As part of a modular ABCI application, CCV interacts with both the consensus engine (via ABCI) and other application modules (e.g, the Staking module). As an IBC application, CCV interacts with external relayers (defined in ICS 18). In this section we specify what we assume about these other components. A more thorough discussion of the environment in which CCV operates is given in the section Placing CCV within an ABCI Application.
CCV safety relies on the Safe Blockchain assumption, i.e., neither Live Blockchain and Correct Relayer are required for safety. Note though that CCV liveness relies on both Live Blockchain and Correct Relayer assumptions; furthermore, the Correct Relayer assumption relies on both Safe Blockchain and Live Blockchain assumptions.
The Validator Update Provision, Unbonding Safety, Slashing Warranty, and Distribution Warranty assumptions define what is needed from the ABCI application of the provider chain.
The Evidence Provision assumptions defines what is needed from the ABCI application of the consumer chains.
Safe Blockchain: Both the provider and the consumer chains are safe. This means that, for every chain, the underlying consensus engine satisfies safety (e.g., the chain does not fork) and the execution of the state machine follows the described protocol.
Live Blockchain: Both the provider and the consumer chains are live. This means that, for every chain, the underlying consensus engine satisfies liveness (i.e., new blocks are eventually added to the chain).
Note: Both Safe Blockchain and Live Blockchain assumptions require the consensus engine's assumptions to hold, e.g., less than a third of the voting power is Byzantine. For an example, take a look at the Tendermint Paper.
Correct Relayer: There is at least one correct, live relayer between the provider and consumer chains. This assumption has two implications.
- First, every packet sent on the CCV channel is relayed to the receiving end before the packet timeout elapses.
- Second, a correct relayer will eventually relay packets on the token transfer channel.
Clearly, the CCV protocol is responsible of setting the timeouts (i.e.,
), for the packets sent on the CCV channel, such that the Correct Relayer assumption is feasible.Discussion: IBC relies on timeouts to signal that a sent packet is not going to be received on the other end. Once an ordered IBC channel timeouts, the channel is closed (see ICS 4). The Correct Relayer assumption is necessary to ensure that the CCV channel cannot ever timeout and, as a result, cannot transit to the closed state.
In practice, the Correct Relayer assumption is realistic since any validator could play the role of the relayer and it is in the best interest of correct validators to successfully relay packets.
The following strategy is a practical example of how to ensure the Correct Relayer assumption holds. Let S denote the sending chain and D the destination chain; and let
be the time drift between S and D, i.e.,drift(S,D) = S.currentTimestamp() - D.currentTimestamp()
(drift(S,D) > 0
means that S is "ahead" of D). For every packet, S only setstimeoutTimestamp = S.currentTimestamp() + to
, withto
an application-level parameter. ThetimeoutTimestamp
indicates a timestamp on the destination chain after which the packet will no longer be processed (cf. ICS 4). Therefore, the packet MUST be relayed within a time period ofto - drift(S,D)
, i.e.,to - drift(S,D) > RTmax
, whereRTmax
is the maximum relaying time across all packet. Theoretically, choosing the value ofto
requires knowing the value ofdrift(S,D)
(i.e.,to > drift(S,D)
); yet,drift(S,D)
is not known at a chain level. In practice, choosingto
such thatto >> drift(S,D)
andto >> RTmax
, e.g.,to = 4 weeks
, makes the Correct Relayer assumption feasible. -
Validator Update Provision: Let
{U1, U2, ..., Ui}
be a batch of validator updates applied (by the provider Staking module) to the validator set of the provider chain at block heighth
. Then, the batch of validator updates obtained (by the provider CCV module) from the provider Staking module at heighth
MUST be exactly the batch{U1, U2, ..., Ui}
. -
Unbonding Safety: Let
be any unbonding operation that starts with an unbonding transaction being executed and completes with the event that returns the corresponding stake; letU(uo)
be the validator update caused by initiatinguo
; letvsc(uo)
be the VSC that containsU(uo)
. Then,- (unbonding initiation) the provider CCV module MUST be notified of
's initiation before receivingU(uo)
; - (unbonding completion)
MUST NOT complete on the provider chain before the provider chain registers notifications ofvsc(uo)
's maturity from all consumer chains.
Note: Depending on the implementation, the (unbonding initiation) part of the Unbonding Safety MAY NOT be necessary for validator unbonding operations.
- (unbonding initiation) the provider CCV module MUST be notified of
Slashing Warranty: If the provider ABCI application (e.g., the Slashing module) receives a request to slash a validator
that misbehaved at block heighth
, then it slashes the amount of tokensval
had bonded at heighth
except the amount that has already completely unbonded. -
Evidence Provision: If the consumer ABCI application receives a valid evidence of misbehavior at block height
, then it MUST submit it to the consumer CCV module exactly once and at the same heighth
. Furthermore, the consumer ABCI application MUST NOT submit invalid evidence to the consumer CCV module.Note: What constitutes a valid evidence of misbehavior depends on the type of misbehavior and it is outside the scope of this specification.
Distribution Warranty: The provider ABCI application (e.g., the Distribution module) distributes the tokens from the distribution module account among the validators that are part of the validator set.
The following properties are concerned with one provider chain providing security to multiple consumer chains. Between the provider chain and each consumer chain, a separate (unique) CCV channel is established.
Note: Except for liveness properties -- Channel Liveness, Apply VSC Liveness, Register Maturity Liveness, and Distribution Liveness -- none of the properties of CCV require the Correct Relayer assumption to hold. Nonetheless, the Correct Relayer assumption is necessary to guarantee the systems properties (except for Validator Set Replication) -- Bond-Based Consumer Voting Power, Slashable Consumer Misbehavior, and Consumer Rewards Distribution.
We use the following notations:
is the timestamp of a block with heighth
, i.e.,ts(h) = B.currentTimestamp()
, whereB
is the block at heighth
is the number of tokens bonded by validatorval
on the provider chain at block heighth
is the number of tokens a validatorval
starts unbonding on the provider at at block heighth
is the voting power associated to a numberT
of tokens;Power(c,h,val)
is the voting power granted to a validatorval
on a chainc
at block heighth
is the amount of tokens necessary to be bonded (on the provider chain) by a validator to be grantedpower
voting power, i.e.,Token(VP(T)) = T
;slash(val, h, hi, sf)
is the amount of token slashed from a validatorval
on the provider chain (i.e.,pc
) at heighth
for an infraction (with a slashing fraction ofsf
) committed at (provider) heighthi
, i.e.,slash(val, h, hi, sf) = sf * Token(Power(pc,hi,val))
; note that the infraction can be committed also on a consumer chain, in which casehi
is the corresponding height on the provider chain.
Also, we use ha << hb
to denote an order relation between heights, i.e., the block at height ha
happens before the block at height hb
For heights on the same chain, <<
is equivalent to <
, i.e., ha << hb
entails hb
is larger than ha
For heights on two different chains, <<
is establish by the packets sent over an order channel between two chains,
i.e., if a chain A
sends at height ha
a packet to a chain B
and B
receives it at height hb
, then ha << hb
is transitive, i.e.,ha << hb
andhb << hc
entailha << hc
.Note: The block on the proposer chain that handles a governance proposal to spawn a new consumer chain
happens before all the blocks ofcc
CCV provides the following system properties.
Validator Set Replication: Every validator set on any consumer chain MUST either be or have been a validator set on the provider chain.
Bond-Based Consumer Voting Power: Let
be a validator,cc
be a consumer chain, bothhc
be heights oncc
, and bothhp
be heights on the provider chain, such thatval
voting power oncc
at heighthc
is the smallest height oncc
that satisfiests(hc') >= ts(hc) + UnbondingPeriod
, i.e.,val
cannot completely unbond oncc
is the largest height on the provider chain that satisfieshp << hc
, i.e.,Power(pc,hp,val) = Power(cc,hc,val)
, wherepc
is the provider chain;hp'
is the smallest height on the provider chain that satisfieshc' << hp'
, i.e.,val
cannot completely unbond on the provider chain beforehp'
;sumUnbonding(hp, h, val)
is the sum of all tokens ofval
that start unbonding on the provider at all heightshu
and are still unbonding at heighth
, such thathp < hu <= h
sumSlash(hp, h, val)
is the sum of the slashes ofval
at all heightshs
for infractions committed athp
, such thathp < hs <= h
Then for all heights
on the provider chain,hp <= h < hp': Power(cc,hc,val) <= VP( pBonded(h,val) + sumUnbonding(hp, h, val) + sumSlash(hp, h, val) )
Note: The reason for
+ sumUnbonding(hp, h, val)
in the above inequality is that tokens thatval
start unbonding afterhp
have contributed to the power granted toval
at heighthc
). As a result, these tokens should be available for slashing untilhp'
.Note: The reason for
+ sumSlash(hp, h, val)
in the above inequality is that slashingval
reduces its locked tokens (i.e.,pBonded(h,val)
andsumUnbonding(hp, h, val)
), however it does not reduce the power already granted to it at heighthc
).Intuition: The Bond-Based Consumer Voting Power property ensures that validators that validate on the consumer chains have enough tokens bonded on the provider chain for a sufficient amount of time such that the security model holds. This means that if the validators misbehave on the consumer chains, their tokens bonded on the provider chain can be slashed during the unbonding period. For example, if one unit of voting power requires
bonded tokens (i.e.,VP(1.000.000)=1
), then a validator that gets one unit of voting power on a consumer chain must have at least1.000.000
tokens bonded on the provider chain until the unbonding period elapses on the consumer chain. -
Slashable Consumer Misbehavior: If a validator
commits an infraction, with a slashing fraction ofsf
, on a consumer chaincc
at a block heighthi
, then any evidence of misbehavior that is received bycc
at heighthe
, such thatts(he) < ts(hi) + UnbondingPeriod
, MUST results in exactly the amount of tokenssf*Token(Power(cc,hi,val))
to be slashed on the provider chain. Furthermore,val
MUST NOT be slashed more than once for the same misbehavior.Note: Unlike in single-chain validation, in CCV the tokens
MAY be slashed even if the evidence of misbehavior is received at heighthe
such thatts(he) >= ts(hi) + UnbondingPeriod
, since unbonding operations need to reach maturity on both the provider and all the consumer chains.Note: The Slashable Consumer Misbehavior property also ensures that if a delegator starts unbonding an amount
of tokens fromval
before heighthi
, thenx
will not be slashed, sincex
is not part ofToken(Power(c,hi,val))
. -
Consumer Rewards Distribution: If a consumer chain sends to the provider chain an amount
of tokens as reward for providing security, thenT
(equivalent) tokens MUST be eventually minted on the provider chain and then distributed among the validators that are part of the validator set;- the total supply of tokens MUST be preserved, i.e., the
(original) tokens are escrowed on the consumer chain.
- Channel Uniqueness: The channel between the provider chain and a consumer chain MUST be unique.
- Channel Validity: If a packet
is received by one end of a CCV channel, thenP
MUST have been sent by the other end of the channel. - Channel Order: If a packet
is sent over a CCV channel before a packetP2
, thenP2
MUST NOT be received by the other end of the channel beforeP1
. - Channel Liveness: Every packet sent over a CCV channel MUST eventually be received by the other end of the channel.
In this section, we provide a short discussion on how the validator set, the validator updates, and the VSCs relates in the context of multiple chains.
Every chain consists of a sequence of blocks. At the end of each block, validator updates (i.e., changes in the validators voting power) results in changes in the validator set of the next block. Thus, the sequence of blocks produces a sequence of validator updates and a sequence of validator sets. Furthermore, the sequence of validator updates on the provider chain results in a sequence of VSCs to all consumer chains. Ideally, this sequence of VSCs is applied by every consumer chain, resulting in a sequence of validator sets identical to the one on the provider chain. However, in general this need not be the case. The reason is twofold:
- first, given any two chains
, we cannot assume thatA
's rate of adding new block is the same asB
's rate (i.e., we consider the sequences of blocks of any two chains to be completely asynchronous); - and second, due to relaying delays, we cannot assume that the rate of sending VSCs matches the rate of receiving VSCs.
As a result, it is possible for multiple VSCs to be received by a consumer chain within the same block and be applied together at the end of the block, i.e., the validator updates within the VSCs are being aggregated by keeping only the latest update per validator. As a consequence, some validator sets on the provider chain are not existing on all consumer chains. In other words, the validator sets on each consumer chain form a subsequence of the validator sets on the provider chain. Nonetheless, as a requirement of CCV, all the validator updates on the provider chain MUST be included in the sequence of validator sets on all consumer chains.
This is possible since every validator update contains the absolute voting power of that validator.
Given a validator val
, the sequence of validator updates targeting val
(i.e., updates of the voting power of val
) is the prefix sum of the sequence of relative changes of the voting power of val
Thus, given a validator update U
targeting val
that occurs at a block height h
sums up all the relative changes of the voting power of val
that occur until height h
i.e., U = c_1+c_2+...+c_i
, such that c_i
is the last relative change that occurs by h
Note that relative changes are integer values.
As a consequence, CCV can rely on the following property:
- Validator Update Inclusion: Let
be two validator updates targeting the same validatorval
. IfU1
occurs beforeU2
, thenU2
sums up all the changes of the voting power ofval
that are summed up byU1
, i.e.,U1 = c_1+c_2+...+c_i
andU2 = c_1+c_2+...+c_i+c_(i+1)+...+c_j
The Validator Update Inclusion property enables CCV to aggregate multiple VSCs. It is sufficient for the consumer chains to apply only the last update per validator. Since the last update of a validator includes all the previous updates of that validator, once it is applied, all the previous updates are also applied.
The following properties define the guarantees of CCV on providing VSCs to the consumer chains as a consequence of validator updates on the provider chain.
- Validator Update To VSC Validity: Every VSC provided to a consumer chain MUST contain only validator updates that were applied to the validator set of the provider chain (i.e., resulted from a change in the amount of bonded tokens on the provider chain).
- Validator Update To VSC Order: Let
be two validator updates on the provider chain. IfU1
occurs beforeU2
, thenU2
MUST NOT be included in a provided VSC beforeU1
. Note that the order within a single VSC is not relevant. - Validator Update To VSC Liveness: Every update of a validator in the validator set of the provider chain MUST eventually be included in a VSC provided to all consumer chains.
Note that as a consequence of the Validator Update To VSC Liveness property, CCV guarantees the following property:
- Provide VSC uniformity: If the provider chain provides a VSC to a consumer chain, then it MUST eventually provide that VSC to all consumer chains.
The provider chain providing VSCs to the consumer chains has two desired outcomes: the consumer chains apply the VSCs; and the provider chain registers VSC maturity notifications from every consumer chain. Thus, for clarity, we split the properties of VSCs in two: properties of applying provided VSCs on the consumer chains; and properties of registering VSC maturity notifications on the provider chain. For simplicity, we focus on a single consumer chain.
The following properties define the guarantees of CCV on applying on the consumer chain VSCs provided by the provider chain.
- Apply VSC Validity: Every VSC applied by the consumer chain MUST be provided by the provider chain.
- Apply VSC Order: If a VSC
is provided by the provider chain before a VSCvsc2
, then the consumer chain MUST NOT apply the validator updates included invsc2
before the validator updates included invsc1
. - Apply VSC Liveness: If the provider chain provides a VSC
, then the consumer chain MUST eventually apply all validator updates included invsc
The following properties define the guarantees of CCV on registering on the provider chain maturity notifications (from the consumer chain) of VSCs provided by the provider chain to the consumer chain.
- Register Maturity Validity: If the provider chain registers a maturity notification of a VSC from the consumer chain, then the provider chain MUST have provided that VSC to the consumer chain.
- Register Maturity Timeliness: The provider chain MUST NOT register a maturity notification of a VSC
has elapsed on the consumer chain since the consumer chain appliedvsc
. - Register Maturity Order: If a VSC
was provided by the provider chain before another VSCvsc2
, then the provider chain MUST NOT register the maturity notification ofvsc2
before the maturity notification ofvsc1
. - Register Maturity Liveness: If the provider chain provides a VSC
to the consumer chain, then the provider chain MUST eventually register a maturity notification ofvsc
from the consumer chain.
Consumer Slashing Warranty: Let
be a consumer chain, such that its CCV module receives at heighthe
evidence that a validatorval
misbehaved oncc
at heighthi
. Lethv
be the height when the CCV module ofcc
receives the first VSC from the provider CCV module, i.e., the height when the CCV channel is established. Then, the CCV module ofcc
MUST send (to the provider CCV module) exactly oneSlashPacket
, such thatP
is sent at heighth = max(he, hv)
;P.val = val = HtoVSC[hi]
, i.e., the ID of the latest VSC that updated the validator set oncc
at heighthi
if such a VSC does not exist (ifhi < hv
Note: A consequence of the Consumer Slashing Warranty property is that the initial validator set on a consumer chain cannot be slashed during the initialization of the CCV channel. Therefore, consumer chains SHOULD NOT allow user transactions before the CCV channel is established. Note that once the CCV channel is established (i.e., a VSC is received from the provider CCV module), CCV enables the slashing of the initial validator set for infractions committed during channel initialization.
Provider Slashing Warranty: If the provider CCV module receives at height
from a consumer chaincc
containing a validatorval
and a VSC IDvscId
, then it MUST make at heighths
exactly one request to the provider Slashing module to slashval
for misbehaving at heighth
, such that- if
vscId = 0
is the height of the block when the provider chain established a CCV channel tocc
; - otherwise,
is the height of the block immediately subsequent to the block when the provider chain provided tocc
the VSC with IDvscId
- if
VSC Maturity and Slashing Order: If a consumer chain sends to the provider chain a
before a maturity notification of a VSC, then the provider chain MUST NOT receive the maturity notification before theSlashPacket
.Note: VSC Maturity and Slashing Order requires the VSC maturity notifications to be sent through their own IBC packets (i.e.,
s) instead of e.g., through acknowledgements ofVSCPacket
- Distribution Liveness: If the CCV module on a consumer chain sends to the distribution module account on the provider chain an amount
of tokens as reward for providing security, thenT
(equivalent) tokens are eventually minted in the distribution module account on the provider chain.
In this section we argue the correctness of the CCV protocol described in the Technical Specification, i.e., we informally prove the properties described in the previous section.
Channel Uniqueness: The provider chain side of the CCV channel is established when the provider CCV module receives the first
message; all subsequentChanOpenConfirm
messages result in the underlying channel being closed (cf. Safe Blockchain). Similarly, the consumer chain side of the CCV channel is established when the consumer CCV module receives the firstVSCPacket
and ignores any packets received on different channels (cf. Safe Blockchain). -
Channel Validity: Follows directly from the Safe Blockchain assumption.
Channel Order: The provider chain accepts only ordered channels when receiving a
message (cf. Safe Blockchain). Similarly, the consumer chain accepts only ordered channels when receivingChanOpenInit
messages (cf. Safe Blockchain). Thus, the property follows directly from the fact that the CCV channel is ordered. -
Channel Liveness: The property follows from the Correct Relayer assumption.
Validator Update To VSC Validity: The provider CCV module provides only VSCs that contain validator updates obtained from the Staking module, i.e., by calling the
method (cf. Safe Blockchain). Furthermore, these validator updates were applied to the validator set of the provider chain (cf. Validator Update Provision). -
Validator Update To VSC Order: We prove the property through contradiction. Given two validator updates
, withU1
occurring on the provider chain beforeU2
, we assumeU2
is included in a provided VSC beforeU1
. However,U2
could not have been obtained by the provider CCV module beforeU1
(cf. Validator Update Provision). Thus, the provider CCV module could not have provided a VSC that containsU2
before a VSC that containsU1
(cf. Safe Blockchain), which contradicts the initial assumption. -
Validator Update To VSC Liveness: The provider CCV module eventually provides to all consumer chains VSCs containing all validator updates obtained from the provider Staking module (cf. Safe Blockchain, Life Blockchain). Thus, it is sufficient to prove that every update of a validator in the validator set of the provider chain MUST eventually be obtained from the provider Staking module. We prove this through contradiction. Given a validator update
that is applied to the validator set of the provider chain at the end of a blockB
with heighth
, we assumeU
is never obtained by the provider CCV module. However, at heighth
, the provider CCV module tries to obtain a new batch of validator updates from the provider Staking module (cf. Safe Blockchain). Thus, this batch of validator updates MUST contain all validator updates applied to the validator set of the provider chain at the end of blockB
, includingU
(cf. Validator Update Provision), which contradicts the initial assumption. -
Apply VSC Validity: The property follows from the following two assertions.
- The consumer chain only applies VSCs received in
s through the CCV channel (cf. Safe Blockchain). - The provider chain only sends
s containing provided VSCs (cf. Safe Blockchain).
- The consumer chain only applies VSCs received in
Apply VSC Order: We prove the property through contradiction. Given two VSCs
such that the provider chain providesvsc1
, we assume the consumer chain applies the validator updates included invsc2
before the validator updates included invsc1
. The following sequence of assertions leads to a contradiction.- The provider chain could not have sent a
before aVSCPacket
(cf. Safe Blockchain). - The consumer chain could not have received
(cf. Channel Order). - Given the Safe Blockchain assumption, we distinguish two cases.
- First, the consumer chain receives
during blockB1
during blockB2
). Then, it applies the validator updates included invsc1
at the end ofB1
and the validator updates included invsc2
at the end ofB2
(cf. Validator Update Inclusion), which contradicts the initial assumption. - Second, the consumer chain receives both
during the same block. Then, it applies the validator updates included in bothvsc1
at the end of the block. Thus, it could not have apply the validator updates included invsc2
- First, the consumer chain receives
- The provider chain could not have sent a
Apply VSC Liveness: The provider chain eventually sends over the CCV channel a
(cf. Safe Blockchain, Life Blockchain). As a result, the consumer chain eventually receives this packet (cf. Channel Liveness). Then, the consumer chain aggregates all received VSCs at the end of the block and applies all the aggregated updates (cf. Safe Blockchain, Life Blockchain). As a result, the consumer chain applies all validator updates invsc
(cf. Validator Update Inclusion). -
Register Maturity Validity: The property follows from the following sequence of assertions.
- The provider chain only registers VSC maturity notifications when receiving on the CCV channel a
s notifying the maturity of those VSCs (cf. Safe Blockchain). - The provider chain receives on the CCV channel only packets sent by the consumer chain (cf. Channel Validity).
- The consumer chain only sends
s matching theVSCPacket
s it receives on the CCV channel (cf. Safe Blockchain). - The consumer chain receives on the CCV channel only packets sent by the provider chain (cf. Channel Validity).
- The provider chain only sends
s containing provided VSCs (cf. Safe Blockchain).
- The provider chain only registers VSC maturity notifications when receiving on the CCV channel a
Register Maturity Timeliness: We prove the property through contradiction. Given a VSC
provided by the provider chain to the consumer chain, we assume that the provider chain registers a maturity notification ofvsc
has elapsed on the consumer chain since the consumer chain appliedvsc
. The following sequence of assertions leads to a contradiction.- The provider chain could not have register a maturity notification of
before receiving on the CCV channel aVSCMaturedPacket
P =
(cf. Safe Blockchain). - The provider chain could not have received
on the CCV channel before the consumer chain sent it (cf. Channel Validity). - The consumer chain could not have sent
before at leastUnbondingPeriod
has elapsed since receiving aVSCPacket
withP'.id =
on the CCV channel (cf. Safe Blockchain). Note that since time is measured in terms of the block time, the time of receivingP'
is the same as the time of applyingvsc
. - The consumer chain could not have received
on the CCV channel before the provider chain sent it (cf. Channel Validity). - The provider chain could not have sent
before providingvsc
. - Since the duration of sending packets through the CCV channel cannot be negative, the provider chain could not have registered a maturity notification of
has elapsed on the consumer chain since the consumer chain appliedvsc
- The provider chain could not have register a maturity notification of
Register Maturity Order: We prove the property through contradiction. Given two VSCs
such that the provider chain providesvsc1
, we assume the provider chain registers the maturity notification ofvsc2
before the maturity notification ofvsc1
. The following sequence of assertions leads to a contradiction.- The provider chain could not have sent a
, withP2.updates = C2
, before aVSCPacket
, withP1.updates = C1
(cf. Safe Blockchain). - The consumer chain could not have received
(cf. Channel Order). - The consumer chain could not have sent a
, withP2'.id =
, before aVSCMaturedPacket
, withP1'.id =
(cf. Safe Blockchain). - The provider chain could not have received
(cf. Channel Order). - The provider chain could not have registered the maturity notification of
before the maturity notification ofvsc1
(cf. Safe Blockchain).
- The provider chain could not have sent a
Register Maturity Liveness: The property follows from the following sequence of assertions.
- The provider chain eventually sends on the CCV channel a
, withP.updates = C
(cf. Safe Blockchain, Life Blockchain). - The consumer chain eventually receives
on the CCV channel (cf. Channel Liveness). - The consumer chain eventually sends on the CCV channel a
, withP'.id =
(cf. Safe Blockchain, Life Blockchain). - The provider chain eventually receives
on the CCV channel (cf. Channel Liveness). - The provider chain eventually registers the maturity notification of
(cf. Safe Blockchain, Life Blockchain).
- The provider chain eventually sends on the CCV channel a
Consumer Slashing Warranty: Follows directly from Safe Blockchain.
Provider Slashing Warranty: Follows directly from Safe Blockchain.
VSC Maturity and Slashing Order: Follows directly from Channel Order.
Distribution Liveness: The CCV module on the consumer chain sends to the provider chain an amount
of tokens through an IBC token transfer packet (as defined in ICS 20). Thus, if the packet is relayed within the timeout period, thenT
(equivalent) tokens are minted on the provider chain. Otherwise, theT
tokens are refunded to the consumer CCV module account. In this case, theT
tokens will be part of the next token transfer packet. Eventually, a correct relayer will relay a token transfer packet containing theT
tokens (cf. Correct Relayer, Life Blockchain). As a result,T
(equivalent) tokens are eventually minted on the provider chain. -
Validator Set Replication: The property follows from the Safe Blockchain assumption and both the Apply VSC Validity and Validator Update To VSC Validity properties.
Bond-Based Consumer Voting Power: The existence of
is given by construction, i.e., the block on the proposer chain that handles a governance proposal to spawn a new consumer chaincc
happens before all the blocks ofcc
. The existence ofhc'
is given by Life Blockchain and Channel Liveness.To prove the Bond-Based Consumer Voting Power property, we use the following property that follows directly from the design of the protocol (cf. Safe Blockchain, Life Blockchain).
- Property1: Let
be a validator; letUa
be two updates ofval
that are applied subsequently by a consumer chaincc
, at block heightsha
, respectively (i.e., no other updates ofval
are applied in between). Then,Power(cc,ha,val) = Power(cc,h,val)
, for all block heightsh
, such thatha <= h < hb
(i.e., the voting power granted toval
in the period betweents(ha)
is constant).
We prove the Bond-Based Consumer Voting Power property through contradiction. We assume there exist a height
on the provider chain betweenhp
such thatPower(cc,hc,val) > VP( pBonded(h,val) + sumUnbonding(hp, h, val) + sumSlash(hp, h, val) )
. The following sequence of assertions leads to a contradiction.- Let
be the latest update ofval
that is applied bycc
before or not later than block heighthc
is the update that setsPower(cc,hc,val)
). Lethp1
be the height at whichU1
occurs on the provider chain; lethc1
be the height at whichU1
is applied oncc
. Then,hp1 << hc1 <= hc
,hp1 <= hp
, andPower(cc,hc,val) = Power(cc,hc1,val) = VP(pBonded(hp1,val))
. This means that some of the tokens bonded byval
at heighthp1
were completely unbonded before or not later than heighthp'
(cf.Power(cc,hc,val) > VP( pBonded(h,val) + sumUnbonding(hp, h, val) + sumSlash(hp, h, val) )
). - Let
be the first such unbonding operation that is initiated on the provider chain at heighthp2
, such thathp1 < hp2 <= hp'
. Note that at heighthp2
, the tokens unbonded byuo
are part ofpUnbonding(hp2,val)
. LetU2
be the validator update caused by initiatinguo
. Lethc2
be the height at whichU2
is applied oncc
; clearly,Power(cc,hc2,val) < Power(cc,hc,val)
. Note that the existence ofhc2
is ensured by Validator Update To VSC Liveness and Apply VSC Liveness. Then,hc2 > hc1
(cf.hp2 > hp1
, Validator Update To VSC Order, Apply VSC Order). Power(cc,hc,val) = Power(cc,hc1,val) = Power(cc,h,val)
, for all heightsh
, such thathc1 <= h < hc2
(cf. Property1). Thus,hc2 > hc
(cf.Power(cc,hc2,val) < Power(cc,hc,val)
cannot complete beforets(hc2) + UnbondingPeriod
, which means it cannot complete beforehc'
and thus it cannot complete beforehp'
(cf.hc' << hp'
- Property1: Let
Slashable Consumer Misbehavior: The second part of the Slashable Consumer Misbehavior property (i.e.,
is not slashed more than once for the same misbehavior) follows directly from Evidence Provision, Channel Validity, Consumer Slashing Warranty, Provider Slashing Warranty. To prove the first part of the Slashable Consumer Misbehavior property (i.e., exactly the amount of tokenssf*Token(Power(cc,hi,val))
are slashed on the provider chain), we consider the following sequence of statements.- The CCV module of
receives at heighthe
the evidence thatval
misbehaved oncc
at heighthi
(cf. Evidence Provision, Safe Blockchain, Life Blockchain). - Let
be the height when the CCV module ofcc
receives the first VSC from the provider CCV module. Then, the CCV module ofcc
sends at heighth = max(he, hv)
to the provider chain aSlashPacket
, such thatP.val = val = HtoVSC[hi]
(cf. Consumer Slashing Warranty). - The provider CCV module eventually receives
in a blockB
(cf. Channel Liveness). - The provider CCV module requests (in the same block
) the provider Slashing module to slashval
for misbehaving at heighthp = VSCtoH[]
(cf. Provider Slashing Warranty). - The provider Slashing module slashes the amount of tokens
had bonded at heighthp
except the amount that has already completely unbonded (cf. Slashing Warranty).
Thus, it remains to be proven that
Token(Power(cc,hi,val)) = pBonded(hp,val)
, withhp = VSCtoH[HtoVSC[hi]]
. We distinguish two cases:HtoVSC[hi] != 0
, which means that by definitionHtoVSC[hi]
is the ID of the last VSC that updatePower(cc,hi,val)
. Also by definition, this VSC contains the last updates to the voting power at heightVSCtoH[HtoVSC[hi]]
on the provider. Thus,Token(Power(cc,hi,val)) = pBonded(hp,val)
.HtoVSC[hi] == 0
, which means that by definitionPower(cc,hi,val)
was setup at genesis during Channel Initialization. Also by definition, this is the same voting power of the provider chain block when the first VSC was provided to that consumer chain, i.e.,VSCtoH[HtoVSC[hi]]
. Thus,Token(Power(cc,hi,val)) = pBonded(hp,val)
- The CCV module of
Consumer Rewards Distribution: The first part of the Consumer Rewards Distribution property (i.e., the tokens are eventually minted on the provider chain and then distributed among the validators) follows directly from Distribution Liveness and Distribution Warranty. The second part of the Consumer Rewards Distribution property (i.e., the total supply of tokens is preserved) follows directly from the Supply property of the Fungible Token Transfer protocol (see ICS 20).