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Ramon Fontes edited this page Nov 17, 2015 · 50 revisions

Version 1.6 available!

  • It is possible add multiple wifi interfaces ('antennas') in an AP.
  • Code more clear.

Version 1.5 available!
Resources have been improved:
1.5r6: You can work with these two approaches: Strongest-signal-first (SSF) and Least-loaded-first (LLF).
1.5r7: Code more clear and errors fixed.

Strongest-signal-first (SSF): Use aprange = number. Example:
net.startMobility(startTime=0, model='RandomWayPoint', max_x=100, max_y=100, min_v=0.7, max_v=0.9, **aprange=10**)
It means that if the distance from a station and its current associated AP is greater than 10 and the distance from the same station to another AP is smaller than 10 the station should disassociate and associate to the other one.

Least-loaded-first (LLF): Use llf=True. Example:
net.startMobility(startTime=0, model='RandomWayPoint', max_x=100, max_y=100, min_v=0.7, max_v=0.9, **llf=True**)
It will try to balance the overload.

Version 1.4 available!
It is possible set up a mesh networking

Version 1.2r6 available!
It is possible connect stations and hosts and also switches and access points.

Version 1.2 available!
It is possible to configure mobility and also use some mobility models (xterm is not required anymore).

Version 1.0rc2 available!
It is possible to configure mobility of nodes (use xterm for appropriate operation)

Version 1.0 available!
More bugs fixed and now it's possible set position to Stations and Access Points

Beta Version 0.98 available!
More bugs fixed

Beta Version 0.97 available!
It's possible add multiple wireless interfaces to STAs

Beta Version 0.96 available!
Bugs fixed

Beta Version 0.95 available!
It's possible work with common Mininet topologies, such as single, linear and tree.

Beta Version 0.94 available!
Fixed some bugs
It's possible change both mac and ip addresses of STAs

Beta Version 0.93 available!
It's possible work with wireless adhoc network