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Miguel Gamboa edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 41 revisions


  • Bibliography and Lecturing methodology: github and slack.
  • Tools: javac, javap, kotlinc, JDK 17 and gradle.
  • Program outline in 3 parts:
    1. Java Type System and Reflection;
    2. Metaprogramming and Performance;
    3. Lazy processing.
  • Project in 3 parts according to program outline.
  • Managed Runtime or Execution Environment or informally virtual machine (VM) or runtime.
  • Execution Environment includes:
    • Compiler,
    • Programming languages,
    • Standard libraries,
    • Dependency manager (e.g. gradle, maven)
    • Central Repository (e.g. Maven Central Repository, Nuget, NPM, etc)
  • Examples of languages targeting JVM: Java, kotlin, Scala, Clojure.
  • Examples of languages targeting Node: JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin.
  • JVM runs .class files with bytecode
  • JVM translates bytecode to machine code (e.g. IA-32, AMD64, etc depending of the CPU)
  • In Javascript ecosystem modules are deployed in source code i.e. Javascript.
  • Distinguish between Programming Language <versus> VM
  • One file .class for each class definition
  • Metadata:
    • data that provides information about other data
    • In a .class the metadata provides a description and structure of a Type.
  • Using javap -c -p AppKt.class to inspect metadata and bytecode definition of class AppKt
    • e.g. -cp . - local folder
    • e.g. -cp '.:~/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.2/plugins/Kotlin/lib/*'
    • (for windows use ; rather than :)

  • Type System - Set of rules and principles that specify how types are defined and behave.
  • Two kinds of types: Primitive and Reference types.
  • Classes have Members
  • Members may be: Fields or Methods.
  • There are NO properties in Java Type System.
  • Using javap -p Person.class to inspect metadata
  • The fully qualified name of a class includes its package name.
  • Constructor is a method with the name <init> returning void.
  • Member access syntax: Receiver.Member.
  • The Receiver is the target of the member access and it is a Type (for static members) or an Object (for non-static/instance members).
  • JOL - Java Object Layout:
    • java -cp .;jol-cli-0.17-full.jar org.openjdk.jol.Main estimates <classqualifiedname>
    • (linux replace ; by : on -cp (classpath))
  • Object header = mark word (used for hash, locks, GC, etc) + class word (class-specific metadata).
  • Fields alignment, reorder and padding gap.
  • Static initializer: initializes static fields.
  • Immutable values:
    • constant value calculated at compile time, e.g. Kotlin const
    • immutable, yet dynamically initializable
  • Boxing and Unboxing.
  • Boxing : <Wrapper>.valueOf(value)
    1. Heap allocation
    2. Object header initialization
    3. Copy value
  • Unboxing: <Wrapper Instance>.<primitive>Value(), e.g. nr.intValue()
  • Nested classes.
  • Inner classes: non-static in Java or inner in Kotlin.
  • Abstract classes cannot be directly instantiated.
  • Interfaces represent abstract types that cannot be instantiated too.
  • Override
  • Names collision and Member access ambiguity
  • Methods call resolution: Fields, Methods, and Virtual Methods.
  • Anonymous Classes in Java
  • Object Expressions in Kotlin
  • Resulting types from compilation
  • Homework 2 - virtual and non-virtual methods.
  • Kotlin Class Members
  • Analyzing Kotin properties in JVM.
  • There are NO properties in Java Type System.
  • A Kotlin property may generate:
    • Backing field
    • Getter, i.e. function get... -- called with invoke... bytecode.
    • Setter, i.e. function set... (if defined with var).
  • Top-level declarations
  • Extension functions
  • Singleton design pattern
  • object keyword:
    • private constructor
    • Singleton instance in static INSTANCE field;
  • companion object - specific type of object declaration associated with its owner class.

  • Function Types
  • Kotlin compiler generates an _anonymous class: that implements the interface aligned with the respective function type.
  • Reflection object oriented API for metadata
  • Reflection ---> metadata ---> Type System
  • Type System: types have members
  • Kotlin Reflection API: KClass ----->* KCallable
    • An instance of KClass may represent a type in Kotlin.
    • An instance of KCallable may represent a member in Kotlin.
  • KCallable base type of KFunction and KProperty
  • KProperty and KMutableProperty
  • KCallable ----->* KParameter
  • KFunction properties: name, type, parameters and instanceParameter.
  • KParameter property kind: INSTANCE versus EXTENSION_RECEIVER
  • KParameter property isOptional
  • KClass::createInstance()
  • KFunction::call()

  • To directly reference a KType, we use the typeOf function:
    • e.g. func.returnType != typeOf<Unit>()
  • KType holds information about nullability and type arguments.
  • KType properties: isMarkedNullable, arguments, and classifier.
    • arguments provide information about the type arguments (i.e. List<KType>)
    • classifier provides a reference to the associated class (i.e. KClassifier).
      • KClassifier is the base type of KClass

  • Implement an utility extension Appendable.log(obj:Any)
  • isAccessible - Provides a way to suppress JVM access checks for a callable.
  • Test with Kotlin domain classes and Java domain classes
  • Appendable.logGetters(obj:Any) in Kotlin to inspect Java getters:
    • methods with prefix get
    • a single argument corresponding to the instance parameter
    • return type different from Unit:
    • e.g. m.returnType.classifier != Unit::class
  • NaiveMapper, takes inspiration from libraries like AutoMapper or MapStruct:
    • Simplify the process of mapping data between objects of different types by copying values from properties of one object to corresponding properties of another object.
    • Offers an extension function like Any.mapTo(dest: KClass<*>): Any
  • 1st version - through mutable properties (i.e. KMutableProperty):
    • The destination type must have a parameterless constructor
    • The source and destination properties share the same name and type
    • The destination properties are mutable
  • 2nd version - through constructor parameters:
    • Call constructor via: fun call(vararg args: Any?): R
  • 3rd version - avoid Reflect on mapping function:
    • NaiveMapper<T : Any>(val srcKlass: KClass<*>, val destKlass: KClass<T>):
      • Look for matching properties once in initalization
    • fun mapFrom(source: Any): T - instantiate destKlass with values from source

  • Annotations in the JVM are a form of metadata that can be added to Java classes, methods, fields, and other program elements.
  • Annotations are strongly typed
  • Each annotation inherits from java.lang.annotation.Annotation
  • E.g. JUnit annotation @Test corresponds to the following type:
public interface org.junit.Test extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation{...}
  • Kotlin Reflect API on annotations:
    • annotations: List<Annotation>
    • findAnnotation<T>(): T
    • hasAnnotation<T>(): Bool
  • When a Kotlin member generates multiple Java members, there are multiple potential locations.
  • Use site target to explicitly specify the destination location within the metadata:
    • e.g. @property:MapProp("from") val country: String
  • Specify the allowed elements with the @Target annotation.
  • Enhance NaiveMapper to map properties to parameters with different name through the annotation @MapProp
  • NaiveMapperrecursive mapping complex type properties with auxiliary NaiveMapper instances.
  • Mapping instances of List
  • E.g. from a property of type List<Song>
    • prop.returnType.classifier is List::class
    • prop.returnType.arguments[0].type is typeOf<Song>
    • prop.returnType.arguments[0].type.classifier is Song::class
  • fun KClass<*>.isSubclassOf(base: KClass<*>): Boolean
  • fun KClass<*>.isSuperclassOf(derived: KClass<*>): Boolean
  1. You have to develop a ComparerOrder<T : Any>(klass: KClass<T>) that implements Comparator and it is able to compare instances of type represented by klass, according to the properties which are both: Comparable and annotated with Comparison. Notice that you should compare respecting the order specified in annotation. Example:
class Student (
  @Comparison(2) val nr:Int,
  val name: String,
  @Comparison(1) val nationality: String,
val s1 = Student(12000, "Ana", "pt")
val s2 = Student(14000, "Ana", "pt")
val s3 = Student(11000, "Ana", "en")
val cmp = ComparerOrder(Student::class)
assertTrue {, s2) < 0 } // same nationality and 12000 is < 14000
assertTrue {, s3) > 0 } // “pt” is > “en”
  1. You have to develop a Comparer<T : Any>(klass: KClass<T>) that implements Comparator and it is able to compare instances of type represented by klass, according to the properties which are: Comparable OR annotated with a Comparison that specifies a Comparator for that property, according to the following example:
class Person(
  val id: Int,
  val name: String,
  @Comparison(cmp = AddressByRoad::class) val address: Address,
  @Comparison(cmp = AccountByBalance::class) val account: Account) {

class AccountByBalance : Comparator<Account>{
  override fun compare(o1: Account, o2: Account): Int {
    return o1.balance.compareTo(o2.balance);

class AddressByRoad : Comparator<Address> {
  override fun compare(o1: Address, o2: Address): Int {
    return o1.road.compareTo(o2.road)
val p1 = Person(11000, "Ana", Address("Rua Amarela", 24), Account("FD3R", 9900))
val p2 = Person(11000, "Ana", Address("Rua Rosa", 24), Account("8YH5", 9900))
val p3 = Person(11000, "Ana", Address("Rua Rosa", 24), Account("JK2E", 100))
val p4 = Person(11000, "Ana", Address("Rua Rosa", 97), Account("BFR5", 100))
val p5 = Person(17000, "Ana", Address("Rua Rosa", 97), Account("BFR5", 100))
val cmp = Comparer<Person>(Person::class)

assertTrue {, p2) < 0 } // Rua Amarela is < Rua Rosa
assertTrue {, p3) > 0 } // 9900 is > 100
assertEquals(0,, p4))   // All properties are equal
assertTrue {, p5) < 0 } // 11000 is < 17000
  • Evaluations Stack
  • Local variables and Arguments
  • Constant Pool
  • 16-bit index into the constant pool
  • Load and store opcodes
  • Shortcut opcode forms
  • Arithmetic
  • Execution Flow
  • Reference Types are instantiated in bytecode with:
    • new - Allocates storage on Heap, initializes space and the object's header, and returns the reference to newbie object.
    • invokespecial - Call to class <init> method (corresponding to constructor).
  • Instantiating a refence type, e.g. Student(765134, "Ze Manel") may produce in bytecode:
new           #8   // class Student
dup                // duplicates the value on top of the stack
...                // One load (push) for each parameter of <init> (constructor)
invokespecial #14  // Method Student."<init>"
  • Introduction to Metaprograming and dynamic code generation;
  • Cojen Maker API: ClassMaker, MethodMaker, FieldMaker
  • finish(): Class, finishTo(OutputStream)
  • New Dynamic Mapper that suppresses Reflect on:
    1. Getting properties from source object
    2. Instantiating the target class
  • Common base interface for NaiveMapper and Dynamic Mappers:
    • interface Mapper<T> { fun mapFrom(source: Any): T }
  • NOTE:
    • There is a single NaiveMapper class using Reflect
    • There are different Mapper classes dynamically generated for each pair srcKlass to destKlass
  • Each Dynamic Mapper has a different implementation of mapFrom.

Java Reflect <interop> Kotlin Reflect:

  • Annotation @JvmOverloads -- Instructs the Kotlin compiler to generate overloads for a function that substitute default parameter values.
  • javac -parameters - Generates metadata for reflection on method parameters.
    • Gradle : tasks.compileKotlin { kotlinOptions { javaParameters = true } }
  • Benchmark - assess the relative performance
  • Benchmark != Unit Tests
  • A naif approach - direct measurement, e.g.
    • measureTimeMillis { logger.log(Student(...)) }.also { println("logger.log() took $it millis"); }
  • Some Problems:
    1. Mixing domain instantiation (i.e. Student) with operation execution logger.log().
    2. First execution includes Jitter overhead and misses optimizations.
    3. Milliseconds could not be accurate enough.
    4. IO may be orders of magnitude slower than log operation itself
    5. IDE (e.g. InteliJ) may induce other overheads.
    6. Absolute results in milliseconds may vary on different hardware environments.
    7. System.currentTimeMillis() includes a System call with implicit overhead.
    8. Garbage Collector may degrade performance
  • Minimize side effects:
    1. Remove domain instantiation from operation measurement
    2. Include warm-up => Optimizations may improve performance
    3. Measure the total execution of several iterations rather than several measurements of single executions.
    4. Avoid IO => Mocking IO
    5. Avoid extra tools such as IDE (e.g. InteliJ), gradle, or other => run directly on VM (e.g. java)
    6. Baseline => How much can we improve performance?
    7. same as 3.
    8. GC => Run several iterations and discard most divergent results.
  • JMH - Java Microbenchmark Harness.
  • Benchmark tests annotated with @Benchmark.
  • JMH Gradle Plugin
  • gradlew jmhJar
  • java -jar <path to JAR> -f 1 -wi 4 -i 4 -w 2 -r 2 -tu ms:
    • -f - forks
    • -wi - warm-up iterations
    • -i - iterations
    • -w - each warm-up iteration duration
    • -r - each iteration duration
    • -tu - time unit
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