NOTE: Information below describes the eventual design goals, not necessarily the current design.
- Terminology
- Command line options
- Metric exporting
- Workloads
- Workload simulation
- Device simulation
- Initialization
- Threading
- WL = workload
Options allow setting following:
- Configuration file for device simulation (devices + metrics info)
- Configuration file for exporter identity (metric and label mapping)
- Configuration file(s) for device base workload
- Metric exporting port number
HTTP-server thread(s) answer metric queries.
When queried, it gets metrics values and their labels for each device
- WL, and outputs that back to the HTTP connection in Prometheus ASCII format. WL metrics are used for per-pod/-container metrics.
Fake WL program takes following options:
- Required:
- WL (pod) name
- WL activity profile
- Glob pattern for matching device names from file system
- Regexp for extracting device indices from pattern matches
- Optional:
- Device names (in case device plugin is not used)
sh -c fakedev-workload --devnames cardINDEX --max-index 120 ...
- Where INDEX is replaced with JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX % max-index, see:
- Metric limit values
- Device names (in case device plugin is not used)
And does following:
- Find out which device(s) are mapped to its container, if device names are not explicitly specified
- Connect to "fakedev-exporter" server
- Provide device indices and option values to server
- Sleep waiting a reply telling WL to terminate
- Or if connection drops, exit with an error
- Log the reply message, and exit with given value
- Loads base workloads at startup
- Accepts connections from workload (WL) containers at run-time, and notices when they go away (connection drops)
- Adds provided activity profile for the WL, or logs error + tells WL to exit(1) if profile values were invalid
- Maps metric limit names based on identity information
- Maintains list of currently active WLs (each containing their per-device metric state), an activity profile, list of devices and which workloads are mapped to them
- WL can also specify what are its memory and runtime limitations
- If either GPU or WL metric limit is reached, tells WL to exit(1) with "Limit reached, terminated" log message
- When end of activity list is reached, tells WL to exit(0) with OK msg
- Drops WL and its connection after telling it to exit
Activity profile info:
- Value function; either random, or random increase
- Value range and time period, where range can be either absolute (e.g. memory usage), or as share of max value (e.g. device usage)
Relevant profile metrics are:
- Device usage, 0-1
- Memory usage, in bytes
- Optionally also:
- RAS / device hang, as counters
- Memory BW, as bytes / second
- Device interconnect BW usage
If WL specifies device max frequency + capability, time and metrics values are scaled by simulated device values when added.
Program main loop runs the simulation loop at given interval:
- Go through each metric in each active WL and sum their current
metric values together, for each device associated with them
- If WL addition crosses device metric termination limit, tell WL to terminate and remove WL
- Constrain resulting per-device metric values to specified min-max range and update current per-device metric values accordingly
- Update dependent metrics values based on configured metric relations
- Update WL metric values and if they cross WL metric termination limit, tell WL to terminate + remove it
- Check activity deadlines for each WL, and advance them or drop the WL
At start, this reads device configuration file specifying:
- Device and sub-device count + potential other topology info
- Min and max values for each metric, and:
- which metrics are for device, and which for sub-device
- which metric limits cause WL termination
- Relations for dependent metrics
- Device label information added to all metrics
- Multi-value per-metric labels, i.e. extra metric dimensions
- Device capability information for scaling WL values
- Device file name -> index mapping
And an exporter identity file specifying:
- Device label name mapping (which ones to output)
- Single-value label info to add to specific metrics
- Metric name mapping (which ones to output)
Device + WL metric names, and their labels are then mapped based on this information. That allows simulating output from a given exporter to be separated from actual metric simulation.
Then a list of devices / sub-devices is created, each with list of specified primary & dependent metrics, set to their minimum and dependent values.
Potential dependency rules for GPU metrics could be following:
- GPU hang -> 100% freq time
- Engine usage -> GPU frequency change ratio
- Mem / fabric BW usage -> mem frequency change ratio
- Frequency / engine / BW usage -> GPU / mem power change ratio
- Power -> temperature change ratio + delay
- Temperature limit -> throttling time
- Throttling time -> Frequency / BW limit
Currently there are separate Go routines for:
- structure initializations, creating the other threads, and termination signal handling
- handling incoming workload connections
- handling HTTP metric requests
First one does its work before other routines start and then waits until signaled to exit. Incoming connections are Listen()ed in a loop and queued to a channel. Therefore neither handles shared data that would need locking.
Eventually there will be also a separate Go routine for metrics simulation, but currently everything related to metrics is done from the HTTP metric requests handler. That calls functions to:
- Check for new workloads in the incoming workload connections channel,
- Simulate device(s) load based on workload specs + update device metrics,
- Update status for the workloads, and
- Output metrics
Golang HTTP server module uses go routines to parallelize handling of parallel requests, so request handler uses mutex to protect / serialize access to workload and metric related data.