- Editing:
- Action to make animations loop in the property context menu
- Added Inflate/Deflate modifier (aka Pucker/Bloat)
- Added support for rounded polygons / stars
- Added rounded corners modifier
- I/O:
- Loading Lottie with
no longer show a warning - Fixed UUIDs when loading lottie animations
- Fixed loading layers with a masked parent from lottie
- Fixed exporting polygons to lottie
- Added support for loading (old) lottie v 4.0.0
- Added support for common metadata (author/description) across formats
- Fixed loading easing from lottie
- Added support for reversed lottie shapes
- Loading Lottie with
- UI:
- Added simplified Chinese translation
- Added British English translation
- Available languages are shown in their own language in the settings dialog
- You can drag on the timeline property tree to change a layer's parent link
- New icon / logo
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed rows breaking up in the timeline
- Fixed various issues with trim path
- Editing
- Added support for stretching time on the timing dialog
- The object context menu now can show a dilaog to change animation timing on the object
- Ability to add fonts from Google Fonts
- The edit tool now has its own undo history
- Changing color/style while creating a shape now properly shows the changes
- You can now convert/render files with glaxnimate from the command line
- I/O:
- Fixed position of tspan on SVG output
- Fixed shapes not showing on SVG output
- Fonts defined in CSS @font-face are now loaded from SVG
- External fonts are now loaded from lottie
- Scripting:
- Ability to stretch time for documents and individual objects
- Bug Fixes:
- The timing dialog honours "Keep initial timing"
- Fixed crash when switching between compositions
- Fixed some CSS parsing issues
- Fixed memory leak on file load
- The text tool options shows the right font family when selecting an object
- The list of available languages shows correctly again in the settings dialog
- Editing:
- Action to remove all animations from a property
- When deleting the currently active object, its parent will be selected instead
- UI:
- New handle for translating layers, groups etc without having to drag on the object
- Menu items for images in the asset view
- Saving the document swatch will ask for a name
- Transform handles for rotation/translation now keep a constant distance, regardless of zoom
- Added French translation
- Improved Italian translation
- I/O:
- Made error messages from the lottie importer easier to understand
- SVG export now supports hold frames
- SVG import now assumes back for unspecified fill
- Ability to export as a spritesheet
- Fixed bug then loading CSS from SVG
- Scripting:
- The Headless environment context manager is no longer required when using glaxnimate as a module
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed loading lottie animations with missing "a" attributes
- The rotation handle no longer changes position based on scale
- Adding new layers inserts them on top of the selection
- Fixed the canvas not rendering anything when the document area isn't in view
- Dragging multiple objects in the layer list properly moves all of them
- Fixed current selection not being displayed correctly in the layer view
- You can no longer delete an object if its parent is locked
- Editing:
- Repeater modifier
- Trim path modifier
- Improved shape to path conversion
- Can convert shapes to path from the context menu
- You can now drag multiple keyframes on the timeline
- Text can now follow a path
- Touch gestures for the canvas (pinch and pan)
- Dropping a file onto the main window now gives options to import or open the file
- Preset and validation of Discord stickers
- Ability to import SVG from popular emoji sets
- UI:
- Made the "Tool Options" view more compact
- Template system for new files
- Startup dialog
- The timeline now allows selecting multiple rows at once
- In recording mode, a keyframe at time 0 is added automatically for non animated properties
- Button to clear fill/stroke colors
- The context menu you get on the composition tabs now allows you to rename precompositions
- I/O:
- More color formats are supported for the SVG importe
- Automatically removes embedded images when exporting to TGS
- Preview exports now show the warnings you'd get when saving to that format
- Scripting:
- Python can now convert objects to path
- More intuitive construction of C++ classes from python
- Mobile:
- Experimental Android port
- Bug Fixes:
- Dragging keyframes properly preserves keyframe transitions
- Fixed mask export for lottie
- Fixed crash on with color quantization on Mac ARM
- Fixed some canvas selection inconsistencies
- When creating text shapes, it honours fill/stroke checkboxes
- Fixed initial font style when creating new text shapes
- Fixed clicking on text shapes
- Switching away from the draw tool no longer removes the path
- Fixed Editing colors not merging in a single undo command
- Fixed precomposing layer already in precomps
- Fixed switching to the newly created comp when precomposing
- Better naming for compositions created from a single object
- Dragging no longer moves objects that don't need to be moved
- Fixed tab bars not showing when loading documents containing precomps
- Fixed crash when opening the most recent file
- Imported files show their name in the created layer
- Fixed Lottie export of transparent color
- Fixed most recent file being forgotten sometimes
- Fixed anchor points not being loaded properly from SVG
- SVG import now sets the correct size from the viewBox if width/height aren't specified
- Fixed plugin-based importers
- Editing:
- The shortcut for "Undo" now works also to remove points when drawing paths
- The trace dialog is now better at autodetecting colors
- UI:
- Preferences dialog no longer closes on Enter
- Some layer properties are displayed inline in the timeline tree
- Bezier tangents are shown a bit thicker
- The timeline shows precomposition tabs
- The timeline now shows the whole composition and more properties are available
- The timeline now support drag/drop operations
- Status bar now shows the mouse position
- When in keyframe recorning mode, the canvas outline turns red and a message appears in the status bar
- Status bar now shows fill/stroke colors
- New toolbar for drawing tools
- New options to configure toolbars
- Improved scrolling on the timeline
- Made alignment buttons a bit smaller
- I/O:
- Lottie output is slightly more compact
- Added minimal support for CSS on SVG import
- Improved error reporting when loading lotttie files
- Improved loading / saving hidden objects for lottie
- Improved performance when loading large SVG files
- Scripting:
- New plugin to help with frame-by-frame animation
- Scripts have access to the current composition
- Improved support for python standard io streams
- Exposed bitmap tracing and color quantization utilities
- Exposed single frame rendering capabilities (raster and svg)
- New snippet system to run custom scripts without the need of a plugin
- Bug Fixes:
- Custom keyboard shortcuts are saved properly
- Fixed values blowing up when changed from the property tree
- Fixed crash caused by stale model indices
- Precompositions correctly update whhen the current frame is changed
- Clicking on the checkboxes in the plugin settings properly toggles the plugins
- Lottie precomposition dependencies are correctly resolved on import
- Fixed parenting transforms for imported lottie precomp layers
- Fixed importing SVG path data
- Fixed the HueShift plugin
- Fixed loading transparent gradients from lottie
- Gradients can be renamed
- Fixed undoing precomp deletion
- Fixed visual glitches when switching compositions
- Fixed row stripe misalignment on the timeline
- Fixed text to shapes
- Fixed loading SVG opacity specified as a percentage
- Fixed wrong selection when undoing precompose
- Fixed converting shapes to path not closing paths properly
- Fixed initial zoom for the timeline
- Editing:
- Text shapes
- UI:
- The path for import images or render frames dialogs is preserved
- View to manage assets
- Pressing enter no longer closes the trace bitmap dialog
- The trace dialog now remembers its settings (and there's a button to reset them to default)
- Updated dark theme colors
- Property lists show opacity, scale and similar as percentages
- Default layer color changed to transparent
- New "hidden" debug menu
- I/O:
- Exporting text to SVG
- Exporting text to Lottie/TGS as shapes
- Importing text from SVG
- Importing text from Lottie
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed dragging layers to the top
- Fixed converting ellipses to paths
- Newly drawn shapes are added on top of existing ones
- Fixed extending paths with the draw tool
- Trying to change a built in widget theme color will create a new palette
- Fixed pasting gradients
- Editing:
- Added menu action and button to flip the view
- The draw tool can now extend existing paths
- UI:
- Improved and expanded the alignment dock view
- There is now an outline around the canvas draw area
- Canvas playback now might skip frames to match real time
- Bug Fixes:
- Fix pasting SVG data
- Fix window size for smaller screen resolutions
- Fixed loading SVG animated colors
- Fixed draw tools marker scaling
- Fixed parenting when grouping objects
- Selection area for an object is now more accurate
- Improved performance for canvas navigation and editing
- Fixed easing import/export for lottie
- Fixed copy/pasting shape keyframes
- Long file export operations properly show the progress dialog
- Scripts should now work on windows without Python installed
- Editing:
- Action to paste as a composition
- Action to import animations
- Added checks to avoid cyclical dependencies between compositions
- Context menu action to "Decompose" PreComp layers
- Support for clipping masks
- UI:
- Right clicking on the layer view to get a context menu no longer changes the selection
- Object context menus now have actions to toggle visibility and lock
- Resizing the document duration in the timeline doesn't move the timeline chart
- Layer context menu action to update its first/last frame based on the main comp
- Improved canvas rendering performance
- "Reset Transform" action for images in the context menu
- I/O:
- Animated SVG now honours layer first/last frames
- SVG keeps track of parent layer transforms
- Animated SVG now trims excess frames from animated properties
- Animated SVG output now properly supports animated opacity for layers and groups
- The SVG parsers now parses correctly "d" attributes without spaces
- Fixed lottie export of layers containing shape groups and other layers
- Hidden object are hidden on lottie export
- All exported lottie layers now have a layer index
- Added support for lottie mattes and masks
- Added support for SVG masks and clipping paths
- Scripting:
- Python has now access to the users of an asset
- Python can update the current selection
- Bug Fixes:
- Duplicating shapes updates uuids
- Importing images sets their name
- Fixed hidden layers
- Editing:
- Added support for precompositions
- Ability to copy/paste keyframe values (through menus)
- Menu action (and keyboard shortcut) to duplicate the selected shapes
- Holding Ctrl while drawing stars/polygons snaps their angle to 15 degrees increments
- Rubberband selections only selects objects fully within the rubber band
- Menu and view to align selected objects
- Hold Ctrl while dragging an objects with the select tool to snap movement to the axes
- UI:
- The timeline now allows editing layer frame ranges
- When selecting groups, its inner objects will show in the timeline
- The timeline now shows some non-animated properties for convenience
- The trace dialog has a slider to compare the trace preview to the original image
- The timeline has a larger handle between properties and keyframes
- Objects in the timeline can be expanded and collapsed
- The timeline and properties view will show gradient properties when a fill or stroke object is selected
- Scripting:
- Color values can be manipulated using the HSV color space
- Scripts can update gradient colors
- Scripts can read the list of selected shapes
- New plugin to shift hues in the selected shapes
- I/O:
- Added support for gradientTransform when parsing SVG
- Added more warnings for features not supported by Telegram
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crash caused by switching between certain themes
- Fixed missing canvas handles when selecting the main composition
- Opacity properly displayed when loading objects
- Fixed some rounding errors when exporting to tgs
- Fixed copy/pasting gradients
- Fixed layer bounding boxes not being updated in some cases
- Rendering to raster correctly takes into account layer parenting
- Loading Lottie layers with non-integer in/out points works correctly
- Pixed python libraries on windows
- Fixed crash when deleting a gradient that is being edited
- Fixed loading transparent gradients
- The "record" button is unchecked when loading a new animation
- Transparent gradients are correctly exported to lottie
options are correctly loaded for plugins- Items in the Plugins menu are now kept always in a sensible order
- Dragging keframes keeps the correct selection
- Image shapes that are children of layers are correctly exported to Lottie
- Editing:
- Menu action to convert any shape into a Path
- Removing keyframes will preserve easing across the affected keyframes
- Fill tool
- The context menu for bezier handles now shows property actions
- Bezier tangent handles are only shown for the selected nodes
- I/O:
- Support for SVG SMIL animations
- Browser SVG preview
- Browser Lottie canvas preview
- Video export, supporting most video formats that ffmpeg supports
- UI:
- Added a theme style selector
- Bug Fixes:
- Removed spurious warnings when loading lottie
- Bezier data is loaded correctly from lottie
- Fixed layer parenting when loading lottie
- Rounded rectangles are correctly exported to SVG
- Duplicating shapes selects the new shape and places it on top of the original
- Keyframes added on newly created objects are on the right frame
- OK/Cancel buttons in the Trace Bitmap dialog now react to user input
- When the selected object is deleted, the timeline and property views are cleared
- Adding keyframes preserves linear/hold easing
- SVG scale() is parsed correctly
- Resize dialog spin boxes update correctly when ratio is locked
- Editing:
- Adding or removing bezier nodes will affect all keyframes
- Adding or removing gradient stops will affect all keyframes
- Options on what to do with layers when re-timing a document
- Adding new keyframes will preserve easing across the affected keyframes
- Menu action to convert between Layers and Groups
- Ability to trace bitmaps
- I/O:
- Support for rendering and loading animated GIF and WebP
- Open/Save dotLottie animations
- Open/Save Synfig files
- UI:
- Dialog to edit document metadata
- Scripting:
- Ability to load Qt designer UI files
- Ability to create any document object
- Rendering to PIL images
- Import/Export plugin types
- Button to clear the script console
- Button to reload plugin modules
- Bug Fixes:
- Animated Path shapes keeps the correct tangents
- Fixed inconsistencies with closed/open bezier paths
- Removed spurious warning when loading animated gradients
- Duplicating shapes correctly sets up the duplicate's animations
- File-based plugin icons are correctly loaded
- Images are properly loaded from lottie files
- Fixed crash when opening a document
- Opening a raster image correctly sets up the canvas size
- Groups and Layers get their bounding boxes properly updated when changing frames
- Editing:
- Last used Named Color will be used for new shapes
- Dragging bezier very close to nodes no longer initiates molding
- UI:
- Improved support for changing the icon theme
- Drag/Drop in the layer view
- Menu action to remove unused assets
- Dialog to change animation timing
- Added Playback menu
- Left/Right arrow keys change frame even if the timeline isn't focused
- Settings page to change keyboard shortcuts
- Scripting:
- Python module
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed misleading mouse cursor when hovering over bezier node handles
- Releasing shift/ctrl on the draw tool correctly updates the path
- Canceling a node in the draw tool properly resets tangents
- Unused gradient settings are removed when no longer needed
- Fixed title of the "Move To" dialog
- Fixed lottie export of properties with exactly 1 keyframe
- Fixed layer order on lottie export
- Theme editor properly supports transparency
- Editing:
- Added gradient support
- Option to exclude some layers from being rendered / exported
- Freehand drawing tool
- Interactive "add node" with the edit tool
- Bezier molding, click and drag on a curve to edit it, without using handles
- "Dissolve nodes", remove bezier nodes while trying to keep the old shape
- Right-clicking on a handle with the select or edit tools will display a context menu for it
- I/O:
- Floats get truncated to 3 digits on compact lottie / tgs output
- UI:
- Configurable widget themes
- The property area of the timeline view can now be dragged by the user to expand it
- Bug Fixes:
- Exporting the document no longer alters the document save state
- Fixed crash on Lottie export
- Fixed keyframe Lottie export
- Timeline view always shows the last frame
- Improved performance when dragging multiple objects
- Editing:
- Added support for copy/pasting document defs
- Dragging bezier handles now replaces the current selection when needed
- Housekeeping:
- Moved the project to GitLab group to have access to more CI minutes
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed rlottie layer transforms for exported lottie
- Importing lottie keyframe checks the type before unwrapping arrays
- Fixed crash when selecting handles
- Export menu action shows the right file name after exporting
- Editing:
- Export action
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crash when exporting lottie
- Editing:
- Ability to embed external images
- Quick action to reopen the last opened/saved document
- Right clicking with the select tool shows actions for all the objects under the mouse
- The shape editing tool now shows a context menu when right-clicking on nodes
- The select tool now can only modify transforms, all other editing operations are done by the edit tool
- The select tool will show an outline for selected shapes (that are not groups)
- Implemented node type menu actions
- Added node/layer delete menu action
- Added segment curve/straighten menu action
- Imported/pasted images have the transform anchor point set to their center
- I/O:
- Paste images
- Open images
- Bug Fixes:
- Star shapes properly imported from lottie files
- Layers are properly hidden when outside their frame range
- Editing Path objects registers undo commands and keyframes
- Changing Path node types now affects the shape correctly
- Cut/Delete properly remove groups/layers
- Editing:
- Star/Polygon Shapes
- Document Swatch
- Ability to lock objects to avoid editing them
- More precise selection when clicking on the canvas
- Tools:
- Star/Polygon Draw Tool
- Clicking with the simple shapes drawing tools switches to the select tool
- Color picking tool
- Scripting:
- Added logging support integration with Python
- I/O:
- SVG output now preserve shapes instead of converting everything to path
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed palettes not being saved correctly
- Undoing commands no longer adds spurious keyframes
- Dock widgets have their icon displayed correctly on all supported systems
- Opacity is now being displayed correctly
- Editing:
- Layer Management
- Basic Animations
- Basic Shapes
- Tools:
- Select Tool
- Bezier Edit Tool
- Bezier Draw Tool
- Rectangle Draw Tool
- Ellipse Draw Tool
- I/O:
- Open/Save Rawr files
- Open/Save Lottie files
- Open/Save Telegram animated stickers
- Open SVG (without animations)
- Render still frames as images
- Render still frames as SVG
- Browser Lottie preview
- Copy/Paste within Glaxnimate
- Copy/Paste SVG
- Copy selection as images
- Telegram sticker validation
- Automatic backups
- Drop files to open them
- Scripting:
- Python Scripting capabilities
- Menu action plugins
- Python console
- UI:
- Color Selection View
- Stroke Style View
- Scripting Console
- Log View
- Tool View
- Shape creation tool options
- Timeline View
- Properties View
- Document Node View
- Undo History View