Releases: iprak/yahoofinance
Releases · iprak/yahoofinance
The data coordinator has been updated to use more standard implementation. This makes it simpler and also automatically provides more logging of failed cases.
1.2.13 (2024-11-02)
Bug Fixes
- Pass cookies to getcrumb ([#143]
- added clarification about failure outside US (#144) (a215358)
Better handling of DGPR consent (#137)
Optionally allow symbol to be used as unit_of_measurement via a new setting show_currency_symbol_as_unit
at integration level.
You will need to address STATISTICS errors after the restart (see Readme).
- Market times are now in ISO Date Time format & AUD currency has been added #130
Improve mechanism for request crumb/cookies. A different set of headers is used to avoid "Header value is too long" error (#121).
Trying a different user-agent to avoid Header Value too Long error (#121).
- If we failed to get crumb at startup, then a retry will be done after 15 seconds.
- The integration level scan_interval will now be correctly used if there is no override defined at symbol level.
Previously, one could define a 0 value scan_interval
for manually invoking updates. To accomplish that, one would need to define the scan_interval
as manual.