- Add unit tests for RenameModal #27 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- updating the command to support crx 3 #37 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- adding unit tests #34 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- Adding more unit tests for utils.test.js #33 (@ShelbyCohen)
- Adding tests for dashboard/fields/OneField in extension. #32 (@TimClarkson)
- Tests to check that correct input renders based on commands #31 ([email protected] @stpalmer21 @TimClarkson)
- Added tests for dashboard/SuiteEditor.jsx in extension #30 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- Added unit tests for packages/extension/src/components/dashboard/DashboardBottom.jsx #29 ([email protected] @purvikaul)
- Adding Test cases for components/Modal/DuplicateModal #28 (@aniketpaul1592 @TimClarkson)
- First jsx unit tests #36 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- adding additional unit tests to duplicate modal and fixing context bi… #24 ([email protected] @hwen3 @TimClarkson)
- Adding unit test cases to increase code coverage #25 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- Add test for test suite action util addTestToSuite #23 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- Adding unit test cases to increase code coverage #13 (@REETI-SARUP)
- Added unit test cases to increase code coverage #22 (@TimClarkson)
- Recommended changes #19 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- test(utils/xpath): Additional unit test for xpath utils - ignore pattern params #15 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- test(EnvironmentField): Added tests for EnvironmentField component #14 ([email protected] @connerdodge)
- chore: update contributing #38 ([email protected] @TimClarkson)
- test: update node requirement and add small test #21 (@dong-alex @TimClarkson)
- Update installation documentation for testrunner package #26 (@rounaksalim95 @TimClarkson)
- Han Wen ([email protected])
- @TimClarkson
- Alex Dong (@dong-alex)
- Shelby Cohen (@ShelbyCohen)
- Steven Palmer (@stpalmer21)
- Rounak Salim (@rounaksalim95)
- Purvi Kaul (@purvikaul)
- Conner Dodge (@connerdodge)
- ANIKET PAUL (@aniketpaul1592)
- Reeti Sarup (@REETI-SARUP)
- Han (Jim) Wen (@hwen3)
- Chow, Kevin ([email protected])
- rshinde ([email protected])
- Reuben Evans ([email protected])
- cdodge1 ([email protected])
- pkaul ([email protected])
- Timothy Searcy ([email protected])
- Shashank Srigiri ([email protected])
- Siva Jayaraman ([email protected])
- Steven ([email protected])
- Hank Nguyen ([email protected])
- Noon Lyle ([email protected])
- Tannu Bhalotia ([email protected])
- Matt Boulanger (@Celeo)
- Add crx to release #9 (@hipstersmoothie)
- Andrew Lisowski (@hipstersmoothie)
- Bump webpack-dev-server from 2.11.5 to 3.8.2 in /packages/extension #6 (@dependabot[bot])
- Add yarn.lock #1 (@Celeo)
- update workflow #7 (@hipstersmoothie)
- add easier setup instructions #3 (@hipstersmoothie)
- Center Readme Image #2 (@hipstersmoothie)
- Update circleci conf ([email protected])
- Remove unsupported command ([email protected])
- Update README.md ([email protected])
- Andrew Lisowski (@hipstersmoothie)
- Matt Boulanger (@Celeo)
- TimClarkson ([email protected])
- mboulanger ([email protected])