What is the SHA256 hash of the sample? A: 0C82E654C09C8FD9FDF4899718EFA37670974C9EEC5A8FC18A167F93CEA6EE83
Are there any results from submitting the SHA256 hash to VirusTotal??
A: It is marked as malicious
Describe the results of pulling the strings from this binary. Record and describe any strings that are potentially interesting. Can any interesting information be extracted from the strings?
A: No, there is not a readeable strings
Describe the results of inspecting the IAT for this binary. Are there any imports worth noting?
A : There is a lot of imports can't describe what is the function of the imports
Is it likely that this binary is packed?
A: No. The Virtual Size and Stack of Raw Data have similar values
Describe initial detonation. Are there any notable occurances at first detonation? Without internet simulation? With internet simulation?
A: In the first denonation it appears a powershell but it closes instantely.
From the host-based indicators perspective, what is the main payload that is initiated at detonation? What tool can you use to identify this?
A: In procmon can see a command execution using powershell the payload is encoded with base64 and it can decoded to view the original payload
What is the DNS record that is queried at detonation?
What is the callback port number at detonation?
A: port 8433
What is the callback protocol at detonation?
How can you use host-based telemetry to identify the DNS record, port, and protocol? A: In procmon using filters with de PID of the binary