Convert uGMRT raw data files to sigproc-filterbank format. Only total intensity 16-bit data is supported at present.
$ ugmrt2fil -i <infile> -o <outfile> -j <JNAME> -d <mjd> -f <freq> -c <nchan> -w <bandwidth> -t <sampling_time> [-u] [-h]
Option | Description |
-i |
Input file in uGMRT raw data format |
-u |
Output file in sigproc filterbank format |
-j |
JNAME of the source |
-d |
Timestamp in MJD |
-f |
Observing frequency (MHz) |
-c |
Number of channels |
-w |
Bandwidth of a single channel (MHz) |
-t |
Sampling time (s) |
-u |
Enable USB (Default is LSB) |
-h |
Display help message. |