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+ Deploying websites - an escalation +

+ isotopp image + + Kristian Köhntopp + + + + - +
January 9, 2024
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We are still playing minecraft. +This time it is a highly modded Fabric server, which requires more memory than the old box had. +The new box has 12 cores, 128 GB of memory, and two nice SSD. +It is pretty nifty.


+ + A simple problem, easily solved by Ansible. + +


The machine also needs some kind of webserver to run websites. +An easy problem to solve, naturally.


A bit of Ansible, deploy a few config files into the system and be done with it.


Only, these are different types of websites, and over time additional sites are being added. +When a new website is being added, we need to collect all website names
+and generate an +MDomain + + +statement in the config for Apache’s +mod_md + +. +This module will then automatically the necessary certificates for the webserver’s TLS.


Collecting all domain names from the configuration files can be done that in Ansible, but it kind of hurts. +Ansible works best when you run it to deploy a few templated config files, and then have services doing the actual work.


It is also more complicated than this, because we have different types of websites. +Initially we had only

  • static sites (https://example.com)
  • +
  • We also needed redirect_sites (https://www.example.com -> https://example.com)
  • +
  • We also needed reverse proxies for applications (https://grafana.example.com -> https://localhost:3000)
  • +
  • Then we also needed the wsgi_site deployed.
  • +

But a wsgi_site needs to be redeployed when the code has changed on GitHub. +Also, initial deployment of a wsgi_site needs to create a user, +and initial checkout of the code into the users home, +and installation of the requirements.


After a code update, the server needs to be restarted.


+ + This actually needs a shell script + +


Okay, let’s not do this in Ansible. +Let’s write a simple and easy shell script for this.


That kind of worked, initially, but quickly fell apart when the number of variants grew, +error checking became complicated.


Ultimately, it broke when we needed to collect and store per-site config parameters as a JSON, and act on it. +The moment you write shell functions with parameters, traps and other bells and whistles, +it is time to cut your losses and start over differently. +In this case, in Python.


+ + Enter deploy, a Python CLI application + +


In the current intermediate stage, this is a Python script of 32 KB and around 1000 lines.

[root@bigbox ~]# wc -l Source/deploy/deploy 
+951 Source/deploy/deploy


[root@bigbox ~]#  ls -l Source/deploy/deploy
+-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 31428 Jan  8 18:42 Source/deploy/deploy

It understands the five types of server outlined above, and can handle a number of different operations for them.

  • create makes a new server-config.
  • +
  • delete throws it away.
  • +

We store them in a central directory, /etc/projects, as JSON files. +For each site type, we accept a number of parameters:

  • --type, the five types above.
  • +
  • --username, a Unix User we create for the site.
  • +
  • --github The source code repository URL.
  • +
  • --hostname If necessary, this is inferred from the username and the default domain.
  • +
  • --projectdir Only necessary for anomalously structured Python code.
  • +
  • --to_host Only for redirects.
  • +
  • --port Only for proxies.
  • +

We now can do

# deploy show projects
+- grafana
+- learn
+# deploy show grafana
+*** PROJECT /etc/projects/grafana
+- github    : None
+- hostname  : grafana.example.com
+- port      : 3000
+- project   : grafana
+- type      : proxy

The deploy create --type proxy --hostname grafana.example.com --port 3000 has created an apache configuration, +built the TLS configuration and restarted the httpd.service to update things.


We can also do more complicated things:

# deploy create --type wsgi_site --user learn --github ... learn
+... creates /etc/project/learn
+# deploy show learn
+*** PROJECT /etc/projects/learn
+- github    : git@github.com:.../learn.git
+- home      : /home/learn
+- hostname  : learn.example.com
+- project   : learn
+- projectdir: learn
+- pubkey    : ssh-rsa AAAAB3...cfudtTQ== root@bigbox
+- type      : wsgi_site
+- username  : learn

This will create a Linux user, set up a checkout of the GitHub, install requirements, set up a WSGI Apache configuration, +configure TLS, and restart the server as needed.


We can now deploy update learn or deploy restart learn to check out a new version and restart the server, +and we can also deploy logs learn to tail the server logs for this site.


+ + It is still ugly + +


Because this started out as a shell script, it still is ugly. +There are multiple levels of giant case-branches in this. +To become a proper solution, it needs a cleaner structure, in a more object-oriented fashion.


But already it works better than the shell script it initially was, +has better error handling and can handle borderline cases more safely.


Github + +.

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