- profile: make shared chruby config work on non-mac unix systems (0b0f5e2)
- profiles: fix nvm shell detection (0724eba)
- profiles: fix nvm shell detection (12ae0ec)
- profiles: fix nvm shell detection (ea7370b)
- profiles: silence permission fix errors (d8573be)
- script: force yes when installing apt packages (cc7893b)
- scripts: fix os check and update script perms (e12022d)
- scripts: missing locale in linux (1d5455d)
- scripts: symlink correctly at the end of backup (53e4647)
- scripts: use new way of listing casks (43dd6a7)
- multi: homebrew on linux (55f8c68)
- multi: make it easier for people to create the default profile (054d958)
- multi: make rn profile work in codespaces (2e86ccb)
- profile: support bash for nvm init (c21471f)
- profiles: update android studio paths (1225d00)
- script: implement checks for profile existence (9ee5443)
- scripts: allow easy sharing of profiles between machines (66468fa)
- scripts: android fix cleanup (fda8aa7)
- scripts: automate symlinking dotfiles to create a profile (3f5353b)
- scripts: improve modularity (d0ea864)
- scripts: install chruby on ubuntu (b03c162)
- scripts: install ruby-install on ubuntu (d714db1)
- scripts: leave jdk installation to profiles (7e5edfc)
- scripts: make backup work for all linux distros (95e76af)
- scripts: significantly speed up package installation (4926c0e)
- scripts: simplify linux installation using homebrew (4c48554)
- scripts: unify cleanup logic and be more lenient overall (4e143af)
- scripts: unify unix logic and make completely modular (ee8fa5b)
- scripts: work for all linux distros (81bfa50)
- scripts: No tool is forced anymore. Scripts have also changed in location and in how they work.