XWRT 3.4 (5.11.2007) -PPMVC replaced with PPMd var J1 -added support for LZMA and PPMd back-end compression on Linux
XWRT 3.2 (25.10.2007) -FastPAQ8 replaced with lpaq6 (compression level 10-14)
XWRT 3.1 (05.06.2007) -improved support for XML files encoded in UTF-8 -dictionary is compressed using front compression -added little-endian/big-endian Unicode (UCS-2) support -non-textual files are compressed/stored without using a filter -64-bit compiler support
XML-WRT 3.0 (14.09.2006) -internal PPMVC and FastPAQ8 compression
XML-WRT 2.0 (14.06.2006) -internal zlib and LZMA compression -input XML file is split into containers depend on start-tags and end-tags and content under the same tag is sent to the same container -container for dates in format 1980-02-31 and 01-MAR-1920 -container for times in format 11:30pm -container for numbers from 1900 to 2155 (years) -container for pages in format "x-y", where y-x<256, eg. "120-148", "1480-1600" -container for numbers in format "x-y", eg. "1234-0", "87-623" -container for two digits after period, eg. "102.00", "12.01" -container for numbers from 0.0 to 24.9 (one digit after period), eg. "12.0", "9.9" -urls (statring from "http:"), e-mails ([email protected]), "ü" added to dynamic dictionary
XML-WRT 1.0 (27.03.2006) -first public release