diff --git a/crates/iota-config/src/migration_tx_data.rs b/crates/iota-config/src/migration_tx_data.rs
index 9ae343d9e51..9a2a9face87 100644
--- a/crates/iota-config/src/migration_tx_data.rs
+++ b/crates/iota-config/src/migration_tx_data.rs
@@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ use std::{
 use anyhow::{Context, Result};
 use iota_genesis_common::prepare_and_execute_genesis_transaction;
 use iota_types::{
+    balance::Balance,
     effects::{TransactionEffects, TransactionEffectsAPI, TransactionEvents},
+    gas_coin::GasCoin,
     messages_checkpoint::{CheckpointContents, CheckpointSummary},
-    object::Object,
+    object::{Data, Object},
+    stardust::output::{AliasOutput, BasicOutput, NftOutput},
+    timelock::timelock::{TimeLock, is_timelocked_gas_balance},
 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
@@ -155,6 +159,37 @@ impl MigrationTxData {
+    /// Validates the total supply of the migration data adding up the amount of
+    /// gas coins found in migrated objects.
+    pub fn validate_total_supply(&self, expected_total_supply: u64) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+        let total_supply: u64 = self
+            .get_objects()
+            .map(|object| match &object.data {
+                Data::Move(_) => GasCoin::try_from(&object)
+                    .map(|gas| gas.value())
+                    .or_else(|_| {
+                        TimeLock::<Balance>::try_from(&object).map(|t| {
+                            assert!(is_timelocked_gas_balance(
+                                &object.struct_tag().expect("should not be a package")
+                            ));
+                            t.locked().value()
+                        })
+                    })
+                    .or_else(|_| AliasOutput::try_from(&object).map(|a| a.balance.value()))
+                    .or_else(|_| BasicOutput::try_from(&object).map(|b| b.balance.value()))
+                    .or_else(|_| NftOutput::try_from(&object).map(|n| n.balance.value()))
+                    .unwrap_or(0),
+                Data::Package(_) => 0,
+            })
+            .sum();
+        anyhow::ensure!(
+            total_supply == expected_total_supply,
+            "the migration data total supply of {total_supply} does not match the expected total supply of {expected_total_supply}"
+        );
+        Ok(())
+    }
     /// Loads a `MigrationTxData` in memory from a file found in `path`.
     pub fn load<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> {
         let path = path.as_ref();
diff --git a/crates/iota-genesis-builder/src/lib.rs b/crates/iota-genesis-builder/src/lib.rs
index bd6818b6c9e..517f20a3838 100644
--- a/crates/iota-genesis-builder/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/iota-genesis-builder/src/lib.rs
@@ -789,6 +789,9 @@ impl Builder {
         // Validate migration content in order to avoid corrupted or malicious data
         if let Some(migration_tx_data) = &self.migration_tx_data {
+            migration_tx_data
+                .validate_total_supply(token_distribution_schedule.pre_minted_supply)
+                .expect("the migration data does not contain the expected total supply");
                 .expect("the migration data is corrupted");
@@ -1714,7 +1717,10 @@ pub fn split_timelocks(
-    // Timelock split
+    // Timelocks split PTB
+    // It takes a list of timelocks_to_split references; then for each timelock it
+    // invokes "timelock::split" and then transfers the result to the indicated
+    // recipient.
     let mut timelock_split_input_objects: Vec<ObjectReadResult> = vec![];
     let pt = {
         let mut builder = ProgrammableTransactionBuilder::new();
@@ -1746,6 +1752,9 @@ pub fn split_timelocks(
+    // Execute the timelocks split PTB in a genesis environment; it returns a list
+    // of written objects that includes the modified timelocks (the ones that were
+    // split), plus the newly created timelocks
     let InnerTemporaryStore { written, .. } = executor.update_genesis_state(
@@ -1755,8 +1764,15 @@ pub fn split_timelocks(
+    // Insert the written objects into the store
+    // Finally, we can destroy the timelocks that were split, keeping in the store
+    // only the newly created timelocks
+    for ((id, _, _), _, _) in timelocks_to_split {
+        store.remove_object(*id);
+    }
diff --git a/crates/iota-genesis-builder/src/stake.rs b/crates/iota-genesis-builder/src/stake.rs
index ef856fd7bd8..2d9711b57fb 100644
--- a/crates/iota-genesis-builder/src/stake.rs
+++ b/crates/iota-genesis-builder/src/stake.rs
@@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ impl GenesisStake {
         // If some surplus amount is left, then return it to the delegator
         // In the case of a timelock object, it must be split during the `genesis` PTB
         // execution
-        if let (Some(surplus_timelock), surplus_nanos) = timelock_surplus.take() {
+        if let (Some(surplus_timelock), surplus_nanos, _) = timelock_surplus.take() {
                 .push((surplus_timelock, surplus_nanos, delegator));
         // In the case of a gas coin, it must be destroyed and the surplus re-allocated
         // to the delegator (no split)
-        if let (Some(surplus_gas_coin), surplus_nanos) = gas_surplus.take() {
+        if let (Some(surplus_gas_coin), surplus_nanos, _) = gas_surplus.take() {
             self.create_token_allocation(delegator, surplus_nanos, None, None);
@@ -319,24 +319,31 @@ impl SurplusCoin {
     pub fn maybe_reuse_surplus(
         &mut self,
         target_amount_nanos: u64,
-    ) -> (Option<ObjectRef>, Option<u64>, u64) {
+    ) -> (Option<ObjectRef>, u64, u64) {
+        // If the surplus is some, then we can use the surplus nanos
         if self.coin_object_ref.is_some() {
+            // If the surplus nanos are less or equal than the target, then use them all and
+            // return the coin object to be destroyed
             if self.surplus_nanos <= target_amount_nanos {
-                let surplus = self.surplus_nanos;
-                self.surplus_nanos = 0;
-                (self.coin_object_ref.take(), Some(surplus), self.timestamp)
+                let (coin_object_ref_opt, surplus, timestamp) = self.take();
+                (Some(coin_object_ref_opt.unwrap()), surplus, timestamp)
             } else {
+                // If the surplus nanos more than the target, do not return the coin object
                 self.surplus_nanos -= target_amount_nanos;
-                (None, Some(target_amount_nanos), self.timestamp)
+                (None, target_amount_nanos, self.timestamp)
         } else {
-            (None, None, 0)
+            (None, 0, 0)
     // Destroy the `CoinSurplus` and take the fields.
-    pub fn take(self) -> (Option<ObjectRef>, u64) {
-        (self.coin_object_ref, self.surplus_nanos)
+    pub fn take(&mut self) -> (Option<ObjectRef>, u64, u64) {
+        let surplus = self.surplus_nanos;
+        self.surplus_nanos = 0;
+        let timestamp = self.timestamp;
+        self.timestamp = 0;
+        (self.coin_object_ref.take(), surplus, timestamp)
@@ -349,87 +356,81 @@ impl SurplusCoin {
 fn pick_objects_for_allocation<'obj>(
     pool: &mut impl Iterator<Item = (&'obj Object, ExpirationTimestamp)>,
     target_amount_nanos: u64,
-    previous_surplus_coin: &mut SurplusCoin,
+    surplus_coin: &mut SurplusCoin,
 ) -> AllocationObjects {
-    let mut allocation_tot_amount_nanos = 0;
-    let mut surplus_coin = SurplusCoin::default();
+    // Vector used to keep track of timestamps while allocating timelock coins.
     // Will be left empty in the case of gas coins
     let mut staked_with_timelock = vec![];
+    // Vector used to keep track of the coins to destroy.
     let mut to_destroy = vec![];
-    if let (surplus_object_option, Some(surplus_nanos), timestamp) =
-        previous_surplus_coin.maybe_reuse_surplus(target_amount_nanos)
-    {
-        // In here it means there are some surplus nanos that can be used.
-        // `maybe_reuse_surplus` already deducted the `surplus_nanos` from the
-        // `surplus_object`. So these can be counted in the
-        // `allocation_tot_amount_nanos`.
-        allocation_tot_amount_nanos += surplus_nanos;
-        // If the ´surplus_object´ is a timelock then store also its timestamp.
-        if timestamp > 0 {
-            staked_with_timelock.push((surplus_nanos, timestamp));
+    // Variable used to keep track of allocated nanos during the picking.
+    let mut allocation_amount_nanos = 0;
+    // Maybe use the surplus coin passed as input.
+    let (surplus_object_option, used_surplus_nanos, surplus_timestamp) =
+        surplus_coin.maybe_reuse_surplus(target_amount_nanos);
+    // If the surplus coin was used then allocate the nanos and maybe destroy it
+    if used_surplus_nanos > 0 {
+        allocation_amount_nanos += used_surplus_nanos;
+        if surplus_timestamp > 0 {
+            staked_with_timelock.push((used_surplus_nanos, surplus_timestamp));
         // If the `surplus_object` is returned by `maybe_reuse_surplus`, then it means
-        // it used all its `surplus_nanos` and it can be destroyed.
+        // it used all its `used_surplus_nanos` and it can be destroyed.
         if let Some(surplus_object) = surplus_object_option {
-        // Else, if the `surplus_object` was not completely drained, then we
-        // don't need to continue. In this case `allocation_tot_amount_nanos ==
-        // target_amount_nanos`.
+    // Else, if the `surplus_object` was not completely drained, then we
+    // don't need to continue. In this case `allocation_amount_nanos ==
+    // target_amount_nanos`.
+    // Only if `allocation_amount_nanos` < `target_amount_nanos` then pick an
+    // object (if we still have objects in the pool). If this object's balance is
+    // less than the difference required to reach the target, then push this
+    // object's reference into the `to_destroy` list. Else, take out only the
+    // required amount and set the object as a "surplus" (then break the loop).
+    while allocation_amount_nanos < target_amount_nanos {
+        if let Some((object, timestamp)) = pool.next() {
+            // In here we pick an object
+            let obj_ref = object.compute_object_reference();
+            let object_balance = get_gas_balance_maybe(object)
+                .expect("the pool should only contain gas coins or timelock balance objects")
+                .value();
+            // Then we create the allocation
+            let difference_from_target = target_amount_nanos - allocation_amount_nanos;
+            let to_allocate = object_balance.min(difference_from_target);
+            allocation_amount_nanos += to_allocate;
+            if timestamp > 0 {
+                staked_with_timelock.push((to_allocate, timestamp));
+            }
-    // We need this check to not consume the first element of the pool in the case
-    // `allocation_tot_amount_nanos == target_amount_nanos`; this case can only
-    // happen if the `surplus_coin` contained enough balance to cover for
-    // `target_amount_nanos`.
-    if allocation_tot_amount_nanos < target_amount_nanos {
-        to_destroy.append(
-            &mut pool
-                .by_ref()
-                .map_while(|(object, timestamp)| {
-                    if allocation_tot_amount_nanos < target_amount_nanos {
-                        let difference_from_target =
-                            target_amount_nanos - allocation_tot_amount_nanos;
-                        let obj_ref = object.compute_object_reference();
-                        let object_balance = get_gas_balance_maybe(object)?.value();
-                        if object_balance <= difference_from_target {
-                            if timestamp > 0 {
-                                staked_with_timelock.push((object_balance, timestamp));
-                            }
-                            allocation_tot_amount_nanos += object_balance;
-                            // Place `obj_ref` in `to_destroy` and continue
-                            Some(obj_ref)
-                        } else {
-                            surplus_coin = SurplusCoin {
-                                coin_object_ref: Some(obj_ref),
-                                surplus_nanos: object_balance - difference_from_target,
-                                timestamp,
-                            };
-                            if timestamp > 0 {
-                                staked_with_timelock.push((difference_from_target, timestamp));
-                            }
-                            allocation_tot_amount_nanos += difference_from_target;
-                            // Do NOT place `obj_ref` in `to_destroy` because it is reused in the
-                            // CoinSurplus and then break the map_while
-                            None
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        // Break the map_while
-                        None
-                    }
-                })
-                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-        );
+            // If the balance is less or equal than the difference from target, then
+            // place `obj_ref` in `to_destroy` and continue
+            if object_balance <= difference_from_target {
+                to_destroy.push(obj_ref);
+            } else {
+                // Else, do NOT place `obj_ref` in `to_destroy` because it is reused in
+                // the SurplusCoin and then BREAK, because we reached the target
+                *surplus_coin = SurplusCoin {
+                    coin_object_ref: Some(obj_ref),
+                    surplus_nanos: object_balance - difference_from_target,
+                    timestamp,
+                };
+                break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // We have no more objects to pick from the pool; the function will end with
+            // allocation_amount_nanos < target_amount_nanos
+            break;
+        }
-    // Update the surplus coin passed from the caller
-    *previous_surplus_coin = surplus_coin;
     AllocationObjects {
-        amount_nanos: allocation_tot_amount_nanos,
+        amount_nanos: allocation_amount_nanos,