Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Staking Ethereum with Lighthouse \ Ubuntu - Mainnet
- Configure the Beacon Node Service
- Configure the Validator Service
- Updating Geth
- Updating Lighthouse
Add the Universe Repository
sudo add-apt-repository universe
Install exfat utilities
sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils
Make a mount point
sudo mkdir -p ssd
Check the filesystem name and get UUID to permanently mount drive
lsblk -f
Format drive
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda1
Edit fstab
sudo vim /etc/fstab
Add at the end of the line, separated by a tab
<UUID> /ssd ext4 defaults 0 2
A swap space (a file on the disk used to store in-memory data when the system memory gets low) is used to guard against out-of-memory errors. It is particularly useful for clients that require large amounts of memory when syncing or running.
free -h
Zeros on the Swap: row indicate there is no swap space assigned
Recommended Swap Space
RAM Swap Size 8GB 3GB 12GB 3GB 16GB 4GB 24GB 5GB 32GB 6GB 64GB 8GB 128GB 11GB
Check for Space
df -h
Create the swap space.
sudo fallocate -l 3G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
Verify the changes.
free -h
Enable the swap space to persist after reboot.
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Configure the swap space.
sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=10
sudo sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=50
Open the config file to configure the swap space.
sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
Add the following to the end of the file.
vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 50
The swap file is now configured. Monitor using the htop command.
Find your available port.
sudo ss -tulpn | grep ':<yourdesiredSSHportnumber>'
Update the firewall to allow inbound traffic on . SSH requires TCP.
sudo ufw allow <yourdesiredSSHportnumber>/tcp
Next change the default SSH port.
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find the line with # Port 22 or Port 22 and change it to Port . Remove the # if it was present and save the file. Restart the SSH service.
sudo systemctl restart ssh
Next time you log in via SSH use for the port. Optional: If you were already using UFW with port 22/TCP allowed then update the firewall to deny inbound traffic on that port. Only do this after you log in using the new SSH port.
sudo ufw deny 22/tcp
Install UFW UFW should be installed by default. The following command will ensure it is.
sudo apt install ufw
Apply UFW Defaults Explicitly apply the defaults. Inbound traffic denied, outbound traffic allowed.
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
Create and run this script or download via wget. (Need to revise)
#Allow Go Ethereum
sudo ufw allow 30303
#Allow Lighthouse
sudo ufw allow 9000
#Allow Grafana
sudo ufw allow 3000/tcp
#Allow Prometheus
sudo ufw allow 9090/tcp
#Enable Firewall
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status numbered
Note: Geth node Port 8545
Ubuntu has time synchronization built in and activated by default using systemd’s timesyncd service. Verify it’s running correctly.
The NTP service should be active. If not then run:
sudo timedatectl set-ntp on
You should only be using a single keeping service. If you were using NTPD from a previous installation you can check if it exists and remove it using the following commands.
ntpq -p
sudo apt-get remove ntp
Make sure the system is up to date with the latest software and security updates.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove
sudo reboot
The Lighthouse client is a single binary which encapsulates the functionality of the beacon chain and validator. This step will download and prepare the Lighthouse binary. First, go to the link below and identify the latest release. It is at the top of the page. For example:
Download the archive using the commands below. Modify the URL in the instructions below to match the download link for the latest version.
cd ~
sudo apt install curl
cd /ssd
sudo mkdir bin && cd bin
sudo curl -LO
Extract the binary from the archive. The Lighthouse service will run it from there. Modify the URL name as necessary.
sudo tar xvf lighthouse-v3.0.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
rm lighthouse-v3.0.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
Use the following commands to verify the binary works with your server CPU. If not, go back and download the portable version and redo the steps to here and try again.
sudo ./lighthouse --version
NOTE: There has been at least one case where version information is displayed yet subsequent commands have failed. If you get a Illegal instruction (core dumped) error while running the account validator import command (next step), then you may need to use the portable version instead. Clean up the extracted files.
NOTE: It is necessary to follow a specific series of steps to update Lighthouse. See Appendix B — Updating Lighthouse for further information.
Configure Lighthouse by importing the validator keys and creating the service and service configuration required to run it.
Copy the Validator Keystore Files
If you generated the validator keystore-m…json file(s) on a machine other than your Ubuntu server you will need to copy the file(s) over to your home directory. You can do this using a USB drive (if your server is local), or via secure FTP (SFTP).
Place the files here: $HOME/eth2deposit-cli/validator_keys Create the directories if necessary.
Import Keystore Files into the Validator Wallet
Create a directory to store the validator wallet data and give the current user permission to access it. The current user needs access because they will be performing the import. Change to the logged in username.
sudo mkdir -p /ssd/lighthouse
cd /ssd/lighthouse
sudo chown -R : /ssd/lighthouse
Copy key(s) via scp - keystore-m_xxxxx_xxxx_x_x_x-xxxxxxxxxxx.json
scp -P keystore-m_xxxxxxxxx.json [email protected]:eth2deposit-cli/validator_keys
Run the validator key import process. You will need to provide the directory where the generated keystore-m files are located. E.g. $HOME/eth2deposit-cli/validator_keys.
cd /ssd/bin
./lighthouse --network goerli account validator import --directory ~/eth2deposit-cli/validator_keys --datadir /ssd/lighthouse
You will be asked to provide the password for the validator keys. This is the password you set when you created the keys during Step 1.
You will be asked to provide the password for each key, one-by-one. Be sure to correctly provide the password each time because the validator will be running as a service and it needs to persist the password(s) to a file to access the key(s).
Note that the validator data is saved in the following location created during the keystore import process: /var/lib/lighthouse/validators.
Restore default permissions to the lighthouse directory.
sudo chown -R root:root /ssd/lighthouse
Generate Client Authentication Secret
On the server, communication between the Execution and Consensus clients is securedusing a
JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication scheme. The JWT is represented by a file that contains a randomly generated 32-byte hex string. The Execution and Consensus clients each make use of the file for message authentication. More information here.
Make a directory for the JWT
sudo mkdir /var/lib/jwtsecret
Generate the JWT file using the openssl cryptography software library.
openssl rand -hex 32 | sudo tee /var/lib/jwtsecret/jwt.hex > /dev/null
Use the following command to inspect the file with the hex string.
sudo vim /var/lib/jwtsecret/jwt.hex
Copy or create the file on your Execution Client
In this step you will configure and run the Lighthouse beacon node as a service so if the system restarts the process will automatically start back up again.
Set up the Beacon Node Account and Directory
Create an account for the beacon node to run under. This type of account can’t log into the server.
sudo useradd --no-create-home --shell /bin/false lighthousebeacon
Create the data directory for the Lighthouse beacon node database and set permissions.
sudo mkdir -p /ssd/lighthouse/beacon
sudo chown -R lighthousebeacon:lighthousebeacon /ssd/lighthouse/beacon
sudo chmod 700 /ssd/lighthouse/beacon
ls -dl /ssd/lighthouse/beacon
Create a systemd service config file to configure the service.
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/lighthousebeacon.service
Paste the following into the file.
Description=Lighthouse Consensus Client BN (Goerli Test Network)
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/lighthouse bn \
--network goerli \
--datadir /ssd/lighthouse \
--http \
--execution-endpoint http://<IP of Execution Node>:8551 \
--execution-jwt /var/lib/jwtsecret/jwt.hex \
--checkpoint-sync-url \
Notable flags: bn - subcommand instructs the lighthouse binary to run as a beacon node. --http - Exposes an http endpoint which is used by the validator client to connect to thebeacon node. --execution-endpoint= - The address of the Execution Client. Shouldbe the same for all Execution Clients detailed in this guide. --execution-jwt /var/lib/jwtsecret/jwt.hex - The path to the JWT file that is required forauthenticated communication between the Execution and Consensus clients.
Reload systemd to reflect the changes and start the service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Note: If you are running a local Eth1 node (see Step 6) you should wait until it fully syncs before starting the lighthousebeacon service. Check progress here: sudo journalctl -fu geth.service Start the service and check to make sure it’s running correctly.
sudo systemctl start lighthousebeacon
sudo systemctl status lighthousebeacon
Enable the service to automatically start on reboot.
sudo systemctl enable lighthousebeacon
If the Eth2 chain is post-genesis the Lighthouse beacon chain will begin to sync. It may take several hours to fully sync. You can follow the progress or check for errors by running the journalctl command. Press CTRL+C to exit (will not affect the lighthousebeacon service).
sudo journalctl -fu lighthousebeacon
A truncated view of the log shows the following status information.
[NOTE: A current issue is resulting in an incorrect error message.]
INFO Waiting for genesis
wait_time: 5 days 5 hrs, peers: 50, service: slot_notifier
Once the Eth2 mainnet starts up the beacon chain will automatically start processing. The output will give an indication of time to fully sync with the Eth1 node.
In this step you will configure and run the Lighthouse validator node as a service so if the system restarts the process will automatically start back up again.
Create an account for the validator node to run under. This type of account can’t log into the server.
sudo useradd --no-create-home --shell /bin/false lighthousevalidator
In the validator wallet creation process we created the following directory: /var/lib/lighthouse/validators. Set directory permissions so the lighthousevalidator account can modify that directory.
sudo chown -R lighthousevalidator:lighthousevalidator /var/lib/lighthouse/validators
sudo chmod 700 /var/lib/lighthouse/validators
ls -dl /var/lib/lighthouse/validators
Create a systemd service file to store the service config.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/lighthousevalidator.service
Paste the following into the file.
Description=Lighthouse Eth2 Client Validator Node
#BindsTo=lighthousebeacon.service Removed 11/30/2020 per Somer
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/lighthouse vc --network mainnet --datadir /var/lib/lighthouse --graffiti "Hello from ipalvr!"
Notable flags. BindsTo=lighthousebeacon.service will stop the validator service if the beacon service stops. The validator service cannot function without the beacon service.
vc subcommand instructs the lighthouse binary to run a validator node.
--graffiti "" Replace with your own graffiti string. For security and privacy reasons avoid information that can uniquely identify you. E.g. --graffiti "Hello Eth2! From Dominator".
Reload systemd to reflect the changes and start the service and check to make sure it’s running correctly.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start lighthousevalidator
sudo systemctl status lighthousevalidator
Enable the service to automatically start on reboot.
sudo systemctl enable lighthousevalidator
You can follow the progress or check for errors by running the journalctl command. Press CTRL+C to exit (will not affect the lighthousevalidator service.)
sudo journalctl -fu lighthousevalidator.service
For post-genesis deposits it may take hours or even days to activate the validator account(s) once the beacon chain has started processing. Once the Eth2 mainnet starts up the beacon chain and validator will automatically start processing.
Once the Eth2 mainnet starts up the beacon chain and validator will automatically start processing.
If you need to update to the latest version of Geth follow these steps.
sudo systemctl stop lighthousevalidator
sudo systemctl stop lighthousebeacon
sudo systemctl stop geth
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo systemctl start geth
sudo systemctl status geth # <-- Check for errors
sudo journalctl -fu geth # <-- Monitor
sudo systemctl start lighthousebeacon
$ sudo systemctl status lighthousebeacon # <-- Check for errors
sudo journalctl -fu lighthousebeacon # <-- Monitor
sudo systemctl start lighthousevalidator
sudo systemctl status lighthousevalidator # <-- Check for errors
sudo journalctl -fu lighthousevalidator # <-- Monitor
If you need to update to the latest version of Lighthouse follow these steps.
First, go here and identify the latest Linux release. Modify the URL in the instructions below to match the download link for the latest version.
NOTE: There are two types of binaries — portable and non-portable. The -portable suffix which indicates if the portable feature is used: Without portable: uses modern CPU instructions to provide the fastest signature verification times (may cause Illegal instruction error on older CPUs) With portable: approx. 20% slower, but should work on all modern 64-bit processors. More info here:
cd ~
sudo apt install curl
curl -LO
Stop the Lighthouse client services.
sudo systemctl stop lighthousevalidator
sudo systemctl stop lighthousebeacon
Extract the binary from the archive and copy to the /usr/local/bin directory. Modify the URL name as necessary.
tar xvf lighthouse-VERSION-ARCHITECTURE-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
sudo cp lighthouse /usr/local/bin
Check version
cd /usr/local/bin
lighthouse -V
Restart the Beacon service and check for errors
sudo systemctl start lighthousebeacon
Check for errors
sudo systemctl status lighthousebeacon
sudo journalctl -fu lighthousebeacon
Restart the Validator service and check for errors
sudo systemctl start lighthousevalidator
Check for errors
sudo systemctl status lighthousevalidator
sudo journalctl -fu lighthousevalidator
Clean up the extracted files.
cd ~
sudo rm lighthouse
sudo rm lighthouse-VERSION-ARCHITECTURE-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz