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Releases: infobip/mobile-messaging-sdk-ios


19 Jul 19:16
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08c1c99 Merge pull request #12 in MML/infobip-mobile-messaging-ios from icigic-MM-595-ios-geo-process-messages to master
883db02 akadochnikov-MM-538-AvoidRedundantRegistrations
add9833 Fix: Closure syntax
1126726 icigic-MM-469-ios-integrate-geo-fencing-to-sdk
2dc74f3 Merge pull request #10 in MML/infobip-mobile-messaging-ios from okoroleva-MM-530ActionableNotifications to master
8c241c6 Update: doublecheck the message id
6e808f0 akadochnikov-MM-563 New: POST messages API that support request body for large amount of parameters
7fc388e akadochnikov-MM-547-LibVersionInformation
548b37e akadochnikov-MM-540-SeenStatusThrottling
ee373b0 Update: docs
fa87836 New: manual badge number management
95409aa Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.infobip.local:7999/mml/infobip-mobile-messaging-ios
0810731 Version bump to 0.3.0
f9c0536 Version bump to 0.3.0
ba5ca74 Update: refactor the tests


04 Jul 18:05
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a5c6fb3 Update: customPayload key name
fdbf569 Update: refactor MMMessage
cb88f3b Fix: rename appData to customPayload
a8d68cf Update: rename appData to custom payload
e38953d Fix: silent mesage observation test
70e9313 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.infobip.local:7999/mml/infobip-mobile-messaging-ios
088b207 appData notification renamed to customPayload
0aba5de MM-481-SilentNotifications and new Message format
813b672 New: cancel all operations on manager deallocation
034400f akadochnikov-MM-328-AlertTapHandling
f923ed5 akadochnikov-MM-451-RequestErrorsHandling
8a91ff2 akadochnikov-MM-430-SeenDateDelta
a9a7183 akadochnikov-MM-451-RequestErrorsHandling
948b6f4 akadochnikov-MM-433-ForegroundPushHandling
8d29e41 Version bump to 0.2.1
e86e8ca Version bump to 0.2.1


24 Jun 13:23
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53b3f46 Fix: tests
add4425 Version bump to 0.2.0
7e098b7 Version bump to 0.2.0


24 Jun 10:14
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a6005c3 akadochnikov-MM-320-MessagesSync
997c13f Update: minor naming fix
2d320b9 akadochnikov-MM-449-ExposeGlobalSwiftVarsToObjC
10d8465 Update: library events link
9761c94 Fix: library folder structure
b1c884c Fix: make library notification names obj-c compatible
96392cf Fix: old source file deleted
91adf28 akadochnikov-MM-395-InstallationKVO
81b6c42 akadochnikov-MM-408-SilenNotificationsEvent
5f01539 akadochnikov-MM-395-InstallationKVO
0546cbe Fix: fastlane for snapshots
d2e0feb Update: device token notification name changed
643078f Fix: add locking for operation attempt counter
e94b553 Fix: clean hardcoded credentials before pushing on github
845062a Update: avoid building for tests


07 Jun 13:38
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ad61720 Fix: don't push tags on github (they are created automatically together with a release)
d386a78 Version bump to 0.1.1
aeb0bcd Version bump to 0.1.1