Extruded acrylic sheets are the most common for crafting.
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Acrylic welding cement is a solvent which melts two pieces of acrylic together.
Slightly rough acrylic works better than smooth acrylic for this purpose.
Laser cut edges do not dissolve well and must be lightly sanded first.
In order to weld acrylic:
Hold the two pieces of acrylic firmly together.
Run the applicator along the seam with almost no pressure.
A miniscule amount of the solvent will run between the two pieces.
Hold them together for 60 seconds.
Leave undisturbed for 24 hours.
Acrylic may be hand cut with a hacksaw or an acrylic scoring tool.
Hold or clamp the acrylic in place.
Score the acrylic with the tool using a straight edge.
Snap off the acrylic piece by applying sharp pressure.
A band saw or a rotary tool also works well but care must be taken to use the appropriate speed as the acrylic can easily melt.
A drill press with a step drill bit works bit but a standard bit works fine.
A piece of masking tape can help protect the acrylic surface.
WD-40 can help clean the acrylic cool and lubricated.
Keep the drill speed low to avoid melting the acrylic.
Acrylic may be bent into a variety of shapes. A heat gun can be used to slowly heat up the acrylic. This takes around 3 minutes. Pieces of wood to form sharp bends or cylinders to create curves.
The acrylic should clean before it is heated.