diff --git a/dataGraphs/thematics/dataset/graphs/datasetTemplate-INSTM-Phytoplankton.json b/dataGraphs/thematics/dataset/graphs/datasetTemplate-INSTM-Phytoplankton.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..897c41e --- /dev/null +++ b/dataGraphs/thematics/dataset/graphs/datasetTemplate-INSTM-Phytoplankton.json @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +{ + "@context": { + "@vocab": "https://schema.org/" + }, + "@type": "Dataset", + "@id": "https://registry.org/permanentUrlToThisJsonDoc", + "name": "Real-time monitoring of phytoplankton", + "description": "An extended, free-text description of what's in the dataset, who created it, and other attributes (no Bfiles)", + "url": "https://argovis.colorado.edu/argo", + "license": "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License (link is best)", + "citation": [ + "Argo citation in our About page (not what to cite for Argovis)", + "Citation to other work relevant to this dataset", + "Citation to other work relevant to this dataset" + ], + "creditText": "Cite this dataset as ... (Argovis specific citations: for more than one create array)", + "version": "2021-04-24T06:34:56.000Z (date Argovis was last updated for Argo)", + "keywords": [ + "Keyword 1 (if defined words https://book.oceaninfohub.org/thematics/terms/list.html, see below @type)", + { + "@type": "DefinedTerm", + "identifier": "http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Image", + "inDefinedTermSet": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/DCMIType", + "termCode": "Image", + "name": "Image" + }, + "Keyword 2", + "Keyword 3" + ], + "measurementTechnique": "Link to document/page that describes how an argo float works (create an array for more than one)", + "variableMeasured": [ + { + "@type": "PropertyValue", + "name": "Name of a variable in the dataset", + "description": "Extended description of this variable" + }, + { + "@type": "PropertyValue", + "name": "Name of a variable in the dataset", + "url": "http://ontology.org/uriToSemanticDescriptorOfThisVariable (if available on the web)", + "description": "Extended description of this variable? e.g. Long name and units (see https://book.oceaninfohub.org/thematics/variables/index.html)", + "unitCode": "units" + }, + { + "@type": "PropertyValue", + "name": "SamplingDeviceApertureSurfaceArea", + "url": "http://ontology.org/uriToSemanticDescriptorOfThisVariable", + "description": "Extended description of this variable" + } + ], + "includedInDataCatalog": { + "@type": "DataCatalog", + "url": "https://urlOfDataCatalog.org (link to a page that lists all the datasets in Argovis, which would include the dataset decribed in this json-ld)" + }, + "temporalCoverage": "2007/2007", + "distribution": { + "@type": "DataDownload", + "url": "add a URL to a page that shows people how to download chunks of the Argovis collection", + "contentUrl": "http://urlToDirectDownloadOfThisDataset.org/ (array of strings, each downloading data for a time chunk of the argo data that Argovis can manage without giving error)", + "encodingFormat": "text/csv", + "description": "Explain what each of the urls in contentUrl is (e.g. url to download data for each of the platforms? or chunks)" + }, + "spatialCoverage": { + "@type": "Place", + "geo": { + "@type": "GeoShape", + "box": "26.88 -1.88 48 31.11" + }, + "name": "central Mediterranean Region", + "description": "central Mediterranean Region" + }, + "isBasedOn": "link to Argo DAC (coriolis) as our collection is based on that", + "provider": { + "@type": "Organization", + "legalName": "University of Colorado Boulder", + "name": "Other Name of Organisation which generated the dataset", + "url": "https://organisationWebsite.org/" + }, + "sdPublisher": { + "@type": "Organization", + "legalName": "University of Colorado Boulder", + "name": "Other Name of Organisation which generated the dataset", + "url": "https://organisationWebsite.org/" + }, + "about": { + "@type": "Event", + "description": "Describe the event which is the subject of this dataset. For example, a cruise ID. e.g. Argo program", + "name": "Concise and descriptive name of the Event", + "potentialAction": { + "@type": "Action", + "name": "Concise but descriptive name of action that was part of an Event. For example, the name of a CTD cast", + "agent": [ + "Name or permanent ID of person or thing that performed this action", + "Name or permanent ID of person or thing that performed this action", + "Name or permanent ID of person or thing that performed this action" + ], + "startTime": "2007-03-11T14:45UTC", + "endTime": "2007-03-11T15:42UTC", + "instrument": { + "@type": "Thing", + "name": "The name of the instrument used in the action. For example, the specific model of a CTD, a glider, a moored sensor", + "url": "http://ontology.org/uriToSemanticDescriptorOfThisInstrument", + "description": "Extended description of the sampling instrument" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dataGraphs/thematics/projects/graphs/projectTemplate-INSTM-FerryBox.json b/dataGraphs/thematics/projects/graphs/projectTemplate-INSTM-FerryBox.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e86e3f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dataGraphs/thematics/projects/graphs/projectTemplate-INSTM-FerryBox.json @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +{ + "@context": { + "@vocab": "https://schema.org/" + }, + "@type": "ResearchProject", + "@id": "https://example.org/permanentUrlToThisJsonDoc", + "legalName": "Tunisian FerryBox project", + "name": "Tunisian FerryBox project", + "url": " http://www.instm.agrinet.tn/", + "description": "The Tunisian FerryBox project is an initiative that’s targeting water masse tracking and measuring. It is materialized by a set of sensors that are implemented in Carthage ferry, at 5 meters depth. It is measuring, for each minute of the ferry’s trip, several parameters (Temperature, Salinity, Dissolved oxygen, Turbidity, pH…) The first launch of FerryBox data collecting campaigns was on 2016.", + "logo": { + "@type": "ImageObject", + "url": "https://www.example-data-repository.org/logo.jpg" + }, + "identifier": { + "@type": "PropertyValue", + "description": "UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development", + "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/grid", + "url": "https://grid.ac/institutes/grid.475727.4" + }, + "contactPoint": { + "@type": "ContactPoint", + "name": "Support", + "email": "info@example-data-repository.org", + "url": "https://www.example-data-repository.org/about-us", + "contactType": "customer support" + }, + "funder": { + "@type": "FundingAgency", + "name": "National Science Foundation", + "legalName": "National Science Foundation", + "alternateName": "NSF", + "url": "https://www.nsf.gov/", + "identifier": { + "@type": "PropertyValue", + "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/doi", + "value": "DOI value expressed as doi:{doi}", + "url": "https://dio.org/id/XYZ" + } + }, + "funding": [ + { + "@type": "MonetaryGrant", + "url": "http://www.someinstitute.edu", + "name": "{odo:hasAward -> odo:hasAwardNumber}", + "identifier": "{odo:hasAward -> odo:hasAwardNumber}", + "funder": [ + { + "@type": "FundingAgency", + "name": "Some other org", + "url": "https://example.funder.org/", + "identifier": { + "@type": "PropertyValue", + "propertyID": "https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/doi", + "value": "DOI value expressed as doi:{doi}", + "url": "https://dio.org/id/XYZ" + } + } + ] + } + ], + "ethicsPolicy": { + "@type": "CreativeWork", + "name": "Name or title of the document", + "description": "Description of the creative work ", + "url": "https://www.foo.org/creativework/ethicsPolicy.pdf" + }, + "diversityPolicy": { + "@type": "CreativeWork", + "name": "Name or title of the document", + "description": "Description of the creative work", + "url": "https://www.foo.org/creativework/diversityPolicy.pdf" + }, + "areaServed": [ + { + "@type": "Place", + "geo": { + "@type": "GeoShape", + "box": "26.88 -1.88 48 31.11" + }, + "name": "central Mediterranean Region", + "description": "central Mediterranean Region" + } + ], + "parentOrganization": { + "@type": "Organization", + "legalName": "National Institute of Sea Sciences and Technologies", + "name": "INSTM", + "url": "http://www.instm.agrinet.tn/ ", + "address": { + "@type": "PostalAddress", + "streetAddress": "234 Main St.", + "addressLocality": "Anytown", + "addressRegion": "ST", + "postalCode": "12345", + "addressCountry": "Tunisia" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file