGEHB2-4) | 2023-12-07 15:28:07 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2024.md b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2024.md index b92ca79c23a2..baea7c9fc462 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2024.md +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/2024.md @@ -16,38 +16,30 @@ limitations under the License. | No. | Author | Subject | Date (UTC) | |---|---|---|---| | 1 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - January 2024](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2024-01) | 2024-01-05 10:16:15 | -| 2 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztEoyGkqq9ie5riQxRtMuBu3vb6BUO91mSMn1PU0pDA/edit#heading=h.vhcuqlttpnog) | 2024-01-11 11:06:01 | +| 2 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ztEoyGkqq9ie5riQxRtMuBu3vb6BUO91mSMn1PU0pDA) | 2024-01-11 11:06:01 | | 3 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Vendored Dependencies Release Guide](https://s.apache.org/beam-release-vendored-artifacts) | 2024-01-19 16:24:01 | | 4 | Ahmet Altay | [GSoC 2024 Ideas list - Community Development - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/gsoc2024ideas) | 2024-01-26 15:12:15 | | 5 | Kenneth Knowles | [[PUBLIC] Redistribute Allowing Duplicates (PTransform Design Proposal)](https://s.apache.org/beam-reshuffle-allowing-duplicates) | 2024-01-30 16:33:56 | -| 6 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=28763708) | 2024-02-02 16:10:03 | +| 6 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw) | 2024-02-02 16:10:03 | | 7 | Kenneth Knowles | [[PUBLIC] Redistribute PTransform Design Doc](https://s.apache.org/beam-redistribute) | 2024-02-08 13:31:12 | | 8 | Damon Douglas | [Throttle PTransform](https://s.apache.org/beam-throttle-transform) | 2024-02-20 09:00:00 | -| 9 | Jan_Lukavsk | [Design Documents - Apache Beam - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/beam-design-docs) | 2024-02-21 03:47:17 | -| 10 | Reeba Qureshi | [Yaml_Features_GSoC_Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vXj1qhy0Asiosn3gFDgYVKYQs3Lsyj972klSv5_hfG8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2024-03-05 11:38:21 | +| 9 | N/A | [Design Documents - Apache Beam - Apache Software Foundation](https://s.apache.org/beam-design-docs) | 2024-02-21 03:47:17 | +| 10 | Reeba Qureshi | [Yaml_Features_GSoC_Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vXj1qhy0Asiosn3gFDgYVKYQs3Lsyj972klSv5_hfG8) | 2024-03-05 11:38:21 | | 11 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - March 2024](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2024-03) | 2024-03-05 12:15:08 | -| 12 | Yi Hu | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1368030253) | 2024-03-12 10:20:55 | -| 13 | Jeff Kinard | [Callable kwargs for Beam Yaml](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zvrl-rxzAWKejHi5F1eaXoLNDzc_Q_-kiE7Grvh2qBA/edit) | 2024-03-12 13:56:06 | -| 14 | Jeff Kinard | [Templatizing Beam YAML](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AUt4NEoQCBrOEVhadVozyTU2-CqC-pw7kuK6rzIA6Jc/edit?resourcekey=0-d-aVmsKZ89SzSiVwt8n5pw) | 2024-03-19 14:51:10 | -| 15 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Portable Dynamic Destinations](https://s.apache.org/portable-dynamic-destinations) | 2024-03-27 09:51:14 | -| 16 | Danny McCormick | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=686075626) | 2024-04-03 11:08:35 | -| 17 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [Beam Structured Logging](https://s.apache.org/beam-structured-logging) | 2024-04-11 13:49:43 | -| 18 | Maciej Szwaja | [Apache Beam Java Record Schema Inference Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zSQ9cnqtVM8ttJEuHBDE6hw4qjUuJy1dpZWB6IBTuOs/edit?usp=sharing) | 2024-04-15 11:02:19 | -| 19 | Danny McCormick | [Load N Model Copies in RunInference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FmKrBHkb8YTYz_Dcec7JlTqXwy382ar8Gxicr_s13c0/edit?usp=sharing) | 2024-04-19 10:28:18 | -| 20 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggering is for Sinks](https://s.apache.org/beam-sink-triggers) | 2024-04-22 14:40:38 | -| 21 | Danny McCormick | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1992402651) | 2024-04-24 13:59:39 | -| 22 | Danny McCormick | [GSoC Proposal : Implement RAG Pipelines using Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M_8fvqKVBi68hQo_x1AMQ8iEkzeXTcSl0CwTH00cr80/edit#heading=h.mp9iumh7r8v) | 2024-05-01 16:12:23 | -| 23 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - June 2024](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2024-06) | 2024-05-23 14:57:16 | -| 24 | Jack McCluskey | [Embeddings in MLTransform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1En4bfbTu4rvu7LWJIKV3G33jO-xJfTdbaSFSURmQw_s/edit?usp=sharing) | 2024-05-29 10:26:47 | -| 25 | Bartosz Zab��ocki | [[External] Solace IO - Read Connector](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gvq67VrcHCnlO8f_NzMM1Y4c7wCNSdvo6qqLWg8upfw/) | 2024-05-29 12:00:23 | -| 26 | Kenneth Knowles | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit?gid=612149473#gid=612149473) | 2024-06-21 16:17:49 | -| 27 | Jack McCluskey | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=1578020829#gid=1578020829) | 2024-07-17 17:34:55 | -| 28 | Danny McCormick | [RunInference Timeouts](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ves6iv-m_6DFmePJZqYpLm-bCooPu6wQ-Ti6kAl2Jo/edit?usp=sharing) | 2024-08-07 07:11:38 | -| 29 | Jack McCluskey | [BatchElements in Beam Python](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fOjIjIUH5dxllOGp5Z4ZmpM7BJhAJc2-hNjTnyChvgc/edit?usp=sharing) | 2024-08-15 14:56:26 | -| 30 | Danny McCormick | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit#gid=88573490) | 2024-08-15 20:25:58 | -| 31 | XQ Hu | [[Public] Beam 3.0: a discussion doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13r4NvuvFdysqjCTzMHLuUUXjKTIEY3d7oDNIHT6guww/edit) | 2024-08-19 17:17:26 | -| 32 | Danny McCormick | [Beam Patch Release Process](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o4UK444hCm1t5KZ9ufEu33e_o400ONAehXUR9A34qc8/edit?usp=sharing) | 2024-08-23 04:51:48 | -| 33 | Robert Burke | [Apache Beam Release Acceptance Criteria - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qk-N5vjXvbcEk68GjbkSZTR8AGqyNUM-oLFo_ZXBpJw/edit?gid=1242118475#gid=1242118475) | 2024-08-24 13:16:24 | -| 34 | Jack McCluskey | [Beam Python Type Hinting](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-type-hinting-overview) | 2024-08-26 14:16:42 | -| 35 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Python Multi-language with SchemaTransforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_embA3pGwoYG7sbHaYzAkg3hNxjTughhFCY8ThcoK_Q/edit) | 2024-08-26 19:53:10 | -| 36 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2024](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2024-09) | 2024-09-11 15:01:55 | \ No newline at end of file +| 12 | Jeff Kinard | [Callable kwargs for Beam Yaml](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zvrl-rxzAWKejHi5F1eaXoLNDzc_Q_-kiE7Grvh2qBA) | 2024-03-12 13:56:06 | +| 13 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Portable Dynamic Destinations](https://s.apache.org/portable-dynamic-destinations) | 2024-03-27 09:51:14 | +| 14 | Valentyn Tymofieiev | [Beam Structured Logging](https://s.apache.org/beam-structured-logging) | 2024-04-11 13:49:43 | +| 15 | Maciej Szwaja | [Apache Beam Java Record Schema Inference Design Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zSQ9cnqtVM8ttJEuHBDE6hw4qjUuJy1dpZWB6IBTuOs) | 2024-04-15 11:02:19 | +| 16 | Danny McCormick | [Load N Model Copies in RunInference](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FmKrBHkb8YTYz_Dcec7JlTqXwy382ar8Gxicr_s13c0) | 2024-04-19 10:28:18 | +| 17 | Kenneth Knowles | [Triggering is for Sinks](https://s.apache.org/beam-sink-triggers) | 2024-04-22 14:40:38 | +| 18 | Danny McCormick | [GSoC Proposal : Implement RAG Pipelines using Beam](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M_8fvqKVBi68hQo_x1AMQ8iEkzeXTcSl0CwTH00cr80) | 2024-05-01 16:12:23 | +| 19 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - June 2024](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2024-06) | 2024-05-23 14:57:16 | +| 20 | Jack McCluskey | [Embeddings in MLTransform](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1En4bfbTu4rvu7LWJIKV3G33jO-xJfTdbaSFSURmQw_s) | 2024-05-29 10:26:47 | +| 21 | Bartosz Zab��ocki | [[External] Solace IO - Read Connector](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gvq67VrcHCnlO8f_NzMM1Y4c7wCNSdvo6qqLWg8upfw) | 2024-05-29 12:00:23 | +| 22 | Danny McCormick | [RunInference Timeouts](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ves6iv-m_6DFmePJZqYpLm-bCooPu6wQ-Ti6kAl2Jo) | 2024-08-07 07:11:38 | +| 23 | Jack McCluskey | [BatchElements in Beam Python](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fOjIjIUH5dxllOGp5Z4ZmpM7BJhAJc2-hNjTnyChvgc) | 2024-08-15 14:56:26 | +| 24 | XQ Hu | [[Public] Beam 3.0: a discussion doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/13r4NvuvFdysqjCTzMHLuUUXjKTIEY3d7oDNIHT6guww) | 2024-08-19 17:17:26 | +| 25 | Danny McCormick | [Beam Patch Release Process](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o4UK444hCm1t5KZ9ufEu33e_o400ONAehXUR9A34qc8) | 2024-08-23 04:51:48 | +| 26 | Jack McCluskey | [Beam Python Type Hinting](https://s.apache.org/beam-python-type-hinting-overview) | 2024-08-26 14:16:42 | +| 27 | Ahmed Abualsaud | [Python Multi-language with SchemaTransforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_embA3pGwoYG7sbHaYzAkg3hNxjTughhFCY8ThcoK_Q) | 2024-08-26 19:53:10 | +| 28 | Kenneth Knowles | [DRAFT - Apache Beam Board Report - September 2024](https://s.apache.org/beam-draft-report-2024-09) | 2024-09-11 15:01:55 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/generate_doc_md.py b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/generate_doc_md.py index a71e06bfdd6c..4f36802ae0d9 100644 --- a/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/generate_doc_md.py +++ b/contributor-docs/discussion-docs/generate_doc_md.py @@ -157,6 +157,33 @@ def extract_s_link(text): else: return None +def extract_google_doc_id(url): + """ + Extracts the unique ID of a Google Doc or Google Sheet from a given URL. + + Args: + url: The URL of the Google Doc or Google Sheet. + + Returns: + The unique ID of the Google Doc or Google Sheet, or None if the ID could not be extracted. + """ + pattern = r"/(document|spreadsheets)/d/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)" + match = re.search(pattern, url) + if match: + return match.group(2) + else: + return None + +def standardize_url_link(url): + g_url = extract_google_doc_id(url) + if g_url: + if "spreadsheets" in url: + return f"https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/{g_url}" + else: + return f"https://docs.google.com/document/d/{g_url}" + else: + return url + def add_message(messages: list[EmailMessage], new_message: EmailMessage): """Adds a new message to the list, ensuring unique subjects and keeping the oldest message.""" @@ -206,6 +233,7 @@ def find_google_docs_links(mbox_file, doc_messages, doc_urls): doc_url = s_url.split()[0].split(">")[0] if doc_url and not doc_url in doc_urls: doc_url = remove_invalid_characters(doc_url) + doc_url = standardize_url_link(doc_url) doc_urls.append(doc_url) title = get_google_doc_title(doc_url) try: @@ -283,7 +311,7 @@ def convert_to_md_table(email_messages: list[EmailMessage], year: int): ) -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: year = sys.argv[1] download_mbox_for_one_year(year)