- mapCtrl fix, typos removed
- RTSP support added
- #14: topics and entities optimized
- merge #12: HTML WEBServer Page
- tune ctrl fixes
- implementation of feature request #11 part 1: AWB controls added
- implementation of feature request #10: config options of initial states
- Feature update: moved image snapshot-timer, -counter and video timer settings from config.json to HASS integration
- Feature update: time elapse video creation based on a set of snapshot images or video speed factor
- new record status entity
- MQTT hass discovery code re-design (new class MQTTClient )
- more stable handling of MQTT broker connection / disconnection problems
- TLS bugfix of issue #9
- bugfix without TLS of issue #9
- MQTT publish fixes
- client MQTT HA available fix
- check json config design update
- min/max pan type bugfix
consider tilt/pan flip due to camera hflip/vflip
thread & events reworked
pan auto None ref bugfix
to min/max pan angle
to high/low tilt angle
general tilt support
Waveshare's Pan-Tilt Hat
Waveshare's lightsensor
pan redesign
pan cam support
clean up ThreadEvents
addition wait time during motion detection
motion enable switch dependencies changed (child app must not be active)