diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 85a1730..c752e82 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -22,501 +22,7 @@ The paid databases are available at https://www.ip2location.com under Premium su
As an alternative, this package can also call the IP2Location Web Service. This requires an API key. If you don't have an existing API key, you can subscribe for one at the below:
+Developer Documentation
-## Installation
-go get github.com/ip2location/ip2location-go/v9
-## Dependencies
-This package requires IP2Location BIN data file to function. You may download the BIN data file at
-* IP2Location LITE BIN Data (Free): https://lite.ip2location.com
-* IP2Location Commercial BIN Data (Comprehensive): https://www.ip2location.com
-## IPv4 BIN vs IPv6 BIN
-Use the IPv4 BIN file if you just need to query IPv4 addresses.
-Use the IPv6 BIN file if you need to query BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
-## Methods
-Below are the methods supported in this package.
-|Method Name|Description|
-|OpenDB|Initialize the package with the BIN file.|
-|Get_all|Returns the geolocation information in an object.|
-|Get_country_short|Returns the country code.|
-|Get_country_long|Returns the country name.|
-|Get_region|Returns the region name.|
-|Get_city|Returns the city name.|
-|Get_isp|Returns the ISP name.|
-|Get_latitude|Returns the latitude.|
-|Get_longitude|Returns the longitude.|
-|Get_domain|Returns the domain name.|
-|Get_zipcode|Returns the ZIP code.|
-|Get_timezone|Returns the time zone.|
-|Get_netspeed|Returns the net speed.|
-|Get_iddcode|Returns the IDD code.|
-|Get_areacode|Returns the area code.|
-|Get_weatherstationcode|Returns the weather station code.|
-|Get_weatherstationname|Returns the weather station name.|
-|Get_mcc|Returns the mobile country code.|
-|Get_mnc|Returns the mobile network code.|
-|Get_mobilebrand|Returns the mobile brand.|
-|Get_elevation|Returns the elevation in meters.|
-|Get_usagetype|Returns the usage type.|
-|Get_addresstype|Returns the address type.|
-|Get_category|Returns the IAB category.|
-|Get_district|Returns the district name.|
-|Get_asn|Returns the autonomous system number (ASN).|
-|Get_as|Returns the autonomous system (AS).|
-|Close|Closes BIN file.|
-## Usage
-package main
-import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/ip2location/ip2location-go/v9"
-func main() {
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- ip := ""
- results, err := db.Get_all(ip)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- fmt.Printf("country_short: %s\n", results.Country_short)
- fmt.Printf("country_long: %s\n", results.Country_long)
- fmt.Printf("region: %s\n", results.Region)
- fmt.Printf("city: %s\n", results.City)
- fmt.Printf("isp: %s\n", results.Isp)
- fmt.Printf("latitude: %f\n", results.Latitude)
- fmt.Printf("longitude: %f\n", results.Longitude)
- fmt.Printf("domain: %s\n", results.Domain)
- fmt.Printf("zipcode: %s\n", results.Zipcode)
- fmt.Printf("timezone: %s\n", results.Timezone)
- fmt.Printf("netspeed: %s\n", results.Netspeed)
- fmt.Printf("iddcode: %s\n", results.Iddcode)
- fmt.Printf("areacode: %s\n", results.Areacode)
- fmt.Printf("weatherstationcode: %s\n", results.Weatherstationcode)
- fmt.Printf("weatherstationname: %s\n", results.Weatherstationname)
- fmt.Printf("mcc: %s\n", results.Mcc)
- fmt.Printf("mnc: %s\n", results.Mnc)
- fmt.Printf("mobilebrand: %s\n", results.Mobilebrand)
- fmt.Printf("elevation: %f\n", results.Elevation)
- fmt.Printf("usagetype: %s\n", results.Usagetype)
- fmt.Printf("addresstype: %s\n", results.Addresstype)
- fmt.Printf("category: %s\n", results.Category)
- fmt.Printf("district: %s\n", results.District)
- fmt.Printf("asn: %s\n", results.Asn)
- fmt.Printf("as: %s\n", results.As)
- fmt.Printf("api version: %s\n", ip2location.Api_version())
- db.Close()
-## Methods
-Below are the methods supported in this package.
-|Method Name|Description|
-|OpenWS| 3 input parameters:
- IP2Location API Key.
- Package (WS1 - WS25)
-|LookUp|Query IP address. This method returns an object containing the geolocation info. - country_code
- country_name
- region_name
- city_name
- latitude
- longitude
- zip_code
- time_zone
- isp
- domain
- net_speed
- idd_code
- area_code
- weather_station_code
- weather_station_name
- mcc
- mnc
- mobile_brand
- elevation
- usage_type
- address_type
- category
- continent
- name
- code
- hemisphere
- translations
- country
- name
- alpha3_code
- numeric_code
- demonym
- flag
- capital
- total_area
- population
- currency
- language
- idd_code
- tld
- is_eu
- translations
- region
- city
- geotargeting
- country_groupings
- time_zone_info
- olson
- current_time
- gmt_offset
- is_dst
- sunrise
- sunset
-|GetCredit|This method returns the web service credit balance in an object.|
-## Usage
-package main
-import (
- "github.com/ip2location/ip2location-go/v9"
- "fmt"
-func main() {
- apikey := "YOUR_API_KEY"
- apipackage := "WS25"
- usessl := true
- addon := "continent,country,region,city,geotargeting,country_groupings,time_zone_info" // leave blank if no need
- lang := "en" // leave blank if no need
- ws, err := ip2location.OpenWS(apikey, apipackage, usessl)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- ip := ""
- res, err := ws.LookUp(ip, addon, lang)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- if res.Response != "OK" {
- fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", res.Response)
- } else {
- // standard results
- fmt.Printf("Response: %s\n", res.Response)
- fmt.Printf("CountryCode: %s\n", res.CountryCode)
- fmt.Printf("CountryName: %s\n", res.CountryName)
- fmt.Printf("RegionName: %s\n", res.RegionName)
- fmt.Printf("CityName: %s\n", res.CityName)
- fmt.Printf("Latitude: %f\n", res.Latitude)
- fmt.Printf("Longitude: %f\n", res.Longitude)
- fmt.Printf("ZipCode: %s\n", res.ZipCode)
- fmt.Printf("TimeZone: %s\n", res.TimeZone)
- fmt.Printf("Isp: %s\n", res.Isp)
- fmt.Printf("Domain: %s\n", res.Domain)
- fmt.Printf("NetSpeed: %s\n", res.NetSpeed)
- fmt.Printf("IddCode: %s\n", res.IddCode)
- fmt.Printf("AreaCode: %s\n", res.AreaCode)
- fmt.Printf("WeatherStationCode: %s\n", res.WeatherStationCode)
- fmt.Printf("WeatherStationName: %s\n", res.WeatherStationName)
- fmt.Printf("Mcc: %s\n", res.Mcc)
- fmt.Printf("Mnc: %s\n", res.Mnc)
- fmt.Printf("MobileBrand: %s\n", res.MobileBrand)
- fmt.Printf("Elevation: %d\n", res.Elevation)
- fmt.Printf("UsageType: %s\n", res.UsageType)
- fmt.Printf("AddressType: %s\n", res.AddressType)
- fmt.Printf("Category: %s\n", res.Category)
- fmt.Printf("CategoryName: %s\n", res.CategoryName)
- fmt.Printf("CreditsConsumed: %d\n", res.CreditsConsumed)
- // continent addon
- fmt.Printf("Continent => Name: %s\n", res.Continent.Name)
- fmt.Printf("Continent => Code: %s\n", res.Continent.Code)
- fmt.Printf("Continent => Hemisphere: %+v\n", res.Continent.Hemisphere)
- // country addon
- fmt.Printf("Country => Name: %s\n", res.Country.Name)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Alpha3Code: %s\n", res.Country.Alpha3Code)
- fmt.Printf("Country => NumericCode: %s\n", res.Country.NumericCode)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Demonym: %s\n", res.Country.Demonym)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Flag: %s\n", res.Country.Flag)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Capital: %s\n", res.Country.Capital)
- fmt.Printf("Country => TotalArea: %s\n", res.Country.TotalArea)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Population: %s\n", res.Country.Population)
- fmt.Printf("Country => IddCode: %s\n", res.Country.IddCode)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Tld: %s\n", res.Country.Tld)
- fmt.Printf("Country => IsEu: %t\n", res.Country.IsEu)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Currency => Code: %s\n", res.Country.Currency.Code)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Currency => Name: %s\n", res.Country.Currency.Name)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Currency => Symbol: %s\n", res.Country.Currency.Symbol)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Language => Code: %s\n", res.Country.Language.Code)
- fmt.Printf("Country => Language => Name: %s\n", res.Country.Language.Name)
- // region addon
- fmt.Printf("Region => Name: %s\n", res.Region.Name)
- fmt.Printf("Region => Code: %s\n", res.Region.Code)
- // city addon
- fmt.Printf("City => Name: %s\n", res.City.Name)
- // geotargeting addon
- fmt.Printf("Geotargeting => Metro: %s\n", res.Geotargeting.Metro)
- // country_groupings addon
- for i, s := range res.CountryGroupings {
- fmt.Printf("CountryGroupings => #%d => Acronym: %s\n", i, s.Acronym)
- fmt.Printf("CountryGroupings => #%d => Name: %s\n", i, s.Name)
- }
- // time_zone_info addon
- fmt.Printf("TimeZoneInfo => Olson: %s\n", res.TimeZoneInfo.Olson)
- fmt.Printf("TimeZoneInfo => CurrentTime: %s\n", res.TimeZoneInfo.CurrentTime)
- fmt.Printf("TimeZoneInfo => GmtOffset: %d\n", res.TimeZoneInfo.GmtOffset)
- fmt.Printf("TimeZoneInfo => IsDst: %s\n", res.TimeZoneInfo.IsDst)
- fmt.Printf("TimeZoneInfo => Sunrise: %s\n", res.TimeZoneInfo.Sunrise)
- fmt.Printf("TimeZoneInfo => Sunset: %s\n", res.TimeZoneInfo.Sunset)
- }
- res2, err := ws.GetCredit()
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- fmt.Printf("Credit Balance: %d\n", res2.Response)
-## Methods
-Below are the methods supported in this package.
-|Method Name|Description|
-|func (t *IPTools) IsIPv4(IP string) bool|Returns true if string contains an IPv4 address. Otherwise false.|
-|func (t *IPTools) IsIPv6(IP string) bool|Returns true if string contains an IPv6 address. Otherwise false.|
-|func (t *IPTools) IPv4ToDecimal(IP string) (*big.Int, error)|Returns the IP number for an IPv4 address.|
-|func (t *IPTools) IPv6ToDecimal(IP string) (*big.Int, error)|Returns the IP number for an IPv6 address.|
-|func (t *IPTools) DecimalToIPv4(IPNum *big.Int) (string, error)|Returns the IPv4 address for the supplied IP number.|
-|func (t *IPTools) DecimalToIPv6(IPNum *big.Int) (string, error)|Returns the IPv6 address for the supplied IP number.|
-|func (t *IPTools) CompressIPv6(IP string) (string, error)|Returns the IPv6 address in compressed form.|
-|func (t *IPTools) ExpandIPv6(IP string) (string, error)|Returns the IPv6 address in expanded form.|
-|func (t *IPTools) IPv4ToCIDR(IPFrom string, IPTo string) ([]string, error)|Returns a list of CIDR from the supplied IPv4 range.|
-|func (t *IPTools) IPv6ToCIDR(IPFrom string, IPTo string) ([]string, error)|Returns a list of CIDR from the supplied IPv6 range.|
-|func (t *IPTools) CIDRToIPv4(CIDR string) ([]string, error)|Returns the IPv4 range from the supplied CIDR.|
-|func (t *IPTools) CIDRToIPv6(CIDR string) ([]string, error)|Returns the IPv6 range from the supplied CIDR.|
-## Usage
-package main
-import (
- "github.com/ip2location/ip2location-go/v9"
- "fmt"
- "math/big"
-func main() {
- t := ip2location.OpenTools()
- ip := ""
- res := t.IsIPv4(ip)
- fmt.Printf("Is IPv4: %t\n", res)
- ipnum, err := t.IPv4ToDecimal(ip)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("IPNum: %v\n", ipnum)
- }
- ip2 := "2600:1f18:45b0:5b00:f5d8:4183:7710:ceec"
- res2 := t.IsIPv6(ip2)
- fmt.Printf("Is IPv6: %t\n", res2)
- ipnum2, err := t.IPv6ToDecimal(ip2)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("IPNum: %v\n", ipnum2)
- }
- ipnum3 := big.NewInt(42534)
- res3, err := t.DecimalToIPv4(ipnum3)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("IPv4: %v\n", res3)
- }
- ipnum4, ok := big.NewInt(0).SetString("22398978840339333967292465152", 10)
- if ok {
- res4, err := t.DecimalToIPv6(ipnum4)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("IPv6: %v\n", res4)
- }
- }
- ip3 := "2600:1f18:045b:005b:f5d8:0:000:ceec"
- res5, err := t.CompressIPv6(ip3)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("Compressed: %v\n", res5)
- }
- ip4 := "::45b:05b:f5d8:0:000:ceec"
- res6, err := t.ExpandIPv6(ip4)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("Expanded: %v\n", res6)
- }
- res7, err := t.IPv4ToCIDR("", "")
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- for _, element := range res7 {
- fmt.Println(element)
- }
- }
- res8, err := t.IPv6ToCIDR("2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888", "2001:4860:4860:0000:eeee:ffff:ffff:ffff")
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- for _, element := range res8 {
- fmt.Println(element)
- }
- }
- res9, err := t.CIDRToIPv4("")
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("IPv4 Range: %v\n", res9)
- }
- res10, err := t.CIDRToIPv6("2002:1234::abcd:ffff:c0a8:101/62")
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("IPv6 Range: %v\n", res10)
- }
-## Methods
-Below are the methods supported in this package.
-|Method Name|Description|
-|func OpenCountryInfo(csvFile string) (*CI, error)|Expect a IP2Location Country Information CSV file. This database is free for download at https://www.ip2location.com/free/country-information|
-|func (c *CI) GetCountryInfo(countryCode ...string) ([]CountryInfoRecord, error)|Returns the country information for specified country or all countries.|
-## Usage
-package main
-import (
- "github.com/ip2location/ip2location-go"
- "fmt"
-func main() {
- c, err := ip2location.OpenCountryInfo("./IP2LOCATION-COUNTRY-INFORMATION.CSV")
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- res, err := c.GetCountryInfo("US")
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- fmt.Printf("country_code: %s\n", res[0].Country_code)
- fmt.Printf("country_name: %s\n", res[0].Country_name)
- fmt.Printf("country_alpha3_code: %s\n", res[0].Country_alpha3_code)
- fmt.Printf("country_numeric_code: %s\n", res[0].Country_numeric_code)
- fmt.Printf("capital: %s\n", res[0].Capital)
- fmt.Printf("country_demonym: %s\n", res[0].Country_demonym)
- fmt.Printf("total_area: %s\n", res[0].Total_area)
- fmt.Printf("population: %s\n", res[0].Population)
- fmt.Printf("idd_code: %s\n", res[0].Idd_code)
- fmt.Printf("currency_code: %s\n", res[0].Currency_code)
- fmt.Printf("currency_name: %s\n", res[0].Currency_name)
- fmt.Printf("currency_symbol: %s\n", res[0].Currency_symbol)
- fmt.Printf("lang_code: %s\n", res[0].Lang_code)
- fmt.Printf("lang_name: %s\n", res[0].Lang_name)
- fmt.Printf("cctld: %s\n", res[0].Cctld)
- fmt.Print("==============================================\n")
- res2, err := c.GetCountryInfo()
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- for _, v := range res2 {
- fmt.Printf("country_code: %s\n", v.Country_code)
- fmt.Printf("country_name: %s\n", v.Country_name)
- fmt.Printf("country_alpha3_code: %s\n", v.Country_alpha3_code)
- fmt.Printf("country_numeric_code: %s\n", v.Country_numeric_code)
- fmt.Printf("capital: %s\n", v.Capital)
- fmt.Printf("country_demonym: %s\n", v.Country_demonym)
- fmt.Printf("total_area: %s\n", v.Total_area)
- fmt.Printf("population: %s\n", v.Population)
- fmt.Printf("idd_code: %s\n", v.Idd_code)
- fmt.Printf("currency_code: %s\n", v.Currency_code)
- fmt.Printf("currency_name: %s\n", v.Currency_name)
- fmt.Printf("currency_symbol: %s\n", v.Currency_symbol)
- fmt.Printf("lang_code: %s\n", v.Lang_code)
- fmt.Printf("lang_name: %s\n", v.Lang_name)
- fmt.Printf("cctld: %s\n", v.Cctld)
- fmt.Print("==============================================\n")
- }
-## Methods
-Below are the methods supported in this package.
-|Method Name|Description|
-|func OpenRegionInfo(csvFile string) (*RI, error)|Expect a IP2Location ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Code CSV file. This database is free for download at https://www.ip2location.com/free/iso3166-2|
-|func (r *RI) GetRegionCode(countryCode string, regionName string) (string, error)|Returns the region code for the supplied country code and region name.|
-## Usage
-package main
-import (
- "github.com/ip2location/ip2location-go"
- "fmt"
-func main() {
- r, err := ip2location.OpenRegionInfo("./IP2LOCATION-ISO3166-2.CSV")
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- res, err := r.GetRegionCode("US", "California")
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- return
- }
- fmt.Printf("region code: %s\n", res)
\ No newline at end of file
+To learn more about installation, usage, and code examples, please visit the developer documentation at [https://ip2location-go.readthedocs.io/en/latest/](https://ip2location-go.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
\ No newline at end of file