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Setup and Example scripts for R-based HPC at MIT


This set of files facilitates the installation of Rmpi on the engaging1 cluster, and provides example scripts to test simple parallel computing tasks in R. Rmpi is a package for R that allows R processes on separate machines to cooperate on parallel computing tasks. The scripts were last tested on December 18, 2014.

Initial setup

This readme file assumes you already have access to the engaging1 (or eo in short) cluster. Here is more information about the eo cluster. Once you have logged into the cluster, you can create a copy of this git repository by cloning it. Run the following command at the shell prompt

git clone

which will create a subdirectory named eofe-scripts. Then, navigate into the repository directory:

cd eofe-scripts

##Installing Rmpi To install Rmpi and other R packages for parallel computing, run the following from the command line:


You will be prompted with the following questions:

@ Do you need to update and add modules to .bashrc? (Select Yes for
first time users)

@ Do you need to download Rmpi?

@ Do you need to install Rmpi?

@ Do you need to install misc. HPC R packages?

Answer "y" to each of these questions if this is your first time running the script.

##Examples Jobs on the cluster are managed through SLURM. With the exception of extremely simple tasks, all jobs should be submitted through SLURM.

Self-contained examples in the examples folder provides a template for a SLURM script. This script assumes that you have access to the sched_17806 queue. If you have access to another queue, modify the #SBATCH -p sched_17806 line accordingly. To run the script, cd to the examples folder, and call sbatch:

cd examples
sbatch runsimple.slurm

Among other things, the script specifies the queue, number of nodes and cores, and time requested for the job to run. If the job takes longer to run than the amount of time requested, it will be terminated before it completes. However, jobs that request for less time will move more quickly in the queue. More information about SLURM commands is available at this link.

The script executes mpirun and tells mpirun to launch one instance of R and run simple.r. The R script sends a job to 30 processors, each of which reports its node name and the system time.

To check the status of your job, run

squeue -u  your_user_name

After the job is completed, you can view the output by running

more simple.Rout

Demo example The demo folder contains an example of how block bootstrap can be parallelized. It demonstrates how users can pass arguments into their R script, and implements parallelization through either foreach or snow. The batch script,, assumes that the user has access to the sched_17806 queue. If you have access to another queue, modify the #SBATCH -p sched_17806 line accordingly.

##Acknowledgements Parts of this readme and were adapted from Jonathan Olmsted's setup scripts for R-based HPC at Princeton University. Greg Shomo (Engaging1 Admin) provided invaluable assistance with Rmpi setup.