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Miguel Gamboa edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 41 revisions


  • Bibliography and Lecturing methodology: github and slack.
  • Tools: javac, javap, kotlinc, JDK 17 and gradle.
  • Program outline in 3 parts:
    1. Java Type System and Reflection;
    2. Metaprogramming and Performance;
    3. Lazy processing.
  • Project in 3 parts according to program outline.
  • Managed Runtime or Execution Environment or informally virtual machine (VM) or runtime.
  • Execution Environment includes:
    • Compiler,
    • Programming languages,
    • Standard libraries,
    • Dependency manager (e.g. gradle, maven)
    • Central Repository (e.g. Maven Central Repository, Nuget, NPM, etc)
  • Examples of languages targeting JVM: Java, kotlin, Scala, Clojure.
  • Examples of languages targeting Node: JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin.
  • JVM runs .class files with bytecode
  • JVM translates bytecode to machine code (e.g. IA-32, AMD64, etc depending of the CPU)
  • In Javascript ecosystem modules are deployed in source code i.e. Javascript.
  • Distinguish between Programming Language <versus> VM
  • One file .class for each class definition
  • Metadata:
    • data that provides information about other data
    • In a .class the metadata provides a description and structure of a Type.
  • Using javap -c -p AppKt.class to inspect metadata and bytecode definition of class AppKt
    • e.g. -cp . - local folder
    • e.g. -cp '.:~/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.2/plugins/Kotlin/lib/*'
    • (for windows use ; rather than :)

  • Type System - Set of rules and principles that specify how types are defined and behave.
  • Two kinds of types: Primitive and Reference types.
  • Classes have Members
  • Members may be: Fields or Methods.
  • There are NO properties in Java Type System.
  • Using javap -p Person.class to inspect metadata
  • The fully qualified name of a class includes its package name.
  • Constructor is a method with the name <init> returning void.
  • Member access syntax: Receiver.Member.
  • The Receiver is the target of the member access and it is a Type (for static members) or an Object (for non-static/instance members).
  • JOL - Java Object Layout:
    • java -cp .;jol-cli-0.17-full.jar org.openjdk.jol.Main estimates <classqualifiedname>
    • (linux replace ; by : on -cp (classpath))
  • Object header = mark word (used for hash, locks, GC, etc) + class word (class-specific metadata).
  • Fields alignment, reorder and padding gap.
  • Static initializer: initializes static fields.
  • Immutable values:
    • constant value calculated at compile time, e.g. Kotlin const
    • immutable, yet dynamically initializable
  • Boxing and Unboxing.
  • Boxing : <Wrapper>.valueOf(value)
    1. Heap allocation
    2. Object header initialization
    3. Copy value
  • Unboxing: <Wrapper Instance>.<primitive>Value(), e.g. nr.intValue()
  • Nested classes.
  • Inner classes: non-static in Java or inner in Kotlin.
  • Abstract classes cannot be directly instantiated.
  • Interfaces represent abstract types that cannot be instantiated too.
  • Override
  • Names collision and Member access ambiguity
  • Methods call resolution: Fields, Methods, and Virtual Methods.
  • Anonymous Classes in Java
  • Object Expressions in Kotlin
  • Resulting types from compilation
  • Homework 2 - virtual and non-virtual methods.
  • Kotlin Class Members
  • Analyzing Kotin properties in JVM.
  • There are NO properties in Java Type System.
  • A Kotlin property may generate:
    • Backing field
    • Getter, i.e. function get... -- called with invoke... bytecode.
    • Setter, i.e. function set... (if defined with var).
  • Top-level declarations
  • Extension functions
  • Singleton design pattern
  • object keyword:
    • private constructor
    • Singleton instance in static INSTANCE field;
  • companion object - specific type of object declaration associated with its owner class.

  • Function Types
  • Kotlin compiler generates an _anonymous class: that implements the interface aligned with the respective function type.
  • Reflection object oriented API for metadata
  • Reflection ---> metadata ---> Type System
  • Type System: types have members
  • Kotlin Reflection API: KClass ----->* KCallable
    • An instance of KClass may represent a type in Kotlin.
    • An instance of KCallable may represent a member in Kotlin.
  • KCallable base type of KFunction and KProperty
  • KProperty and KMutableProperty
  • KCallable ----->* KParameter
  • KFunction properties: name, type, parameters and instanceParameter.
  • KParameter property kind: INSTANCE versus EXTENSION_RECEIVER
  • KParameter property isOptional
  • KClass::createInstance()
  • KFunction::call()

  • To directly reference a KType, we use the typeOf function:
    • e.g. func.returnType != typeOf<Unit>()
  • KType holds information about nullability and type arguments.
  • KType properties: isMarkedNullable, arguments, and classifier.
    • arguments provide information about the type arguments (i.e. List<KType>)
    • classifier provides a reference to the associated class (i.e. KClassifier).
      • KClassifier is the base type of KClass

  • Implement an utility extension Appendable.log(obj:Any)
  • isAccessible - Provides a way to suppress JVM access checks for a callable.
  • Test with Kotlin domain classes and Java domain classes
  • Appendable.logGetters(obj:Any) in Kotlin to inspect Java getters:
    • methods with prefix get
    • a single argument corresponding to the instance parameter
    • return type different from Unit:
    • e.g. m.returnType.classifier != Unit::class
  • NaiveMapper, takes inspiration from libraries like AutoMapper or MapStruct:
    • Simplify the process of mapping data between objects of different types by copying values from properties of one object to corresponding properties of another object.
    • Offers an extension function like Any.mapTo(dest: KClass<*>): Any
  • 1st version - through mutable properties (i.e. KMutableProperty):
    • The destination type must have a parameterless constructor
    • The source and destination properties share the same name and type
    • The destination properties are mutable
  • 2nd version - through constructor parameters:
    • Call constructor via: fun call(vararg args: Any?): R
  • 3rd version - avoid Reflect on mapping function:
    • NaiveMapper<T : Any>(val srcKlass: KClass<*>, val destKlass: KClass<T>):
      • Look for matching properties once in initalization
    • fun mapFrom(source: Any): T - instantiate destKlass with values from source

  • Annotations in the JVM are a form of metadata that can be added to Java classes, methods, fields, and other program elements.
  • Annotations are strongly typed
  • Each annotation inherits from java.lang.annotation.Annotation
  • E.g. JUnit annotation @Test corresponds to the following type:
public interface org.junit.Test extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation{...}
  • Kotlin Reflect API on annotations:
    • annotations: List<Annotation>
    • findAnnotation<T>(): T
    • hasAnnotation<T>(): Bool
  • When a Kotlin member generates multiple Java members, there are multiple potential locations.
  • Use site target to explicitly specify the destination location within the metadata:
    • e.g. @property:MapProp("from") val country: String
  • Specify the allowed elements with the @Target annotation.
  • Enhance NaiveMapper to map properties to parameters with different name through the annotation @MapProp
  • NaiveMapperrecursive mapping complex type properties with auxiliary NaiveMapper instances.
  • Mapping instances of List
  • E.g. from a property of type List<Song>
    • prop.returnType.classifier is List::class
    • prop.returnType.arguments[0].type is typeOf<Song>
    • prop.returnType.arguments[0].type.classifier is Song::class
  • fun KClass<*>.isSubclassOf(base: KClass<*>): Boolean
  • fun KClass<*>.isSuperclassOf(derived: KClass<*>): Boolean
  1. You have to develop a ComparerOrder<T : Any>(klass: KClass<T>) that implements Comparator and it is able to compare instances of type represented by klass, according to the properties which are both: Comparable and annotated with Comparison. Notice that you should compare respecting the order specified in annotation. Example:
class Student (
  @Comparison(2) val nr:Int,
  val name: String,
  @Comparison(1) val nationality: String,
val s1 = Student(12000, "Ana", "pt")
val s2 = Student(14000, "Ana", "pt")
val s3 = Student(11000, "Ana", "en")
val cmp = ComparerOrder(Student::class)
assertTrue {, s2) < 0 } // same nationality and 12000 is < 14000
assertTrue {, s3) > 0 } // “pt” is > “en”
  1. You have to develop a Comparer<T : Any>(klass: KClass<T>) that implements Comparator and it is able to compare instances of type represented by klass, according to the properties which are: Comparable OR annotated with a Comparison that specifies a Comparator for that property, according to the following example:
class Person(
  val id: Int,
  val name: String,
  @Comparison(cmp = AddressByRoad::class) val address: Address,
  @Comparison(cmp = AccountByBalance::class) val account: Account) {

class AccountByBalance : Comparator<Account>{
  override fun compare(o1: Account, o2: Account): Int {
    return o1.balance.compareTo(o2.balance);

class AddressByRoad : Comparator<Address> {
  override fun compare(o1: Address, o2: Address): Int {
    return o1.road.compareTo(o2.road)
val p1 = Person(11000, "Ana", Address("Rua Amarela", 24), Account("FD3R", 9900))
val p2 = Person(11000, "Ana", Address("Rua Rosa", 24), Account("8YH5", 9900))
val p3 = Person(11000, "Ana", Address("Rua Rosa", 24), Account("JK2E", 100))
val p4 = Person(11000, "Ana", Address("Rua Rosa", 97), Account("BFR5", 100))
val p5 = Person(17000, "Ana", Address("Rua Rosa", 97), Account("BFR5", 100))
val cmp = Comparer<Person>(Person::class)

assertTrue {, p2) < 0 } // Rua Amarela is < Rua Rosa
assertTrue {, p3) > 0 } // 9900 is > 100
assertEquals(0,, p4))   // All properties are equal
assertTrue {, p5) < 0 } // 11000 is < 17000
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