Relay server and agent for kubectl access.
Relay depends on paralus and you need to check out this repo.
Run following Docker Compose command to setup all requirements like Postgres db, Kratos etc. for core.
This will start up postgres and elasticsearch as well as kratos and run the kratos migrations. It will also run all the necessary migrations. It also starts up a mail slurper for you to use Kratos.
docker-compose --env-file ./env.example up -d
Start paralus:
go run
Get peer client token for relay.
Open the admindb postgress and execute below SQL to fetch the token.
admindb=# select token from sentry_bootstrap_agent_template where name='paralus-sentry-peering-client';
Use above token set the environment variable for relay-server
export RELAY_PEERING_TOKEN=brhsrbbipt349qt0qad0
export PARALUS_RELAY_PEERSERVICE=http://peering.sentry.paralus.local:10001
export POD_NAME=relay-pod1
go run main.go --mode server --log-level 3
Get the config for paralus relay agent
curl http://localhost:11000/infra/v3/project/:metadata.project/cluster/
Use the values of relay-agent-config and apply in the cluster.
kubectl -n paralus-system get cm/relay-agent-config -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
clusterID: 4qkolkn
relays: '[{"token":"brht3cjipt35cb3kfjag","addr":"api.sentry.paralus.local:11000","endpoint":"*.core-connector.relay.paralus.local:443","name":"paralus-core-relay-agent","templateToken":"brhsrbbipt349qt0qae0"}]'
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: "2020-04-28T07:10:53Z"
name: relay-agent-config
namespace: paralus-system
resourceVersion: "3127787"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/paralus-system/configmaps/relay-agent-config
uid: e5fb5c16-c659-46d3-805f-3a2f3b73e9d7
kubectl apply -f <file-name>
Run relay-agent
export POD_NAME=relay-agent-pod1
go run main.go --mode client --log-level 3
Setup the local /etc/hosts file to resolve below hostname to localhost peering.sentry.paralus.local rx28oml.core-connector.relay.paralus.local 4qkolkn.core-connector.relay.paralus.local rx28oml.user.relay.paralus.local 4qkolkn.user.relay.paralus.local
Download kubeconfig
curl http://localhost:11000/v2/sentry/kubeconfig/user?
Save the contents to a file and use for kubectl
kubectl --v=6 --kubeconfig /<PATH>/kubeconfig-c-5 get pod -A
export PARALUS_RELAY_PEERSERVICE=http://peering.sentry.paralus.local:7001
export RELAY_USER_DOMAIN="user.relay.paralus.local"
export RELAY_CONNECTOR_DOMAIN="core-connector.relay.paralus.local"
export RELAY_TOKEN=bqfvhabipt3a2g46986g
export RELAY_USER_TOKEN=bqfvhabipt3a2g46987g
export RELAY_CONNECTOR_TOKEN=bqfvhabipt3a2g469870
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