"require": {
"izniburak/pdox": "^1"
after run the install command.
$ composer install
OR run the following command directly.
$ composer require izniburak/pdox
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$config = [
'host' => 'localhost',
'driver' => 'mysql',
'database' => 'test',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'prefix' => ''
$db = new \Buki\Pdox($config);
Congratulations! Now, you can use PDOx.
If you have a problem, you can contact me.
$config = [
# Host name or IP Address (optional)
# hostname:port (for Port Usage. Example:
# default value: localhost
'host' => 'localhost',
# Database Driver Type (optional)
# default value: mysql
# values: mysql, pgsql, sqlite, oracle
'driver' => 'mysql',
# Database Name (required)
'database' => 'test',
# Database User Name (required)
'username' => 'root',
# Database User Password (required)
'password' => '',
# Database Charset (optional)
# default value: utf8
'charset' => 'utf8',
# Database Charset Collation (optional)
# default value: utf8_general_ci
'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',
# Database Prefix (optional)
# default value: null
'prefix' => '',
# Cache Directory of the Sql Result (optional)
# default value: __DIR__ . '/cache/'
'cachedir' => __DIR__ . '/cache/sql/'
$db = new \Buki\Pdox($config);
- select
- select functions (min, max, sum, avg, count)
- table
- get AND getAll
- join
- where
- grouped
- in
- between
- like
- groupBy
- having
- orderBy
- limit - offset
- pagination
- insert
- update
- delete
- analyze - check - checksum - optimize - repair
- query
- insertId
- numRows
- cache
- transaction - commit - rollBack
- error
- queryCount
- getQuery
# Usage 1: string parameter
$db->select('title, content')->table('test')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT title, content FROM test"
$db->select('title AS t, content AS c')->table('test')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT title AS t, content AS c FROM test"
# Usage2: array parameter
$db->select(['title', 'content'])->table('test')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT title, content FROM test"
$db->select(['title AS t', 'content AS c'])->table('test')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT title AS t, content AS c FROM test"
# Usage 1:
# Output: "SELECT MAX(price) FROM test"
# Usage 2:
$db->table('test')->count('id', 'total_row')->get();
# Output: "SELECT COUNT(id) AS total_row FROM test"
### Usage 1: string parameter
# Output: "SELECT * FROM table"
$db->table('table1, table2');
# Output: "SELECT * FROM table1, table2"
$db->table('table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2');
# Output: "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2"
### Usage 2: array parameter
$db->table(['table1', 'table2']);
# Output: "SELECT * FROM table1, table2"
$db->table(['table1 AS t1', 'table2 AS t2']);
# Output: "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2"
# get(): return 1 record.
# getAll(): return multiple records.
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test"
$db->select('username')->table('users')->where('status', 1)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT username FROM users WHERE status='1'"
$db->select('title')->table('pages')->where('id', 17)->get();
# Output: "SELECT title FROM pages WHERE id='17' LIMIT 1"
$db->table('test as t')->join('foo as f', '', 'f.t_id')->where('t.status', 1)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test as t JOIN foo as f ON WHERE t.status='1'"
You can use this method in 7 ways. These;
- join
- left_join
- right_join
- inner_join
- full_outer_join
- left_outer_join
- right_outer_join
$db->table('test as t')->leftJoin('foo as f', '', 'f.t_id')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test as t LEFT JOIN foo as f ON"
$db->table('test as t')->fullOuterJoin('foo as f', '', 'f.t_id')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test as t FULL OUTER JOIN foo as f ON"
$where = [
'name' => 'Burak',
'age' => 23,
'status' => 1
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE name='Burak' AND age='23' AND status='1' LIMIT 1"
# OR
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active='1'"
# OR
$db->table('test')->where('age', '>=', 18)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE age>='18'"
# OR
$db->table('test')->where('age = ? OR age = ?', [18, 20])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE age='18' OR age='20'"
You can use this method in 4 ways. These;
- where
- orWhere
- notWhere
- orNotWhere
- whereNull
- whereNotNull
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->notWhere('auth', 1)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active = '1' AND NOT auth = '1'"
# OR
$db->table('test')->where('age', 20)->orWhere('age', '>', 25)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE age = '20' OR age > '25'"
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE email IS NOT NULL"
->grouped(function($q) {
$q->where('country', 'TURKEY')->orWhere('country', 'ENGLAND');
->where('status', 1)
# Ouput: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE (country='TURKEY' OR country='ENGLAND') AND status ='1'"
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->in('id', [1, 2, 3])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active = '1' AND id IN ('1', '2', '3')"
You can use this method in 4 ways. These;
- in
- orIn
- notIn
- orNotIn
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->notIn('id', [1, 2, 3])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active = '1' AND id NOT IN ('1', '2', '3')"
# OR
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->orIn('id', [1, 2, 3])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active = '1' OR id IN ('1', '2', '3')"
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->between('age', 18, 25)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active = '1' AND age BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
You can use this method in 4 ways. These;
- between
- orBetween
- notBetween
- orNotBetween
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->notBetween('age', 18, 25)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active = '1' AND age NOT BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
# OR
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->orBetween('age', 18, 25)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active = '1' OR age BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
$db->table('test')->like('title', "%php%")->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE title LIKE '%php%'"
You can use this method in 4 ways. These;
- like
- orLike
- notLike
- orNotLike
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->notLike('tags', '%dot-net%')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active = '1' AND tags NOT LIKE '%dot-net%'"
# OR
$db->table('test')->like('bio', '%php%')->orLike('bio', '%java%')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE bio LIKE '%php%' OR bio LIKE '%java%'"
# Usage 1: One parameter
$db->table('test')->where('status', 1)->groupBy('cat_id')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status = '1' GROUP BY cat_id"
# Usage 1: Array parameter
$db->table('test')->where('status', 1)->groupBy(['cat_id', 'user_id'])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status = '1' GROUP BY cat_id, user_id"
$db->table('test')->where('status', 1)->groupBy('city')->having('COUNT(person)', 100)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status='1' GROUP BY city HAVING COUNT(person) > '100'"
# OR
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->groupBy('department_id')->having('AVG(salary)', '<=', 500)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active='1' GROUP BY department_id HAVING AVG(salary) <= '500'"
# OR
$db->table('test')->where('active', 1)->groupBy('department_id')->having('AVG(salary) > ? AND MAX(salary) < ?', [250, 1000])->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE active='1' GROUP BY department_id HAVING AVG(salary) > '250' AND MAX(salary) < '1000'"
# Usage 1: One parameter
$db->table('test')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('id')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status='1' ORDER BY id ASC"
### OR
$db->table('test')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('id desc')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status='1' ORDER BY id desc"
# Usage 1: Two parameters
$db->table('test')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status='1' ORDER BY id DESC"
# Usage 3: Rand()
$db->table('test')->where('status', 1)->orderBy('rand()')->limit(10)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status='1' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 10"
# Usage 1: One parameter
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 10"
# Usage 2: Two parameters
$db->table('test')->limit(10, 20)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 10, 20"
# Usage 3: with offset method
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10"
# First parameter: Data count of per page
# Second parameter: Active page
$db->table('test')->pagination(15, 1)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 15 OFFSET 0"
$db->table('test')->pagination(15, 2)->getAll();
# Output: "SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 15 OFFSET 15"
$data = [
'title' => 'test',
'content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...',
'time' => '2017-05-19 19:05:00',
'status' => 1
# Output: "INSERT INTO test (title, content, time, status) VALUES ('test', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...', '2017-05-19 19:05:00', '1')"
$data = [
'username' => 'izniburak',
'password' => 'pass',
'activation' => 1,
'status' => 1
$db->table('users')->where('id', 10)->update($data);
# Output: "UPDATE users SET username='izniburak', password='pass', activation='1', status='1' WHERE id='10'"
$db->table('test')->where("id", 17)->delete();
# Output: "DELETE FROM test WHERE id = '17'"
# OR
# Output: "TRUNCATE TABLE delete"
$data = [
'title' => 'new title',
'status' => 2
$db->table('test')->where('id', 10)->update($data);
# OR
# Output: "ANALYZE TABLE users"
$db->table(['users', 'pages'])->check();
# Output: "CHECK TABLE users, pages"
$db->table(['users', 'pages'])->checksum();
# Output: "CHECKSUM TABLE users, pages"
$db->table(['users', 'pages'])->optimize();
# Output: "OPTIMIZE TABLE users, pages"
$db->table(['users', 'pages'])->repair();
# Output: "REPAIR TABLE users, pages"
# Usage 1: Select all records
$db->query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id=? AND status=?', [10, 1])->fetchAll();
# Usage 2: Select one record
$db->query('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id=? AND status=?', [10, 1])->fetch();
# Usage 3: Other queries like Update, Insert, Delete etc...
$db->query('DELETE FROM test WHERE id=?', [10])->exec();
$data = [
'title' => 'test',
'content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...',
'time' => time(),
'status' => 1
$db->select('id, title')->table('test')->where('status', 1)->orWhere('status', 2)->getAll();
# Usage: ...->cache($time)->...
$db->table('pages')->where('slug', 'example-page')->cache(60)->get();
# cache time: 60 seconds
# The number of all SQL queries on the page until the end of the beginning.
# Last SQL Query.