Inspect propel metadata including any configured behaviors.
Add the PropelDumpMetadataConsole
to your ConsoleDependencyProvider
namespace Pyz\Zed\Console;
// ...
use Inviqa\Zed\SprykerDebug\Communication\Console\PropelDumpMetadataConsole;
class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
// ...
protected function getConsoleCommands(Container $container)
return [
// ...
new PropelDumpMetadataConsole(),
Select from list of tables
$ ./vendor/bin/console debug:propel:metadata
Show metadata for a specific entity by table name:
$ ./vendor/bin/console debug:propel:metadata spy_customer
Show metadata for a specific entity by PHP name:
$ ./vendor/bin/console debug:propel:metadata SpyCustomer
Information looks something like:
------------- ---------------------------------------------
class \Orm\Zed\Customer\Persistence\SpyCustomer
collection \Propel\Runtime\Collection\ObjectCollection
table spy_customer
primaryKeys {"id_customer":{}}
------------- ---------------------------------------------
| column | type | default | size |
| id_customer | INTEGER | | |
| fk_locale | INTEGER | | |
| customer_reference | VARCHAR | | 255 |
| email | VARCHAR | | 255 |
| salutation | ENUM | | |
| first_name | VARCHAR | | 100 |
| last_name | VARCHAR | | 100 |
| company | VARCHAR | | 100 |
| gender | ENUM | | |
| date_of_birth | DATE | | |
| password | VARCHAR | | 255 |
| restore_password_key | VARCHAR | | 150 |
| restore_password_date | TIMESTAMP | | |
| registered | DATE | | |
| registration_key | VARCHAR | | 150 |
| default_billing_address | INTEGER | | |
| default_shipping_address | INTEGER | | |
| phone | VARCHAR | | 255 |
| anonymized_at | TIMESTAMP | | |
| created_at | TIMESTAMP | | |
| updated_at | TIMESTAMP | | |
--------------- ------------------------------------
timestampable {
"create_column": "created_at",
"update_column": "updated_at",
"disable_created_at": "false",
"disable_updated_at": "false"
--------------- ------------------------------------
Foreign Keys
fk_locale => spy_locale.id_locale
default_billing_address => spy_customer_address.id_customer_address
default_shipping_address => spy_customer_address.id_customer_address
default_billing_address * -> 1 spy_customer_address
default_shipping_address * -> 1 spy_customer_address
fk_locale * -> 1 spy_locale
fk_customer 1 -> * spy_customer