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891 lines (817 loc) · 80.5 KB

File metadata and controls

891 lines (817 loc) · 80.5 KB

Changelog Integrated version 0.28

New Features

  • INTEGRATED-1767 IntegratedHttpRequestHandler: is it correctly implemented?

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.27

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.26

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • INTEGRATED-1754 Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed vendor/integrated/integrated/src/Bundle/UserBundle/Form/EventListener/AuthenticatorErrorListener.php:75
  • INTEGRATED-1758 Workflow (admin/workflow/new) Add status not working. (Select2)
  • INTEGRATED-1759 [INTEGRATED] Version 0.26 bugs
  • INTEGRATED-1777 Incorrect resolving of referenced documents

Changelog Integrated version 0.25


  • Symfony 5.4 is required

New Features

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.20


  • This release is not recommended for production use. This release can be used to upgrade to Symfony 4.4, upgrading to 0.25 afterwards is recommended

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • INTEGRATED-1720 Incorrect argument to OutputInterface
  • INTEGRATED-1726 ContentType pages are created when channels are disabled and not when enabled + hide

Changelog Integrated version 0.17

New Features

Changelog Integrated version 0.16

New Features

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.15


  • Two factor authentication (optional)

New Features

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.14


  • Frontend editing has been improved a lot

New Features

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.13

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • INTEGRATED-1617 User when using same username on Integrated scope and other scope
  • INTEGRATED-1627 Don't crash deletion reference display on objects without __toString()

Changelog Integrated version 0.12

New Features

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.11

New Features

Bug Fixes

Other Changes

Changelog Integrated version 0.10


  • Added Products to content model
  • Lot of bug fixes

New Features

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.9


  • Content access right on channel or contenttype level
  • Add web and news sitemaps

New Features

Bug Fixes

Changelog Integrated version 0.8


  • Repositories have been merged into integrated/integrated
  • Upgrade to Symfony 3.4
  • Require PHP 7.1

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • INTEGRATED-1304 Datafixtures are broken since Symfony upgrade to 3.4
  • INTEGRATED-1306 All exceptions in Integrated are redirected to /admin/content (which is weird).
  • INTEGRATED-1324 Bugs after Symfony 3.4 upgrade
  • INTEGRATED-1326 [page-bundle] Cannot access protected method Integrated\Bundle\PageBundle\EventListener\ContentTypeChangedListener::contentTypeDeleted()
  • INTEGRATED-1327 Some collection forms are broken after Symfony 3.4 upgrade
  • INTEGRATED-1329 Improve locking

Other Changes

Changelog Integrated version 0.7


  • Introduced user scopes
  • Added bulk actions
  • Added poll
  • More options for form block and related content block
  • New document types
  • Many improvements and additions in Thompson Theme
  • JSON-LD implementation
  • Upgrade to Symfony 2.8

New Features

Bug Fixes

Other Changes

Package versions

  • integrated-asset-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-block-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-channel-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-comment-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-content-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-content-history-bundle0.7
  • integrated-formtype-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-image-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-library 0.7
  • integrated-locking-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-menu-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-page-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-puphpet 0.7
  • integrated-slug-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-social-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-solr-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-storage-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-theme-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-thompson-theme-bundle0.7
  • integrated-user-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-website-bundle 0.7
  • integrated-workflow-bundle 0.7

Changelog Integrated version 0.6


  • Autosuggest for search bar
  • Content history
  • Drag/drop file upload
  • New way of adding relations
  • Allow inline images in content
  • Comments on content for easier collaboration
  • Allow set primary channel

New Features

Bug Fixes

Package versions

  • integrated-asset-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-block-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-channel-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-comment-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-content-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-content-history-bundle0.6
  • integrated-formtype-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-image-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-library 0.6
  • integrated-locking-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-menu-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-page-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-puphpet 0.5
  • integrated-slug-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-solr-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-storage-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-theme-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-user-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-website-bundle 0.6
  • integrated-workflow-bundle 0.6

Changelog Integrated version 0.5


  • New backend design
  • New block for websites (for example related content block)
  • A lot of small new features and improvements

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • INTEGRATED-185 Assigned field should refresh after selecting workflow status
  • INTEGRATED-284 Create new menu isn't responsive
  • INTEGRATED-286 Relation show page can fire 500
  • INTEGRATED-327 Error while deleting a workflow when default state has been set
  • INTEGRATED-333 Workflow re-index fails in some situations
  • INTEGRATED-335 [workflow-bundle] Content types without access are shown in "Create new" window
  • INTEGRATED-427 [library] Create/fix unit tests for feature/block
  • INTEGRATED-479 Crash when PublishTime field is used, but not filled
  • INTEGRATED-524 Deleting an author results in a 500 when editing or indexing the document
  • INTEGRATED-638 Sass is not available in vagrant
  • INTEGRATED-649 Using a null relation in function getUsedByd in ContentRepository does not work
  • INTEGRATED-650 maxItems and sortBy do not work for related content block
  • INTEGRATED-654 [workflow-bundle] All menu-options from the 'Create new'-menu are visible for every role
  • INTEGRATED-662 Block bundle layout is broken
  • INTEGRATED-669 Solr indexering doesn't skip and retry on error in document converter
  • INTEGRATED-685 [67039] Facet filtering with same name as search selection gives problems
  • INTEGRATED-704 Gray Integrated button is poorly visible (only when mouseover)
  • INTEGRATED-717 Author select component is broken after upgrade to version 4 of select2
  • INTEGRATED-727 [content-bundle] Require function doesn't work properly
  • INTEGRATED-729 [content-bundle] Related contentblock shows inactive documents
  • INTEGRATED-730 [website-bundle] Editbar should only be visible with ROLE_ADMIN
  • INTEGRATED-741 [storage-bundle] StorageManager delete function error
  • INTEGRATED-749 [block-bundle] Exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'items' of undefined at $group reduce setup:18
  • INTEGRATED-758 [content-bundle] Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined on pages without a tinymce editor
  • INTEGRATED-759 [block-bundle] Fix integrated facet filter for blocks and improve overview
  • INTEGRATED-782 Selecting content types for related content block does not work in Symfony 2.7.9 and later
  • INTEGRATED-785 Readonly workflows do not seem to work
  • INTEGRATED-790 [user-bundle] LoadFixtureData classname is wrong
  • INTEGRATED-798 [content-bundle] Fix content block search selection
  • INTEGRATED-799 Call to member function error in StorageBundle
  • INTEGRATED-800 [content-bundle] Add author names to solr mapping for Article
  • INTEGRATED-806 [storage-bundle] Image faker is imcompatible with new faker function of fzaninotto
  • INTEGRATED-808 [content-bundle] Document is missing in contentblockhandler
  • INTEGRATED-818 [content-bundle] RelationBlockContentTypes is not working
  • INTEGRATED-820 [formtype-bundle] Fix collection form type
  • INTEGRATED-821 workflow:index command should do a lock to prevent simultaneous runs
  • INTEGRATED-822 [formtype-bundle] integrated references should only show active items
  • INTEGRATED-829 Re-index items which use an item that is updated
  • INTEGRATED-838 [formtype-bundle] integrated_sortable_collection is not sortable
  • INTEGRATED-839 [slug-bundle] Slug is recomputed for same document
  • INTEGRATED-845 Relation can't be edited when content type is removed which use it
  • INTEGRATED-848 [content-bundle] Integrated style improvements (breadcrumbs, orange button, title)
  • INTEGRATED-851 [storage-bundle] EmbedMany properties must trigger an Storage Intent Upload change
  • INTEGRATED-852 [content-bundle] Field of type has invalid form type
  • INTEGRATED-854 [storage-bundle] Remove image without uploaded file
  • INTEGRATED-855 Deadline is not hidden on edit when field is set to disabled
  • INTEGRATED-856 [block-bundle] Optional publish end time
  • INTEGRATED-857 Image browser is not multi domain compatible
  • INTEGRATED-859 RelationExtension for DataFixtures
  • INTEGRATED-866 Expected argument of type "string", "NULL" given
  • INTEGRATED-868 Z-index on block options
  • INTEGRATED-874 [export-bundle] Export error
  • INTEGRATED-883 Classpath for RelationJsonType and PropertyType seems to be wrong
  • INTEGRATED-890 Integrated fails with Twig 1.26 / 1.26.1
  • INTEGRATED-891 Can't add article with workflow: Next status is mandatory
  • INTEGRATED-903 ROLE_ADMIN doesn't see all menu items
  • INTEGRATED-908 Allow access to storage object for use in (for example) resized images for solr result for 0.5
  • INTEGRATED-977 solr:worker:run can run simultaneously
  • INTEGRATED-1022 /vagrant share is duplicate with Vagrant 1.9

Package versions

  • integrated-asset-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-block-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-channel-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-content-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-formtype-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-library 0.5
  • integrated-locking-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-menu-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-page-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-puphpet 0.5
  • integrated-slug-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-solr-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-storage-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-theme-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-user-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-website-bundle 0.5
  • integrated-workflow-bundle 0.5

Changelog Integrated version 0.4


  • Cloud storage support, store files anywhere
  • Editable navigation for websites
  • A lot of small new features and improvements

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • INTEGRATED-177 Changing 'State' to 'Workflow status'
  • INTEGRATED-178 Transitions order
  • INTEGRATED-326 Error while deleting a just created item
  • INTEGRATED-460 [menu-bundle] MenuBundle readme is incomplete
  • INTEGRATED-461 Vagrantfile does not work with on Windows 10 with Virtualbox 5
  • INTEGRATED-483 [website-bundle] 500 error after removing an active block
  • INTEGRATED-490 Link URL's for internal links get corrupted
  • INTEGRATED-541 [content-bundle] Use stable version for recaptcha-bundle
  • INTEGRATED-542 [content-bundle] Use stable version for doctrine/mongodb-odm
  • INTEGRATED-558 Counts for taxonomy facet filters are not correct when filtering on it
  • INTEGRATED-559 [block-bundle] Publication does not work for blocks
  • INTEGRATED-574 Fix integrated_file/image form type error
  • INTEGRATED-599 [puphpet] Application crashes in dev mode on puphpet when firephp/chromephp is enabled
  • INTEGRATED-605 Facet blocks do not work properly since remove of result cache
  • INTEGRATED-606 Sub-categories disappearing in search selections while using multiple blocks with same search selections on the same page
  • INTEGRATED-617 Logging in failed sometimes with Vagrant on OS X hosts
  • INTEGRATED-635 Error when editing pages in the default template
  • INTEGRATED-657 [content-bundle] Error when image has no file
  • INTEGRATED-673 Editor image dialog only supports contentType "image"
  • INTEGRATED-694 Fix integrated_image form row
  • INTEGRATED-712 [storage-bundle] Exception in FileEventSubscriber
  • INTEGRATED-716 Allow contraints on integrated_file formtype
  • INTEGRATED-736 Braincrafted config is broken after update to newest release
  • INTEGRATED-737 Image and File type are not completely removed
  • INTEGRATED-738 Interface should not define postWrite method
  • INTEGRATED-741 [storage-bundle] StorageManager delete function error
  • INTEGRATED-742 [content-bundle] gregwar/image-bundle has wrong version
  • INTEGRATED-743 No label by remove checkbox integrated_integrated_image_row (and file)
  • INTEGRATED-752 [storage-bundle] StorageIntentUpload class not found
  • INTEGRATED-793 Storage migration does not migrate items without db key
  • INTEGRATED-795 Server error when uploading image with validation error in other field
  • INTEGRATED-803 [solr-bundle] php app/console s:i:r -f exceeded the timeout of 60 seconds
  • INTEGRATED-804 [storage-bundle] Files without file field are not migrated
  • INTEGRATED-805 [content-bundle] Channel injection as Twig variable fails after upgrade to Symfony 2.7

Other Changes

Package versions

  • integrated-channel-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-content-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-formtype-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-library 0.4
  • integrated-locking-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-menu-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-page-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-puphpet 0.4
  • integrated-slug-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-solr-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-storage-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-theme-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-user-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-website-bundle 0.4
  • integrated-workflow-bundle 0.4